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Posts posted by HoRuS

  1. True! History is written by the victors and that's the problem. Eversince WW2 the American government decides what is written in history-books and what should be left out. Even in their movies it,s always this: America = good guys, the rest of the world except UK = bad guys.


    First of all, America is stolen from the Indians, so what the **** are they trying to tell us what is justice? It's a nation, build on blood and still spreading blood, but now around the globe. Don't get me wrong, most citizens are aight, but the government is corrupt eversince they set foot on that land.


    Always in the wars in wich the US fight, more citizens get killed then soldiers, whether it is in Hiroshima or Iraq. Now they're telling other nations to get rid of nukes, while they're one who used nukes themselves. Iraq never used nukes, Iran never used nukes, Japan never used nukes but the US did! Is this justice?

  2. I hate the whole money system as well and there are ways to get rid f that system, but that's up to those who have the power, wich like it like this, because money is power and they have all the money :) I'm from a not so wealthy family, but I still make the most of life (not the most of money lol) I know how it affects your social status, if you want to be with rich people that is. Also remember everyone from my class had nikes and those brands, when I came with my all new 'wallmart' shoes, my first pair of nikes were at the age of 19.But I think if your social status is suffering due to your wealth or non-wealth, then you must have the wrong friends. That's what I learned back then. (ima old tard :))

  3. I'll take you up on that, if you don't mind the invasion of an outside poster into your dispute. I do agree with you that several can be easily brushed aside. One example asks if God is a God of War or Peace... but that can perhaps be easily solved by saying he is both (though it leaves me with an uneasy feeling in the end, and I think there is more to it.)


    Also, in the "Is Jesus equal to or Lesser Than"... Jesus says "I and my Father are one" and then "my Father is greater than I." You can very simply say it only means Jesus IS God, but that God himself is greater. (again a bit uneasy for me, but it more or less works out.)


    God is the Intelligence who created all, It isn't a "God of ...".

    It's more like God made man, man made war, war kills man.


    The Jesus-part is kind of a paradox, or so it seems...

    Jesus did say "I and my Father are one" wich refers to what I believe that we are all part of God. Children of God.

    "my Father is greater than I."... God will always be the Intelligence wich created us and we will never be as good, caring, intelligent, spiritual, wise and so on as God.

  4. It depends for me as well, when I read the first post, I go to the next reply and read at least a few sentenses and if I don't find it interesting I read the next and so on. When I reply myself I use those I read to formulate my answer. There are some topics in wich I just reply directly to the first post, it all depends on if I think it's interesting and of course if I have the time to read it all.

  5. Heh, I once had a collegue, who was sexually confused as well. At first I hang out with him cuz he appeared hetero to me and when I got to know him well, it came out he was confused as well and that he was attracted to me... omg! At that time I had a girlfriend and he tried everything to brake us up, even call me in the middle of the night, that's when I broke all contact with him, cause thats just sick.He told me once, he was like that because his dad didn't give him the attention and love that a kid needed, so I believe it can be possible this kinda confusion partly depends on how people are raised.

  6. Hmmmm it's the parents job to watch their kids what they do and where they do it.I kind of understand why explicit words are not allowed, because some parents think too easy or not at all and let their kids go anywhere. But it's not the admins/moderators jod to babysit those who are underaged here, it's still their parents job.

  7. For real...


    Ok I have the urge to go way off topic now with a preach about democracy...

    They invade Iraq, the invasion gone well and once they finished the invasion they say:"we won". But the thing is, most soldiers are dying now, after their so called 'victory'. And now they still ain't done in Iraq, and allready planning to attack other countries. How stupid can one be? What I also can see happening is when they do invade Iran, Iran attacks Israel, who might retaliate on the weaker countries, such as Palestina, so the whole region gets destabilized. That's not all though...

    In a lot of western countries western people and arabic people live together, if that region goes into a big war, people (maybe even your neighbour if he is Arabic) will have their own opinions about it and tention will rise between etnicies(typo?) and a lot more terrorist attack will come due to the fact they despite the western people for supporting and fighting wars. Kinda like domino's, when one stone falls, he pushes the other stones, wich push others as well...


    My apologies for the dogmatic western and Arabic people, but I didn't know how to explain it otherwise.



  8. My ex-mother in law also drove me nuts at times, allthough she was one of the best you could wish. In the beginning I could sit up all night and talk with her, but as time passed, it got less. She also has health problems, she couldn't sleep all night and her temperature was always high, she even sweat when it's icy outside. I told her not to take those sleeping-pills from the doctor, since they are kinda addictive, and switch to herbal(ish) medications. She refused and began to complain constantly and she can't sleep without those pills :( . Also she likes to drink a lot, wich I think isn,t good for her health condition as well.But besides this she was an awesome woman, who always was there when someone needed her, I have to say.

