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Everything posted by street

  1. Well on Feb 1,2007 there was a Boston scare over a group of signs of the characters on Aqua Teen Hunger Force Ignignokt and Err if you dont know who they are i suggest you look it up. Now in some parts of the subway areas of boston neon signs of Ignignokt and Err doing what they are famous giving the bird was thought to be a threat of terrorism seeing that a majority of these signs was all over that seem a bit suspicious so the Boston police did what they had to do and took action by doing this they shut down the roads and everything was at a stand still remember all this is going on just for some signs of Ignigokt and Err then they finally realized after a few hrs past that it was a advertising scheme. Oops that made Boston be the center of jokes for late night tv shows. Now they are trying to put blame on cartoon network for doing something like this and they arrested the two men who was putting up the signs. Ok that was my summary on the event,now i think that the Boston police over reacted a bit to much they could have done this under the table with out having everyone scared out of the minds but i guess only the people who did not know about the show was going crazy. There are signs about events all over the city and they come to the conclusion that a sign giving the bird is a sign of terrorism it is not like it was a sign that had bin landen on it burning the American flag it was just a character. Out of this whole event i got a good chuckle out of it cause i have seen these sign before and now they are gone and the outcome of all this is cartoon network gain the advertisement that they wanted also i feel sorry for people who was in boston and you was stuck in traffic or locked in somewhere with out knowing what is going on. terriost
  2. This is a abstract that i made then i created it in to a wallpaper i think it has a nice outcome. (Note it is huge so i am just going to link it from my deviant account hope i dont get penalized for it) http://street23.deviantart.com/art/Crest-47348401
  3. The thing that irk my nerves is when people spray on axe as if it is a Cologne it gets on my nerves cause the spray it up and down at least twice. I tell them it is a dedorant but they said that it makes them smell good gosh people are so stupid.
  4. My top favorite shows areFamily GuyEureka 7Trinity BloodDirtBilly and Mandy(i know it is a kid show but if you watch it you will love it )
  5. ok thanx for telling me the reason why my site was not being viewed by others.
  6. thanx for doing that. Ok to answer you questions Myurl-http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Browser used-I used mozilla Cache-Not cleared will do it when i get home Yes my site is new I dont know if my isp update is there a way to check? Also i checked to see if it blocking the site and it is not. Also i am checking it from school and it works fines.
  7. so i got a question is it my sig fault that i cant view my site but others can view it?
  8. Had the same problem but then i got tivo so now i don't have to worry. Also if you don't have tivo and you have more than one tv in your household get a vcr and tape the other show in the other room and you watch the other show and when the show that you just watch is over go get your tape and watch you will have to fast forward through the commercial but that is not a big hassle.
  9. Microsoft loves to give there competition a lead and then they come back with a one two hit ko. The new windows live mail is still in its beta version so that shows that microsoft is not finish yet when the final version comes out i guarantee that everyone is going to flock over to live mail.
  10. i think the colts are going to win all the hype that they are not going to even beat the ravens which happen and all the hype about them always losing to the patriots and that game was just going to be another lost for the colts which did not happen and they won in style too from 3 in the start and the patriots had 21 and they came back and won that is really good. Also when a team can shut out another team from making any first downs for 2 quarters that sounds like a super team to me. I am not a colts fan just really proud on what they have been doing and not letting the pressure get to them. Colts for the Super Bowl!
  11. i don't think the internet could be destroyed there are computer masters out there planning these kinds of situation everyday we just don't now about it. Also if an event like this did happen i guarantee that it will be solved in 5 min cause then all the greatest computer masters will band together and take out this menace and save the internet once more. LOL
  12. wow it looks like the ds is trying to step there game up a bit there but by doing this only for the ds lite was not a smart move what about the small kids who don't know how to use the internet at there parents don't know to go to opera and follow the steps to install the browser. Also by making people do it on there own they might mess up there ds and then they will be forced to by a lite.
  13. i find runescape to be kind of amusing to see how all my friends are telling me to get on saying that it is so good and stuff i went on the training island just killed me then after that everything just got boring. Then one of my friends should me a good rpg world of warcraft and that is the reason i left runescape. I don't play warcraft that much, i am to busy coding.
