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Posts posted by Smack

  1. My favorite sport to watch and play is Football (American).I don't really have any favorite players or teams in any sport, but a lot I like to regularly watch.Some sports that I don't like to watch are golf and Nascar, they are so boring! I don't see why people like watching a car go in circles or a man hitting a ball with a stick into a hole.I like to play baseball but not watch it, it's too boring, maybe if they sped it up a little..

  2. Dude, you have no backbone eh? You see a little kid getting beat up and hide yourself?

    Sad man, that's sad.

    I'm sure if you would have said something they would have got the hell out of dodge. Their cowardice is shown by beating a kid younger than themselves.

    Could you not have got help for the kid at least?

    What happened to bravery? What happened to fighting for whats right?

    telling myself that in 15 years, these people will be begging for money and I can just step on them and I walk by going to my job. I'm worried about America, it seems to be becoming more violent and there is less that we can do

    Husker, that's sad too. I don't have to point out how contradicting your statement is.

  3. It all depends on the woman and situation. Some women have great natural beauty and don't need to wear any if much at all, some woman have slight skin problems and use make up to cover it up. Do women need makeup? No.Are they prettier? Half the time. Younger women tend to go overboard and put too much on, so their face looks all cake-ish, I hate that and would prefer them to just wear none at all than cake it on.IMO a little goes a long way and I have no problem with a tiny bit of make up but I don't like it when women wear too much! IMO it shouldn't be noticeable. Fortunately for me, my girlfriend rarely wares make up and if she does it is just eye liner or something little.And it's annoying seeing college soft ball players wearing make up during a game, seriously. What the hell? Why would they make their students wear make up when they're participating in a sporting event? Whats up with that? Do they have to please men while they're on the field, they can't look sweaty and real? What - the ?

  4. I was in the same situation a year ago, however this year my girlfriend and I moved in together. We bought cell phones to talk to each other all the time and called each other at a same time each day. We would also text throughout the day. You just have to keep communication open. That is the main problem that long distance relationships have, they soon quit calling each other as much, if that happens the relationship rapidly deteriorates as the guy (being at college and all) will find it easy to find someone else. Didn't happen to me, but it did to my best friend that was going to college with me.

  5. UFO's exist, if I threw a fake flying saucer in the air when you weren't looking then looked up and filmed it you would think for sure you were seeing aliens.


    But I'm not sure, many times a lot of people around a city all see something flying in the air. I believe they see something. If the object is from this world or not is beyond me. However I cannot say that we are the only ones in the universe. I wish someone would find hard proof, though I don't think it will ever happen.

  6. How about auto playing music, or music you can't turn off within 2 seconds. I hate that! I want to listen to the music coming from my media player, users should be able to choose if they wish to listen to the music, not have it forced on them.Unless it's a music artist's page, then it makes sense....One reason I don't mess with MySpace pages.

  7. Why not look up the manufacturer of the ovens used to toast the prisoners at Auschwitz? At least their product was used to kill people! (Yes, I own a VW!)

    I couldn't resist I had to know who made the ovens and I think I've found the answer... But first, some fun facts I came across while looking for the answer!

    Ferdinand Porsche had been working on a popularly priced "people's car" (whence "Volkswagen"). At a 1934 meeting Hitler told him to make the car an air-cooled four-seater with a streamlined shape "like a beetle." Your wish is mein command, said Ferd. ... A five-year study by a team of German historians found that as much as 80 percent of VW's wartime workforce of 16,000 may have been slave laborers. ... In 1991 the head of the investigative team, Bochum University history professor Hans Mommsen, declared at a symposium, "It's quite clear that Porsche was responsible for hiring concentration camp inmates for the factory's labor camp." Porsche contacted SS leader Heinrich Himmler directly to request slaves from Auschwitz, Mommsen said. ... The company has dedicated a stone memorial to the slave laborers at its headquarters in Wolfsburg.

    And finally for the answer to who produced the ovens!

    Testimony at the Nuremburg war crimes trials suggests the ovens were mostly built by heating equipment manufacturers and such. The crematoria at Auschwitz were built by I.A. Topf and Sons of Erfurt, those at Dachau and Lublin by C.H. Kori GmbH.

