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Posts posted by HoRuS

  1. That is very true biscuit. Although, I also used to beleive in something like reincarnation, which is someone being reborn after death (for those who do not know), and I still kind of do. I mean, if I don't beleive in a 'heaven' and 'hell' as we think of it religously, you could think of it as being reincarnated, heaven, and not, hell. All of this would support the scientific fact that matter, and most likely life for that matter, that biscuit brought up earlier.


    God, it is too early for me to be typing alot so I will stop here. lol


    I agree to that BlaqueMajik, if there is only one life to live, then why bother?

    Heaven to me is when you live and learn the true lessons of life, we go one "level" (or dimension) up and if we fail to this, we stay in this "level" (or hell) and have to learn it again, maybe even more, without the knowledge we have been here before.


    My 2 cents...

  2. Haha Xisto is very unique in it's hosting (Thanks OpaQue) because it has 99% uptime, 5 gigs of bw and 150 megs of space and all of this for "free", only thing you need to do is post, wich is a fun thing to do on these forums.Keep it up Xisto, the new dimension of free hosting :D

  3. lol am on 2 servers at a time at least on irc. I like it more then MSN or any other IM, because it don't make my pc lagg. Allthough I rather use NNScript then mIRC itself. NNScript is way easier in use and has many funny add-ons. One guy showed me how to ddos a while ago and how to use mirc to "nuke" certain sites... whoa the bots he had, was like an army :D

  4. Well prayers are somewhat good, but I see a lot of people praying only in bad times, but not when all goes well. I do believe and when I pray at night I feel part of God and I know there are "Angels" around me when I do. Also there is a difference in how you pray I think, most people ask for help or something else but when it doesn't come they get mad or dissapointed, I learned to thank God before things are given or asked and show faith and I never got turned down. Prayers aren't useless and they don't suck, they strenghten people and makes them happy. My 2 cents :D

  5. Hmm I had neighbours 2 years ago, wich litteraly held houseparties, you know, witht he techno music and stuff till like 5am in the morning :D Since I have a 2 year old son, this was unacceptable so I went down (the lived below me) to tell them I was sick of their parties. What happened next was I was at their door and some guy opened up and started yelling and threatened me, sicko... I was smoking a cigarette and really got pissed off by this yelling so I put the cigarette out in his face, I know it's bad but hey... 2 weeks later they moved and all is peace 'n quiet now :D

  6. Haha yeah... Age 5 even has a new race :( Did that as well, building defences before I went to sleep, when I woke up I found myself sabbed to death, had to rebuild it all again. Weird thing is that I got all kinda "sorry" messages from the guy who did that... They must fear me :D

  7. I play this game for 3 months now, and I defenately will play Age5.At first it was hard, true, but after making my own alliance and visiting others, all goes well now. Started off in 120k and in 3 months raised to 14k. I think you just need to know many ways within the game to prevail.It's the most fun (non-graphical) game I ever played.

  8. lol I love it when people hate me :DNo serious... I'm a regular smoker and the "ban"smoking thing is just ignorant. Look at the exhaustings from cars, factories and airplanes... THOSE are the real unhealthy things, those cause people to die and those cause even a more awfull smell then just some cigarettes. I'm not saying smoking is healthy though, but before banning smoking, ban those cars, factories and airplanes (and numerous other things) 1st... Otherwise it would be just hypocrite! ;) lolpeace

  9. Again got me a nice email from phpBB group...:


    Hi everyone,


    phpBB Group announces the release of phpBB 2.0.17, the "no, we did not forget

    naming it last time" release. This release addresses several bugfixes and some

    low security issues as well as the recently seemingly wide-spread XSS issue

    (only affecting Internet Explorer).


    Please have a look down this announcement for the code changes necessary to fix

    the XSS issue, we are again astounded about the energy people put into finding

    the smallest issue in phpBB 2.0.x, those must have a lot of time available. But

    on the other hand it is always increasing the products security since we do not

    introduce new features into the 2.0.x codebase.


    With this announcement I want to give you some more information regarding

    phpBB's security. psoTFX (Paul S. Owen, Project Manager) initiated and brought

    forward the idea and concept of a complete security audit of the 2.0.x codebase.

    We introduced some top-notch security people, phpBB-Modders and very talented

    people from our teams to participate in this audit. We intend to implement the

    changes necessary - and also fixing the found issues, hopefully giving the now

    very aged codebase (it is still on a technical level from three years ago) a

    lift and bringing it up-to-date with security mechanisms and techniques which

    are common nowadays.


