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Everything posted by mzwebfreak

  1. Another great site that I found that is really helpful in all aspects of web designing, from scripts, to ideas for content and layout: websoup.org. I've found that it has resources for both the beginner and experienced web designer.
  2. Have to agree with whyme, and go for the sushi...especially since the different types are all helpful in providing various nutrients that are helpful to your body. Yeah, I know I'm going off on a tangent here, but, still!
  3. Everybody's talking about how dare the doll companies do this. However, noone seems to remember the fact that, if the parents of these children didn't BUY them these dolls, these doll companies wouldn't keep promoting these dolls/products due to the lack of interest! I personally do not understand these parents who think nothing of permitting their children to wear these indecent clothes. I'm sorry, but where are the parents in all of this?!? I'm sorry, but I do believe that more of the blame should be placed on the parents than the companies who make this stuff. Parents are the ones who show, by their buying of the stuff, that they approve of this stuff that they're getting for their children, because, at least to my way of logic, that if they didn't approve of this doll or outfit, they wouldn't buy it. I mean, when I was growing up, if I wanted something my parents didn't think was good or appropriate, they wouldn't buy it for me, no matter HOW bad I pleaded. Or maybe that's the problem...these parents are buying the kids whatever they want because I guess they think that it's easier to shut up their whining than to actually have some backbone and tell the little brat 'NO'.
  4. I have a couple of profiles on this site, one being my personal one and one more toned for my professionalness as a dancer/adult film actress. What does everyone here think of myspace.com? Good? Bad? Indifferent? I think it's great considering that, for my personal profile as to trying to find other chicks to just be friends with (since, in my line of work, that's null unto void) and I seem to be doing okay. However, on both my personal and professional profiles, I seem to have a ton of single guys who don't know how to read. (That seems to be an epidemic, since I have that same problem with my yahoo IM profiles...go figure!) Anyways, I'll have in my personal profile that I am not going to add any single guys since I am there, in that profile's capacity, only to meet other chicks to be friends with, and I'm constantly getting annoying little boys wanting to be my friend. What gives? Anyways, sorry, didn't mean to try and turn this into a rant/vent, but what do ya think about it?
  5. I don't know if any of you out here in cyberspace had heard about the Jessica Lumsford kidnapping back in late February. Well, they just found her body last night, and well, here's the story: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I'm sorry; I know I don't have any kids yet, but just reading this and knowing that the whole time this was happening, her dad kept saying she was alive just tears my heart apart. I mean, why would someone do something like this?!?
  6. I know how ya feel...not trying to show stuff I shouldn't, but, with a profile like mine named christy wildxxx, I get all the weirdos..I also have in my profile I don't cyber or do cams, and still have guys asking. Well, generally, what I've found works is to point them back to the profile, i.e. "Well, I guess you didn't really read my profile, since it says right there that I don't do cyber." If that doesn't stop em, I just x out the chat window...the perverts are out there and will get to you sooner or later, but I usually use the worst of them for when I've had a bad day and can vent my anger on their stupid selves.
