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Posts posted by Smack

  1. Wii Sports is definately one of the best games that have came out on any console in console gaming's history. The Wii exploits its free motion control perfectly in the five games included in this one game. Tennis is my favorite because you can play with four people. It is so fun to kick your friends butts. Baseball is my next favorite because I just love it. Golf is awesome because you actually swing the club, in my opinion every other golf game in console history has sucked (with the exception of Nintendo's mario golf). Plus you can play golf with four people using only one Wii remote. Boxing is fun and is definately a workout, though I don't think the controls are too precise so you just end up in a wild melee burning calories like a madman. Bowling is okay but once you figure out the trick to it you can achieve many strikes in a row and.. even bowl perfect games as easy as pie.Overall this game rocks because it is free. LOL.

  2. Ever seen Men in Black? In it, a universe is contained in a marble that hangs on a cat's collar. In another instance, a door is opened and it turns out to be a small locker in a gigantic-other worldly locker room. So of course, size is relative. What exists past galaxys, if we were to fly past them? Nothing. The Big Bang Theory shows that all matter was once contained in a very dense ball the size of a penpoint. Time passed and it exploded sending out all the matter that now makes up us, the planets, and the stars. The matter is still expanding from that center point, we can see everything on the other side of the universe moving away from us and those on this side moving towards us. In fact, there is a galaxy heading straight for us as we speak, it will envelop us one day.

  3. Your site appears to be very simple. I assume you made this site for beginning users of the internet - those who do not know how to find games to play, how to search for information, etc. If this is the case you need to practice easy navigation, readability, and fast load time. You should draw more attention to the menu while not making it over gaudy to where it takes long to load. The music page takes too long to load and should be set up on different pages, a different page for each player maybe with the main music page containing a html table with a hotlink to each music player on your webpage.

  4. An addiction is simply the physical or mental dependence on a substance. Though the definition on a substance can be considered sketchy. I believe you can become addicted to anything - television (many people are definately addicted to this, people just got to watch their soaps!), gambling, athletics (running - I've heard that exercising can cause a 'natural high' which people may then become addicted to), sex *who isn't addicted to this?*, video games (apparently a young girl from Asia died because of exhaustion from playing World of Warcraft - she stayed up a straight week or something of the sort), and of course people can become addicted to drugs. Though not everything is as addicting as the next thing, addiction largely depends on the 'user' or person. People who have a strong will may find that they do not become addicted to anything but the hardest of drugs or most seductive of their desires.

  5. In my computer organization class we are learning the assembly language and we are using the MASM 6.15 assembler. I have it working on my computer at school through TextPad, but I would like to use in on my iBook G4. Does anyone know if I can do this? My Mac is not an Intel, so I do not think it is possible. I've searched many forums for the answer to this and none could give me a definite answer. If I can use this on the Mac, could anyone possibly send me the link?Thanks ahead!

  6. If there was no internet... I would probably have a darker tan. I would play a lot more Nintendo Wii. I would not be going to school to major in CS. I would not have a computer because computers aren't fun without the internet, I would use the computers at school. I would probably have higher grades in school because I wouldn't of spent all my time in junior high playing MMORPG's. LOL. I would be in better shape - that's for sure. My girlfriend would be a lot happier. (But she can live!) It would suck writing book reports because I wouldn't have access to ways to cheat on reading the book like SparkNotes. I wouldn't of seen Paris Hilton's tape! ;) I would have to watch the sad sad local news to get my weather forecast... That would be terrible.

  7. This suicide bombing stems from a person's faith and way of life. Many cultures believe in this practice or have believed in it at one time. In WWII, there were Japanese suicide bombers who flew their plane directly into their enemy. And of course today you have religious extremists blowing themselves up in marketplaces in the Middle East. This is definately a crazy practice in our eyes - though the people doing this see it as an honor. People are taught that dying for their country and beliefs is an honorable thing to do. And as such, they will be rewarded in the afterlife. There have been many reports that Al Qaeda tells their recruits and bombers that they will be rewarded with 72 virgins, remain young forever, and live in paradise. I guess this offer would be a very enticing offer to some men. Though people link suicide bombing today solely with people of Middle Eastern descent it is important to remember that there have been many suicide bombers of every culture.

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