  9. I believe In god, I pray for him every night before going to sleep, with the prayers I was taught when I was taken to church and church school when I was a kid. And above all I thank god, not like most religious people that are always asking and asking, instead of acting. I am not an atheist, and I respect all religions and the people who are part of them, but I do not tolerate fanatics or converters, I think they should mind their own business, and who really knows whatever happens to the donation money?

    Got to agree on that... Many people only pray and ask questions, instead of thanking for what they allready have. I know a lot of people who gave up their faith because they didn't get what they wanted. I asked them why they lost faith and mostly I got this reply: "I asked for this and that but God never gave it to me" or "God let me down because my life stinks". Typical signs of ungratefullness (typo? lol). They don't want to see the oned they love around them, the food every night on their table, the bed they sleep in, the roof over their heads and even the car they drive in. Guess what... They were mostly Catholics/Christians before they lost their faith... Kinda typical, since I wasn't raised religious and I even give thanks for every breath in my lungs.


    Personally my faith isn't based on a book or on what a priest says, but based on experiences and morale. If I have to explain my faith in a human, religious way, I would say it's a mixture of the ancient Egyptians, Rastafarians and little pieces of other religions, wich my heart told me they were righteous.


    I don't want to judge other peoples, but it's my view on "God".

  10. Sounds more like an advertisement to get a premium account, since they tell you all kinda problems and every time redirect you to the premium account. Maybe people who are new to that kinde stuff will fall for it since many don't know their own IP nor other specifications.

  11. Hmmm killing and getting married are two whole different subjects :P

    Anyways, the idea of 2 people of the same sex doesn't attract me as well, but people are to decide for themselves what's good for them and with whom to marry.


    And uh... the Bible was inspired by people who thought they were close to the God they worship, same as the Koran and all those other holy books, but thats a whole different subject as well.


    We as humans got free will, wich is given by our Creator and isn't given to us to amuse Him/Her/It. So if some want to marry another from the same sex, why not? They ain't hurting other peoples with it. (Except if they go into details :) )

  12. All windows versions have their own 'large' bugs.Win98 has many 'bluescreens' fatal error blabla,WinXP is very easy for spyware to penetrate (even after all those servicepacks)and now there is a new virus spreading trough internet, trough I.E.I think all these bugs and virusses have only one purpose... Stimulate people to buy the newest software eg. Operating Systems, Firewalls, Anti-virus programs. Whether those companies do it on purpose or not, it seems to work lol.I am still on win98 (win98 licensed pc) and if I compare it with XP, microsoft really went down. Yes the interface is nice, yes all new drivers are on it, it's still more buggy then win98, especially the security (even after tweeking and updating). :)

  13. January 2, 2006 -- Intelligence indications and warnings abound as Bush administration finalizes military attack on Iran.
    Intelligence and military sources in the United States and abroad are reporting on various factors that indicate a U.S. military hit on Iranian nuclear and military installations, that may involve tactical nuclear weapons, is in the final stages of preparation. Likely targets for saturation bombing are the Bushehr nuclear power plant (where Russian and other foreign national technicians are present), a uranium mining site in Saghand near the city of Yazd, the uranium enrichment facility in Natanz, a heavy water plant and radioisotope facility in Arak, the Ardekan Nuclear Fuel Unit, the Uranium Conversion Facility and   Nuclear Technology Center in Isfahan, the Tehran Nuclear Research Center, the Tehran Molybdenum, Iodine and Xenon Radioisotope Production Facility, the Tehran Jabr Ibn Hayan Multipurpose Laboratories, the Kalaye Electric Company in the Tehran suburbs, a reportedly dismantled uranium enrichment plant in Lashkar Abad, and the Radioactive Waste Storage Units in Karaj and Anarak.

    Primary target: Bushehr nuclear reactor and hundreds of Russian technicians

    Other first targets would be Shahab-I, II, and III missile launch sites, air bases (including the large Mehrabad air base/international airport near Tehran), naval installations on the Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea, command, control, communications and intelligence facilities. Secondary targets would include civilian airports, radio and TV installations, telecommunications centers, government buildings, conventional power plants, highways and bridges, and rail lines. Oil installations and commercial port facilities would likely be relatively untouched by U.S. forces in order to preserve them for U.S. oil and business interests.

    There has been a rapid increase in training and readiness at a number of U.S. military installations involved with the planned primarily aerial attack. These include a Pentagon order to Fort Rucker, Alabama, to be prepared to handle an estimated 50,000 to 60,000 trainees, including civilian contractors, who will be deployed for Iranian combat operations. Rucker is home to the US Army's aviation training command, including the helicopter training school.

    Ok now, US forces attacked Afghanistan to 'capture' Bin Laden.
    They attacked Irak for 'liberating the people'.
    Why the **** they wanna attack Iran...

