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Posts posted by HoRuS

  1. I don't quite think that saying "LOL, LMAO, BRB" is trying to Leetspeak. Things like. 1'm TrY1nG 2 133T $p3@k. Is trying it.

    Who is it harming? Not like we are going to say LMFAO in real life.. I mean how would you even pronounce it.


    Easy does it. It's if it is over used, then yeah maybe. Like most people who have replied I disagree with you. its not lyk we'r doin diz, iz it? i mean dat iz wel anoyin, coz diz seriously int propa.


    oh yeah, LOL to me is "I hear you, I've replied, but I don't know what your talking about", lol.


    Hahaha I hear ya...

    I also use 'lol' as when I don't know what to reply and sometimes it becomes a bad habit, like typing it in every sentence. People are like "stop that" then I go "lol ok" :)

    Funny thing is... In Dutch lol is a real word, meaning fun, hmm coincidence? (bad spelling :unsure: bite me)


    Anyways... lol is for those using it (not all) just a habit, to type lol instead hahaha to express that you're having fun. I prefer rofl tho :) but leetspeak is waaayy different, 2 years ago I hung out with some "hax0rz" who were using the word pwned 10 times a minute and some sentences were almost unreadable. (pwned is pronounces as powned, as from what I heard) so there is a biggy difference between 'bad' habits and leetspeak.


    erm were that 2 cents? :D

  2. Yeah I have the same thing with mine... even sometimes when I'm in an important convo on my cellphone, it shuts down the connection.I don't know why, maybe due to satellite postitions or just because it's a cheap one, it still sucks. Almost got big trouble due to this.Once and important company tried to call me for a fine I had to pay, they couldn't reach me so they send me a letter in wich they wrote I had to reply within 24 hrs or I would lose my home :D . When I called them the next day and explained it, they were like:"yeah right". I'm glad they weren't too harsh, but next time I would be in trouble :unsure:

  3. Ah shoot. Clicked the wrong button :lol:. But, anyways, my name is Ranjani. It's pronounced "run-jun-ee". However, people will do their damndest to mangle it. I've been called "Rahn-jenny", "Run-janny", "Run-jonny" and all sorts of horrible little things like that. My last name is even further mangled by everyone who calls. No American can pronounce my name and it's weird because it's so easy. I mean, every time I say how its pronounced, it gets turned into one of those forms or many more. People just don't like my name the way it is, I guess :D


    Haha same here... I would like to hear how American/English people pronounce the last part of my name... Leijden... :rolleyes:

  4. In my opinion richer nations should share wealth to achieve one world.
    We all have to share this one planet, so why not make the best of it?
    Too bad I see only people sharing when there is suffering, but when it's over, the support is gone.

    I personally don't think that rich countries need to share with poor countries in most cases. The most we should do in most cases in my opinion, is buy stuff from them like if they sell bananas, computers, or whatever. Buying stuff to help people will help them not be leeches so that eventually they will have a strong enough economy to be a self sufficient country. If a natural disaster hits then money should be donated because sometimes disasters destroy alot of the country.

    I would agree, but the problem is when stuff is bought or saled, it goes to the government of that nation... Nothing to the suffering people, since most rulers of poor nations keep resources and money to themselves.

  5. I think after a certain age video games don't effect kids. I've played shooting video games for awile but I have the common sence to decide whats a video game and whats real life. I think that maby at a younger age its possible video games effect kids but I doubt it.

    Well true... and it depends on the child itself, but remember it works subliminal (subconscious) so traces will be still within their existance troughout their lifes, our lifes. I'm an adult but at times I find myself as well "brainwahes" after playing a game for some time. Like when I play NFS, I drive faster myself afterwards then before I played it... (cought myself red handed once :P)

    I agreed with everything except one part. Mariquana should be legal so people wouldn't do it..... Totally disagree.

    That's not what I meant lol, more like they persue, sue and put people to prison when they have used or carry marijuana. When it would be legal, crime will lower, not because people won't use it but people don't have to do stupid things to obtain it...
    Only thing I disagree with on this is minors using it.


  6. We all know how easy kids are to "brainwash" with games and TV right?

    Yesterday I was watching TV and there was a program on called Gammo (about computergames) and it was about a game called Grand theft or w/e, about stealing cars... In this game you are a criminal stealing a car and being a thug, shooting and looting on it's way.

    The irony was that after this program there was another called "police chases" (dutch=politie achtervolgingen), about the police chasing down adult and kids wich did the same thing as the videogames they make :P

    I think its sick when you first let children play these games to become criminals and then chase em down and send them to jail.


    Just like the use of marijuana, wich is proven not be a hard drug. Here in Holland it's legal, but everywhere else it's looked at like it's the same as coca?ne and all and long times in prison are given.

    So here in Holland the crime rates are way lower then other nations, not only , but mostly due to the fact marijuana is legal here.


    Also with all this economic mess going on it's hard for poor people to put food on the table, due to the fact everything gets more expensive and salaries and wellfare remain the same or get cut off.

    For some people who have nearly no money there is no ohter way then to steal food or do other stupid things to make sure their children can eat.


    Maybe they need prisoners to keep the governments paid :P ...

  7. lol gotta love these discussions :P


    Horus, one thing you should realise is that the no campaign treid puttting the constitution in a negative light and the yes campaign treid putting it in a positive light that was thier job. I think the yes campaign in nl should have been better at adressing the no compaigns concerns. obviously they did not.

    Well the constitution is good, for the rich... For people who ain't that lucky it's just a living hell. They should tell the truth more and publish all chapters and articles.


