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Everything posted by jimmy89

  1. I use iTunes. Mainly because of having a iPod and its the ebst, if the only program that will transfer to the iPod well. So thats really my choice. Failing that, on other pcs i have to choose WMP. Its a very good program with heaps of features.
  2. i have heard that its made for distribution on xbox, but is the actual programming utility going to be made available on other os's? if so that would be great!
  3. Hey! Thanks for all this information! its great stuff and it now makes a bit more sense then before! i'll keep your offer in the back of my mind if i ever need some help! thanks again!
  4. has anyone heard of this yet? i saw it recently and so its its looking pretty interesting! i know its Microsoft and its only going to be on windows, but for some that would be ok. it looks like a great game maker and so far what has been said about it is good! but what i really want to know, what does everyone else think of it?
  5. Hi all,I have decided to do a major IT project on Visual Basic .Net 2005. I know some of the basics and know what i'm doing. But i have come asking for some help in how to program with databases. I was wondering if there was anyone out there that knows what they are doing and if they can help. All I really need to do is to make the program read several different fields and open the as one entry to be edited. and also to find a value in one of the entry's (like a search) and use other entry's in that field to input into the program.Even if you could point me in the direction of some good websites with tutorials etc that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
  6. I have to say Ubuntu, just for the ease of use! Simple to use, easy to install - what mroe could you want from and OS, cept maybe some more features!
  7. Hi all,I have been looking around for a while now and i am wanting to buy a Mac. I have been wanting to switch for a while now and i think its about time! Can people please give some suggestions and ideas on what to get? any help would be appreciated!!if you have a mac, what do you think of it! is it worth it?THANKS!!
  8. the supposed virus that you are talking is about is only a simple set of three pictures, pasted together and when sent play like a movie, in the steps that you said above. If you right click on each individual part of the picture, you can save it to your own computer. I think it started out as a harmless joke! but as some people see it - it can get serious, not funny to be joking about viruses!
  9. if you use iTunes there is a very easy way to share music files. Changing the options in iTunes allows you to 'share' your music files. You select the 'groups' or 'playlists' you want to share. The remote user opens their copy of iTunes and goes to the shared playlists and finds the music they want.Usefull if you want to listen to music from another computer. Though, there are a few downsides.1. can use a fair bit of bandwidth (it works on a 54Mbps Wireless Link, though it had to rebuffer a few times)2. both computers have to be running iTunes and iTunes must be open to share the files.And the best part, its free! also, if you do try, dont forget to open the required ports (i cant remember which ones, but if it doesn't work, you should be able to find out) Good Luck
  10. Logitech has a product that is almost exactly what you are talking about! they have a bluetooth headset that can be used for your PC and mobile phone. by the looks of it they use a simple bluetooth dongle for the pc. its worth a try. have a look sometime! http://www.logitech.com/en-ca Good Luck!!
  11. I have had the Song PLaystation USB headset for a while now. When I first got it i was wondering if it would work in a computer? at that time I had only just bought a brand new computer (built it myself) and was not up for blowing up the usb after a few days.It was only recently that while playing around with the headset i noticed the logitech symbol the the underside of the headset. Intrigued i went searching, i found some logitech USB headsets on the internet. So now i was a little more game to try it out (i have now had the computer for a year or so now!)I tried it out! and it worked like a charm. I was rather suprised, just plugged it in Windows Vista found drivers for it and went at it (I found Windows XP also has drivers pre-installed for it to). Its now working like a charm!!The mic quality is not bad, good for voice chat over the net! only problem is that it doesn't cancel any sounds playing in the background the the headset speaker! no problem really!!So, to all you people out there that have a playstation USB headset lying around, why not try it! now you can use it for the PS2 (possibly the ps3??) and now your PC! Good Luck
  12. Where i work, im really on the computer all the time, and because the computers is on, im on the Internet. But in terms of surfing the Internet i would have to say only a few hours each day.Its just the usual email and stuff like that. I seen people (and know a few of them) that sped all their time on the Internet. They work with computers, using the internet, then they go home and use the internet more! its crazy!!I cant see how people can use the Internet like that. I know its a huge place and all, but really!! sitting in front of a computer for that long. Its as if they have no better place to be!