    We also intend to open our private bugtracker system to the public for reporting

    2.0.x bugs within the next days.


    As with all new releases we urge you to update as soon as possible. You can of

    course find this download available on our downloads page at


    As per usual three packages are available to simplify your update.


    The Full Package contains entire phpBB2 source and English language package.

    The Changed Files Only contains only those files changed from previous versions

    of phpBB. Please note this archive contains changed files for each previous


    Patch Files contains patch compatible patches from the previous versions of



    As always, our Code Changes Tutorial is available too for those with heavily

    modded boards.

    It can be downloaded from https://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopic.php?t=308426


    Select whichever package is most suitable for you.


    Please ensure you read the INSTALL and README documents in docs/ before

    proceeding with installation or updates!.



    The changelog (contained within this release) is as follows:


    - Added extra checks to the deletion code in privmsg.php - reported by party_fan

    - Fixed XSS issue in IE using the url BBCode

    - Fixed admin activation so that you must have administrator rights to activate

    accounts in this mode - reported by ieure

    - Fixed get_username returning wrong row for usernames beginning with numerics -

    reported by Ptirhiik

    - Pass username through phpbb_clean_username within validate_username function -


    - Fixed PHP error in message_die function

    - Fixed incorrect generation of {postrow.SEARCH_IMG} tag in viewtopic.php -

    reported by Double_J

    - Also fixed above issue in usercp_viewprofile.php

    - Fixed incorrect setting of user_level on pending members if a group is granted

    moderator rights - reported by halochat

    - Fixed ordering of forums on admin_ug_auth.php to be consistant with other


    - Correctly set username on posts when deleting a user from the admin panel



    Please read the official announcement for the code changes necessary to fix the

    XSS issue:



    the phpBB Group



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    Powered by PHPlist, https://www.phplist.com/ --

    Like the 6th time in 5 months :D

  10. Hmmm yea... there is too much rap on the TV lately, not that I mind but their lyrics are really crap... There is no message, they only rap about bling-bling, cars and women. My personal opinion is they just want to get the youth to think the same as what those rappers bribe about. I never see real rappers on there, rappers with a message other then money, cars, women and shooting. Rappers like Sabac, Immortal Technique and Outerspace, even one of the wisest commercial rappers, Eminem, is shown lesser and lesser, only because he as well has messages in is lyrics. Media-control sucks :D Peace

  11. Yeah I know :P All money is stocked only with a few people who only bank it and don't circulate it, this circulation is needed because the more money is going around the more it can be divided and prices will drop...Oh well... Dreaming is a good thing :D

  12. So let me get this straight... You think that criminal behavior is caused by video games and because marijuana is illegal in most countries? Hmmm.


    Criminal behavior is caused by the person that commits the criminal act. It can be for a lot of reasons. The criminal weighs the advantages and disadvantages of the crime... such as what do I gain as opposed to what do I lose if I get caught. If the chances of getting caught are slim... people are far more likely to commit a crime... solution... add more police officers.  If the punishment is is too lenient... then what is there to keep them from commiting the crime. In America, the punishment for theft is quite often simply probation and community service. GOsh... that will teach them. Some countries simply cut of the hands of a theif.... Those countries don't have a theft problem. Solution... make the punishment for crime more severe... and also follow through with the punishment... no more plea bargaining.


    I think you missed the point a bit...

    What I am trying to say that videogames and tv-programmes brainwash our societies, creating criminals. As I said that Game-show about Grand Theft (stealing cars) was right before the one about the police. It was clear to me that those games really influence the fragile minds of kids (and some adults) because all I saw on there was 12 to 16 year olds, stealing cars and running from the police.

    I have a kid myself and I sometimes see his reactions on certain programmes and games, even music...


    As well for the marijuana...

    More people die a day because of alcohol then of marijuana.

    The thing is why alcohol is legal and marijuana not, is that alcohol fogs the mind and make sheeps of us and marijuana on the other hand opens our mind (depends of the way it is used though) and let us see what is hidden. (No... I don't smoke it myself)


    Yes criminal behavious is caused by the person itself, but that person can be badly influenced by whatever society provides, even poverty.

    But if we only put in more police officers we only would add to the circle we are in, action and reaction, untill the police officers and prosecutors become the criminals themselves. (I think we allready reached that point).

    In my opinion, most people don't like me for that :unsure:, I think it's best to get rid of violent video-games and brain'draining' tv programmes, if only it was to see if crime-rates will drop. And of course devide the money in this world equally, that will help big time as well.


    Peace out

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