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Posts posted by Smack

  1. Today a Houston Deputy was called to a scene of a fight between two teenagers. Soon after the Deputy arrived the fight escalated into a group fight and someone was stabbed. Well the fight was then broken up and the cop began arresting suspects when the teen who had done the stabbing took off running. They (the police) shouted for him to stop and then started firing at him. He was shot in the leg and taken to the hospital. The Deputy's excuse for shooting this kid was that someone said he had a gun. However, a number of witnesses have said that the teen did not have a gun... even the person who was stabbed by said teen! [link]

    It seems like these types of incidents are becoming ever more common. Cops resort to force too often... Why would you shoot someone that poses no threat to you? If the kid was facing the cop with a gun in his hand then it would be understandable but to shoot someone in the back is a downright punk move. The LAPD are said to be putting videocameras in their dash, maybe it's time for Houston cops to do the same. At least this way the police can clear their name if they really were in the right, though it seems all too often to be the other way.

  2. Lol did anyone see the Colbert Report last night? He had an update bragging about how Stephanie Colburtle was winning... She isn't now however, Windy is. Good name to be in a race eh, sounds like a winner there. I think this story has picked up steam, I'm starting to see it all over the news. Though I bet when it is over it will be shown every 5 minutes on the news channels.

  3. I'd like software on my phone that gently encourages my provider to forget to bill me every month *grins*

    That would be awesome. If only it were possible.

    I'd like a decent web browser ;)

    Hm, today I saw something on television about Blackberries (sp?) and their web browser looked pretty awesome. I've never used one myself and I don't even know anyone that has one, but from the clip they showed, it looked pretty good.

  4. I've never heard of it before but the pictures in the gallery looks neat. The browser is nifty. I don't see this "OS" being huge or even popular, but it'll probably have a cult base. I'll bookmark it, maybe I'll come around to it again one day when the first version or demo is released.


    The website doesn't have much information about the OS, except for in the forums, and that itself is hard to find. They definately need an about page, it took me near 10 minutes just to find out what it looked like. And I still don't know what makes this OS special. Sure, they say it will be secure. But then I read the user won't be able to install any programs? I guess thats what they mean when they say 'secure.' But that would suck, so there won't be any third party programs? Just the ones Altimitos makes? That sucks and turns me away from it.


    It is cool looking though. ;)

  5. I like Fish...It's nice...!! Passive...!!

    Fish are completely useless and boring!

    My favorite pets are the ones they sell at exotic pet stores. I would take them all home if I could haha.

    But my favorite animal would be uhm, a raptor! Yeah, a dinosaur. Haha. Or.. one that exists today, I like the way white tiger kittens look, they're cute! I'd love to take one home, if only I could! But I'd have to be a veterinarian for that, and pft, screw that. I'm not scooping animal doo all day long for an internship or whatever.

  6. I'd take a cue from Bill Gates: Go for a while, get smart in the liberal arts, then drop out, start your own company and, unlike Billybob, actually retire in a few years.

    Speaking of that, if you look at a list of the most richest people in the world, about 9/10's of them are either highschool drop outs or college drop outs.

    Just goes to show you its all about motivation.

  7. Okay so the NFL Draft is coming up (April 28th and 29th) and I was wondering who everyone thought would be the first top ten picks.For those of you who don't know, the Oakland Raiders have the first pick followed by the Detroit Lions, Cleveland Browns, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Arizona Cardinals, Washington Redskins, Minnesota Vikings, Atlanta Falcons, Miami Dolphins, and the Houston Texans.I figure the top overall pick will be Jemarcus Russel, though there is talk that it will be Calvin Johnson, I highly doubt it because they already have a great receive in Randy Moss, though he can't do good without a quarterback to get him the ball!I believe the Detroit Lions may either trade down or take Brady Quinn because Jon Kitna isn't that great of a quarterback and he is aging. They'll regret if they pass on him, similar to the Texans mistake last year.The Browns will likely draft Adrian Peterson. I've read somewhere that Peterson says he would really like to be a Brown and that they've had several talks. Of course, they already have Jamaal Lewis so if Detroit passes on Quinn and takes Johnson, they may pick up Quinn.The Buccaneers will happily take Calvin Johnson if he lasts to this spot, but they'd also love to take Adrian Peterson. I'd put my money on Calvin Johnson though.The Cardinals need some blocking for their star Edgerrin James so I think they'll look for help on the offensive line since big 'ol Leonard Davis is gone. Look for them to take Joe Thomas as he is the top line prospect.The Redskins need help on their defensive line so they'll take either Amobe Okoye or Gaines Adams, but I'd put my money on the young Amobe Okoye.The Vikings' defensive backs need help. So look for them to take a CB or a Safety. I figure they'll go with the top Safety pick, Laron Landry.The Falcons will probably chose the pick that the Redskins skipped on which will probably be Gains Adams. If not they'll take Laron Landry if the Vikings decide to skip on him. But if the Cards skip on Joe Thomas, they'll probably pick him up to protect their NFL Icon, Mike Vick.The Dolphins need help in many places and there is talk of them looking at Jemarcus Russel, though I highly doubt he'll fall to the ninth pick. Look for them to draft Levi Brown, OT from Penn St.The tenth pick is the Texans and they'll most likely draft a WR or a CB. I figure they'll take CB Leon Hall. Though there has been a lot of talk that Mario Williams has been a let-down which may mean they'll be lookin to pick up a defensive lineman to help him.