  13. Thanks for that! I thyink i will go out and buy it. I check the specs for the half life game and my computer should run it fine - so no problems with thatThanks heaps!
  14. I was thinking about buying this game. I recently played it at an Internet Cafe, and throughly enjoyed it. After reading reviews of what people have thought of the game i was starting to have second thoughts. There were lots of people that didn't like the game and there was many bad reviews.I am now wondering what i should do, by it or not. I was hoping i could get some reviews and see what other people thought of it. Also, what is a good computer to run the game (graphics, memory, processor etc).Thanks
  15. jimmy89

    Area 51

    After reading reviews and seeing trailers etc etc I decided to go out and buy that game. After playing the game I was pretty impressed with it and how it all went.When I first installed the game though, that was far from the story. The install went fine, but when i went to play the game I loaded the first level and the graphics were disasterous. There was gaps in walls, i could see through my gun and the list goes on and on. So i decided to install it on another computer. Again the install went fine, but this time i could actually se the game probperly. It was my graphics card.Long story short, i got the problems all fixed. SO on to the game. I think that it is reasonably good and the story line is fun, but can sometimes be a bit drawn out. The first few levels take a bit of getting used to even though it takes you through a tutorial level. Some places of the game are a bit hard to understand and you can easily get lost.The game was pretty easy to complete (says I who plays these games almost 24/7, jk) though others maay find it a but hard to finish.I would still recommend this to everyone to buy, a great game and a bit of fun - killing all those aliens!!
  16. HiI just re installed windows on my computer (I know i can hear people saying "Why Windows", but i need it to run certain programs) and i have encountered a problem with my screensaver.I have it set to load the "My Pictures" screensaver after 3 minutes. But after 3 minutes the screen saver wont appear!! I have also set my monitor to turn off (standby) after 5 minutes. The only thing that i find strange is that when i have locked the computer (e.g switch user) and it is sitting on the login screen, the monitor will go into standby after 5 minutes, but before that no screensaver appears.I am wondering why this is happening. I have tried everything, turning it on and off, changing screensavers and times. Nothing will make it work.Thanks for your help!
  17. Hi, A programt that I can suggest that is very good is Microsoft Visio. It is great at creating network diagrams as well as many other things, I use it for all my work at home. It comes pre-installed with diagrams, pictures and everything you need. Also, it has a very easy to use User Interface. all you have to do is drag the item you want (say like a remote computer terminal) onto the document and start from there. Draw lines from picture to picture. The lines and pictures automatically lok to the grid as well. Though you did say that you wanted it to be free. Microsoft Visio is not that, why would microsoft make it free?? But, you can download a free 30-day trial from them to play around with. If you like it so much after that you can even purchase it. After 30 days it will go into reduced function mode and some functions will not be available. Still its a great way to test out the product. If you want to try it out go to: https://products.office.com/de-DE/visio?legRedir=true&CorrelationId=8b7f21a9-8127-4c5f-b4e2-8bbcd4733771 By the way, it is a rather large download (100MB +) so you may want to take some time to download it. Its definatley worth it though! Hope you have fun creating networks!
  18. Hey Hercco,Thank you for your help. I was hoping it would not have to come to having to move the wireless router (I get the BEST reception where it is), but as you said the study computer would work if the if it was connected via ethernet to the D-link. I tink im going to go with that so i will be able to print off my laptop (just what i need!!)But, the strange thing was that when i opened up a few ports on the D-Link and the internet modem i was able to get a connection going between the bedroom and study computers. The only reason I didn't keep it was that i think i may have opened all those ports to the internet (I think) so i closed them right away.Thank you for your help!!