    Anyways, this is a neat find because it all comes from the same source, 2-for1! I'm not exactly sure if the information is correct though and no sources were cited in the article. However, this site seems to confirms that I.A. Topf and Sons of Erfurt manufactured the ovens. I say seems cause I'm too lazy to read all of the page, you know it's bad when your scrollbar disappears from your screen (well, almost disappears!).

  8. I do enjoy my small block v8 GMC. I couldn't live without it but that's because I live in Texas and have to drive through fields a lot. Plus, all the girls think it's sexy.I wish it could use E85 but I don't have the money to add the technology. Car companies should include E85 technology with the base price of a vehicle so everyone would use less gas. But money money money!

  9. The only problem I have with it is that, unlike the one on XP, you cant select your name from a list of users, but you have to type it in. I know most people have no problem remembering their name, but it would have been a nice touch.

    On Ubuntu you can change the login screen. Go to main menu->system->administrator->login screen and then you can choose from a list of pre-installed login screens or install your own that you downloaded.

    Some have your login names listed just like WindowsXP start screen (but they look better!). :)

    I figure they have an equivalent on Kubuntu? You can obtain the login screens from Kubuntu-look.org.

  10. Tired of having to spend hours making your site work in Internet Explorer even though it displays correctly in standards-compliant browsers? Want to use transparent PNG's and CSS to it's full extent? Then download the IE7 Javascript library.

    Installation is easy, all it requires is to upload the IE7 directory to your web server and insert a two line code snippet into the selected page(s) as well as edit the name of any transparent PNG's you wish to use to somename-trans.png

    IE7 provides Microsoft Internet Explorer with support for W3C standard CSS and HTML:
    * supports the following CSS selectors:
    o namespace|selector
    o parent > child
    o adjacent + sibling
    o adjacent ~ sibling
    o [attr], [attr=value], [attr~=value] etc
    o .multiple.classes (fixes bug)
    o :hover, :active, :focus (for all elements)
    o :first-child, :last-child, only-child, nth-child, nth-last-child
    o :check, :disabled, :enabled
    o :root, :empty, :contains(), :not()
    o :before/:after/content:
    o :lang()
    * works with both HTML and XML documents
    * supports imported style sheets
    * preserves the cascade of the style sheet
    * does not alter the document structure
    * does not repeatedly query the DOM tree using JavaScript
    * uses pure CSS to enforce style sheet rules
    * supports the W3C box model in both standards and quirks mode
    * supports fixed positioning (flicker free)
    * supports overflow:visible
    * supports min/max-width/height
    * fixes broken (X)HTML elements (abbr, object)
    * standardies forms behavior
    * supports PNG alpha transparency
    * lightweight script (22K)
    * completely modular (add/remove fixes)
    * works for Microsoft Internet Explorer 5+ (Windows only)

    The download is available at SourceForge.

  11. Seriously Street you think more people use hotmail? Argh, I hope not, at least use Yahoo or something, if new people to the internet are still screwing with hotmail I feel sorry for them. Gmail has a cult following, once you get your first account you can't stop and will refuse to use any other service. That makes people toss out invites like hotcakes.How long did it take Microsoft to fix the mistake? They probably knew about it rather quickly, but let it go long to turn a few users away because very-casual users will freak if they see anything about a virus.

  12. ClamXav is an open source antivirus program for the Mac. It's always good to have an antivirus program because eventually you'll come by one.


    But yes, I would have to say I've had more trouble with virii on my Windows desktop. So much that every six months I had to do a restore on the computer just to keep it running at a semi-fast speed. Now it runs Ubuntu, Microsoft was murked.

  13. Yea, have you ever seen "INSERT SOME SPECTACULAR NAME HERE" movie? Cause movies are the truth! They never lie! 100% facts baby!


    Give me a break people. Get past the hype and all this bs you see in Hollywood from both sides.


    As said before you can take a look around the solar system.


    And besides, Ichthux is right, whats wrong with being conscientious about the environment, it's our freaking house.

    And lowering our need for oil is a freaking good thing and we need to do it, we are slaves to the oil corporations, don't you see?

