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Everything posted by turbopowerdmaxsteel

  1. After days & nights of hard work, I gave our semester ending Module Test #3. The syllabus comprised of two books of C# .NET which covered Console & GUI based application development. I must say that I was very well prepared, expecting to get the perfect 100 that has always eluded me in the past. All our exams are online based where the questions comprise of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). Results are generated as soon as the exam ends. As always, I waited for the remaining time to slump to zero (It is my belief that doing so gets you better marks. Moreover because, the first exam I gave at NIIT was completed in less than 15 mins out of the 70 alloted. I got a poor 76% in that exam considering that the module comprised of just Computer fundamentals.)Awaiting on the other side of the END TEST button was something that stunned the sh*t out of me. After doing loops and loops of re-checking and logical thinking, I came up with my answers. I believed that 80 was the minimum I could have got. Thats too when all the questions I was not 100% sure of, would go wrong. But all I was given (I say given, 'cause I can never believe that I deserved what I got), was a mere 64%. I am not trying to exuberate vanity, but we got to be able to atleast predict our own marks (Especially in an exam that should be one of the most transparent ones. Considering that no human was involved in the evaluation), aren't we?Out of the 7 students, only 2 were able to secure the pass marks of 50% and those two were arguably the best amongst the group. (Again, I am not trying to act proud. If one were to see the stastics, where I got the highest in most of the exams, my reaction would be justified.) And it wasn't just about the two of us. The rest who failed as well, got proportional marks and were probably there or there abouts in the expected ranking. Putting all these facts together, I believe there's some sort of threshold implemented in the evaluation scheme, that wouldn't allow people to score more than the set amount. In this case, I believe 70%. I have other strong reasons to back me as well. But I just can't imagine, why they would do such a thing. Neither can I accpet the marks I was cursed with.Frustrated as I am, I have decided to take the matter to the authorities and ask for the wrong and correct answers to be shown. Something that has surprisingly, never been done before. NIIT has loads of techinques which are claimed to serve as improving our technicality. Yet, the answers of the exams are never shown. I can't possibly imagine, what's up their sleeves. But, I guess what I can do, is ask for the justification and a bit of transparency in the process.This geek was always into Computer Science and computers are the only thing I am good at. Being in places barraged with countless other worthless subjects, never allowed me to shine and show my calibre. Imagine my plight, when all the effort I put in and that too in an area that I am the best at, turn into such miserable results.Should I go ahead and challenge the results?
  2. One thing I can't understand, is which function is invoked in the javascript once we link it in our HTML page. For Example, the Kontera code includes the following text:- <script type="text/javascript" SRC="http://kona.kontera.com/javascript/lib/KonaLibInline.js"></script> There is no call to any of the functions contained in the KonaLibInLine.js file anywhere on the page.
  3. My efforts had gone in vain as well. I first noticed those in the Konetera powered in-text ads. I tried to get some hold on their cryptic codes but wasn't successful, more so because of the frustration the process involves.Dropping the philosophical note, I would give it one more try. I'll keep you updated on the progress.
  4. Since I switched to broadband, you can find me online 24 x 7. The actual amount of time I devote to honest work fluctuates quite a lot. On somedays, I even tend to kill sleep and continue with the coding stuffs. Then again, there are days when I just surf the wiki pages.Similar to what faulty.lee said, my Computer is my life and I devote every bit of time that I can, deducting the time lost @ college and other stuffs.
  5. You cannot Create or Delete the databases from within MYSQL because the default user does not have the appropriate privileges. Instead, use the Web Hosting Control Panel (Site Management Tools -> MYSQL Databases) to Create or Delete Databases.
  6. Now thats a great thingy. Especially for the artistically challenged such as me. No more Icon woes for the toolbar images of my applications. ;)BTW, why did you change your ID?
