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Posts posted by HoRuS

  1. we will never live in peace because it is human nature to be aggresive and to be greedy. The only way there will be a lasting peace is if everyone is brainwashed to be exactly the same as everyone else.

    Well lemme tell you this, we are allready brainwashed by subliminal mess. What are most video games about, and movies? The governments are letting us live in fear so we support wars and all... It's just that "Leaders" want more power and that can be gained the easiest way... Trough war

    We are told in historybooks and whatever to be aggresive and greedy.


    Being a religious person, this world is not and never will be intended for peace. It's at test in my eyes... something that we have to struggle through. Therefore, peace will never be achieved, well, if there is a god.

    God made this world, a living being, as a paradise.. Not just for some peoples, parasites, to make such a mess from it. If there is a God the things wich are happening right now are intented to happen so we can learn from our mistakes, in the past, today and in the future...

    There is a way to live in peace but none of the world's "Elite" want this cuz they hunger for power and suppression of their own and other people...


    There can't be ultimate peace unfortunately.. This world is made of opposites. No matter how much good there is in the world, there is bad. No matter how much hapiness, there is sadness.. rich/poor.. and so on..


    this whole universe is one giant yin and yang

    True... The whole universe is made of yin and yang, you can't see light without seeing the darknees first, but once you see this light it's your own choise whether to keep seeing the light or turn your eyes back to the darkness.


    Well, when we talk about wars and peace. I think lot of people are blindly following their leaders that takes them to their doom, actually. If you increase education of people and giving them issues of result of wars that happened worldwide during the past, then they might start thinking about not making a war. Until then people will be blind and follow their leaders, which is a MUST for a country's existence.

    Well said :o Thre should be teached more about the past, real past that is, so the children can change the future.


    My 2 cents :D


  2. Cool gotta love these topics :D Lemme 1st put an addon question :o :What does your heart tell you about the world you're living in and things you believe in?Here's my answers LOL:The family on my moms side are Christians and those on my dads side Catholics, excpets for my mom and dad though, my dad doesn't believe and my mom believes in Paranormal things, as for myself, I believe in things wich I've experienced trough life and my religion is based on those from many, many cultures lol I would be too much to fit on just 1 post :D it opposes all systems and religions as well as it's kinda parallel to it, I've put the things wich I think are correct together from "Holy" books, history books and experiences.From my point God isn't a relegion but a spiritual connection and He/She/It is everywhere even in the most ugliest thing or evilest person.I also believe we all have souls (wich are our own part of God) and I think Angels are souls very close to their origins (God) and demons are earthbound souls wich don't even are aware they are eartbound or hurting others, as the same with ghosts. Spirits I believe are souls who dedicated their existance in helping Gaia (the Earth).Heaven nor Hell don't exist, it's what we make of life ourselves and the moment we pass out we "evolve" to a higher level of consiounce wich we can't comprehend with the part we use in our brains.(hmmm I wonder what the other (largest)part is for?)These were my points of view :D Peace

  3. A month after the release of phpBB 2.0.13 the team of phpBB allready send me this e-mail:


    Note to admins: this IS copied and pasted, but I dunno where to put this without postcounts :o


    Hi everyone,

    phpBB Group announces the release of phpBB 2.0.14, the "We know we are (not)

    furry" edition. This release addresses some bugfixes as well as fixing some

    minor non-critical security issues. All issues not reported to us before being

    released are not credited to the founder, as usual.

    As with all new releases we urge you to update as soon as possible. You can of

    course find this download available on our downloads page

    (https://www.phpbb.com/downloads/). As per usual three packages are available

    to simplify your update.

    The Full Package contains entire phpBB2 source and English language package.

    The Changed Files Only contains only those files changed from previous versions

    of phpBB. Please note this archive contains changed files for each previous


    Patch Files contains patch compatible patches from the previous versions of


    Select whichever package is most suitable for you.

    The changelog (contained within this release) is as follows:

    - Hardened author and keyword search a bit to not allow very server intensive


    - Fixed full path disclosure in bad word parsing

    - Resetting complete userdata array in session code if authentication fails

    - Fixed bug in moderator control panel where certain parameters could lead to an

    "error creating new session" sql error

    - Fixed bug in session code where empty page ids could lead to an "error

    creating new session" sql error

    - Fixed html handling in signatures if html is turned off globally

    - Fixed install.php problem with PHP5 register_long_arrays option turned off

    - Fixed potential issues with styling system

    - Added correct class to login_body template file

    - Removed file db/oracle.php from package.

    - Removed version number from message body page in /admin (if user is not an

    admin) - mikelbeck

    - Fixed case-sensitivity issues in postgres7.php - R45


    As always, our Code Changes Tutorial will be soon available too for those with

    heavily modded boards.



    Notice from snlildude87:
    Don't worry. If you did not put quotes, then it's bad. You did the right thing :D

  4. AAAAAAAAAARGH!!! errr ok joking...


    I don't want to oppose the admins on this but I once posted a topic in the vent n wich there was some swearingPosted Image... But those words were censored by BLEEP right?

