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Posts posted by HoRuS

  1. Those 2080 peoples died in vain, since that war wasn't approved by the UN and true, it certainly seems like revenge. Revenge for something what the Bush administration is responible for themselves. I saw many reports on the "terrorist" attacks and what I saw disturbs me greatly. Like for example that "co?ncidentialy" there were 3 antiterrorist exersises at the same time that the real hijacking took place, so flight-control didn't know where to look for the real emergency to scramble fighters on time, guess who ordered those exersises... Mr. Cheney. We all know mr. Cheney wanted to goto war and build his pipelines. There is also reports of the government wanting to reduce worldpopulation to a third of it's size, so only the "elite" are here. Now tell me, they're doing a great job now eh? The militairy are just simple puppets in the hands of Bush and he wouldn't care if another 2080 soldiers would die for his ideals, nor he would care for another 10000 when another disaster happens.Just my 2 cents

  2. Hmm the Mayans predictions are very similar with the Ancient Egyptian culture, wich predicted exact the same thing (funny because our scientists and teachers tell us they had no connection, yeah right!). But they did not predict THE end, but AN end. Maybe in 2012 people will become wise enough to be worthy of a change wich makes life better. Anyhow the Mayans and Egyptians knew more then we do now, they had more knowledge of life instead of technology wich made them more accurate then we are now.

    Seen the way we live and rule our planet, it isn't a waste to have a change soon.

  3. Not quite Saint Michael,
    it was the US who started the whole Iraq thing, Iraq was a very rich nation (one of the richest in their region), untill the bs begun. Iraq didn't invade Quwait for no reason, a US diplomat showed Saddam radar images of Quwaiti's stealing oil from Iraq territory. The US sold weapons, tanks and missiles to Iraq to attack Iran. (they told him Iran was going to invade Iraq) and the list goes on and on.
    To me it seems US politics (not the people) only want war everywhere so they can sell all their weaponry, what use are weapons if there is no fight? ;)
    Propaganda Matrix

  4. I agree with KASM on all points.Iraq will be divided and I also believe the US will settle more troops (or they command EU forces to do so) so they can invade Iran and/or Saudi Arabia after telling more lies to us. Or even reenact a new 9/11 scene and blame more muslims. I believe the US government should concern more about it's internal politics before meddling in other peoples business.

  5. Therapy that's true. I bet many people will watch, allthough I can't undertsand why... Big Brother is just a mindless game, in wich people watch and vote over other peoples lives... Come on! Don't they have lives of themselves. I for one also wouldnt like to be watched for 24/7, not even for half a million euro's ;) .Only thing I'm thinking of is, whats next? Big Brother X-rated on cartoon Network :P

  6. well...It is just like that: JAPANESE were asked to give up and the war would be over! But they didn't - so the punishment had to come!  If they wouldn't have thrown these bombs than all the other deaths of innocent ppl and soldiers would bo without any meaning...THE WAR HAD TO END!! and this was the only way to do it...so I hope you don't think that this was just because Americans are so happy killin people ?! Nobody likes to kill civilians if he is not a psycho & war has that sort of outcomes - this is why war should not start at first place!!!


    But I usually look at it...that it had to happen because there was so much karmatic tension that it had to release...Without that everything is nonsense!


    I agree with the last part though, but if the US were asked to give up, they wouldn't have given up as well. If Japan threw an Atomic bomb on the US they would still be charged for warcrimes, it's just hypocrite, that's all...

  7. I use Avast antivirus and it helped me block maaaany virusses and spyware, before that I have to f-disk every 3 or 4 weeks. Internet is full of crap like that.
    I just booted my pc an hour ago and allready have this in my logs:

    [217] Microsoft Multiple Application/OS GDI+ JPEG Processing Buffer Overflow Vulnerability attempt detected (CAN-2004-0200)---
    Somebody is scanning your computer.
    Your computer's TCP ports:
    8080, 2301, 3128, 8000 and 80 have been scanned from xx.xx.xx.xx.
    Unsolicited incoming ARP reply detected, this is a kind of MAC spoofing that may consequently do harm to your computer.

    Packet data is shown in the right window.

    Gladfully they were all blocked :)

  8. Vandals I think are people who are pissed off and wreck anything on their way.For example here in Holland (and England) there are hooligans, when their soccerteam looses, they can put whole cities to ashes, in a matter of speech. I have the idea they are brainless peoples who can't think beyond their own "world" so they can't see what they do to other peoples. Oh and usually they are drunk as [bleep].

  9. We are a new clan in CoD and the Q2 modification Dday Normandy and maybe willing to expand unto other games. This clan is led by =PoW=TigerStyle and me =PoW=HoRuS (yes, I run 2 clans now, one for RPG and one for FPS).

    We are open for recruitment and our site can be found here and our forums here.

    Hopefully till soon :)

    If there are any questions feel free to ask.




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    Please use specific topic title and its description. It is Xisto's forum rule.

  10. Haha Rose looks good, worth a try.

    I like the following games as MMoRGP's the best, maybe usefull to post:

    Fall of empires

    Kings of Chaos

    Legends of elveron(also cool phpBB skin for free :D)


    GalaxisStar Gate Wars

    Legend of the green Dragon?

    Dark ThroneRunescape (this one sucks tho)

    GUA(has some nice RPG forums)


    Hmmm these are all I have in my favourites atm

    Knock thy self out :)


    Notice from Wassie:
    Edited as per requested.

  11. No country should have these weapons, no civilian should have to pay for their politicians stupidiness.The fact that these weapons are produced (everywhere) can piss me off ridiculously.But my main concern is that the US and some European nations also produce them and they won't get charged nor invaded. Everyone should eliminate nuclear weapons but politics have spreaded too much hatered that nobody is willing to do this, because when the US and EU eliminates them, Iran and N.Korea will be like "now let's make them pay for they've done" and vice versa. Maybe it's time our "civilization" comes to an end, so we can make a fresh start, allthough we most likely make the same mistakes again -_-

  12. They're the first made the problem, with attacking pearl harbour!They colonize Indonesia, Vietnam, Korea they rape woman, they servitude the citizen, they stole all natural resources from the colonized country!
    and now what they do? nothing... except Trying to hide their sin by change their history text book and tell fairy-tale to their new generation about how good they are, how brave their soldier, etc
    When I was primary 5 and my teacher tought me about the history of world war 2, I realized how evil japanese people. and I was so thankfull to US who made and drop that atomic bomb. Right after that some of colonized country realized it's good time to get their independence.

    Teachers always teach about history in your nations favor. They don't tell you about what your nation did before things occured. Remember the US is stolen from the indians and those patriots raped women as well and stole (still steal) natural resources from a land that isn't theirs.
    If the Japanese invaded Pearl Harbor first, why didn't the US just invade back, instead of slaughtering innocent women and children with a coward nuke?

    When you attack someone what do they do? Retaliate. When they attacked pearl harbor what did we do? Retaliate. What did they expect, us to back off and let them take over the contry? The japaneese were relentless and that is why we used the A-Bomb. Besides if the japaneese were smart they would run when they see papers falling from the sky telling them they are about to be bombed. Truman made an example of japan, so nobody would think the usa is weak.

    As I said above, why a weak retaliation with a nuke? Fight man to man, like a real man :lol:
    And what about proving usa is weak? They still invade poor nations and steal resources, with the excuse of "we want to make the world a better place (for us)". They forbid everyone to have no nuclear nor massdestructions weapons, while they have the biggest arsenal themselves... How fair. -_-

    My words aren't to insult people but to let people see the other side of the medalion.
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