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Posts posted by Smack

  1. I agree with FolkRockFan too, that rape scenes do get us pulled into the movie more. But I do not in any way see them as needed. Some of the best movies do not have any rape scenes and I've been into the movie all the same. Now don't get me wrong I'm not saying rape scenes should be illegal or taken out of movies. I'm just saying they should become less common. I mean, what happens when we become desensitized to seeing rape? I don't even care anymore when I see a kid get killed on the big screen... or someone gets tortured like in Saw, it's all just stock now. FolkRockFan have you seen 300? That movie had everyone cheering when.. well. You need to see it. :unsure:

  2. [1]No, i did my own researchi've read plenty of Gnostic texts; the Gospel of Judas being one of them, of courseit claims more than one god: contradiction to a monotheistic religion. There are other Gnostic texts that take Names that are known to be attributed to God (Jehovah, YahWeh, etc) and claim that each name is a different godall created gods, however, because in these stories they (all those gods) just "came to be," basically, through some background force.


    I do realise many Gnostics can be good people and have good morals; but the texts still exist.


    [2:1]I know exactly what you're talking about; you're basically repeating everything i heard and seen in videos and read.

    [2:2]You mean "shepard"? "One who gathers 'sheep' or 'lambs'"? I know what you're talking, but that doesn't change anything. I don't recall, however, this "shepard" being the first of all creation of whom all things were made through and being the ultimate atonement for sin.

    [2:3]It's not "basically the same thing," the other one is a bit illogical. They both also happened for different reasons. The event is still possible; however, only one can be accurate in the telling of the event.

    [2:4]Define: "religious."


    All the events could have happened, it's just the one that holds the most facts and the one that is logical and coincides with the facts that is the accurate one in the telling of the event.


    [3]I know.


    [4]What part doesn't make sense? I see no circles in my statement that could cause confusion. Please be more specific and i will try to explain it better, if possible.


    [5]Define: "original form."

    [5:2]Didn't we find "something that was written"? Would we be able to claim that they are the Gospels if we didn't?


    [6]I only agree with him somewhat. Some religions preach personal peace through self-indulgence, whether or not it is at the expense of othersthis is not the proper way to promote personal "peace." Another thing, however, is if the religion makes statements claiming them to be true but don't coincide with reality and certain known facts (i.e. facts that don't have a possibility of a logical contradiction that coincide with other facts), you'll lose believers or have "followers" that are not devout, therefore any personal peace may not be attained (properly {and may make things worse for the human population}).

    1. yes i know these things

    2. okay

    3. no i'm talking about a sect that once occurred during the times of the pharoahs, the 'light skinned' god prince dude.. but I can't back this up with anything because I cannot remember the name

    4. the old story of the great flood when he traveled far and wide to meet an oracle that told him to build an arc and he would be saved from the great flood (..that sounds almost little bit right of the story) seems to be the same to me

    5. religious - going to church every sunday monday wednesday and friday nights. running several christian organizations throughout the school and etc.

    6. original form meaning what was said the first time. remember that activity in grade school where the sentence was told at one end of the line and by the time it got to the other it was different. thats how story telling works, each person adds their own style to it.

    7. yes because a gospel is just 'good word' which can be anything

    8. yes not all religions are perfect social institutions.

  3. We know. But the topic title along with the topic-post suggests that it is about the Who and maybe the why, not insomuch the how. The topic title apparently is the start of the topic-post; that is, the introduction, and the topic-post continues it: if, then: "If there is no God, then how could the Big Bang happen?" It implies that if the Big Bang is true, then God must exist. It may also imply: Since the universe has been created, God must therefore exist.

    No she says "Than how do we know the big bang is how it all came to be?" Also just because the big bang is true it does not imply that God must exist. The Big Bang theory does not say anything about religious questions, it is strictly scientific. The big bang does not start out "and then God..." or "and then no god..." The Big Bang has nothing, zip zero, to do with religion! Religion is not science and science is not religion. If it were, we could prove the existence of the Tooth fairy, I mean God. Sigh.


