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Posts posted by Smack

  1. Well, you need to move on and accept that you do not have any chance with her in the future. Of course, remember that no one ever forgets their first love. The easiest way to get over someone is to find someone else. It may take several tries and several years. But there are many fish in the sea and your bait is never exhausted so keep casting. ;)How much have you talked to her? Maybe if you sit down one day and have a good long talk with her you may be able to let her go.. Or this could be counter-productive and you may just find her so lovely you won't be able to stop thinking of her after this. Do you see her often? If you cut ties with her, the process of moving on will be much easier.

  2. In that I'm someone who won't line up against a wall to wait for someone to shoot me, I'm someone who'll take my personal defense in my own hands, I AM SUPERIOR to the worm who'll cry and whimper about how evil guns are and how it's a tragedy and how if we only had more gun restrictions these things wouldn't happen... Yeah, you read that right, in that respect you're damn right I'm superior! Want me to say it again? Did you get that message?
    Tell me honestly: How exactly are people suppose to be protected from other people when they don't have the same level playing field? Do you really believe it's going to turn out alright when someone goes to a gunfight with a squirt gun? Are the results predictable? Is a government agency motivated to follow the law when they've got all the guns and the citizens have none? Did you pay any attention when the FBI and ATF killed men, women, and children at the Branch Davidian Compound in Waco, TX? Doesn't it seem kinda strange to you they went to all that trouble over a simple warrant they could've served any time when Koresch was in town jogging or shopping? They were sending the rest of the country a message: We are above the law, we can kill children with impunity, and there's nothing you can do about it. And you know what? We've become so weak as a nation, I'm afraid they're right! Of course the Davidians were armed so Janet's boys had to bring in tanks, helicopters machine guns, and CS gas to get the job done. You remember that don't you?

    Remember it? I practically lived next door. (Well, a few-teen miles) But I don't see what your point in bringing up this story was. Mr. David Koresch had many many guns at his disposal, everyone around him had an AK, grenades, the whole load. The result? Everyone around him was brutally murdered, the children, the women. A sad, sad event.

    You aren't helping your view, you say you are superior because you have a gun? That is the problem. A gun doesn't make you powerful. And what makes you think that just because I believe guns create violence, that I don't own a gun? I live in Texas for Christ's sake. Haha.

  3. I don't know about this. The concept is good however in implementing this in today's computers you run into roadblocks that aren't found in standard text editors. Mainly to create these bubbles you have to press many buttons. In a text editor, you put a title and under it you put your thoughts. This takes no other actions but to type the keys and press enter and tab. But to do it in a program such as this you have to create a bubble, connect it to other bubbles, etc. (I say this though I haven't used the program). It seems that all this program would do is take your information and put it in a graphic context. I feel that I would have much more leeway and the thoughts would flow more freely if I wasn't worrying about where I'm placing bubbles and such.

  4. Your attitude is based on the false assumption that what works on your little island would work in America. Further you seem to be suffering from a Superiority complex. I think you'd be wise no stop shooting your mouth off and if you've got some statistics to throw out, then source them. Otherwise you're just another self-inflated pompous jerk with a fake English accent wearing rose-colored glasses. If you want real cause and effect statistics from real science, go read John Lott's, More Guns, Less Crime. The numbers don't lie. The areas in the United States where carrying concealed is allowed are the areas with less crime. Period, end of story. Those areas that have strick (illegal) laws prohibiting gun ownership or prohibit concealed carry such as Chicago, NYC, and Washington District of Columbia have enormously high crime and notoriously high gun crimes. Ironic, isn't it, that those places where guns are outlawed have the highest rates of gun-related crime... Makes a thinking rational person think... Or at least it should.

    Thorned Rose does not seem to have a superiority complex, my friend you seem to be the one. You insult him saying he has an accent.. this is a forum is it not? Anyways.


    You demand links to prove his numbers yet you don't provide any for yours, just say buy this book? I'd rather not.


    But since you want some kind of 'proof.'


    While advocates of relaxed concealed weapons laws promise the public protection from crime, Texas DPS data details the day-to-day, real-world effect of such laws: they arm criminals and threaten public safety. All too often, concealed carry license holders don't stop crimes, but commit them. In light of the findings of this study, and previous studies conducted by the Violence Policy Center of the Texas and Florida concealed weapons laws, the VPC strongly recommends against the adoption of concealed carry licensing in any additional states and urges states that have passed such laws to repeal them.

    Links to VPC studies: More Guns, More Crime, Liscense to Kill, A Look at Firearm deaths in America


    A poll showing who owns guns.


    Gallup poll for gun topics.

    More specifically:

    Do you think schools would be safer places or more dangerous places if school officials were armed with guns?


