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electriic ink

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Everything posted by electriic ink

  1. Let's see where to begin... We have an invite forum, so I'm moving this there Once moved to the correct forum, this will be considered spam because no new topics are allowed there There is another spam topic there (which has been locked) telling people of bytetest.com so this is spam for that reason aswell //Moved//Locked
  2. Very nice site, well organized with the tables and all. Nice and easy to navigate back to the homepage and through the phrases. And it looks totally firefox compatible! One problem though and that is that it is html invalid, so some work could be done there. Overall a very good website, it gets a rating of... 9.5/10
  3. This topic has been going on for more than enough time. Avalon's post explains it all so I am locking this topic. If you need to post click on any report button in this topic, say you want this topic opened and give a good reason why while you're doing so. Until then...// Locked
  4. Hi hibs1875 and welcome to the forums. Hope you enjoy your hosting and all... Post a new topic in the questions & queries forums, that's what it's there for.
  5. All I can say is you've got some work to do and you should start by compressing the size of those images.Secondly, you should create your own downloads, I see someone else has used snildude's.That's all I can say really until you create your own code and other stuff to put on.
  6. You want to create an unlimited amount of ipb forums? If you had the space then the answer is yes. 99 mysql databases are only set initially but if you need more and you have used over 95 of them you can request them in the misc section. This rule applies for email accounts aswell.If you can do it with 150mb of space, then the answer is yes.
  7. Welcome to this week's word game, I am hosting it again but if you want to host it next week, send me a pm Before posting, rules must be read. If your post breaks the rules it will be deleted. [hr=noshade][/hr] Okay, today's theme is space and the first word is: While
  8. A spell-checker would be nice, but with all the hundereds of thousands of words in the english language and possible misspellings, it would be very hard to create (or cost a load of money) and probably take up quite a bit of b/w. We have a forum for all questions and queries and that is the questions and queries forum. But, it would be a nice idea to split the forum up into subforums. We have a music forum and a gaming forum with 3 active subforums. A TV forum however we do not have, maybe one could be added under Life Talk. Midnightvamp, there are 2 faq type pages. There's one here (kindly set-up by Dooga) and Xisto's faq, but the rules and info are pretty much the same on Xisto.
  9. Hehe, that's so clever, mine's here. Thank you for finding that for us
  10. Lol, he deleted the message amount the ripped content whoever did it. That proves he's guilty.But seriously, he is a <insert curse word> sad loser, if he can't even create his own content to grab visitors.
  11. A very nice script but I have a one question and a suggestion: What happens when the amount of seconds is above 43, does it call ar[0] or display nothing or just use ar[43]? Wouldn't it be easier to use and better (if I wanted to use more than 60 quotes) to use javascript's Math.random() instead now.getSeconds(): var sec = Math.round(Math.random()*43); Where 43 is the amount of array number things used. You can replace 43 with any sized number you like.
  12. Wariopk, on analysis of the shoutbox, the fact is that anyone can pretend to be Administartor. I can and so can you. I just shouted 2nd msg to prove it. LOL, it would be so funny if he did actually shout that. Maybe someone should shout a link to this topic Also, he was denied by us 4 times for spam posting which maybe the reason why he ripped the content.
  13. Then don't upload them all at once. Upload the phpBB zip file, then once uploaded, click on the zip file text (not the zip icon) and click Extract File Contents. I haven't tried it myself but it should unzip the files for you
  14. How To Read And Write And Files a simple trick using php For this script all you need is a php enabled server, a text document and a basic understanding of php itself: Beginning Create a text file called name.txt in any directory. Change the file permissions to 777 Create a empty php file in the same directory. You are now ready to begin reading and writing your files. If you just want to read the file scroll straight down to Reading the File else read through the whole tut Open The File Before you can write to the file, you need to open it: <? $thefile = "name.txt"; /* Our filename as defined earlier */$towrite = "Black widgets rule!"; /* What we'll write to the file */$openedfile = fopen($thefile, "w"); This opens the file name.txt which we created earlier for writing, but you can open it for reading and both. Just replace the w with one of the following: You can find more of these at php.net. I have only quoted a few. Also, the fopen() function must be stored as a variable! If you have done what I have said correctly, the file should be opened so now we are ready to write things into it: Writing The File Writing to the file is very easy. You use the fwrite() function like so: <? $thefile = "name.txt"; /* Our filename as defined earlier */$towrite = "Black widgets rule!"; /* What we'll write to the file */$openedfile = fopen($thefile, "w");fwrite($openedfile, $towrite); Again, a breeze all it does is write $towrite to $thefile. You must always write the content to the variable with fopen() stored within it not the one just containing the path to the file! Please bare in mind that because of the way we opened the file all information previously stored in the file will be overwritten! Note: I was told that you can use file_put_contents() instead of fwrite(). You use it in the same way as fwrite() except you would use $thefile instead of $openedfile and like file_get_contents() there's no fopen() and fclose()! Only for PHP5+ though. Reading The File Reading a file is even easier. You could go through the fopen() method but I'm gonna show you an easier way: <?$thefile = "name.txt"; /* Our filename as defined earlier */$towrite = "Black widgets rule!"; /* What we'll write to the file */$whatsinthefile = file_get_contents($thefile); ?> No opening the file, no closing the file. Just that. Closing the file If you opened the file using fopen() then you have to close it using fclose(). Simple: <?$thefile = "name.txt"; /* Our filename as defined earlier */$towrite = "Black widgets rule!"; /* What we'll write to the file */$openedfile = fopen($thefile, "w");fwrite($openedfile, $towrite);fclose($openedfile);?> It couldn't be easier than that and if everything is done just as I say there should be no php errors at all Any questions about this tutorial?