  7. I agree, users have been comming up with message such as "This is the only Yahoo! Bot, that runs on Vista" as feedbacks for my product which is built using VS 2005. Curious as they are, they've started inquiring if it would work on Linux. I believe, there are/is 3rd party .NET framework(s) for Linux?
  8. I would say, Norton - (minus) Bulkiness is a top class Anti Virus. Seriously, symantec needs to take care of this issue. People would be better off with a virus on their system than have this anti-virus. They can't just expect everybody to run on Teraflops, can they? Norton Antivirus revolutionized a lot of innovative features. Quite notably, the live update to keep the virus definitions up-to-date. Seeing, their product in such lowly ground is really disheartening.
  9. Well, I guess I wouldn't rate Norton the best anti-virus. But it would be pretty close to the top. The worst point of it has to be the resource hunger, which every one is talking 'bout. I'd tried most of the top tier anti-viruses in my days. Choosing them was almost like a shopping endeavour as I tried out the evaluation/free versions of them all. I found most of them to be heavy on the system. Norton, undisputedly topped that one while AVG was the most easy going one. I was really impressed by Panda Antivirus. It has a nice clean interface, detects a wide range of viruses and demands comparitively less resources. All said and done, I haven't had a serious anti-virus for months now. I would go along with the risk factor, than compromise on speed. But for the occasional outbursts, I haven't had any issue with viruses. You may think, I don't do much, but listen to some music, watch videos and play ol' games on my PC. However, I try like 100 different softwares every month, download stuffs from various locations and heck what not. Although, I do install Norton every 2 months. But, it doesn't remain for more than 3 hours as I get rid of it as soon as the entire system is scanned. Bottom Line: If you have a really high-end PC, go for the latest Norton Anti Virus, otherwise Panda Anti Virus should be more than just fine.
  10. It is related to the CD burner. The File has read errors in 23 sectors which renders it uncopyable. WinRAR can recover files using the recovery record. But, its only possible if the file can be read from the CD. CDCheck does the same by reading whatever's possible and padding the rest up. You are correct about the unrecoverability of the CD with CRC errors. The only way I have managed to get them to work is on a brand new drive. Scratch removers aye, sounds interesting. I'll try my hands on them. And to think, that mortality was a trait exhibited by the living things alone. I guess, the good ol' HDDs are the most trusty ones, when it comes to data longevity. What do you think? Sometimes, even the disc where finding a scratchless area is tough, seems to work as a breeze. That's probably because of a high quality reader and using high quality CDs.
  11. Amazingly, I was able to recover the data completely. Here's what I did:- STEP 1: Since the file could not be copied or extracted directly, I tried to use the recovery feature in WinRAR to save the repaired file. WinRAR kept reading the disc for hours, eating up all the CPU resources, but we were going nowhere. So, I had to cancel the process. STEP 2: I downloaded the application CDCheck from http://kvipu.com/CDCheck/ and used it to recover the file. STEP 3: Although, CDCheck was able to save the file locally, this file was not without errors and the compressed archive couldn't be extracted. STEP 4: It occured to me, that I had the 'Add Recovery Record' option turned on while making the archive. The recovery record was no more than 1% of the size of the archive. But it sure turned out to be handy, as the file was completely recovered. Kudos to both of these softwares!
  12. I've always feared the words "Cyclic Redundancy Check". More so because of the word "error" which always proceeds. Handling the CDs gently has always been my top priority and I can proudly say that my discs have very less amount of scratches on them. Recently, I backed one of my ageing DVD discs up @ 4 CDs. The master copy finally gave up and was rendered useless. Proud as I was, having backed up the old stuff. To my surprise, when I tried to restore the data through the backups (which have been as new as ever), the disgusting CRC error turned up on one of the discs. Despite very close examination of the disc, I couldn't find any signs of a scratch. I tried all kinds of recovery softwares, but the results were dismal. The file being a .rar spanned over the four discs, could not be used one bit.I have an idea, but am not sure, how good it would be. Anyways, here it goes.> Read all the readable sectors and as much as possible of the unreadable ones.> Try all possible combinations of byte values (0-255) for each unreadable position, until the MD5 cheksum of the file matches.What do you say guys, would it work and would it be feasible to try all the possible byte values?