    Safer - 22%

    More dangerous - 73%

    Depends - 2

    No opinion - 3


    2005 Apr 4-7

    And I've ran across a website that counters Lott's Book. Lott's of errors.


    And last, because I'm tired of looking for things like this.. guncite

  5. Actually the Bible does not say the world will end on that day the Mayan calendar does.And actually the Mayan calendar does not say the world will end on that day but a significant event that will change the world will happen on that day.The day that the Mayan calendar says the world will end is sometime around the year of 3620.Who knows what will happen on this exact date though, we will just have to wait and see. The Mayans believed the same events occur again and again throughout time, that is that time is sort of 'revolving.' Some experts believe that the Mayans predicted certain world events that have happened so far, though the wording of these events is sketchy.We may not be able to predict the end of the world but one thing is for sure, we can end this world.

  6. Yep, those inhalers are addictive. I have a friend who has been using one of these inhalers since he was like 5, he's 21 now. He carries it everywhere. He suggested to another friend of ours to use it cause he had a stuffy nose and it worked. Then a week later we noticed he still had it, so my friend that's been addicted told him that stuff is addictive dude quit using it before you're like me. haha. Anyways, I believe that it is addictive. I think chapstick is addictive too because I can't seem to go more than a day without it or I'll go crazy.

  7. I love Apple's operating system. I have never had any problems with this computer. The operating system always runs fast, startup is quick, and the spotlight (similar to Windows Desktop Search) never runs slow. You can search the whole computer from it so if you cannot find what you are looking for, or are new to mac os you can access any program from the spotlight. You can also search the internet through it.Mac >. ;)

  8. I believe that homosexuality is okay, but it is neither right or wrong, because it is both.It is wrong because this type of sex does not produce offspring which we need to survive. Though it is good because of this aspect as well, the world is overpopulated and the more offspring we have the less resources we have = bad thing.In my view, I don't hold being gay against anyone because it is what they choose. And as an American I believe 'to each his own.' @Hitmanblood - you say homosexuality is a trend? Homosexuality has been around since the Greeks (and I'm sure long before them as well). You know what Christmas really is/was? It is a Pagan holiday in which the men used to give gifts to each other and engage in homosexual orgies. In the old days many men were homosexual and had a wife.

  9. Well, I can't say I've heard of that particular University. But here is some advice. Make sure their CS degree plan is accredited. This will help you get jobs and won't make you take extra classes outside of the school. Research the professors in the computer science department, find where they went to school and if they have a PhD or are currently working on it. Check Pick A Prof for the school and those teachers to read reviews from the students.

    Also, if the school has an online message board you might want to look around it.

  10. This movie is pure genious. It has it all sex, action, love story - anything you could ask for. It keeps you interested, never gets boring and has laughs in it. The previews between the two main features are hysterical. The one that Nicholas Cage is in is hilarious, it had everyone in the theater rolling. Both main features are extremely good.The only problem I had with the movie is that Tarantino puts his ugly mug in both films, small parts, but still. Someone needs to tell him he is a director, and not an actor, for a reason.

  11. Don't forget that a lot more people die EVERYDAY in IRAQ and it is not interesting enough to be put in the news by the media, BUT IT SHOULD BE!!!
    This is pure sensationalism and I say that with all respects to the victims and their loved ones.

    Best whishes

    Sensationalism you say? No, Anna Nicole's story was sensationalism. This is real news. And people dying in Iraq is on the news everyday - body counts aren't reported enough though, especially the Iraqi civillian deathcounts.

    Edit: By the way the Virginia Tech death count is now at 31.

  12. I would have to agree with what many have already said.- Who needs 45 gig email? I've never used all my space at Gmail.- Security. Their temporary website I see now doesn't look professional as to lead me to trust them with any of my information. - How are they going to pay for all this space? Ads?- Rather then having unused space at your disposal, it would be nice to be able to attach larger files than having a 10 MB limit has others have already said.You won't see me signed up at 45gigs. Besides don't you think user@45gigs.com is ugly? I do.

  13. While the right to bear arms is a good thing, it is also that type of thing that lead this to happen.Besides, I don't know anyone who would think it is a good idea for students to have guns in class. If students were carrying guns while they heard a gun shot, people would freak out and see others with guns *some took their gun out when they heard the first shots* and then you have innocent people getting shot. It would be mass chaos.It should be left up to the police to protect us when something like this happens.

