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Everything posted by turbopowerdmaxsteel

  1. Nope, infact I have no idea what this CMS is all about. Care to elaborate?
  2. In the first phaze, I just thought of asta as a webhost without ads and a payne in the butt method of earning points (OK, sometimes, I still do). So, I tried virtually all possible web hosts, from the awesomely uptimed lycos, to the amazingly feature rich 110mb. With pros and cons in each one of them, I had to come back to asta. But, this time, I realized the real benefits of asta and since then haven't looked back. Lemme just list some of the pros and cons of some of the free webhosts I used:- Lycos:- + Almost 100% uptime, infact never seen my site go down on it. + Unlimited Bandwidth + POP3 E-mail Support - Ads popping and framing up from all around my pages. - Extremely low space of 50 MB - Extremely big site address: http://lygo.com/ly/sitemissing.html - FTP Never works IPDZ:- + Unlimited Bandwidth + No Ads + Short Web Address: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - No POP3 E-Mail Support - Frequent Down Times - Slow Speed - Only Access Database - Listed as phishing site in McAfee Site Advisor - No CPanel (The thing they have is not qualified to be called one) Awardspace:- + No Ads + 200MB Webspace - Bandwidth limit - Max File size limit set to 500 KB - Some Downtimes Ifastnet:- + Good Webspace - 300 MB + Good Bandwidth - 20 GB + No Filze Size limitation + No Ads - Frequent Downtimes 110mb:- + Huge webspace - 2000 MB + Immense Bandwidth - 100 GB + No Ads + Good load speed + Good Web based file manager - FTP doesn't always work - Feature fluctuations - Dunno when they'll take a feature off or introduce ads or forum postings. - No MYSQL (Uses some other free thingy which is no match to MYSQL, although it is faster) Xisto:- + No Ads + Good Web Space - 150 MB + Virtually all possible features (Just look at the size of the CPanel ) + Excellent support due to the knowledgebale community In short, THERE IS NO BETTER FREE HOST THAN ASTA I just hope it stays this way.
  3. Loading speed is quite good on my 128 kbps connection. However, the CSS isn't rendering properly in Internet Explorer 7 and Opera. No such problems on Firefox though.
  4. Switched to Xisto, site has new and (hopefully) improved look.
  5. Moved on to Xisto. Please review my site at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ people.
  6. Just measured mine at http://www.typeonline.co.uk/typingspeed.php It was around 62 wpm, guess that's not quite high, but satisfactory, considering the fact that I went on rectifying the mistakes.
  7. All things having said and done, about how the eye can be deceived, I feel the quantity time is independent of anything else (although you can't say that the other way around).What I mean to say is that time travel, especially to the past or future is certainly not feasible, at least not from my point of view. I have not equated the complex equations and formulae nor have I sent sleepless nights thinking about it, but there's something within one's own self, that sometimes may seem to defy logic but still turn up/hold true, and its telling me that time travel is not possible.
  8. While the mail() function of php is all bout simplicity, it lacks the otherwise necessary flexibility. How do I send an E-Mail using php through SMTP?
  9. Wow, those were cool tips. Doesn't having the forward slash at the end mean that its a directory we are refferring to? Like http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is pointing to the index page in the products folder. That means this is going to be preffered over something like http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  10. It might sound a little weird, but tell me how does the 'ATIT Airlines straight from the chaos-labs' sound? Don't get confused, its not another Boeing-747; its the Across the Internet Transferer Airlines, a downloader/uploader that would support all publicly available TCP/IP protocols, P2P protocols and what not!!! Sope, what do you say? I know being the CSA at Microsys doesn't leave much time for these thingys, but you could atleast guide me in developing it for the Chaos-Laboratory...
  11. The concept of multithreading, while visualises the power to build memory efficient and responsive applications, is one of the most complicated things to deal with, considering the issues such as that of thread safety, etc.Going by M$'s help pages makes it sound even more 'hocus-focus'. I would appreciate a to the ground explanation of Mutithreading and its implementation.
  12. Who are you hosted on, Asta? Care to elaborate on the products you have in mind?
  13. Woah, that's a lot of detail. Thanx for the help, guys. It'll take a while to get accustomed to all these. I'll start off with the Microsoft.VisualBasic.Collection implementation.
  14. Simple and proffessional is the way to go. Its a bit messy on non firefox browsers, but it is bearable. I think you should get rid of the alert about the "Enhanced functionality of the site....", you've put in contrary to the aim of content over style. From the user's point of view, I wouldn't really care about the detailed rendering of a page on my browser. Besides, I also feel you should shorten the welcome note of :- To something like Note for non firefox users Content wise, the site's very good and the articles are growing in number quite rapidly. I would also like to see the site develop into something more than just another tech blog. Its a lab, right? Gotta have some miraculous products that go with the bomblastic name.
  15. OK team, our first job would be to create a download manager named 'Download Warper'. Here's what we will need:-A custom Winsock class - This would ensure speed regulation mechanism. It will also aid in using multiple connections.HTTP Connection class - This would contain the Winsock class and would basically do all the protocol specific low level transactions.FTP Connection class - Similar to the above class except that this would be for the FTP protocol.Main Application - The GUI for the Download manager.Other Requirements:-Icons and other graphics. The only thing I can think of right now is a Download Icon.Programming language:-> VB/VB .NET for the main Application.> Delphi/C++/VB/VB .NET for the custom Winsock class and the Protocol classes.This is not the final idea for the project, just a beginning. Lets discuss on the topic and come with more ideas before starting to work on it.