    To me it's 100% clear this all is for power, control over Middle East, ancient treasures and oil.
    It seems the US government is provoking a WWIII, because they keep threatening countries with invasions and Iran has told if they are attacked they will attack the most near western nation and biggest ally of the US, Israel.
    Worst thing is that the US wants to NUKE Iran... A nuclear holocaust, gee reminds me of the time of Hitler.

    The Bush administration gets more sinister every year as it seems.

  14. Was it the army? it's gotta be the army.


    The army can do nothing right. the reason Iraq got so screwed up is because we used the army, and the Marines.


    If the Navy, and only the navy,  was used we'd be in and out without any problems.

    we should've sent in two carrier divisions, one submarine devision, and a battleship devision. Oh yeah, and 20 SeAL teams.


    Bombard the capital with naval shellings and airial attacks, send in the SeALs to KILL (NOT ASSASSINATE, BUT KILL!!) Saddam and his little minions, pull everyone out, and nuke the place. Simple as that.


    ----------EASIER WAY----------

    Nuke the capital, then nuke the rest jof the country. Then move on to Afghanistan and nuke them too.

    after all is said and done, nuke the french. We'll still have like 50,000 nukes left. so if the UN (communits) tell us to stop, nuke them all. We win. they lose.


    Uhm... and that's what i mean with unfair...

    The US wants no country to have nukes, and have lots of them themselves.

    They tell about the axis of evil, while they hunger for power themselves (the government).

    Only good thing is that they don't give the red button to evangelion :D


    horus: congratulations to your decision to throw those war"toys" away but there's quite a difference between playing children and killing machines. A children's game is interrupted when one is injured, war continues. Children are not as stupid as many people think they are (well, at least some ... there are always some who blindly follow their leader...)

    I know and I remember also playing with those kinda toys... But seeing the world as it is now, with all the warmongers, frightens me. I want him to know the value of life, not the value of death and destruction.

    If it wasn't for some situations wich occured from wich I saw the world in another perspective (thank God), I would be in the army now as well, cuz as a child I was playing with plastic guns ans such and I really wanted to join the army when I was 'grown' up lol.


    I know it's a Utopia, but all countries should dismantle their armies, or join them all together. What if there are hostile aliens? They just wait for us to kill ourselves :D


    But serious, I think there will be a day in wich the Human race will be more peacefull, but that will be after WWIII, wich is bound to happen and might kill over 50% of the Earth's population. Not really something we're waiting for, but we have the choice ourselves.

  15. Governments also know that there will be another big war, even better, they are setting it up as we speak. Why else would they still manufacture weapons and brainwash the public to join the armies. Here in holland, they broadcast commercials about how great, how fun and all that the army is. Commercials for all divisions, the infantry, the airforce and the navy :D Heh and we as public help them with it as well, I have observed it some time, but what I see is that this brainwashing goes back to childhood... Kids playing with wartoys, like guns, tanks, little soldiers, knives and the list goes on and in puberty we let them play America's Army, Counterstrike, Quake, Halo and all those wargames. I have a son as well, he got a bag of toys with Christmas from some far relatives and there also were plastic guns in it... I threw them away! Really makes me sick to see what our society/"civilization" is doing and where we are going.

  16. Remembers me of my own clash with my ISP...They also has bad service and messed with bills.A year ago I got cut off from the internet due to bills wich weren't payed, they were tho, but they added some more to them under the argument of miscalculation. After 2 months (!) I got reconnected, but I had to curse my way trough their "services" untill they gave me the manager of this region.

  17. I think the only way to stop this piracy is to reduce prices a lot, most coorperations are allready millionair or even billionair and most games or software you buy today are absolete tomorrow.Lemme show you how those companies work:Software you buy today are allready developed like 5 years ago, in these 5 years they bring out version 1.1, version 1.2, version 1.3 and so on till the version you have now, just to get more money from it. They say these guys who hack and crack are the pirates, but those companies are the biggest pirates themselves.If they bring out software, the same week as it's invented, it would save us a significant amount of money and there would be less interest in piracy-software and such. (Same goes with HardWare by teh way)My 2 cents :D

  18. Forcing religions onto other don't make any sense...All religions are based on one thing... making it superior to others, looks like politics in some ways.All those "holy" books all tell the same thing, but only in different stories.I have some Jehova witnesses coming along every now and then, and I like to argue with them, because they also think their religion is superior and every time I tell them my ideas on it, they quickly got to go ;)I do believe, but religion? No way

  19. I chose the second option ;)I told him he better find someone else next time to go with, but when he started whining again, maybe it's some people's nature to whine... oh well...You should see the girl when she found out, she laughed and did feel pity for him, but in a negative way, more like she pities him for not being able to flirt normally with girls. Can't blame her though

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