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Posts posted by HoRuS

  1. Normally it should be fun to go out with friends... Drinking, dancing and everything fun.Yesterday I went out with 2 friends, a girl and a boy, the guy was in love with the girl and all 3 of us were having fun for hours untill the girl saw an old friend and went there. I was still having fun, but the guy I was with was jealous because the girl was talking for hours with the other friend. After some time we went there to say hi and she was kissing the other guy...After this the guy I was with started acting jealous and I think he wanted the girl to pity his, cause he started to pretend he was dizzy and had no oxygen... Somewhat I knew he was acting but I brought him outside for 2 times for fresh air (you never know) and the 3rd time the security guy told us to get our coats and leave... When I explained him about the dizzyness and all, he said we went outside 3 times now and that's enough... I can understand his point of view though, but my evening was messed up, only cuz I wanted to help my friend... When I brought him home, I asked him if it was real or if he just faked his 'dizzyness' and he told me he used that kinda stuff to get girls to pity him ;) So I will never ask him to come along anymore... heh, why some people think a girl will fall for them by pitying them...

  2. Wow... my boss wanted me to explore other operating systems for their pc's, incliding Linux ;) After reading all this, I better not go into that, knowing that the pc won't survive (pc+window=no good)Anyways, after all this programming they did on Linux, there should be available drivers, software and all, but where-ever I look, everything runs on windows and Linux versions for most software is way too hard to find, those peoples who made windows and those who made Linux better fuse and make a operating system wich is both secure and easy in use. ;)

  3. Here in the Randstad, Holland, public transport is really punctual. They are usually on time and the network really is like an oiled machine. But whenever I get out of the region, the further I get, the more irritated I get, it seems like the further I go, the less it's organized lol so most of teh time I'll stay here :P

  4. K number one men dont know the bond that women go through when there carrying a child and the emontions they feel..whether there good or bad.


    Honestly no men has the right to decide whether women should or shouldnt be allow to make those decisions. and plus it goes against the charter of rights under selection 7.


    And noone can use church as a reason why cuz religion has nothing to do with polits and should never be allowed into law.


    True, no man should be able to make decisions for women. All I tried to say was think of the consequences before the act. And those rapers should be shot on sight, since they cause alot of misery.


    And about the bond between a woman and her child... I have a son as well, wich I have to raise all alone. This is due to the "bond" his mother has, wich means going out is far more important, so it's not always like that :P

  5. This happens because it's a good stimulation for the economy, just like Christmas.In these months there is no other way to get people to spend a lot of $$$ other then let them buy present in someone elses name. Plus I think it's a way to teach people to lie, since our whole civilization is based on lies.

  6. Today 5th december, we in Holland celebrate SinterKlaas, translated Saint Klaus (SantaClause / typo?). He was some Turkish guy who gave to poor children all kinda presents with his Turkish sidekicks, Zwarte Piet (Black Pete's) who were black from the chimney dust.On this day all children get presents, wich their parents buy and wrap in and that Saint guy gets away with the credit lol. Allthough I don't really mind this, it bugs me that children get lied to that this man is still alive and gives them presents. When they reach a certain age, their parents or friends suddenly tell them that he is allready dead for like 400 years wich brakes their harts, do we teach our children to lie??? :P Also the real peoples were all Turkish, but now they are shown as a white Catholic Saint wich owns like a 1000 African Slaves. Hmmm kinda weird eh?Anyways, allthough this day is great for those children who still believe in him, but I have mixed feelings about it and in a few weeks the other guy comes along, Santaclaus, wich we in Holland call De Kerstman... Economy, economy, economy :P

  7. Haha I also do the same when a dream is worth writing down.
    Last night I had the craziest dream though... I was at work and there was a soccermatch within the company between my favourite local club, ADO Den Haag and a team called "white power (ugh)" :P
    Anyways after the match I went to get my coat off and there she was, the girl of my dreams, she hugs me and I woke up... grrrrr I really hate it when that happens.
    Am glad I understand some of the meanings of dreams, but still, it always happens when a dream gets interesting :P

  8. I heard once the HAARP project is also for defence from threats from outerspace, they say they mean asteroids by this, but why such a complex defence-system for a piece of rock? I believe our leaders know more then they tell us. What were those things crashing in Roswell? What were those things reported in the sky back in WWII? What are those aircrafts wich the Maya's, Inca's and Egyptians painted on their walls? I knowfor sure we are not alone in our dark corner in the universe and if I was an alien, I would love to disable the system that we human-beings live in :P

  9. My take on the war? Well,:


    1.  We went in there for several reasons.  We are trying to acomplish those.

    2.  We are trying to liberate a suppressed country, it is not the people who are killing our troops, but the terrorists.

    3.  We got rid of Sadam, that is enough for me to support the war.

    4.  We are establishing Democracy, one of the best forms of government.

    5.  But, Bush gets blamed for it.  Why?  He had no choice but to go in and get rid of the terrorists, if not, then who is to stop those people from coming in and causing more havoc?


