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Posts posted by Smack

  1. So yesterday I got fed up with using Windows on my desktop PC (I'm used to OSX Tiger on my iBook) so I said to hell with Microsoft and installed Ubuntu FeistyFawn on my desktop. So, it's awesome and I love it more than Windows but I see a lot of screenshots on the web with people that have these neat looking desktop widgets, kind of like the when you put stuff from your Mac Dashboard on the desktop. Anyways, my question is where do I get all those cool widgets and what are the best - or the most popular?

  2. Well I just switched my desktop PC from Windows XP to Ubuntu FeistyFawn and I must say, it is awesome. It's way better than XP... I'm quite pleased with it and the performance it's shown so far. I see why Microsoft is so threatened by Linux. And haven't lately they said that they will start shipping Dell computers with Ubuntu pre-installed? This is Microsoft's last effort to quell the impending revolution, Apple's have gained power and now Linux is being shipped, I'm sure Microsoft is shaking in their boots!

  3. Atheist is believing in no God. So saying "I have no religion or God" is quite different from saying "I am an Atheist."


    And also when you live in America there are many self righteous religious ignorant people who like to make comments like "you're going to hell." And when you say something back to them, you lose because America is a theocracy.

  4. it is called planet so its surface temperature is less then surface temperature on the earth

    I thought Mercury was a planet? It has surface temperatures from 90K to 700K. The high temperature definitely isn't less than the surface temperature on this rock!

    I will thoroughly enjoy the rants that will be inevitable with religious types. I can only hope that when they do maybe it will be enough of a kick in the butt to the human race to have a little more unity instead of retardedly killing each other over pathetic reasons like religion or what piece of dirt Joe Blow lives on.

    Don't these talking monkeys know that Eden has enough to go around? Silly monkeys with thumbs forge blades to kill his brother over pieces of the ground.

    God just forgot to include these other planets and forms of life in the universe in the Bible. But you know what they say, he's not infallible. :unsure:

  5. Well, the spectrometer and how we use it to find out what objects are made of isn't a theory, it is a fact. The Mars Oddysey took a spectrometer and a thermal emission imaging system to Mars to find out what it was made of. (Source)

    And you're right we won't ever know until we go there somehow, but scientists can make hypothesis like this as to what Jupiter's core and surface may be made of.

    And life very well may exist on all planets and stars in the solar system, we may not be able to see them, or even be able to mess with them in any way. Who knows? We will never know! But, what we do know from our experiences on Earth is that life needs water to survive, so if a terrestrial planet does not have water, we believe that life cannot exist. And the planet that was discovered around a distant star lies at the perfect distance from it's sun in order for water to exist. We do not know if this planet does indeed have water, but we know that the possibility is there. Exciting, eh?

    Oh, and of course scientists do not have an answer for death. No one on Earth ever will. In fact, humans have no answers for death, only theories. Some are positive, others are negative. Take your pick on what to believe about death! :unsure:

  6. Well, the thing that most people are concerned about is the votes being altered, though the way I see it is that votes can be altered if they are in any format. I believe that online voting would lead to a great increase in voter turnout. According to infoplease the percent of voting age population who actually voted in the 2004 election was only 55.3% (slightly up from 2000). The U.S.A.'s voter turnout average is 48.3% according to the IDEA which ranks us 139 in the world with Italy being at the top with 92.5% voter turnout.


    Have you ever seen Man of the Year? It has to do with this subject.


    Speaking of online voting, today I was surfing the web and came across Unity '08. I don't understand their purpose all too well yet, but what I seem to gather is that they're having an online virtual bi-partisan vote for president and vice president in '08.

  7. To be a balanced person you must embrace both the negativity and the positivity in yourself. Ever heard of Carl Jung and his theory of the shadow?

    People value positivity over negativity because most people enjoy being around positive people more than negative people. As in looking at the bad sides of things as opposed to seeing the glass half full. Also, it is said that having positive thoughts empowers oneself. Kind of like, envision it and you can achieve it.

    Satan is related to negativity because that's what those who concocted the theory of Satan believed him to be. I can't explain why other than that's just what Satan stands for. The apple.

    But as hitmanblood says, the definition of positive and negative largely depends upon the context.