    Also, space is infinite so there could be another universe out there, another ball that has expanded. And we just cannot see the light from it... yet.

  4. Safari, Firefox, Camino, and Opera are some browsers that work with Mac. I use Camino because it is Firefox that is native for the Mac (Camino and Firefox are both made by Mozilla). But remember Safari (the browser already installed on your Mac) is a great browser it is definitely not as bad as the native Windows browser.

    Macs are awesome, you'll love it once you get the hang of it. Google "windows to mac guide" or something of the sort on Google and I'm sure you'll find many guides to help with the switch from Windows to Mac.

    And I don't know about 9.2.2 but on my 10.4.9 I can open the finder click on the computer Icon (mine is labeled iBook G4 - its the tab at the top of the finder window) then go to Macintosh HD then User Guides and Information and find many guides that can help with the switch as well.

    You can visit Mac Downloads for a list of applications complete with the download at Apple's site.

  5. College is optional, you don't have to go. If you feel you can do well without it, then by all means don't go to college. However it is a good way to learn all the things you need to in order to be successful at a profession. And in college you are able to gain more experience than just work experience!The point of life is to live. We were given something great, why not enjoy it?

  6. And you know in the movie Hound Dog it had a rape sceene where Dakota Fanning was the victim? I'm sorry she is my age, and she doesn't need to be exposed to such a horendous thing. I mean I've been sexually harrassed and it makes me feel horible- imagine going one step further. :unsure:

    Well, IMO I don't think that was really a bad thing because she is old enough to separate a movie from reality. I don't think it will affect her in a bad way at all.


    QuickGreen you're right and your name says it all haha. I remember even hearing a few months ago of a guy in Florida, I think, that raped his wife in some woods while filming it and then turned around and sold copies of the video. Sick.

  7. We know that apes have been around as long because of fossils, scientists just aren't bringing it out of thin air. Modern humans do not have one ancestor that went back all the way to apes. We have evolved from many different groups of beings, some at which existed at the same times as each other. As others have said, how we are as we are today has been all by luck, thats how life is. Animals act on instinct and some can learn. Remember the gorilla that knew sign language? Remember your dog that knows what to do when you whistle or hold out your hand to shake? Mice have actually shown to think out decisions, for example mice in mazes have been shown to actually take time and think about which path to choose.In one theory, all life on this rock is indeed alien. In this theory, an asteroid hit the Earth and thus was life. From the asteroid came organisms from somewhere else and then those one celled organisms made their way to water... and then you can guess the rest.Have you seen the movie Red Planet (I think thats the name) lately? Cause it's about some astronauts going to Mars and finding an old monument and in it shows the story of alien beings running from an asteroid about to hit Mars and they all go to Earth and thus was us cause our DNA somehow matches theirs except for one little piece of DNA or whatever.Ever seen that show, I forget the name but its an old show in black in white called The Other... or something, anyways in it humans create a device that puts all the 'evil' animals together and what comes out of it? A human. Haha.

  8. Well the search problem is one that is found on every Invision Power Board - at every forum powered by IPB you cannot search for less than four characters.And myself I don't read every post that is from a topic - it's just takes too long and if I say something that someone else said, so be it. Sometimes if I find a topic that I would like to post to, but I won't because of how many pages worth of replies it already has.And the reasons there are so many topics is because it is a growing active community. :unsure:

  9. The best thing about tennis is it is good for your heart! It is a great cardio workout and is also great to build agility, hand eye coordination, etc... The game just gives great health benefits and plus, it's fun. The only thing about tennis is that it's boring to watch two people hit the ball back and forth! It gives your neck a work out though!

  10. If you're in college you can enroll in a whole class dedicated to teaching you about yoga and actually do it. You can also get classes or sessions for free sometimes at the Health and Kinesiology Center. I do not do yoga but my girlfriend keeps trying to get me to start it with her. I probably need to since I'm not very flexible and my doctor says I have a back problem that stems from me not being flexible - he used to make me do crazy stretches everyday and before and after a workout or sport game.

