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Everything posted by street

  1. it looks like your style is grunge i really like the first one if would have been better if it did have so much going on and the text could be a better it is to plain for a grunge sig.
  2. well it is there life they can choose what they want to do also if they are caught they should not be sent to jail cause when they are jail they will just kill themselves in jail.
  3. yea it was a bit to dark the left navigation was already dark but the diagonal lines was put on there a bit to much so that makes it look even more dark. Also the font looks a bit choppy but everything else looks good.
  4. i don't think that the U.S would allow all there satellites to be shot down with out them doing something. Also we don't know if the U.S have backup satellites waiting for a event like this to happen also if china does something like that i guarantee that there would be a big war and china would not want to start something like that would they?
  5. my favorite place to play online games is newgrounds it has a series of flash games that have been made flash users and some made by professionals they have games from classic to rpg but you need to have flash installed something that every user should have by now.
  6. my favorite game type is rpg i just cant get enough of them rpg just have so much to do and there is strategy in to this types of games that is why i like.
  7. i think so because the google spiders can not go in your site and search for the feature where they will be able to change the language type so you have to tell the google spiders that you site has that certain language in your language if put it in english then it would not show up in foreign search engines.
  8. wow i really think that is messed up buy finding the gun he just saved another Columbian incident and he gets expelled for it i find that does not make no sense at all he does the right thing and gets in trouble for it. He doesn't even get a a big thank you from the school but instead they expel him i don't see anything this boy did wrong except saving all his classmates life.
  9. Well you can put almost anything in a chip. Take a video game disc for example it has a whole game in there so putting a code in a chip is really simple they also will be able to put it in another way when you are setting up your computer for the first time. This is how i see it there is no way to run from the government even if you get a mac they will still find a way to put that file in the macs so don't be scared to get the new vista cause of those articles cause whatever computer brand you choose to get i guarantee the government is already in it.
  10. nice tutorial but i really do not like the outcome it looks a big blob of jelly i really cant see the abstract in there but nice tutorial thou.
  11. that is a good effect but it will get annoying sometimes and also that might slow down your board and some people like simple and easy also seeing that it does not work in Mozilla a majority of people would not want to add it.
  12. well seeing that it is a foreign search in a different language you probably need to have your site in different languages cause that is how Google spiders look for sites if you don't have some kind of text in Chinese then it would not show up. That is why i think that your site is not showing up in the country version if it is all English.
  13. really nice effect there adding a c4d is always a better way to make a sig have more detail and catch the eye of the viewer in the sig i have i used a c4d render you cant see it that good but it is in there.
  14. really nice effect there i always wanted to add rain to a sig i think that the animated version of it is a bit better but still a really good tutorial.
  15. well you might want to get a plane that is able to handle high winds and other kind of storms cause you would like a plane that is small and cant handle tough weather.
  16. well back then they really did not know what to look when they was talking about life on mars we don't even know if there are aliens walking around with us eating our food gaining information on us. We just know who is who anymore.
  17. i went to Google and searched for free web hosting with no ads and a few came but when i looked at the offers they had for free hosts they where lacking. Then I found Xisto and the benefits here for free web hosting is beyond what other sites could have offer.
  18. i really like how the render blends in with the background and the text looks good for grunge type sigs what is the name of the font. Yea deviantart is the place to go for stock photos and also for grunge brushes even thou it is better to make your own.
  19. this is a really good tutorial i always wanted to know how to make a random sig come up every time i am going to use this for different banners on my site instead for on a forum. PHP always seem like a complex language and you make it look so simple.
  20. i dont think that the moon landing was a fake because if you think about where in the US would they do the moon landing with out information being leaked out also the camera issue if they can make a rocket of course they can make a camera that is used by a robot also the camera could have been built in the rocket and controlled by using a satellite.
  21. i hated chemistry when i took it i thought it was going to be easy but i was wrong the teacher expected us to know all the materials to make gold and other products after i took the class i learned nothing cause after he said we need to know the whole Periodic Table i just stop doing the work and i slept in that class.
  22. I disagree with you there when Microsoft went in to the video games market with the xbox everyone was saying the same thing to much people had ps2 and seeing those facts they thought the xbox was not going to be a hit and it is with xbox live and with the classic game halo which really put xbox on the map. The Zune is just version 1 when the new one comes out i guarantee that it would have so much features that the ipod will be something of the pass.
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