  19. I recently bough a new wireless router to connect my laptop to the internet. Before this I already had two computers, one in the study and one in my bedroom. The study and bedroom computers were connected to a Broadband Router (Alcatel SpeedTouch 530), one via usb and the other Ethernet. They were perfectly fine, they could connect, share files and print on shared printers. Till i bought the Wireless Router!!To achieve the best reception for Wireless I had to place the Wireless Router in my bedroom. By the way the Wireless Router is a D-Link DI-524. The D Link was connected to the SpeedTouch via ethernet. The D Link has a internet out port, so i used that one (like it said!) I then connected my computer to one of the local ethernet ports on the D Link. The Problem is, i can't connect the Bedroom Computer to the Study Computer. I can't even ping the other computer!Below are some flow charts showing how the devices are linked together (just in case you couldn't understand what i said before)BEDROOM COMPUTER:Internet > SpeedTouch (Ethernet) > D-Link (Ethernet) > ComputerSTUDY COMPUTER:Internet > SpeedTouch (USB) > ComputerWIRELESS LAPTOP:Internet > SpeedTouch (Ethernet) > D-Link (Wireless) > ComputerAlso, the Laptop and Bedroom computer can sahre and print fine (I workewd that bit out fine!)Thanks!!
  20. Wow, that is one amazing computer. I wish my computer was that good. THe only thing i have to say is how much did it cost! But, that aside there is so much you could do with it. Games are only a start, and as finaldesign said that would be a great computer for graphic designing.If i had the money, and the time i think i would give it a go, it would be a bit of fun! And a great after product!!
  21. I can see the point in why he is sueing Apple (even though it is absolutly crazy). On the other side of the scale Apple shouldn't be producting mp3 players that can seriously damage users hearing. It is only 20 or so seconds that it has to be on for it the be dabgerous, which some may say is ok, but in my opinion is way to much.Apple shouldn't make products that can seriously damage listeners hearing and people shouldn't just sue companes for every which thing that they can find. Its a two sided battle!
  22. After changing from IE to Firefox a few years agoand so far, I havent looked back. The Tabs, countless extensions and most importantly SECURITY!!! Mozilla Corp has made a beauty here! Even since Firefox was first launced, Microsoft has been trying to keep up.Now Microsoft has launced their IE7 browser. Now with all the same features as Firefox. But will it ever be the same as Firefox?? Firefox has a huge fan base, thousands apon thousands of extensions and a great track record. What does Microsoft have? Thousands apon thousands of Security leaks and flaws plus more.But you here me say, Firefox does have its problems. Not all sites are compatable with Firefox and not everyone wants to use it after using IE for so long! It is only going to be a matter of time before Firefox becomes a more popular browser (if it isn't already) and not long before web designers make all their websites "Firefox Ready".Myself, i have tried the new IE7 and have to say, its getting better. But since changing to Firefox, i dont think I will be changing back!
  23. jimmy89


    This idea sounds like a great laptop for programming. As a programmer myself i know how hard it can be (sometimes) to test programs on all different types of platforms. Gone are the days where we would have a heap of computers, all with different Operating Systems and running our program. And yes, i know you are out their saying "What about OS emulation programs", I agree, but with what limitations do they have?This tri-boot system, I think, would be great for all us programmers out there. I say try, try your hardest. As mentioned before, different partitions etc make it hard, but im sure that we will be able to do it soon, soon enough!
  24. This is just another one of those really, funny interesting things from Microsoft we see every now and again! Its a shame that so much is "lost in translation" as the saying goes!! It is also a significant sign that microsoft is trying to make everyone run THEIR way!!Still, besides everything said it is one of the most hellarious moves made by Microsoft. I'm sure it wont be too long before we see another one of these floating through our inbox's!!
  25. Another great hardware checker has to be PC Wizard 2006. Its free, nice and quick and it can find anything you need. I can remember the link exactly, but if you search google for it, it will be one of the first few results.Definatly a recommended program!!
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