  11. Alright so something has been bothering me lately and it's rape scenes on television and movies. I feel that movies/television should not be making profit out of a terrible thing like this. It's getting to the point that I see a rape scene everyday. And I don't even watch shows like CSI or Law and Order (I've watched at least 10 of these shows with my roommates just because they said I was missing great television), but I see them now just flipping through channels. And these types of shows have a whole series that are based on rapes. What the hell?


    I can't even imagine how it feels to have actually been raped in real life and then to be enjoying a day at the movies watching say, 300 or the Hills Have Eyes or _ insert random rated r or even pg13 movie here_ or _same_... and then halfway through the movie a woman gets raped and then the memories...


    One of my friends said, but why take these scenes out - you're just denying real life. But like who doesn't know that rape happens, it's been around forever, it's not a new occurrence in the history of mankind. We are all aware that rape happens and that it is something that we need to work to keep from happening but do we really need to see it everyday on television? I start to think that there are people that like seeing these kinds of things happening. My words to anyone who says they like Law and Order: SVU is "do you enjoy seeing people get raped? - that is all the show is about, right?" person:"well..." Now, I wouldn't mind seeing Public Service Announcements saying something like be aware of rape keep yourself safe or something but do I need to see it in ways where there are people just profiting on the act of rape? Where are the people trying to get rape off the screen, aren't the people who say video games are too violent and w.e. aware of this as well? I mean it's way more a big deal than video games...

  12. I already know about this; seen and read plenty of stuff on it—and, if memory serves me right, it was all from those who (seem to) wish that there was no such thing as religion; although some did only strike Christianity the most out of all religions, if not only Christianity. However, such statements do not change much. Let me inform you of a pagan religion known as "Gnosticism." The way they worked was they went around involving themselves in other religions, taking the basics of that religion (sometimes even further detail) and applied it to their own religion. They would make up their own stories based on the information retrieved from these religions, forming contradictions to these other religions all for the sake of gaining "wisdom." Gnosticism, if i'm not mistaken, has been around before Judaism.

    I assume you heard this after the Gospel of Judas resurfaced which many gnostics see as something that really isn't a big deal. But it taught the lesson that anyone can receive gnosis (knowledge/wisdom) - even your enemies can find their way. The point of the gospel wasn't to try to show that the church was hiding anything or whatever (DaVinci Code) - as several television shows tried to make gnostics out to be the bad people - that they are rebels or something. I know much about gnosticism and have friends who were born and raised gnostics.


    What I was talking about when I said the Bible took stuff - is how there are stories in the Egyptian religion that was made way before Christianity and Judaism that describe and tell stories of someone that resembles the same person that we call Jesus Christ. And also the story of "Noah and the ark" that is really a rewrite of an old story that is basically the same thing... I can't remember the name of the story but I read it junior year in high school while I was taking sophomore college english... It's driving me nuts! I read it at the same time I read the epic of Gilgamesh and that one story with the lake of fire... My professor was a real religious Christian (duh - I live in Texas) who made us read many many stories that had religious elements and stuff that she said the Bible took from and then some that the Bible inspired. She is definitely not what right wings call 'one of those liberal nuts.' She might of been the one doing the name calling! But then I had another english professor that was the head of the department who was liberal and she agreed with everything the other said about the stories the Bible took from and stuff... Good teachers the two were as they would give us different views of different subjects. I need to call one of them so they can re explain this stuff to me... But it is unlikely.


    And the whole point of saying the Bible took stories was to say that all religions take stories and that they all hold truths and fairy tales. And your second paragraph doesn't make too much sense - it's just something that runs into circles upon circles. Most of the gospels in the Bible were not written down in original form and were just spoken for many many years and so were the stories of old but if we can find something that was written we can find out how old it was and prove it's age using carbon but this only shows how old it was when it was written, not when it was spoken.


    ANYWAYS, I agree with OpaQue.

  13. I believe in the Big Bang because scientists can prove that the other side of the universe is moving away from us. We can see that everything in the entire universe is moving away from a central point. So therefore we believe that at the "beginning of time" all the matter in the universe existed in a tiny tiny ball. Then something happened and it exploded. Bang! Lol. Take a look at Wikipedia for a better explanation of the big bang.