  14. I do certainly know that Black Holes are not wormholes like some unrealistic science fiction novel.

    No you don't, no one knows. We didn't even think much of black holes until 1916 and we didn't even know they actually existed until 1971 (X-ray binary star Cygnus X-1). And according to NASA, the so-called unrealistic space travel is a possibility, no matter how unlikely.

    What it comes down to is we do not yet have the technology needed in order to find out the truth about black holes. Maybe in a few decades...

  15. James2K7 have you tried playing it?The thing is, people like to talk about what they're interested in! Don't hate on him for it, just be like hey man, I don't play WoW, not into it. He'll probably leave ya alone about it after that. I'm sure he has something else to talk about!

  16. Yea, Unstoppable is right, stars are born in a nebula.Black holes are said to have a corresponding White Hole, basically, the part where the stuff that goes in comes out!Actually we don't really know what exactly a black hole does, only that it's a dark spot in space that has so much gravity nothing can escape it's pull. It could quite simply be a very dense ball that attracts objects to it and those objects then become part of the hole.And yea, the Andromeda galaxy is heading straight for us! Our Sun is also going to blow up here pretty soon, well, that depends on your perception of time.

  17. 100 years in prison being raped, flogged, beaten, and left to rot and think about what he has done should be good enough. You absolutely know inmates don't treat those who have raped young women well, we have all seen the movies... and probably know someone in prison.Death is the easy way out... Why haven't we learned that by now?

  18. Also petrol companies are evil, not as evil as the tobacco companies, but still evil. They are buying out all of the good inventions that will help save the planet, whilst meaning we will have no use for petrol. Someone needs to make an invention and make sure they don't let anyone else buy it and then make big bucks and then buy the petrol companies. :)

    I'd have to say otherwise, the oil companies are fueling wars throughout the world. Tobacco companies haven't been up to that much, besides they aren't that evil, all they did was supply a product that people picked up. It happened to be addictive. When is the last time you heard someone call Sam Adams evil?


    Africa has been surrounded by war for many years, guess what a lot of it is over? Black gold and Diamonds! Africa has large oil fields and many diamond mines, hell Africa could be one of the richest continents in the world except they don't have control of their natural resources. The De Beers diamond company is just one of the corporations fueling the wars.


    "Diamonds have been UNITA's major source of revenue during the 1990s - gaining (UNITA) an estimated US $3.7 billion between 1992 and 1998 - which has enabled them to re-arm and maintain supplies despite the UN-sponsored peace process." it said. "UNITA has sold its diamonds on the unofficial, 'outside' market and has found willing buyers within the diamond industry."




    Until the 1980s, De Beers was directly involved in Sierra Leone, had concessions to mine diamonds offshore, and maintained an office in Freetown. Since then, however, the relationship has been indirect. De Beers maintains a diamond trading company in Liberia and a buying office in Conakry, Guinea. Both countries produce very few diamonds themselves, and Liberia is widely understood to be a "transit" country for smuggled diamonds. ... Through its companies and buying offices in West Africa, however, and in its attempts to mop up supplies everywhere in the world, it is virtually inconceivable that the company is not - in one way or another - purchasing diamonds that have been smuggled out of Sierra Leone.


  19. Ha ha, it figures, but I also thought we would of found some left over limestone mix or some old pot with a mix of the cement in it by now. I mean, they would of had to have tools to pour the blocks in place or something, shouldn't there be something of that nature at the building site or somewhere? Maybe we have and just didn't connect it at the time. You know the person that came across that is really annoyed right now, haha.

  20. Wow, no one mentions Enron? They cheated people out of money and the atmosphere in that company was that of paranoia! They had their employees too scared to take a vacation or even a day off for fear of being fired not to mention all the money they stole and etc they did..

    And kwantum, don't judge the U.S. government on some radical crazy person's theory, but judge them on what they actually do.

  21. Man the Taco Bell in my home town has given countless people food poisoning and doesn't seem to be managed very well as the employees are always acting a fool. Haha, but it's fun for you when your friends work there. But anyways, I have never been poisoned from it and I don't think I have ate anything nasty, at least I hope not. ..Bet your mom felt lucky she gave that quesadilla to you. And I agree with the person who said that the quality of the restaurant largely depends on the owner/management/employees of the specific location because the top guys enforce strict regulations, of course it all depends if they are followed through.

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