  15. Then you need to look harder Microsoft. There's one where the last post date was 1hr ago. And bureX, if you mean topics which ask about peoples personal preference (such as do you prefer butter on toast or on potatoes) then you're absoluetly right. http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?sho5705&hl=windows //Locked
  16. My Review Of Your Site Good parts: HTML and CSS Valid - That's a good thing and most people find it hard to achieve. Well done. Firefox Compatible - Another good thing which some people find hard to achieve. It also means you keep 19% of your visitors. Organization - You have organized the tables well and made it so that navigation and reading is easy. Table Borders - One of those rare events when table bordering actually makes the site look better than if it was without them. Bad Parts: Introduction - It was all right but I disliked it for the following reasons: [/br] I had to look at the source code before I realized I had to click it to go into the main site. It doesn't fit in with the colour scheme of the rest of your site. [/br] Colour Scheme - I think the orange colour scheme you have going is very strong. Experiment with cool browns and less strong colours. Background - You have the body background attachment set to fix. I personally do not like this. Php - I notice you have been trying to use php to include files. This does not work with the way you've set your site up. To solve: [/br] Log into http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Scroll down to Advanced Tools Click Mime Types In the Mime Type text box add application/x-httpd-php. In the Extension(s) field add .htm. Click Add Your includes will now work Overall site rating is: 7.5/10
  17. My theory about the end of the world:Despite man's ongoing effort to find alternative, environmentally friendly energy resources which will power an ever-growing power-hungry civalization, one will not come around and global warming will keep increasing the earth's tempertature degree by degree until one day the heat becomes unbareable and we become extinct.Still, just before extinction, nuclear power is being used and uranium waste is unearthed by the next dominant species and the gases spread quickly in fast westerly winds and kills all life off.
  18. There's nothing to stop you making good posts and then re-applying and by then you'll have enough to get package 2.
  19. It could just simply be an error when counting the amount of megabytes used up. That happens sometimes. It shouldn't effect the amount of space cpanel will give you to store your files though.... Notice from cmatcmextra: Moving to Questions & Queries
  20. That's probably it. I've tried using the fopen(), fwrite() and fclose() procedure and it works. Thank you truefusion and rvalkass for helping me . //Locked
  21. The question is answered and so the topic is closed. Please report any post in this topic with a good reason if you wish it to be re-opened. Until then...//Locked
  22. As light crept hastily through the windows, a sudden howling brought trepidation to the dogs, shambling aimlessly. They yowled frantically, pawing only scratches. Momentarily, everyone ran, attempting, praying that it would help them escape the shamble that embodied evil, that withheld. Game finished. Next week's word game over here
  23. Both the directory "afolder" and the file "afile.txt" are have 777 permissions. The file has the full url set because it's part of a page header file and so will be included in all files which will be in many different directories. Seeing as I don't have any subdomains or folders which require the inclusion of this file yet I'm gonna try anyway ======No luck Same error. I know the file exists and permissions are set because if they weren't is_readable() and is_writable() would pick those errors up.The contents of $towrite before it is set to be written into afile.txt is 1 and $ipfnsdoc should be the same as when it was set earlier on (afolder/afile.txt). I'm glad I've used the function correctly but also confused because if I am, how comes the error has arisen?
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