    Oh yes, and actually the Big Bang does not disprove God or any divine being. It only gives an explanation to HOW, not WHO or WHY.

  14. The boys are going to get an *bottom* wippin' soon.

    Heck, they need more than that! They need something to make them learn that they don't play around with something like that. A bottom whoopin' never stopped anyone from doing anything after the age of 7 or so. Sexual harassment isn't something you let a family take care of.

  15. The story was that the kid had stolen the earth mover and when cornered the cops told him to get out and all that; however, instead of getting out, the kid began driving towards the cops, so the cops shot and killed him.

    In my opinion the cops did as they should, I mean the kid was putting them into direct harm. I assume if the police could have disabled the vehicle they would of already. But if they hadn't tried to disable the vehicle, and could move then they should of just tried to do that.


    But shooting a kid who had stabbed someone and already been disarmed who was running is ridiculous, aren't cops taught moves to bring down running suspects? I mean I've seen cops on COPS running to catch many suspects who had committed a violent crime and then tackled them, how come these cops couldn't do the same? I mean, I want to believe the deputies saying that they saw a gun, but when three witnesses said the kid didn't have a gun and he apparently didn't use it in the fight, and one was not recovered afterwards - it just sounds like the cops are making up an excuse to cover up their mistake. Call me paranoid but...

  16. Go to the cops. DO NOT let school officials handle this situation. GO TO THE COPS. The school alone will not stop these kids. It just does not work.


    And if you do NOT go to the cops... If these hard headed kids touch you again immediately go to the cops.


    You're just protecting yourself, schools usually do not stop people from doing bad things - most kids just laugh at 'pink slips', if you do not stop them now it will just turn into something larger. Trust me.


    Sexual harassment isn't a topic to be leisure about in any form, small or big, and it's something you go to the cops with - not school officials who will just slap kids on the wrist.

  17. [1]Are you implying that none of us believers are informed and or educated as well?

    Nope just saying that I am not uninformed on the subject.


    [2]Not everyone knows the same things. Some people go to church just to go or say that they went. And of course you know church isn't all about learning Scripture, it is also there for gaining hope and praising and singing in unity, etc.



    So we could ask any, even one who is known to be an unbeliever? Could the "facts" then be biased?

    Yep. Facts could be biased either way (try asking a devout follower and a strict unbeliever). Easy solution: Ask more than one professor seeing that they have different backgrounds, etc. But someone that is well educated in English literature will not dispute the claim that the Bible has stories in it that have existed before in other religions and remember that Christianity is not the only religion that includes stories from other religions... of course, what do you expect - humans wrote it. :unsure:

  18. At my parent's house I had to do the same thing except I went about it in a different way. Instead of buying a router I hooked up my cable modem to my parent's computer using the USB cable that came in the modem's box and then set up a network in XP that was shared. Then I connected an ethernet cable from my parent's computer through the wall to my room and it worked perfectly. :unsure: You'd need a drill to make it pretty though.In my house I just have a wireless modem from the main desktop cause I only use my iBook here.

  19. Neat find. Basically what it does is instead of the letter A being on the A key it will display a function relevant to the program you're currently running. For example, with Photoshop open it will display the zoom icon on the Z key. Personally, I wouldn't spend $200 for this because I usually never look at the keyboard when I am doing things - I have shortcuts and stuff memorized. It seems kind of useless. When I first heard LCD keyboard, I thought of the iPhone... But it's not like that, it is basically your regular keyboard except with LCD's at the top of the buttons. :unsure:

  20. Hey now unless you work at Ndesign-studio.com don't take credit for their work! The layout was made entirely by them. As made apparent by this little tidbit of info at the bottom of your page:

    WP Theme & Icons by N.Design Studio

    In my opinion, searching through a list of themes doesn't necessarily qualify as "lots of work" no matter how long it took you. :unsure:

    Your website seems to be good though and has some decent and plentiful content. Though I've never participated in stuff like this and never will.
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