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  1. I dont recomment FrontPage actually. It can get confusing and mess things up :S Lissaexplains is good.
  2. Hmmm. Runescape. I used to be so obsessed with that game when i was about twelve. I guess it's a really addictive game but it just takes a bit of getting in to. Because when you are a low level its really boring and you cant do much. It's much better to pay because you get a lot more options (my bro used to have a paid account, i never bothered...) haha the cooking skill's quite fun
  3. Theyre so good! You're really talented. Very handy with a pen and paper.
  4. They're really beautiful. And really different too. I like the first one because it is really simple but still looks nice. I love the quote and the flowers are really perfect. The second one is really different! The effects are great! (even thought you said they werent lol) I like the third one as well but it is my least favourite. I like the colours thought and it has quite a nice effect.
  5. I used to be friends with these two girls who are best friends. But lately they have become soooo *BLEEP*y. They like whisper about people in front of their faces but don't actually TELL them. Its so annoying. And then if you ever confront them they just totally deny it all and act like they have done nothing wrong. They also are so horrible to everyone. So we weren't getting on and then one lunchtime they kept walking in and out of the room. We were all wondering what the hell they were doing. Then after like 5 times of walking in and out we started talking about them. We only said stuff like what are they doing? Etc etc. And it turned out that they had left a mobile in there and WERE RECORDING us talking about them. I mean how petty can you get?! They are so ridiculous.
  6. Oh thanks! I was really confused as well. I guess it just takes a lot of getting used to. My previous host was freewebs. What a load of crap that was.
  7. Im fifteen. Sixteen in december. Heh, i thought i was the youngest but im not thank god.
  8. Yeh pepsi is quite sugary. Eurgh actually the worst drink is them McDonald milkshakes! I made the mistake of buying one the other day and OMG are they bad. Also then (after i had drank most of it) my friend goes: "You do realise whats in them don't you?" and apparently they have found sperm in them... :S
  9. Oh god, don't even get me started. It is so bad, even watching stuff like American Pie. I just sit there and fidget while my parents just glance over. Its so hilarious. I usually watch movies with sex in them in my room. That way i dont have to worry about parents.
  10. Hmmm... my fave is probably Coke lol. Quite boring but yeh. I hate Dr Pepper though.... *shudder* its disgusting. And cherry coke, eurgh.
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