  7. Okay, I understand that I am a reasonably attractive woman who just happens to both be a dancer and try to work in the adult industry. And yes, I understand that in either job capacity is the understanding that people are going to hit on me. (Not that I'm going to enjoy/tolerate the overly aggressive ones, mind you, but...) But, see, me, my man, another couple we're friends with, and a single chick who's kinda our girlfriend all went out to Jack Willie's for dinner. Now, I was wearing a nice scalloped hem dress and noticed that an older guy and a Hispanic guy were eying our table. Now, the way it was laid out is that, from left to right around the table, we had Kelly, me, my boyfriend Rich, Mark, and then his wife Denise. Well, after the salad was served, Rich, Mark and Kelly all went out for a smoke. Meanwhile, the Hispanic guy comes over and asks if we're alone. In as polite a voice I could manage considering I was a lil pissed since we'd been sitting there for about a half hour or so at this point, I said we were out with her husband and my boyfriend. Well, he acted all offended and said sorry all sarcastic like. Well, when I explained this to my other half, expecting him to agree with me, he told me I should have thanked the guy because he'd been paying me a compliment by hitting on me. And besides, I should be used to it in the industry I worked in. EXCUSE ME?!?
  8. One of the best things I've found for working with css stylesheets is that you need to have a page, i.e. test.html, where you have the different categories all listed on this one page so you can check by trial and error to make sure all the styles work together with the layout correctly. And, if you're viewing it in ie or firefox, you can just edit the color scheme as needed, save the css file, and then F5 the page to make sure everything still works together.
  9. Webster's dictionary defines religion as: while faith is defined as: Now, from what I gather from what Webster says these two words mean is that, for most people of a religious bend, religion and faith go hand in hand. Now, one does not need to take part in organized religion to have faith in their religion. Now, as far as I see it, Hitler's belief that the Jews were the heart of the problem of the Aryan state was his personal religious belief. I'm not saying that a lot of people agreed with what he had to say, but it was still his beliefs and his "faith", as it were. I believe that organized religion has its place and purpose, and my personal belief, though it conflicts with many here, is that the services that many have is not for an outward showing of who's a Christian and who's not, but rather a hearkening back to the first days of that religion when people had to band together to protect each other, since as far away as 100 AD, Christians were still being persecuted by Jews as heretics. So, it's more of a confidence builder of being among others of like mind, and strengthening each others' faith. Now, as for those of the (mostly) Christian standpoint on things where they think that they have to judge every word or action that everyone else does, (and since everyone's been quoting scripture, I'll take up that ball as well), here's a few things I've found from reading it both in the English translations (NASB) as well as from the original Greek. Now, the one that everyone and their brother beats to death is Matthew chapter 7 verse 1: "Do not judge so that you will not be judged." However, in the way that the original Greek was written, the sentence didn't end until the thought did. Thus, in the original translation, the first verse read as such: "Do not judge so that you will not be judged. For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you." He's not saying not to judge, but rather cautioning that the measuring stick you use on others will be used back to you. Therefore, if you judge others harshly, you'd better be prepared to have the same done to you. However, I do not believe that that gives anyone, liberal or conservative, the right to shove their beliefs, whether I agree with them or not, down my throat. You see, I see a difference between explaining your position to a person once, and letting them make up their mind about the topic at hand and those who would constantly badger someone simply because they don't agree with their point of view. I have no problem whatsoever with the former but have a very big problem with the latter, whether it be someone who I agree with or not. Noone has the right to tell someone they're wrong simply because they "say so". Now, for those of them who have book, chapter, and verse (whether it be a biblical book or a law book) to back up why they think the other person is wrong, I say go for it, but only explain once and then give the other person a chance to decide. Now, I know I got off on a slight tangent here about this kinda thing, but I think it was well warranted.
  10. You can find my domain at nevernormal.com; it's all self designed and I've had a lot fun working on the designs.
  11. mzwebfreak