  14. installing smileys is something that can be done in a min so i think that they are getting the main mods and everything up.
  15. i hate ads but i like them at the same time when i bored i go find one of those ad games and i play they are quite for a good 2 min lol but i really hate pop ups they are the worst of them all when you are browsing it just pop ups with these blinking lights you are a winner gosh it gets on my nerves but that happen rarely now of these days for me.
  16. Well to me the chupacabra is just another myth that has been seen by few and not believed by others. I do think that it is possible that back in the day when they thought the chupacabra was sucking out there goats blood it could have been a bat cause this never happen during to the day it usually happen during the night so back then they just never saw the bat doing this so they made there own image on what kind of beast would do something like this and that is how i think that the chupacabra came me to do be what it is now.
  17. that is not real there is no way sony will make a mistake like you really don't know what is real now of these days when you get them of the internet if a slip up like this had happen sony will have made a announcement about it on the news that they have to recall all their new ps3 controllers or something. Sony is a super business the only problem they have is technical ones spelling mistakes is something that will never happen. Another reason is everyone already had all the hype of the ps3 so they will look at making the ps3 perfect.
  18. My favorite email service is windows mail it is going to be the new hotmail it is a big step up from hotmail it has drag and drop features faster and the design is really good. Right now it is in the beta version but it is going to be available real soon for everyone so you should stick with hotmail. Cause when it is upgraded it will be the best mail service out there.
  19. Congrats on making your 1000th post i have never been able to reach 1000th post i always get close but then i sit there for a while and think to myself i posted on this site 1000 times and i am still in the member group so i only try to gain more posts at sties where the active members get recognized just like Xisto
  20. I really don't hate school i find school to be the best place to be. Think about if you just was staying home all the time you would not have any friends no social skills and also you will not be able gain any kind of knowledge and the number one thing is you will be bored out of your mind doing the same thing over and over again. Even if you have a job the people you work would not want to become one of your close friends and they might not be in to the type of things you are in to. When you go to school you find people that have the same interest as you even teachers and you are gaining information for you to use in the future. In my opinion going to school helps build your character.
  21. Well this is how i see no matter what happens bill gates will never go out business. How many of you all out there has Microsoft office on your computer i guess a majority of users. Another thing is apple computers already have a bad reputation from there past computers most potential buyers always look at the past history on things. Back then Apple was labeled bad. In the time of windows 95 no one jumped to apple they stayed with Microsoft do you all no the reason why? My guess is because windows was the best to use back then. Also PC vs Mac and all that other stuff it is not about the games if you want to make your pc better all you have to do is buy a new part for it no big deal. You can have an ancient pc and its performance is just like a new computer you cant do that with a mac. So PC will always be the choice of computers buyers.
  22. i suggest you get dbz it is a really good game but that is my opinion also seeing that there is so much fighting you have to do so you will be getting a good work out of playing dbz lol. Also if you are looking for a better game i suggest you get Zelda one of the best games to get for the Wii.
  23. This is for all you who think that the ps3 is a bit to expensive. First of all the ps3 was not suppose to be at the price it is now cause sony is losing money for making them instead of gaining. Another thing is blueray players range from $800 up. When you get the ps3 you are getting a deal cause you are getting a high def player and also you are getting a system that packs a punch in graphics and game play. Also there has been a issue about the hdtv you have to get well my monitor is hd so there is my tv a 20 inc monitor is good enough for me to play my games and watch tv.
  24. I use dreamweaver when i was doing a class we used notepad it was harder to code using notepad cause one you do a long code it is hard to find the code and the undo only goes back once. With dream weaver i am able to see what i am making without having to save and go open Mozilla just to see how it looks. When i code in dreamweaver my code is best viewed in Mozilla in other browser it looks really bad i recently had to redo one of my pages so it looks decent in internet explorer and other browsers. I tried front page and it is very hard it is hard to look for certain features. In Dreamweaver you can add a flash object in a second with out the hassle. If you are web designer dreamweaver is the program of choice.
  25. my favorite food is Chinese food my favorite dish is brown rice with honey chicken and a egg roll.
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