  8. Oh, that sucks.. I'm suprised they even went through with the trip since they couldn't take the whole class. Wonder why they didn't just try to get more buses or vans. If it was at my old highschool we would of done one of those things, teachers are required to plan these trips and if it isn't planned well the trip gets denied.

  9. Second point: I'm sure it's just a coincidence that the boys who shot up Columbine H.S. were on anti-depressants and according to the Chicago Tribune:

    Oh, yes, I thought of that as well. A few months back, if I remember correctly, a family sued an anti-depressant company because after taking their drugs, the father of the family then commited suicide. Seems like these things can knock you off your rocker, who knows for how long.

    This morning on CNN, I heard the gunman bought the guns from a pawnshop and the seller said there was no reason not to sell it to him.

  10. The serial numbers were filed off the guns. He didn't obtain them legally. No law would've prevented him from acquiring the firearms he used. Restrictions on guns only restrict those of us non-criminals from access. Criminals have much easier methods of obtaining them. Regarding your first statement: It's almost as though someone was watching and hoping he'd take out his vengeance. I wonder who would have the most to benifit from such a act... Look at the media... Do you hear the voices calling for everyone to register their firearms? Kinda reminds me of Jolly old England, Australia, Canada, the list is long... In every case, same M.O. Almost looks like the work of one blueprint... I wonder who gains from these events...

    Oh, I kept hearing about the serials being scratched off on the news but didn't know what exactly that meant. I heard one telecast when they said he bought them legally, guess it was an earlier report, cause they said since you can only buy one firearm a month, he had bought one of the guns in early March and the other this month or something.

    And you thinking that someone planned for this to happen - or wanted it to happen - is just a little paranoid, well a lot. It's the same M.O. because these types of things happen when everyone can own a firearm.

  11. Yes, anyone who is considred a 'loner' should be treated very nicely and should have friends, that way that person won't want to get revenge. Like the columbine shooting, a person wasn't killed because he was nice to the gunman, didn't you see the documentary?

    Well this guy wasn't exactly like that. He was anti-social, meaning he didn't want any friends. Roommates said they were friendly to him and tried to talk to him, but he always backed away and kept to himself. The only people that seemed like they pushed him away were the two or so girls who he stalked - but they pushed him away for a good reason, what girl would be friends with her stalker? (intentionally that is.. unless she likes that kinda thing ;) ) Oh and also the teacher who said she would resign if he wasn't removed from her class, though I doubt he knew about that.

  12. Just out of curiosity, since when is "Mexican" a race? Last time I looked, Vincente Fox looks just like a tall german. Many of the "beautiful people" portrayed on Mexican soap operas are whiter than me if that's possible. How exactly is "Mexican" a race? The race card is played too much. Most people in the US are sick and tired of the invasion from the south that our government and the Mexican government has enabled by not enforcing laws already on the books. I hope you can understand that you may be targeted if you look like a Mexican aboriginal. I would rather you were asked some questions then see the police not do anything to protect our borders. Sorry, but sometimes that's the way things have to work. I know that sounds lame, but what alternative is there? It's not like illegals go around wearing tags that mark them for easy identification. That would be handy...

    Fine, I'm hispanic, better? Mexicans can be whiter than white or be dark as night, I know this. We come in all colors, ha.


    How many 20 year olds in a small car going towards the border are trying to take illegal immigrants into U.S.? None. ;) Besides, with a Texas liscense plate and no stickers, they would know I'm not coming from Mexico.

  13. On the other hand, reflection is the best way to determine the who or what to "blame". And make the required alterations to the "whatever needs changing", based on this reflecting period.

    Yea, too true. All the warning signs were there. He was declared mentally ill, wrote stories about people that wanted to kill, was anti-social, talked of suicide, and even stalked people. His teachers suspected him as soon as they heard about what happened.

    I wanna know why a mental-case was given guns. That's what was messed up. That's where we have to learn. I thought we had background checks? The only thing I can think of is, we need tougher gun laws.

  14. I like your site, it's clean and professional looking. My first suggestion is to center the main table, it doesn't look right off the the left like that. Also the right side bar on your site isn't needed, for a site like this a shoutbox seems useless. IMO ditch it - if not you can put it in the left sidebar under the Menu. Also you might want to link the prediction table on the top menu as well, took me a while to find it and since it's the main focus of your site you should make it easier to find. And try to experiment with ways of making the main content stick out a little more, it seems to blend in too much with the rest of the page.

  15. Just as 2091, I use Eclipse. Sometimes, when I need to understand exactly what I'm doing I use BlueJ - http://www.bluej.org/ - it's for beginners and is easy to use, though sometimes it's highly annoying. I also use Smultron - smultron.sourceforge.net - sometimes for editing Java, PHP, etc - it's the fastest I've come across for the Mac.

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