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Everything posted by zyzzyvette

  1. It irks me that there's only 24 hours in a day. I need more!
  2. So... if there was a human being that was born, and their body was 100% efficient and produced no waste, they should be denied human rights? Or an infertile person? o_O I think that's probably a very good biological definition for life (never seen it before, but then I'm not big into biology), but I'm not sure that all of that matters. I think so long as something is intelligent to the point of being self-aware, it should have rights, especially if it has emotions and feel pain. But I guess, since robots don't satisfy that, my answer would be "no" (or "not yet").
  3. Terrorists and the like are about as representative of Islam as the KKK and other "fundamentalists" are of Christianity. They claim to be the 'true' followers of the religion, while the moderate members of their religion look on in disgust and shame. I hope you're not basing all your beliefs on what the newspapers and TV reports say; they are often inaccurate and sometimes plain wrong, not just with this issue but many others. It seems like reporters don't take their jobs as seriously as they should.
  4. Then they aren't agnostic, they're atheist. :/ It's impossible to be an agnostic that outright denies existence of a god, that's like being a Christian who doesn't believe in Jesus. I consider myself agnostic because I don't know, and frankly don't care, if there's a god or not. If there isn't a god, it's just a huge waste of time for me to go around worshipping it, and if there is, how would I ever know in my lifetime? I'd feel sort of arrogant assuming to know whether or not a supreme being exists, and it doesn't affect my day-to-day life, so why bother, really. As for the OP- you seem a bit intolerant of other religions. If you don't like religious stereotyping, perhaps a good place to start would be with your own attitudes? Making assumptions about entire religious groups (or non-religious groups) based on a few people isn't much different than someone making assumptions about Christianity based on Pat Robertson.
  5. Maybe your teacher was giving you homework so you'd know what you were doing and not do so badly on your tests? It might be her job to teach you, but if she's giving you the resources you need to learn, and you don't, well... in the end its your responsibility to learn. It's not the teacher's job to babysit you; if you can't behave during an assembly (doesn't everyone know you're not supposed to talk? It's just rude) or put effort into your learning, its no skin off her knees. It's you who will end up suffering if you can't do math or be polite. Maybe she really is mean... so what? In HS there are plenty of mean and insane teachers, and in college/university it's even worse- many of the professors there do not even want to be teachers, they just do it for the funding, and they certainly aren't going to waste any more time than they must on their students. Deal with any problems that you can (preferably BEFORE they become problems, as you could have done with your math test), and if your teacher does something totally unreasonable (tests you on something that wasn't taught, for example), do your best to shrug it off. That's all you can really do.
  6. I lost 10lbs last August through pure laziness... too lazy to cook/go to the store. It's probably not the healthiest way to lose weight but eh, it works. Just keep a good stock of healthy snacks (ones you'll actually eat, not weird hippie-health-store stuff that makes your stomach turn) and only buy junk food in single sized portions so it's not laying around the house. Easiest weight loss & maintenance program I've ever tried, for sure.
  7. This is pretty much how my "cooking" goes too... I can make some yummy stuff when I want to, but I usually don't want to, so its toaster oven and microwave for me.
  8. There was another woman on the same program who was using her own e-begging site to pay her bills and buy designer shoes/bags, I just couldn't recall her name. I don't see how its any worse than setting up adsense... you're getting money from doing nothing either way.
  9. Where I live, you already can do groceries online, and I assume cigarettes as well... if you're into that. If you shop at a chain grocery store, try googling them and seeing if they offer web ordering and delivery.
  10. its very busy... you have like 7 or 8 different colors going on in there and a lot of unnecessary "stuff". The blue box, for example, doesn't really need to be there, it just distracts the eye, and having really strong 3d effects all over doesn't help. I'd try to cut down the colors to 3 or so ones that look OK together (maybe the blue, red and tan?), get rid of the 3D effects, and lighten the text in the navigation bar (black on blue is sort of hard to read).
  11. That's not an accident, that's carelessness. It's only an accident if its both unintended and unexpected. If person A is waving a knife at person B, its not unexpected that person B is going to get cut by that knife. An accident would be more like if the machines at the knife factory malfunctioned suddenly and exploded, making the knives fly through the air and stab people... and even then, we're assuming that nobody knew that there was a problem with the machines beforehand. Anyway, it'd be nice if we could stop assaults by telling would-be assailants not to stab people. We could also tell would-be rapists, thieves, and murderers not to go rape, burgle and murder people, and remind them of the consequences of doing these things. But people know that they aren't supposed to be doing these things already, so I don't think that reminding them how bad it is will do much. The people who do these things are aware of the consequences, but they either don't care or are in too much of a frenzy to stop and think. Yeah, the best thing would be for them to leave their knife at home, I certainly won't argue with that. I'm just not entirely sure that people are willing to listen, since it seems that they've already been told at least once.