  8. Your site is great. Seems like everyone is using Joomla now, haha.I can only find a few things to say about your website, the URL is kind of long and the header image's theme doesn't seem to fit with your content so I think it would be neat if you made a few different images and then made them switch on load. That way you won't get tired of the layout fast as well! Also the Sites bar under the header had me going to different sites instead of looking at yours, at first I thought it was the menu so I just started clicking... I'm sure other users would do the same.But I really do like your site, especially the color scheme. :unsure:

  9. There are many, many pills who claim to do this type of thing. I haven't seen one yet who actually does what they say, most of the studies that they quote are payed for by the company of the pill (funny eh?). Where did you find this article? Most people need to give up on looking for solve-it-all pills and just get outside and exercise!

  10. As bad as rape is, and as traumatizing as it is for the victims, you can't not show something on TV. If you stop showing rape, then people will want you stop showing death, torture, 9/11, animals being mis-treated, and soon you will have a load of censorship, and TV will probably become even more monotomous (sp? :( ) and lame.
    If you don't believe me, watch the two south park episodes "Cartoon Wars Part 1" and "Cartoon Wars Part 2" :unsure:

    There is already a "load of censorship" on the television and what-not. Most of television is monotonous and lame as it is just the same few stories with different names and in different settings. Every reality television show, but let us not get started on reality t.v.

    And JasperIk, how exactly is a person who has been raped supposed to fast forward the rape scene in a movie theater?

    As said before, I am one that is definitely against censorship... I would just like to see the amount of rape scenes on television and in the movie theaters decrease.

    And guys, the fact that rape scenes add to the emotion during a movie, shouldn't that go without saying? That's like saying the credits let you know who played who in the movie. Duh! :D

  11. Lol, lets not get started about ripping... But in my opinion it feels a little too early to already start on another version, they should wait a while and let the industry invent new things so that way by the time this Vienna really comes out it wont already be outdated. I mean they're coming out with new things everyday, seen that new gaming device that reads your brainwaves? But when it comes down to it for me, I like my OSX and am eagerly awaiting Leopard. :unsure:

  12. no smoking or drugs other than medication

    Actually medication can stunt your growth just as easy as smoking and alcohol. :unsure: So be careful what kind of medication you are taking, read all the side effects.

    Also there are many things you can do to make yourself appear taller, high heels, vertical stripes (I think). Maybe someone that knew more about fashion could help you with stuff like that.

    You could get stilts! :(

  13. You might want to check if the school's degree program is accredited because one of my friends that backed out of going to a 4 year school ended up doing what you did (army->community college) went to apply for jobs after receiving two associate degrees and he hasn't been able to get a job in Texas since graduating two years ago in his desired field.Of course he's dumb and doesn't want to take those classes to get certified in the fields. ...I keep telling him it is an investment but he prefers to waste away his college education. :unsure:

  14. I'm sure those lectures are copyrighted or are only for use by people enrolled in the college.

    This is a neat idea but a laptop already does all these things. I take my iBook to class and open up Microsoft Word hit the record button and set labels at places that are important so I can come back and listen to 'that part about _.'

    Also on Mac you can download the program Schoolhouse from Apple's download site and then use the program to subscribe to "Classcasts" which are basically Podcasts except that you can transmit your notes and etc over the net to anyone subscribed to the classcast or receive other peoples notes and such.

  15. I believe that as traveling speeds we will begin to discover more and more in space and it is very possible that scientists are absolutely wrong about what other planets are composed of.They could just simply be "rocks"(not literally rocks) and we could eventually travel those areas quite easily and discover other life smarter and more intelligent or less intelligent ,and we could do what is needed to populate their planets.

    In almost every case, whether it is an instrument actually on the planet, or a telescope looking up from the earth, scientists use some variation of an instrument called a spectrometer. Spectrometers take a signal from whatever they are looking at (whether it is a rock, or a cloud or a whole planet or a star or a galaxy or a nebula, etc.) and spread the signal out into its components. Most spectrometers work with light and are a lot like extremely good prisms; they take the light coming from some object and separate it out into its colors. This is useful because it turns out that every element on the periodic table only gives off light of a few certain colors. So if we spread out the light coming from some object and see only certain colors, then we can match thoses colors to the elements that produce them. It's as if everything in the universe has a hidden fingerprint that we just need to learn how to read.

    Source: Curious About Astronomy
    We know what planets and stars are made of because of the light it gives off. :unsure:

    Oh, and time is just relative. It has no beginning and no end.
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