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Posts posted by HoRuS

  1. The human mind is something puzzling.I also believe what ebula said about the human mind being sort of an OS.In our lives we all receive (and send) data with experiences and every mind deals with it in its own way.There are also ways to reprogram your mind so negative experiences can be dealt with and remembered in a positive way.We all have an unique mind, wich is part of a collective one, so the 'collective data' also is used within, I think that is why we think Pluto is round... Because that is what is thought to us. That is why children's minds are so pure, they all only possess the knowledge of where they came from, instead of what is learned on Earth.

  2. Having those kinda thoughts is human nature. We all have a doubting and critizising kinda voice in our mind (no not the voice like in psychotic ways), this voice can help us to stay sharp and thoughtfull of our actions. It's the fear-part that can work against us, so what I think is that you should talk to your parents and your gf about it, so these thoughts can be given a place where they won't bother you that much.

  3. Science can be a way to describe, devine and show Gods work.

    With science we can see all these creation to their sub-atomic levels and if we look closely we can even see a pattern, so science can also be used to enhance faith and admire all these works.


    I do believe in evolution as well, and I'm sure evolution was also one of the pattern God used to create.

    I really don't like Darwin, but I think we are partly evolved from some apisch being lol and the other part will reveal itself in time. I just don't understand why people don't like the fact we are half-apes, monkies are also children of God, so....


    Anyways, science and faith can work perfectly together... It worked about 10000 years ago and it could work now as well, as long as the people want it to.

  4. Hmmm about the 2012 I can agree too, All ancient calendars end at the solar equinox in december 2012.

    Since these calendars are based on stars I think they're more accurate and trustworthy then some stories told 2000 years ago.

    1st how could civilizations wich we see as barbarians have such knowledge of stars and geometry?

    Geometry and astrophysics are holy science, and I think the ancient peoples also knew this, if it wasn't that they came from the stars. (Yeah I'm not a fan of Darwin)

    2nd why do people always talk about the end, I for one rather talk about the beginning. The beginning of a new era or maybe even a new conciousness. The world as we know might come to an end, but tell me, is it really be that bad? :lol:

  5. The US government or any other government should solve their own problems in their own countries first before judging and executing any other nation or leader. Maybe Saddam did gas the Kurds, but it's the same as the death rate in the (example) ghetto's in the US by police and gang wars, maybe not by gas, but killing is killing. Bush should invest more into education for the youth instead of buying weapons to invade other nations, he ain't no leader, he's just a childish warmonger who thinks life is similar to Call of Duty games and such.It doesn't matter if Kerry, Bush or wichever president is in control, all that war-bs was allready set up years ago, all was bound to happen due to the 'theatre' all leaders put up. The sad part is that they are also stupid puppets and the bad part is that those who play them can't be seen by the public.

  6. [1] Well I can't agree with what you say about children... From what I saw children have more 'power' then adults, because they are closer to God then any adult could dream of. Children wich are now born are here to teach our race the same as what Jesus and the other prophets tried to teach us.


    Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written. John 21:25

    This proofs for me that a lot of information is left out systematical.

    Why bother to write a few books in wich, they say, most of his life was written and don't write another few books to fill up the rest? Why leave out the most important time of his life, childhood and adolesence, in wich adulthood took shape?


    [2] Still waiting... :lol:


    [3] Typical... To say many other prophets are false, except your own.

    I know Jesus was a real prophet but that doesn't mean the rest weren't.


    Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Matthew 7:15

    To me this is one of the parts wich was edited to make sure no one will listen to other prophets.

    Wolf in sheep's clothing... What are we, sheep to them? To be honest, when I look around, people are sheep, blindly following whatever what is told to them. They talk about free will, but they only follow the will of the 'elites*'.


    This is why i speak to them in parables: "Though seeing, they do not see;

    though hearing, they do not hear or understand.

    In them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah:

    "'You will be ever hearing but never understanding;

    you will be ever seeing but never perceiving.

    For this people's heart has become calloused;

    they hardly hear with their ears, and they have close their eyes.

    Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts

    and turn, and i would heal them.' Matthew 13:13

    Yeah that I allready know, but I asked if that is why we only (ab)use Jesus' and Mohammed's teachings.