  12. I thought that "God is real because he created the Earth" was one, because you assume the conclusion is true in the premise. Another fairly popular one is the "Bandwagon fallacy" (can't remember the specific Latin name, but it is a form of Non-Sequitur); it goes a bit like this: "Most people I know like cupcakes over cake, therefore cupcakes are better." "65% of people agree that global warming is fake, so it must be" etc. There's a good website that covers fallacies called "fallacyfiles", and it lists a whole whack of fallacies under their Latin and English names, with explanations of what each is, examples, and why it's logically incorrect. I don't always agree with their conclusions, but its still a pretty extensive resource if you're interested in this sort of thing.
  13. Is the male pill even available yet? I was under the impression you could only get it if you agreed to be a labrat for the scientific community. The female pill can have some side effects like weight gain and moodiness, but the low-estrogen ones do seem to be the best, and most problems can be corrected by changing which one you're on. If your partner smokes though, she might want to consider quitting because smoking+the pill can up your risk for heart attacks by more than if she was just smoking (no worries if she doesn't smoke).Also to the person who was scared about the HIV-pores thing... while the HIV virus is more than small enough to get through the holes, scientific tests show its way safer to use a condom than not (for preventing AIDS). My point was just that condoms aren't 100% foolproof, even when they pass all the factory tests, are stored properly and used correctly, not that they're useless. So while its pretty unsafe to be sleeping with lots of people (especially not knowing their histories), its still far better to be using a condom than not.
  14. There's no way to get a blank cart, but this site sells a product that allows you to download/upload game info (saves and full games) between your computer and DS... so you could develop your own but it'd be a pain to redistribute (which should be fine, since I think that'd be illegal unless you had a contract with Nintendo). I haven't tried it but I think that'd be the best bet.
  15. Who says you aren't considered gifted? 140 IQ is the "genius" line if you're using just that as an indicator, but usually IQ doesn't mean all that much, especially when its just a difference of 10 points. You say yourself that you've been invited to various scholarly events; obviously the organizers thought highly enough of you to invite you, and with your achievements its not too surprising. Is there some sort of benefit to being considered an "officially" gifted person if the academic community recognizes you as such already? I'm not from the US, and I don't believe we have anything like this up here... seems sort of pointless, actually. Some people manage to get themselves into Mensa, but then what do you do? Keep paying fees for the privilege of being in their little club?Results are way more important than labels, and it seems you're doing just fine in the former department.
  16. Somewhat OT, but y'know only one province out of 11 speaks French. If you come to my province, you're more likely to hear people speaking Mandarin. Am I a terrible person for picturing an angry shadowx getting redder and redder with every religious recruitment post until steam comes out his ears? I know its annoying as heck on your end (major pet peeve of mine as well), but its making me laugh anyway. Anyway, there is no real or healthy way to suppress your anger, so you just need to find a nice safe way to express and "tame" it. Some people use sports or other forms of physical activity, which is good if you feel restless or full of too much unused energy. Long walks and other "calm-downs" work for others. Music helps a lot of people, but if angry music makes things worse you can always try experimenting with different genres. Talking to people about your problems can help too, but I wouldn't recommend a school counsellor... I don't know how it is in other places, but if you talk to your school counsellor here, you have no right or guarantee that what you say will be private, and counsellors are even required to report you in many cases, with or without your consent or knowledge. I dunno about you guys, but that's just not something I'd want if I were looking for an ear. Avoiding whatever is causing you to be angry probably isn't entirely healthy, but its something I do sometimes for various emotional triggers on those "just can't handle this" days.
  17. Ah, I know it sounds absolutely nutters. We are both 17. I've had previous boyfriends, and a couple "opportunities" to leave and have an offline relationship since we've been together... believe it or not this isn't a case of a couple of kids who can't get any IRL. I'm pretty picky about who I date, not in the usual sense of "high standards" -I'm not looking for some hot rich football player- but more that there's specific set of personality traits a person has to have before I even think of them in that way. Most people don't come close, but he fits them pretty much perfectly, and he feels the same way about me (or so I'm told ). It's absolutely horrible that we live so far apart, but them's the breaks, and I'm not the sort to jump ship and hope for the best. If we get a chance to meet, it will be because we've worked towards that goal together, not because I've given up on things. So while I totally understand your concern, its the sort of situation you don't really "get" until you're there yourself. Trust me, a year and a half ago I'd have said the same as you. EDIT: I live in west coast Canada; he is in the UK. Didn't notice that part before.