  13. I have been working on the Protocols for the past couple of days. The new Download Warper is being built with C# .NET at the backend and VB . NET at the front. I came up with the following compartments:- Core: Core Functions related to Download Warper such as Formatting Time, Speed, Bytes, etc. Protocol: The abstract class for all protocols. This would allow easy addition of protocols in the future. HTTP: The HTTP Protocol derived from the Protocol class. Download Warper: The main application which handles downloads, categories, saving of files, caching, scheduling etc. The Protocol wraps up the Sockets and is responsible for providing the Packets. You can check out, the current Pre Alpha version from the link below. Link to Work In Progress Versions: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  14. I have a class named as test which triggers an event using the Timer class, the code for which is given below. using System;using System.Timers;namespace Test{ class test { public delegate void TestEventHandler(); public event TestEventHandler TestEvent; protected Timer TestTimer = new Timer(); public test() { TestTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(Tick); TestTimer.Interval = 1000; } private void Tick(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e) { TestEvent(); } public void Go() { TestTimer.Enabled = true; } }} The problem that I am facing with, is that the Event runs in a seperate thread and doesn't allow any kind of operation on the Form's controls. The code for the form is given below. using System;using System.Windows.Forms;namespace Test{ public partial class Form1 : Form { test A = new test(); public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); A.TestEvent += new test.TestEventHandler(A_TestEvent); } void A_TestEvent() { this.Text = "Test Text"; // This is where the Exception "Cross Threaded Operation not valid" is generated } private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { A.Go(); } }}How do I invoke the event in the same thread as that of the form's?
  15. I know these are a bit old (OK a bit is an understatement), but since the topic was titled "What games have you got?", I'll start off with the 8 bit NES compliant games that I can recall:- NES Mario Contra Battle Tanks Duck Hunt Super Contra Robocop Islander Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 4 Knight Rider F1 Race Hogans Alley WCW Galaxians Street Fighters 2 Contra 3 New Contra Sonic the Hedgehog Brian Lara Cricket Beach Volleyball Olympics Double Dragon II Double Dragon IV Tetris Donkey Kong Packman Chip and Dale: Resuce Rangers Chip and Dale: Resuce Rangers 2 Darkwing Duck The Lion King Dr. Mario Power Rangers Aladdin Arkanoid Bomber Man Baloon Bomber Baloon Fight Batman & Flash King of Fighters Dig Dug Donkey Kong Jr. Escalator Pinball Chess Popeye Spider Man Batman Road Fighter Samurai Showdown Tank Force Wild Gunman Mortal Kombat Contra Force Tom & Jerry Baseball Karateka Excite Bike Ghost Busters Ice Climber Goonies The Jungle Book Kung Fu Spartan X The legend of Kage Lunar Pool Boy School Football Jaws Soccer Tennis Urban Champion Genesis Circus Badminton Dragon Fighter Transformers Flying Warriors Pipeline Last Ninja Goonies Circus Clay Shoot PC Fifa 2001 Fifa 2002 Fifa 2005 Fifa 2006 Resident Evil Resident Evil 2 Resident Evil 3 Need For Speed 1 Need For Speed 2 Need For Speed 3 Need For Speed 4 Need For Speed 5 Max Payne 1 Max Payne 2 Half Life 2 Guilty Gear X Guilty Gear XX #Reload Guilty Gear Isuka Cricket 2002 Cricket 2004 Cricket 2005 Recoil Empire Earth Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition Devil May Cry Just Cause Future Cop Oni Mortal Kombat 4 Spiderman 1 Spiderman 2 Spiderman 2 (The Movie based game) Ultimate Spiderman Smack Down Israeli Air Force Microsoft Flight Simulator Dungeon Siege Dungeon Siege II Aladdin Die Hard Nakatomi Plaza No One Lives For Ever Chessmaster 3000 Hitman 1 Hitman 2 Arabian Night House of the Dead Virtual Cop Mafia Who wants to be a millionaire Formula 1 2002 Formula 1 2006 Hulk Hellicopter X-Men Legends 2 Moto GP Roadrash Secret Services Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Pocket Tanks Serious Sam Empire Earth II Duke Nukem 3D Restaurant Tekken 3 WWE RAW Super DX Ball Empire Earth: Art of Supremacy Just Cause
  16. There are a few MODs out there, that allow you to have sub-forums, although they might not work with your current forum, if it is heavily moded. I recommend you wait for phpBB 3 Olympus which natively supports sub-forums to come out of Beta. Incase you still want to try out the Sub Forum MODs, here you go:- Sub Forums MOD (Under Development) https://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopic.php?t=42505 Category Hierarchy MOD (Released) https://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopic.php?t=87278 Beware, these MODs might cause your forum to become inconsistent, I know mine does. Make sure to create backups, before trying these out online.