    Those parables in the Bible and Koran can easily be misinterpreted and changed because the leaders of those religions tell their followers what it means with suggestive thinking instead of letting the followers find the meaning in their own hearts.


    (* With 'elites' I point out to the various leaders in religions and politics)

  7. Hmmm it's somewhat weird how they managed to write down Jesus' life.It starts when he was born and suddenly he is an adult! :blink: Could it be that he did some things during his adolescence (typo) and young adulthood? Or what did happen what is left out, so we don't know? Please don't give me excuses about he was the 'son' of God and was an adult in a few days, because we all are children of God and it took me 21 years to grow up :lol:And another paradox, Jesus was a prophet, just like Horus, Quetzapatl, Tutankhamon, Boeddha, Krishna, Mohammed and many more... It is even thinkable that they are one and the same 'entity', why do we only (ab)use Jesus' and Mohammed's teachings? Is it becuase they used metafors instead of facts, so what they wanted to teach us could be misformed and edited to our will? Or is it because the others used facts and proof wich couldn't be changed into whatever the worldleader want us to think?

  8. [1]I am aware that it's their decision. I woe them cause i feel sorry that they've made that decision.

    [2]How can you say it was, were you there when it started?

    [3]Like i've said, dont look at the "believers". Indeed, it is very hard to find true believers, but we do exist. But, i'm sure you wont let it go. But, if that's so, then we might not let go of the other killings done by non-believers. Which is WAY more than what "believers" have ever done.

    [4]We never said God will descend from the heavens, for the universe cannot hold God, but our Lord and Savior (Jesus Christ). As for "the only ones who can save us are ourselves", it depends on what can we save ourselves from. We cannot save ourselves from many things. I havent fully thought this through, but i believe the things that we cannot save ourselves from are greater in amount than the things we can save ourselves from.

    [5]It's not used to make people obey them. Hell is a place where all sinners go. Just cause it's been written many times, doesnt mean it doesnt have the same meaning. It's translated in many different languages. The reason why there are so many english versions is cause one Hebrew word can have many meanings in english. I dont recall the devil being described like the way you say it is, in the Bible. And the Bible never said Hell is under the earth. You must have a misunderstanding of the word "hades" or something.

    [1]Still you have no right to woe! them... We have been given a free will.

    [2]No, but it's kinda odd that a religion, based on Jesus, is founded by those who killed him. (history and logic)

    [3]Name me the killing of non-believers and the wars by believers and we'll calculate the difference :blink:

    [4]We can save ourselves, by opening our eyes and learn to read between the lines. What Jesus could do, can we all do. He just showed us this potential, but I guess it's a human thing to think that someone who balanced body and soul is a God or a saviour.

    [5]I also said edited. At least 50% of the Bilbe, Koran or any other 'holy' book is falsified to supress peoples.

    And no, Hades was the Greek 'God' of war, made up by Greeks or maybe another human who used his powers in a wrong way. Same with Satan, also made up or misunderstood. What I learned was that Satan wanted to achieve with materialism what God has achieved with Love. But I guess we'll have to wait for the truth untill we die or untill we overcome our fear to open our eyes.

  9. a little advice to the extremists....continue to live oversees to talk about a government you will never know the benefits of. now do you want to satrt talking about that or maybe i can just give you a dollar to make your monthly house payment and be a little more open minded


    btw- never trust a country either that prides themselves on eating dog


    oh, and if your country is so great over there, why are all your women trying to deport themselves to the u.s.?


    now don't be flying off the wall anymore just because your grandfather was an american and you will never know the benefits of being one. don't be bitter :blink:


    Uhm... That government makes the whole world worse then it is. If they would kill off their own people THEN it's not our 'oversees' business, but at this moment the American government is killing, robbing and making life worse for EVERYONE on this planet. Here in 'oversees' Holland, tention between ethnical groups rise due to your precious government who set up 9/11 and blaming that the arabs did it.


    I'm not saying that it is ONLY the American government, they are ALL deceiving us.

    Here in Holland our Government walks like a drolling dog after Mr.Bush, while 67% of the people are against it. Here are also those commercials about joing the army, navy and airforce and making it look like the best job there is. They are cutting down healthcare, schoolfunds and wellfare and every profit is used to fabricate weapons.


    Have you allready seen that we even teach our children to use weapons, we buy them toy-guns, little soldiers and war-games. We teach them to fight in wars in their early years... Uhm what was it called? Oh yeah... Brainwashing!