  14. I have about 3 accounts with Google and 2 of them are spam free. Completely. I'm saying - I have never had any spam mail sent to two of the accounts. You receive spam mail when spammers obtain your email address. They may do this by getting it from websites where you list your email address, from a chain email that had your email included in it, etc. Yes - they may even obtain it from that Gmail picture you have in your signature.Basically, if you do not want to have any spam, keep your email private. Only give your address to those who need it.But with Hotmail it's another story, you register for an account at Hotmail and you automatically are signed up for about 5 websites that send you spam e-mail, haha.

  15. Earlier this morning today on Monday, April 16th, 22 students were shot and killed with between 17 and 21 students wounded by a lone gunman at Virginia Tech (http://www.vt.edu/). It is the deadliest school shooting in U.S. history. It is unclear why the students were shot. Some students were shot in classrooms while others were in dormatories.This is obviously a great tragedy and we should keep these students and their families in our thoughts and prayers.http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/: CNN headline news reports that the student was looking for his girlfriend and was shooting people execution style.Counseling centers have been set up for the students and the college will likely remain closed for the week. The shooter is among those reported dead, yet it is unclear by whom he was shot.

  16. Well - I am an Apple user. I love OSX and am enthusiastically awaiting the new operating system from Apple.As for Vista, I do own a Windows XP Sony but I will not upgrade it to Vista because I would have to upgrade its specifications in order to get the good version of Vista to run without any problems (my system meets the minimum requirements of the good version of Vista - but I would rather exceed them with plenty of room). If I do upgrade my computer I will upgrade it to Vista however I do not see that happening as I am a poor college student. Haha.

  17. We need school for many reasons. One is it teaches us the basics of society and how it works. Without it we would not be assimilated to that society and it would be like walking into a new world when you enter 'the real world.' School also teaches us the basics to learn - ABC's, 123's, etc. Without them we couldn't learn anything. And you say if we were to spend our time learning one thing - we would all be pretty useless I'd think. What would be any good if we could build an object but not know how to fix a smaller object in it that breaks? And school brings you a social life, if you weren't in school when you were 10 who would you meet? Family and friends of the family and those you live around - thats it. You wouldn't meet the poor family from across town or that rich family from 'the hills.' School introduces you to so many types of people - it's great! School is very important in a culture such as ours. Without it we would be like any other third world country. Those who were educated would run everything leaving us uneducated masses to live in our own waste. Those who were educated would run the country and enforce their rule down on us without any rebellion because we didn't learn the U.S. history back in gradeschool.

  18. My family was the same way while I was in highschool, they thought I was being anti-social and didn't believe me when I said I was talking to my friends on instant messenger. Or they wouldn't believe me when I was studying for school or doing something productive that would help me in the future.. I'm a CS major.Of course, when I enrolled in college as a CS major and received scholarships and such, they don't see to mind anymore. ;)Edit: Oh and I say I spend like 4 hours a day on the computer, but if I have an assignment I may spend 8+ hours on the computer.

  19. As said before this, dope is not marijuana, dope is something that releases dopamine which marijuana doesn't.Do I believe it should be legalized? No. This would just be another form of putting down the small business owner. Many people would lose their jobs in the process and it would lead to more people using the plant.I believe it should be decriminalized. That is, I believe you should not get into trouble for possessing a small amount of marijuana.Marijuana is not anymore addictive then Dr. Pepper or Coca-Cola. Caffiene is much more addicting than marijuana and alcohol and nicotine are way more addicting as well. It does not have much side effects other than the 'munchies' (that feelin to eat - this can help people who are sick and not very hungry), and a temporary lowering of fertility which lasts only for the amount of time of the intoxication, red eyes, and cottonmouth. Can't think of any others at the moment.I too agree with others that marijuana is not a gateway drug. The true gateway drugs are tobacco and alcohol, everyone is exposed to these two drugs at a mass scale, bombarded daily with ads for them. And many marijuana smokers are known to look down on others who do such drugs as crack and meth.Also, to many drug users, users of hard drugs like crack and meth, see marijuana as nothing more than a tylenol pill, they say the euphoria is so minute it's not worth the money. But me see, I'll stick to the drug that has no recorded deaths in human history - mary jane.The only health affects it causes is emphysema which is a serious condition. Scientists haven't proven that marijuana increases the risks to get empysema but they do not rule it out because marijuana is most popularly consumed by smoking the plant. Though there are truly safe ways to consume it, like using a vaporizer.

  20. Don Imus has rightly been fired. A grown man who has many years experience on a radio show should have known better than to demean anyone on the air. His buddy Maguire or whatever his name is should be thrown in also. If anything this guy egged on Imus, him being the first to call these learned women 'hoes'. I think that Imus should have resigned - it was the honorable thing to do. Instead his was disgraced when he was fired. His choice though, if he would of resigned maybe he would be in a different situation.Imus has done great things in the past, but his time on the radio is over. He is too old-school for the media today.

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