    What am I coming to?  I believe that the war, although not always benefiting us, is liberating a people who have lived with murder and violence.  what we are doing is great.  We needed to go in.  the price is high, but the price without it is even higher.  Although I don't support war itself, I do support the casue of what we are doing.  I believe that we are taking longer than we should, but if we got into high gear, I think we would be out soon.


    1. There was and is no valid reason to accomplish for US army in Iraq

    2. The majoroty in Iraq wasn't supressed and those who were, Sadam was told by US diplomats, they were a threat to the Iraqi order.

    3. Sadam = Bush = Sadam... They are both wicked leaders who are eager for power.

    4. Democracy? yea for the rich and elite... Even in our Western Nations democracy is corrupted.

    5. Bush and his used false information to invade Iraq, there was no connection between the Al "cia" Qaida and Sadam Hussein, that information was falsified only to legalize an attack, in wich the US has and have control over one of the biggest oilfields.


    Those who arw above Bush only care for the oil in that region and for their white "supremacy", they don't care for freedom nor humanrights, thats what is shown by the Allied offensive. And the statement about terrorist activity really ain't true, since the ones who "attacked" NY were those who are funded and ordered by the CIA. Of course, now there is anarchy and terrorism in Iraq, but that for the US to blame, since they caused anarchy with their invasion. What would you do if people invaded and wrecked your hood in wich you was happy and prosperous? :)

  10. :) OMG!! when I started reading this I was really LMAO!!! LOL, bush is at war with space. LOL. It wouldnt surprise me, he probably thinks that aliens have weapons of mass destruction hidden in some far away galaxy. LOL. It reminds me of the southpark episode where they are in war with heaven because saddam has weapons of mass destruction up there.


    About the UFO's being real or not, Im thinking, why wouldnt they be real?? Just look at the picture in the link, the one at the bottom. Look at the image of the hubble deep field, it looks like a bunch of candies, LOL. Think we are the only galaxy with a planet inhabitated with life? Yeah right... Maybe not human life but other types of beings, maybe dinosaurs, animals, other life forms.. etc.


    What do you all think? I think the Star Dreams Initiative is interesting.. B)


    hmm Bush should be scared, very scared :P

    Serious, aliens would need to protect themselves against persons like Bush. On the other hand, if they are so advanced over us, why would they have weapons? They could mindcontrol us, even better then Bush tries. I think there is a big possibility that aliens exist, since there are like billions of galaxies and I don't think all are hostile. Maybe thats just an idea implanted by movies as Alien, Independence Day and more of those.

    Maybe there is also a possibility of esoteric beings or more wich goes beyond our understanding.

  11. Well it's just an ordinairy place and an ordinairy job.The 6 months rule is just way to stupid, how can they know nothing happens in those months and what if... They wanna sue her? lolAm allready searching for another job though, one with better money and less rules in the contract and I believe if I go it's the only way to keep her from trouble, since there was no rule like that in my contract B)lol employers get more sick every day

  12. A few weeks ago a sweet angel entered my life, bad thing is she works the same place as I.I get a lot of "signs" from her, that she likes me more then collegues should, but this is my problem...When she signed up for the job, in her contract was a line that she never would be allowed to start a relationship or "private" friendship trough work even after 6 months after she left the job. (stupid rule :lol: ).I'm totally in love with her, but dunno what to do, since I don't want her to get in trouble, because when they find out we like eachother as much as we do, she will loose her job and credibility, but she is too sweet to let her pass... Grrrr am about to loose it lol

  13. Hmmm I believe T17 will always be free as long as people won't abuse it and keep posting. There is a payed hosting connected to T17, known as Xisto - Web Hosting.But I think people are always free to donate, but a "forced" fee? I don't believe that will happen. (well it's more like hope it won't happen lol)

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