    2. The qoute you gave is rather weak. Don't believe everything you read. the 'limitations of freedom'that are mentioned in that quote are also ones that you will find in any normal western democratic government (e.g. the right to enforce schooling is something very normal). + they are also things that you will find in any government that is actively adderssing the threath of terrorism. In the netherlands we have laws like this as well, the uk has them, france has them, germany etc. So there is no more than strange limitations of freedom int he constitution thats just crazy. if anything - i am repeating myself in this discusion - by giving citizens the right to 'throw out' eu legislation it is giving more power to the people

    Rather weak? It is written in the constitution. How can you force children to learn by taking them away from their parents? This is just production of criminals + Terrorism is just a fictional thing governments made up to rule people with fear.


    3. 'Healthcare'is not an issue of the constitution and you are confused on this point. it is a choice - and an issue - of the local government. there are very other reasons why health care is going to be become more expensive in the netherlands. mainly the innefficiency of the system is to blame as well as lazy polititians who need to get down to buisness and stop wasting time.

    If it's not an issue of the contitution, why did they put a penalty after the no-voting of ?5000,- for every person who can't afford healthcare anymore?

  8. I don't understand if Bush's goal was to free people of Sadaam because he is such a horriblt person why are people in Iraq killing for him..dying for him...sacrificing other people for him. We only see what the media wants us to see and We only think on what the media wants us to think on. If Sadaam is such a Tyrant why are so many people pushing for the United States to be out of Iraq. Why do they believe we were wrong to be there in the first place. Which is true because there were no WMD. I don't understand.


    True, the media only shows things from one side (e.g.Western Side) so people will follow their views. Always look at both sides and then make conclusions... Here in Europe they also only show the US side, they don't show militaries shooting children (aimed!). Wow what a freedom and humanity eh? The people there still die for there former leader... Wow dictator eh? And where are those WMD's???

    Injustice is bad, especially when people die because of it...

  9. The "Matrix World" doesn't really exisit. But there is one that is real, the Spiritual World. The Spiritual world is all around us. It's God at work.


    I agree with this, there is a world we can't see with our 'normal' eyes.

    I think both Matrix books and movies are based on this but heavily shrouded in a fantasy-sci fi story. I liked the movie a lot because I agree with it on one exceptional thing, that reality can be molded by our own hands and thoughts.

  10. Hmmm I myself was one of the people who voted no with the referendum in Holland. Let me explain:
    First of all, they left many agreements out for the public and only showed the good part of the constitution.
    If they got trough with it most prices will rise even more then they allready did... For example, the price of only 1 bread before the Euro was 1,90 guilders, 1 Euro is 2,20 guilders so the price now should be around 0,90 right? No! Now we pay 1,70 for the same thing and everything changed like that, but salaries are cut in half... The Euro is a big rip off for many people, and with their constitution they were planning to rise those prices even more.

    Healthcare... With the constitution healthcare would rise up to 100,- a month, twice as much as we pay now, for some even more.

    Freedom of speech? In Belgium, European HQ, the government voted for the people with yes... No votes were held there.

    Under the laws of the EU national sovereignty exists no more. The "Treaty till establishment of a Constitution for Europe" that now is proposed, is in essence an attempt to get around democratic procedures thanks to a pun. The treaty revises national constitutions thanks to the fact that it above that laws stands.
    The European countries as we now know, have their destination as nations lost, and become official no longer "country" named, but "state" (on a manner that looks like the United States of America). Under the European law its it the provinces and regions that become "land" will named. On term, the target is to get rid of this national identities and with that also the capacity of a Population to be solidary on ideological national basis, as well as the capacity till resistance that that it brings along.

    On the one hand the power gets decentralized with the new constitution, but for the most important affairs the power is centralized. And thanks to the proposed treaty the government of the EU has in any case the possibility to intervene on which territory they want, thanks to article I-11, paragraph 3, the EU-government can act as she finds that the acting from a member country is "not sufficient".

    Because of the decentralized/centralized powers structure it will be extrme difficult for the population to organize themselves against decisions made by the European Parliament. Also is spoken in this treaty about the possibility to call back the Eurpean Comission with a million signatures,  this Comission has no obligation to give in to this so it only goes "heard".

    Some example of the taking away of freedoms is given by article II-66, "The law on freedom and safety", wich thanks to an addendum, to which in the article not immediately are referred, (only mentioned in Title II, Article 6), will make it possible to set numerous peoples in custody,
    -as minor, in order to "see to [their] education",
    -persons who do not accept to be vaccinated becuase they find it useless  or even dangerous(even as this criticism perfectly founded is, but not accepted through conventional science that heavily corrupted is through the pharmaceutical industry),
    -"mind ill persons" (what in by far the most cases based will be on complete arbitrary and scientific unfunded principles),
    -persons who are alcoholics or addicted to drugs, and even homeless people, wich will come even more due to a hard nascent economic climate which the results are of this treaty.
    Add to that it will be allowed for prisoners to do work without financial compensation, in other words as slave (see the addendum by article II-65, to know end deed, Title I, Article 5) and we have a truly "Gulag nightmare" scenario...

    And on top of this, our pm told on TV he maybe will go trough with this contitution, no matter how many people are againt it.

    Just my 2 cents... well 2 euro's :D

  11. I know a few Iraqi refugees here, they all were complaining about this. The were all more happy with Saddam, they said he became a dictator after the Desert Storm bs. And Bush is the biggest terrorist himself, he should be overthrown with his grin on his face when he goes to war and his lies about more sensitive things wich I won't mention.

    He uses the best way to rule a nation, fear... And the sad thing is that people are buying this %#@*. Remember the Bush administration sponsored AlQaida themselves for billions of dollars and Bin Laden was a CIA tactician a few years ago, rewarded and all.

    Sorry if I seem angry but this injustice been on far too long now :D

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