    I can go on and on with a list of ways they use to keep us down and 'obeying', but I think I made my point.

    It wouldn't surprise me that there are nice little plans for a WW3 in the near future, set up by our 'precious' governments.


    Do you think you are more of a human because you have more money than someone? That remark you just said... It's better I don't comment on that, you just sit, and think for youself about what you just said... It seems to me that you are closed minded too... US foreign policy is not that great as you may think.. The again, you might be one of those who blindly follow Bush, and is war policies...

    Well said.


    Saddam was not a dictator, he was a president free figures, his has elected folk and such a was hiswill. USA have shown the unjustified aggression, breaking right and liberties of the person for the sake of economic advantage only. However this itself has punished itself. USA has lost the big amount of the people, technicks, and money on this war for the sake of iraqi oil. And that? The Oil as was expensive, so expensive and remained (even else cherish), but USA having forfeited enormous facilities on galley proof of the economic catastrophe.

    True, Saddam was fairly elected by his people, and he ruled in a good way, untill a foreign diplomat showed his satellite-photo's that Kuwait was stealing oil from Iraqi soil. Also did America donate tanks and weaponry so he could assault Iran. And llok who wants to control the Middle East now... Coincidence?

  10. Hmm lesbians who wanna have children, it's kinda hypocrite.

    First they don't want a man for whatever reason they claim, but then again some strange guy's sperm is fine.
    What if the child becomes a boy? Heh, I wouldn't want to be raised by 2 women (or men), without a father (mother). It's likely to happen that the child's feelings might get confused by this as well wich can result to confusion on a sexual level.

    What a strange notion. Why does there need to be any 'reason' for people to be gay. Sounds like you think there's some master plan to reduce the world's population by releasing a 'gay' virus.

    lol that would be a sick reason to decrease the population.
    There are plans within the 'elite' of this world to decrease the population though, but I ain't going there in here :lol:

  11. Woe (!) to you who do not believe! Woe (!) to you 7 times and over! If you knew what was coming you'd be trying to save people like the rest of us! There are true followers.


    @[Aurex]: Sadly i am for you, you believe we are all the same. Do not look at the ones that say they believe but in their hearts they dont! Those who truly believe will be saved, because they truly follow God's commands. Religion was not made by government, for it started before government ever existed. Sure, religion may have caused wars, but only in those that truly dont believe! But, we must look at the other wars caused by those who do not believe! They've killed many more, and for those who believed! You are indeed lucky mercy overpowers judgement! But, when the time of judgement comes, you may not want to be saved!


    @[Thorned Rose]: I understand where you're going. But, when you've crashed someone from behind, did you ever repay them? Did you ever say you're sorry, and try to never do it again? Or did you just leave, like it never happened? As for these "christians" who stumble, do not look at them! Look at the ones who are truly Christians! You blame your mom for devoting herself to God. By the looks of it, you are underestimating God's power. If your mom ever prays to God, and asks for Him to help you, it shall happen! Cause by the looks of it, her faith keeps growing! It may not look like anything is happening by the works of God, cause it may seem like your work. But, indeed God always works! You do not thank Him for the food on your table? Without Him, there would be no food, to be placing on your table. You do not thank Him for giving you children? Without His work, you would not be able to make children. But, i'm sorry that you've taught your children to grow attached to life. For, when their lives end, what next? They'll wish they'd still be alive. But, God gives eternal life to those who want to be saved, and to those who truly believe! God has given you everything, and yet you still dont believe...


    Hmmmm if someone does not want to believe, don't Woe (!) them, it's their decision :angry:

    How can you say religion wasn't made by the governments back then, were you there? lol

    Those who killed Jesus, founded the Vatican and abused his teaching and wisdom for power. They incited crusades to convince and/or force other races to turn to 'their' God. They killed thousands of so called 'witches' and made them look evil, during the inquisition and still people kill for this 'God' oh and did I mention the head of Johan the Baptist, wich they still hold in their catacombs? The vatican was just an example, but every religion has worked (ruled) this way.

    Oh and in every war, leader told their soldiers :'May God have mercy on you'.


    No 'God' will decent from the skies to save us, the only ones who can save us are ourselves!