    My Brother

    I'm sorry that you're having to go through this rough spot with your brother right now, but, from how you posted, it shows that you love him very much, from the fact of how concerned you are for what will happen to him due to his drug use. I pray that he will come to his senses sooner rather than later and realize there are better things in life than drugs. But, at the same time, I wonder if maybe there may be a deeper reason for why he's using these drugs. As one person already mentioned, it may simply be teenage rebellion. But, as I have found from personal experience, sometime people use drugs, (or, in my case, drinking) to try and escape from their problems. The way they see it, life's problems are just too much for them to deal with, so they feel that all they can do is do a drug or drink some alcohol so that they can forget about their problems for just a little while. I hope that the rehab your parents put him in has a good psych compliment to help him talk about why he feels he needs the drugs so much.
  12. Pretty intense question, when you really take the time to think about it. I would have to say that my short term goal in life is to make enough at work to be able to pay for my home taxes at the end of the year. Long term? I would like to be on better terms with my boyfriend, would like to get married, maybe have some kids, though what I'd be doing for a job by that point in my life is anyone's guess, since, at least as far as I'm concerned, I can't dance forever. I keep vacillating between a bartender, professional domanitrix or maybe a forensice criminologist. I dunno. I just basically want to have a happy life with family and friends.
  13. Ya know, I put up this link and asked these questions, and forgot to answer them myself. I believe that Justice Kennedy, who wrote the majority opinion, was right on the money when he said I believe that should be the case. In the example above about the young girl, it simply illustrates his point- these 16 year old girls get all bent out of shape, probably because Daddy wouldn't let them go out to a party or something. And, since most teenage girls think their life will end if they don't get their way, feel that, according to their version of logic and reason, they have no other alternative but to make Daddy pay. Now, as for the death penalty in general, I believe that the way it's set up in the separate states right now (i.e. multiple murders) works just fine. For example, if Lee Boyd Malvo, the younger of the two DC snipers, had been over 18 when he'd committed those crimes, I believe that, in such a case as that, he should pay for the lives he took with his own.
  14. I would, but it's actually not my site...wish it was, but I'm not that advanced with php. It's done by a webgirl by the name of Sasha, and she basically made it to assist those in the fanlisting community to help streamline their sites. I knew going into this that it wasn't the biggest or the best, but it had some helpful scripts, which is why I thought people might find it interesting. I didn't know that people thought that a script site had to have tons of scripts and excellent customer service to even be recommended. I thought that's what this forum was for- for all kinds of suggestions. I had actually never heard of hotscripts before this thread, but now I guess I'll have to go check it out.
  15. Oh, I already have good content; I was just trying to explain a way to help maximize the potential for your site to be "spotted", not only by Google, but by Alexa ratings as well as other search bots.
  16. Saw this article today, and was wondering what the views on this board were about this kind of subject. Do you agree/disagree with the death penalty for teenagers? Do you agree/disagree with the death penalty as it stands in the US at all? Would love to hear some feedback on this topic.
  17. Thanks for the info...have WordPress right now, but don't think I'm too happy with it, so I may end up changing over to Moveable Type...it seems more able to do what I want it to do, since I basically just wanted a blog I can use for updates on my domain, like how the index page is now.
  18. Have already searched through the cgi and addon scripts present in the hosting package, but they're not customizable enough for me. I need something that I can modify in php to conform to the layout design of my site. I remember greymatter, but does anyone know of any other user interfaced bloggers that I can get without having to pay a bundle for???
  19. As I'm sure plenty of people have been concerned about after being approved for their space is whether or not you'll be able to fit everything onto 20 megs, or sometimes, even 50. Well, one thing I've found that works really well is to optimize your graphics for web display. The way I do it is in Adobe Photoshop CS, though I'm sure there's equivalents in Paint Shop Pro and other programs, but there's a tab in AP CS, and you access it like this. File --> Save for WebNow, the best way to save space is to save files as JPEGs instead of GIFs, since JPEGs are usually half to one-fourth the size of the same file as a GIF. Basically though, you only need to save a JPEG file at 30% quality, and you get a small graphic file with basically the same design, but at a lesser size. Just a lil FYI I thought y'all might find interesting.
  20. I don't know...I like this general section, but I also love to post my opinions in the Vent, the Internet, Computers, and Hot News. I like being able to talk to people about anything that comes to mind and love to be able to express myself anyway that works, as long as I don't resort to foul language.
  21. mzwebfreak

    Gay Marriage

    To be perfectly honest, from reading your other posts in this thread, I don't think that you have any genuine interest in doing anything other than inciting people to anger, since you constantly are insulting people who wish to take opinions that differ from yours. You keep saying that there are other religions older than the bible that prohibit gay marriage...if that is the case, show me where I can find such information and I will gladly conceded to your expertice. If not, don't go shoving vague assertions in my face. You asked if the KKK and hate propaganda is allowed- yes it is. It's not something a lot of people like, but free speech is free speech. What do you think Farenheit 9-11 was if not hate propaganda against the President? It's allowed because this country was built on allowing ANYONE to talk about ANYTHING regardless of how others feeling. Now, when you talk about it not being allowed for the public good, yes, cases such as extremists picketting abortion clinics is monitored to make sure they don't overstep their boundaries. But, as is mentioned in this month's That's Outrageous section of Reader's Digest, there is a guy who posted security problems (in photos and text) that were present while the Republican National Convention was in NYC. Was that dangerous? Yes Was that wrong? Many would think so Was that something that was not free speech? Technically no...New York State said they cannot take it down unless there is clearly definied danger....so, that means people have the freedom to say what they want.
  22. mzwebfreak