  18. Whatever your pacman link is, its not working. I'm liking the layout though, v classy.
  19. Very nice for a first attempt... mine was not this fancy. But a few tips... Flash intros: Most people don't watch these, and in fact its said that the most clicked thing on the internet is the "skip intro" link. Background music: A lot of people don't like sites with music because they listen to their own while they surf. The extra music is distracting. While its good that you at least have an "off" button, I'd recommend taking the music off entirely if possible. Animations: In particular, the "welcome" text and the scrolling binary, which repeat long after the page loads. Animations are distracting. AFAIK, the only "animation" that most designers use on a consistent basis is a rollover (which you've used for your links as well ) Load time: This isn't so much of a hassle the second time a user visits a site (as its cached), but if a page loads too slowly, chances are they'll have clicked away and there won't be a second time. Images/colors used: The colors seem a teeeny bit off, not bad but not great either. Some of the pictures are unnecessary and/or stretched out too big. Try to use solid colors or subtle images as much as you can, it can look much better than an image-heavy site. I really like: Navigation: Too many sites use navigation that is confusing, overly complex or hard to find. Yours is very clear, very simple and easy to use. This is a VERY GOOD THING because of course its important that users can move around your site comfortably. Basic layout shape: Navigation at the top, again is very easy to find. The shape of the content area is very eye-catching, page titles tucked off in the corner, and I like the idea of having a single picture to accent each page, though I'd suggest a different picture for each page that goes with your site content.
  20. Ahh, when I read "myspace" I was expecting one of those blaring, clashing, emo-midi-background-music-that-you-can't-turn-off, custom-cursored, tiled-photographed horrors... This one is very nice. It reminds me of Apple's style, lots of white, very minimalistic, but still pretty slick. If only you could convince the rest of myspace it looked good.
  21. I built my first blog with this tutorial. It's an article series on how to build your own blog, targeted to the "newbie coder". If you're going to build your own, I'd suggest doing some basic php first, just to get the gist of things. I haven't integrated someone else's blog script into one of my own sites, so I have no idea how plausible that is with a pre-existing template and such. If it is, that's likely an easier way unless you'd like to learn anyway or are a fast learner.
  22. !important tells standards-compliant browsers to ignore any changes to that attribute in child elements. It works with anything, font-weight, border, whatever, just not on Microsoft browsers.
  23. If you're using the condoms properly, there's like a .1% chance of it breaking BUT most people use them wrong so the actual effectiveness is a lot lower, around 10-20% failure rate. Spermicides are not very effective at all (I think that was around 30%) which is why its recommended that you use them with other contraceptives (never by itself). The best ways to avoid getting preggers are the methods FolkRockFan mentioned- using condoms and a hormone method (pills, patch or shot) is good, and of course abstaining is pretty much 100% surefire. Also, the pores in a condom are more than large enough to let the HIV virus in (the pores are about 5 microns each, virus is .1 micron), so be very careful about checking out your partners' sexual histories, regardless of what barrier methods you're using.
  24. I guess... I think I like the idea of her bald partially because she's cutting loose (no pun intended ) a little from her hairstylists (how much styling does that need now?? ). Most of these celebrities hang around with their hairdressers 24/7 out of necessity, because people are constantly taking their pictures and they HAVE to look good OR ELSE. That pretty long hair probably cost her a couple million so far, just in labour costs- some of these Hollywood stylists get paid $2500-$4000... an hour! Most of us spend a little on makeup, hair products, nice clothes, etc, but that's just insane. Does anyone actually know why she did it? Is there any sort of statement or some such? I'd be interested to hear why. Hopefully she doesn't cop out and claim drunk or something lame like that.
  25. Make a file containing this (could call it ie7.css for example) #bottom { FLOAT:none;} Then in your header, after you reference your first stylesheet, put in a conditional comment for ie7 referencing it. :PEDIT: I was in a bit of a hurry before, so I didn't have time to explain a little more thoroughly (for anyone who might read this in the future with a similar problem). Conditional comments are a special kind of HTML "code" that's recognized only by Internet Explorer builds, and they're used to basically tell IE how to fix what it's doing wrong/differently from other (more standards-compliant) browsers. They look like this: <!--[if IE 7]>Special instructions for IE 7 here<![endif]--> Every other browser will render this as a regular HTML comment, but anything in the "special instructions" area will be read by IE7. If you stick a line of HTML code that references a separate CSS file, you can put special CSS that will only apply to that browser. In this case, it'd be changing the "float" attribute of the misplaced box; changing it to "none" messes up non-IE browsers but having it as "left" messed up IE, so the conditional comment makes them both happy. :DHope this solution works for you, I saved a copy of your main page and this seems to work on my "desktop copy".
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