    I really don't like that they use this to make people obey their laws. No one will go to hell for not listening or following their rules, wich is written and edited over and over again. Heck, Hell is just another made-up thing wich they use to control peoples, you really think a red kinda beast with a pointy tail, forked tongue and a bad breath is waiting under the soil on wich we walk for people who done bad things? Heh if I look at the 'Devil' this way, he reminds me of our 'beloved' worldleaders :angry:

    Hell is just wat we make of our lives, nothing more, nothing less.

  12. Breakdance is really one of the best (and difficultest) around.I can't breakdance, allthough I could in my younger years :angry: but my 4year old son really kicks butt. Whenever I turn up the music, he starts breakdancing, in his way though, but it's obvious he has the talent needed to go all out, maybe he'll become a pro one day :angry:

  13. Hmmm Jean Paul did way better then those songs :angry:
    It mainly annoys me that artists, like Jean Paul, Sizzla and many others make such wise lyrics in the beginning and then go commercial with songs about money, girls and cars. I'm a genuine hiphop addict but that just ^&*% me off.

    Tupac started with those crap-songs but I like him because his last few tracks was about real life in the projects. There's only little music left for me to listen to nowadays :D If anyone loves hiphop check out Jedi Mind Tricks, Army of the Pharaohs and Immortal Technique :angry:

  14. I am speechless... Everything you wrote, CroSpartacus, is true.'God' exists inside as well as outside our reality of time and space for there It has no beginning nor an end, there is only now.I think the linguistic part of our brain have seperated us from our knowledge, wisdom and the ability to 'know' God. Of course, humans need linguages to communicate at this moment, but I think it would be a wise thing that society also teaches the children to use the non-linguistic part of our brain (the other 60-70% of our brains, wich aren't used) so next generations can be one step closer to what we are meant to be. When we are able to use our potential to the fullest, we as race shall also become eternal, thus understand the 'realm' wich lies beyond space and time.

  15. Having a religion is a right. Nothing is right or wrong. No one should force a religion on anyone. And, in terms of BCE and BC, BC is not offensive to any religion or lack of one. I personally don't think the Common Era began at Jesus' death, but hey, its better then realating all my dates to the birth of a figure that only 1/3 of the world believes in as their "savior"


    Good point :angry:

    Why is it that everyone on this planet has to abide with the BC-stuff. We have no choice since the whole world is made to use it, in my opinion just another thing wich is forced upon us by religion. Ok it is kinda hard to determine the real date from when the Earth was created, but why not use the oldest calendar existing? The Egyptian/mayan calendar, wich was based upon the stars and planets, oh wait... maybe we arent allowed to use that one because otherwise they loose grip on us.

  16. Hehe every place on the internet is infested with people pretending to be who they can't be, whether they are American, European or whatever. Am glad they converted every commercial and billboard of American companies into Dutch here :angry: synchronisation rules!!!And the horror of Dr. Phil, gotta agree to that one too, just another thing some housewifes (no offense) can watch and get caught up in other peoples misery... pathetic.Most bands, artists who are 'famous'now stole everything they made, they recycled, remixed and made garbage from music wich people made 10 years ago or even older. What is it with them, don't they have imagination of themselves?And yes, at least this civilization is temporarly, we'll destroy ourselves or if we're lucky Mother Nature will get us first.Anyways, nice post, allthough hard to read, your points are clear (i think):angry:

  17. Hmmm it is kinda hypocrite that some sportsmen earn more money then people who put their life on the line for others. Soccer for instance is really good paid here in Europe, a Barcelona forward earns more then I make in a whole year, over $120.000 a month, only to put a ball inside a net. Ok they do have talent and some can get injured for life, but a fireman can die on his job, while saving others. In my opinion, big $$$ ruins sport, because it's all about the money. Sport is loosing it's glance that way.

  18. All I wanna say is, be glad to be at school and be glad that your smart... They will stop as soon as you show them that being smart is vital in this world. Maybe one day you will tell them to get you coffee when you sit on your leather chair :)

  19. Since a few weeks I play the TO-mod for UT and it really rocks. It's about the 'war' between Special Forces and Terrorists, in wich you can achieve objectives or just kill everyone.You get to choose to play on the Special Forces or the Terrorists side and the more money you pick up the better the weapons get.I wonder if anyone else on T17 also plays this UT-mod?

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