  17. Ahem! http://forums.xisto.com/topic/92048-topic/?findpost=1064361934 could any one care to merge these two topics?
  18. From what I've seen, the symptoms you mention are the exact result of having Javascript disabled. Are you sure, you have Javascript enabled?
  19. lol.. That was mean.. He must have been working at Apple. To shredd, the original disc and the instructions like that.. really it must be a stunt sponsered by M$'s competitors. Vista ain't that bad. When I tried the Beta version, it was absolutely compatible with my system core:- Mother Board: Intel 915GAG Processor: Intel P4 3.0 GHz with HT RAM: 512 MB DDR Although I must mention, the lack of a dedicated Graphics Card didn't allow the true Aero look to surface. But Vista adapted to the thing it was thrown at, pretty well. Most of the applications that passed the OS verification test during setup, ran successfully. Besides, its not like everybody needs to switch over to Vista. I myself wouldn't do that before 2008. Must be, that guy looked well prepared for the show. No sane Windows user would be nuttnough to be able to do that. All said and done, that video goes to my favorites
  20. Following some tests I conclude:-All you need to do is enable Javascript (Enable Java which I mentioned before, is not required) and refresh the page. I don't think you need to refresh the page completely, basic refresh worked for me. There's nothing quire weird in it pyost.We can't just expect checking the enable Java checkbox to work on an already opened page, we need to refresh the damn thing. Care to explain the IPB problem @ Cache & Firefox?
  21. I am using Firefox version and the shoutbox is working perfectly for me. I seemed to figure out your problem, by the way. Its most likely because you have the Javascript disabled. Go to Tools -> Options -> Content and check the enable Java and enable Javascript checkboxes. Cheers, Max.
  22. Well, the ads weren't that bad, especially the ones with the Fart button.. lolBut seriously, its a good move, as the page load times have improved significantly. Personally, I wouldn't mind if the ads were back up and running, if that ensures the continued consistency and excellence that Xisto is offering.As for promoting Xisto - Web Hosting is concerned, I'll definitely do my bit. Are there any particular methods of doing that, by the way? I won't mind having a banner for Xisto - Web Hosting on my site.Regards,Max.
  23. I am really impressed with the new revamped look of Xisto. The shoutbox seems much faster, the subforums are displayed pretty neatly in the forum index and this new posting interface is very good as well. Looking out for more changes... But one thing that bugs me is this thing right here:- Wonder if its native IPB problem or due to any customization?
  24. As I mentioned before, that was more or less a copy cat of the Flashget interface. The categorization would work exactly like that. I would try to incorporate floating transluent windows for showing the progress related statistics, much like what you said.Keep the ideas comming, my friend.
  25. Thanx Jimmy, the tabbed interface will certainly be a better approach. I was trying to make the interface in VB .NET which was improvised from the Flashget Download Manager. Below is the link to the prototype http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
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