    Becca is right though about venting your issues without swearing and screaming out the window can be fun too, especially when your neighbours are outside :o

    Anyway it's too bad the Vent is closed, was a fun posting in here :D



  5. All worldleaders went there just for propagandal reasons... Since most of the western world is Catholic or Christian (33% if I'm not mistaken)

    Posted Image

    They pray to a God in wich they don't really believe, they rather worship money, power and making war in name of their God. So don't try tell me they were there to pay respects to John Pope, unless he was just like them.



  6. True those theories are based on THEORIES aka thoughts of who knows who.For all I know we could have been evolved from roaches or maybe even genetic manipulated monkeys :o Theories, theories theories... Lets live today instead of the past... It doesnt matter where we came from but where we are going right?Peace

  7. Yea I do believe in Aliens myself, there's alot NASA knows and don't wanna share with us cuz they are affraid for "panic" :P .
    The Universe is SO big, it's impossible it's only made just for us, warhorny humans.
    Even ancient cultures talked, drawn and wrote about it. Egyptians, Mayans, Aztecs, Sumerians and even Dogons. There are at least 4 spots in our visual range wich have this potential. The Egyptians even believed their "Gods" were from other planets and I saw some Biblical drwaings wich had somekind of UFO in it :D
    Maybe check out this movie (when it's declared legal :) ) and yea it's sci-fi but without the fi: 1anunnaki


  8. Gotta hate the people that invented those... makes it so hard to read... They are used immensely in games forums. So far I haven't seen any of those in this forum (maybe it's not allowed) And my overall impression for people that type like that: They are immature kids that are trying too hard to be cool...

    Maybe here are more adult people :)

  9. I started using lol since 2 years now and I can't get rid of it but the phrase rofl is more fun :) the funny part of lol is that in Dutch lol means fun so I always read it as a word even if I don't really laugh but if I find things funny :)

  10. The only thing about this that i have to say is whether or not you are against the war in iraq or not, it should not hender on the fact that we should all be supporting the troups. You all are probably thinking "what does she know about the troups?" well my cousin was killed in Iraq on April 8th, 2004. Not being supportive of our troops does not make the war end any sooner.

    I'm sorry to hear that :)

    I can't stand this... Why do governments lie to their people and letting them die for this lie? Where is the time when leaders walked in front of their troops instead of sending them and hide themselves in bunkers?


    I do know that we trained Bin Laden, and when you say they "Founded Al Quieda" what really occured, is that our government wen t over to Iraq to train them to fight a war since we were their allies. We didnt "Found" anything.....

    Sorry founded was mistyped, it should be: "they funded Al Qaida themselves for billions of $$$".




    1)The whole thing about 9/11 is one big "theatre" set up by the Bush Administration itself. (Bin Laden was a CIA agent a few years ago for cryin out loud, and they fouded Al Qaida themselves for billions of $$$)

    And I'm sorry if I hurt people with this info, many lives were taken by this evil deed.


    First of all I would like to say, i dont really like bush that much, and Im sick of paying 2 bucks a gallon for gas.


    Now to the good part, the quote above has to be the biggest load of *BLEEP* I have ever heard. I do know that we trained Bin Laden, and when you say they "Founded Al Quieda" what really occured, is that our government wen t over to Iraq to train them to fight a war since we were their allies. We didnt "Found" anything..... Also why in gods name would Bush (Our government in general) Allow something like 9/11 to occur, That hurt our economy very badly and almost put us in a recession. I guess im about done, but I would just like to say once again....Thats a load of *BLEEP*.


    Rofl, well if that's what you wanna think :)

    Without 9/11 they never could have their war in Iraq and never have their "war" in Afganistan to build their pipelines and control they most strategic territory in Asia and the Middle East.

    It did hurt the economy yes... but the oil they gain now is good for their economy so they wouldn't care for their sacrifice... Sorry but that's how it is no matter how you turn it. This world is run by evilness at its top, try do a search on Illuminaty, you'll see :)



  12. It's cool to see some people still stand up for their principles instead of walking with the rest... I just hate it when they shove it up your throat like on the internet or on TV... There are thousands of browserhijackers with refer your pc to some sick porn site, no matter if it's you or your kid sitting behind the pc, just like the TV... I once was watching some cartoon on Fox Kids and there was a commercial about thats nights porn movie... between cartoons!!!Sick monkeys :)

  13. I think 'religion' in general is a hoax.. To me i think it's a way to brainwash people. I can't distinguish between a cult and a religious group.

    I agree on that, most organized religions tell people what to think instead of letting people follow their own heart. (yeayea sounds cheezy:blink:) And if you don't wanna believe what they say you gotta believe they'll brand you as a maniac, satan worshipper and a danger to "our" society.
    It's a shame the majority thinks that way but then again this was allready organized for hundreds or maybe even thousands of years.

    Yeah maybe I'm a maniac but hey... I love it! :)

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