    Gay Marriage

    Whoa! I had so much to look through I just copied and pasted it all in a htm doc to make it easier for me to read it all! So, sorry I'm not putting in names and times, but it all goes from the beginning posts on page 1 to the end of the posts on page 5. I believe that the government won't do that because the main portion of them now that most of their funding comes from people with relatively conservative views...generally speaking. They can't risk angering their main contingency to do what they may actually believe would work. I have a problem with people trying to insert things into rulings that aren't there in the first place. Until the Supreme Court and/or Congress passes a congressional amendment to the Constitution stating that, legally speaking, noone can say that. Yes, granted, many states have decided to state that that is the case, but that is a state by state mandate, not a national one. I believe marriage is a union where two people promise before witnesses (human or godly) that they promise to love, honor, cherish, and obey the other. What does it matter if it's John and Susie or Susie and Amanda?? Wrong. Before religion was even codefied, people were bonding together as couples to provide for each other long before God even told Abram what to do and where to go. I believe that churches have the right to say that they don't want their constituents to allow that, but it comes down to freedom of choice. If Massechusetts wishes to allow it, it is up to the individual to decide what he wants to do. The church merely helps guide people who wish to be guided. See, this is what I find funny about people who are wholeheartedlty against gay marriage...They think that this is equated with other relationships that society abhors. In reality, the reason why people like that make that leap is because both relationships are unnatural to them. Unless you know what it is like, you cannot say that gay marriage is the equivalent of people being in an incestuous relationship. It's like trying to compare apples and oranges. As someone else has already pointed out, the Constitution protects against people from being discriminated against based on color, race, creed, belief (religious or otherwise), sex, and sexual orientation. What the hell is wrong with people getting the same rights as others, whether they're gay, straight, or as confused as can be? What right as a nation do we have to tell people that just because they like the same sex that that's reason enough for their partners not to recieve any health benefits their company gives out because they're not married? Or that they cannot legally state that, as a partner of a deceased person, the bulk of the estate should go to the surviving member, which is the basic default for married couples in most states? Why is gays wanting the same rights so bad? Because it would show that they aren't second-class citizens, which is what it seems like people want to do? Didn't we get rid of this with the Civil Rights act, or even when Hitler's Germany was overthrown? This is the biggest load of bull I've read in this entire topic so far. Marriage not broken? What do you call all the domestic abuse cases heard in every county in the country every DAY?!? I think it's laughable that people think that marriage is great right now. The divorce rate right now is around 50%, and I know from some frineds of mine in alternative lifestyles that they have more of a chance to stay together. Exactly. This country is about freedom of expression. I'm always sick and tired of liberals telling Christians that they can't shove their beliefs on other people, but then turn around and tell people that they have to believe that gay marriage is wrong. People that want to express their intense love for another person want to show the world...that's what marriage ceremonies are basically all about. It's two people telling the world that they love each other so much, they want to commit to each other for the rest of their lives. What does it matter what gender the two parties happen to have? If I remember correctly, back in the early 20th century, it was illegal in many states for a black and a white person to get married. Is that the same now? No. Society has changed and has understood that the color of the skin has no effect on the validity of the marriage. How far of a leap is it to say that sexual orientation shouldn't be given the same acceptance? Okay, therein ends my....15 cents or so. Love to hear the feedback.
  23. I had my 23rd birthday on December 30th last year, though sometimes my boyfriend has a tendency to say I never act my age. So what? The thing about age is a matter of mind over matter: if you don't mind, it don't matter!
  24. I think that one of the main reason that vandals do what they do is that they have no concern for anyone else but themselves. Whether or not they're selfish or they're more of a sociopath who knows right from wrong and don't care, it shows an inherent lack of concern for the welfare of others. What that means is that people who want to vandalize have nothing better to do with their time, and it has been shown that those who vandalize may also go on to worse crimes, so my idea is that you need to be strict from the getgo and maybe you can deter some of these people from trying to get away with things.
  25. Okay, here's the latest update...apparently this went as far as the adult web community at large, with some articles being posted on a well known adult biz web-zine. But, at the same time, we found out that, somehow, most of Dusty's sites were offline, and, as luck would have it, he's out of the country right now, so he apparently doesn't know that that occurred. We're looking into trying to get a lawyer to work on a contingency basis, since we don't mind how much or how little we make off of this, but that Dusty can't pull this kinda bs again with someone else. But, on the good side, at the two main swingers clubs in the area- he's banned, so he can't go there anymore to try and shoot some content for his sites. :claps:
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