  16. Its in VB .NET. I used the Node just an example, the same thing can be done using the Items collection of the ListView class. The idea is to create a collection of the class Responses and be able to access the individual items by using "key as String" instead of the regular way of doing "Index as Integer".Plainly speaking, we can access the individual elements of an array via the index number. How do we access the elements by a string "key" as we can in PHP. I don't think its possible to do the same for arrays in VB .NET, but doing that for a class is certainly. The TreeNode and the ListViewItem classes can be seen exhibiting this property.
  17. Dim A As New TreeNode MsgBox(A.Nodes(15).Text) MsgBox(A.Nodes("WTF").Text) Here are two ways of accessing the child nodes of a Tree Node, in this case, node A.In the first case, we have accessed the child node with Index = 15 of node A. In the second case, we have accessed the child node "WTF" by its key. I want to be able to access the members of the Responses class in a similar fashion. Example:- MsgBox(Responses("ASL").Text) Anybody knows how to go about creating the class? What the... I missed out on the subject of the Topic.. Notice from Mark420: I fixed the Topic title and Description for you
  18. Fair Enough. We would require personnel for each of the sectors:-Programming, Web-Designing, Designing, Database administration, etc.
  19. Microsoft, the name was derived from the small sized, tight memory applications that they had to build during the early stages. It was all about softwares back then and today its more about business. Besides, their softwares and OS have become immensely hungry for resources, be it Primary or Secondary Memory or the recently required Graphics card with pixel shader 2.0.Shouldn't they be executing this command:-NAME "Microsoft", "Gigabiz"
  20. Great to see the topic gaining momentum. Not wasting anymore time, lets get started. I think we need a sound infrastructure to begin with. An IRC chat would also be needed for instant sharing of ideas. We would have to classify people on the basis of their skills, which would require a brief introduction as sparkx presented. Here are some questions pondering my mind:- Should we get a domain straightway or work with a free account based subdomain? Before, people start entrusting us with jobs shouldn't we develop some solid applications? Lets hear on ideas about the infrastructure. Little Background about me:- Name: Partho Sarathi a.k.a Max Steel Age: 19 Profession: Student + Programmer + Gamer Qualifications:- Doing Bachelor in Computer Application + GNIIT Software Engineering + Oracle Certified Proffessional Vendor Certification, 6 Months Diploma in Computer Application Programming Knowledge:- Academics: 4 years GW-Basic in high school, 2 years C++ (16 bit) in Senior Secondary, 2 months C++ (32 bit) in NIIT, 2 months MS-SQL Server 2000 in NIIT, C# (currently doing) in NIIT Non Academical: 3 years experience in Visual Basic, 1 year in VB .NET, Other skills: HTML, PHP, XML, Javascript and a few others. Dating the Computer is my favourite past time , so expect full commitment from me. I have a prototype company located at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ which contains the following softwares:- Pika Bot -> The most powerful Yahoo! Bot. Photo Downloader -> Cool tool to search & download photos from the Internet. Webshots Photo Downloader -> Simulates the browser activity to download Non-Premium photos from the webshots collections. MD5 Calculator -> Small tool to calculate the MD5 cheksum of a file and compare MD5 cheksums of two files. Desktop Fun -> A tool that I made out of boredom. Have fun with the Desktop wallpaper. Here's the list and information of other people who've grouped with me, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  21. Its been a while, since this dry thread got some posts. Well... here's some screenshot of the progressbar I built (as used in Photo Downloader v It has three styles:- Stretch, Tile & Search. Following are the screenshots of the Tile & Search styles. Frontal Search Backward Search Tile
  22. We are thinking beyond just helping each others out. We'll be developing and releasing our softwares under the company's name. In trying to do so in my prototype company, I have come to terms with a lot of new things, such as Web Designing (HTML, PHP, CSS), search engines and how they function, designing for the future, etc.Its been an all gain endeavour, although 'twas frustratingly hard at times. Now I intent to take it to the next step, along with like minded folks. What do you say people?
  23. I think I do know 2.000001 Delphi programmers. There's one Glenn Anderson, who's programming experience is older than me @_@. He's the one who created the best (previously) Yahoo! Bot - 'The Yahoo Responder Bot'. Then there's one from the cricket world champs' nation. The first one, being heavly employed surely won't have enough time to be of any help. The second one, well he's out commenting on this topic, but dunno how much interested he really is. The most useful part of Delphi for me is the ability to compile Native Win32 Executable (Wonder why Microsoft doesn't allow VB to target that).
  24. Ours is such a field that we just can't stop learning, no matter where we are, how experienced we are. The whole idea behind the grouping was too widen our technical horizons, guess thats a yes for your question. Come join us at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  25. I've posted a similar idea and have two partners in my group at the moment. The idea of our grouping is somewhat different in the fact that, it would comprise a software distribution company. This is the link to the thread we were discussing on http://forums.xisto.com/topic/92047-topic/?findpost=1064361933 This is the link to the profiles of our team members http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ The more, the merrier. Feel free to join us.
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