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Everything posted by richierich1m

  1. taking over the world by what method u say is really impossible and i dont think any way practically possible if you use such explanation ,unless there are many big twirls in this and the entire concept of taking over world by making a planned effort breakthe best method to take over the world is to become bill gates like rich ,being the richest person is the first step ,thius richness would come from technological advancement in the respective field of business and after being the richest person in the world the person has to do a lot of charity but yet make sure that he remains in the number 1 position in the world ,after making charities and creating a lot of good will he has to run for the presidential election and win that election by burning billions of dollar for campaigning ,after winning the presidential election the person should become a powerful entity in the world by being the strongest member of the united nation organisation ,after which he has to spread his business in all countries in all fields ,make all countries completely dependent on him for economy,employment and all that stuff ,after which he has to trade the lands of countries with them for money and bribe billion dollars to all people in power and be the guru of the entire king af all the countries and if any country rejects do a war and conquer it as a war of humanity after which do a lot of god stuff to gain people confidence and yes his dream to conquer the world finishes here
  2. Betting is not that bad ,but actually if you are a real learner of betting ,you will go to the deep you can and someday you would become the big guy up who makes people play bets rather than the one playing,betting is a wonderful business but for those who make others play and not betters ,never play on luck ,play on yourself ,i wont say that you cant earn without working you can but you have to use your brains and create systems rather than the one playing in it.
  3. Obviously i dont smoke and all,but yet i would say this calculation has no meaning of it as this is just a way to look at things ,what u percieve is what u see is th punch thing here,.the same calculation goes for why you use a car ,go by a cycle and you will save 10 times than this ,why go to hotels ,just make your own food all the time and you would save a good anount of money,why keep 10 different types of cloth keep only 2 ,obviously all above examples are ewxtremes but this cannot be an eye opener for smokers ,show them the bills,a smokers who catches cancer ,has to go for a surgury and medication worth 10000$ to the minimum ,and if its spread too much your life is gone
  4. I agree with the entire tutorial ,the long posts also helps to make an impact for your point and the biggest problem when people write only for credits is that they cant go indepth about it,but once you post only to those topics which you like and have a knowledge about it ,there is no problem of writing big post there because you know about the topic and how far the particular topic goes,innseccary extending of post with smilies and all should also be avoided.the best tip is if you know the topic well you can write more about it or just learn to babble about stuff and you will get big posts
  5. I doubt robots could pose a threat anytime ,but yet if we make robots ,they will bve working everywhere and we might be making them more and more powerful and smart,first we may use them for house hold chores than the policing ,teaching and nursing comes in and someday even doctors but then it would soon led it to make them soldiers and the guy who creates the programme for making an virus that reverse their work ,o mine he would be the next hitler,but yet i have voted for no dangerous as it seems very farfetched.
  6. is there a comparison of any other game with grand theft auto : sanandreas ,i dont think so ,it is really a good game,great cars,great mission,great cities and the biggest plus point is that it is the largest and really the best ,i really love that shooting stuff.but hey there is one thing i dont like in grand theft auto san andreas and it is that it takes month to complete and i could not play that game without cheat codes hehe.
  7. google though has a good service but i am really finding yahoo serach more impressive nowadays,it give me more and accurate results and i feel a tremendous improvemnt has taken in yahoo,google is pbviously the best i feel atleast for finding accurate contents,but if you are stuck in a situation where there is no result on google and you will find results for most of them on yahoo,but make sure they arent spelling mistakes,msn is really poor i found ,i dont like anythjing abt msn ,it so many tries to be the default search engine in almost all updates,msn really sucksi aLSO FOUND A SEARCH ENGINE WHICH SHOWS THE COMBINE results of google and msn ,but i have forgotten the url try to serach yahoo and google on google search engine and u will find that site
  8. the next story is pretty simplr,first google will try every possible legal way to acquire the doamin and if they dont get it may be they will have to pay that uk company a few million dollars toi get the trademark back,which i am sure that google will have no problem too.google launched gmail as a beta,i dont know much abt trademarks but wouldn't that hurt them in acquiring the trademark,but again a trademark registered in uk may not b e used in us as they dont have any right to it unless they had registered in both countries before the google applied for the trademark,i also thing that the more famous the trademark for a company ,the more it acquires the right to acquire the trademark,basically a trademark is one can say a caollection of letters ,a word or collection of words which symbolises that particular organisationand in this case if 100 people asked what gmail refers to,all will say a mail service of google not some iiirs or something ,so the case may be straight and clear that the entire right for the trademark should go to google rather than that ul iir company or any other company no matter when they registered a particular trademark and how does a uk registration of trademark wotk at us i ont understand that one
  9. but a second look also made me see a large monster standing behind him and found three powerpuff girls coming and destroying that monster and my brother wondering which power puff he would ask for a date heheheh P.S. - i am not good at writing stories ,may be all u might have guessed
  10. are condoms that unsafe,i thought that they are really safe and good,but really it too wierd that the stats go to even 30% if used unproperly ,but isnt a better prevention could be not to do sex with strangers and with partners do with condom.this stuff is really scary maybe thats the reason a lot of awarness has to be brought to public about these issues ,so aida become a history ,but i dont think its happening any time soon
  11. If i found a million, iwouldn't buy a house ,i have a good one,no car,because i dont need yet,no games as i am not much into it,no clothes ,because i have good ones for nowI would use my million to make 10 millions by initiating several ventures which i want to start ,then those 10 millions into 100 and just keep on doing it unless i go ahead of bill gates ,and may be then ill do some charity and stuff ,but i want a lots of money ,a million isnt enough for me.
  12. be glad u were saved from a maniac your friends,only because some friend of you yelled at him doesn't mean he has to dump you for that ,atleast he should have talked to you,may be he wasnt much interested in the relationship from the start and this might have just triggered his dumping,there are many other guys who would be a lot better than him,so just chill and wait for the best one to come
  13. No human has the right to kill another human ,if a particular person kills someone or even a lot of people ,yet he shouldn't be hanged,but should be given a sort of punishment which would help them get a good life even in jail and would lead to their heart transformation, even if the goverment becomes like them becoming a murderer than whats the point of the whole thing ,a revenge is never a solution to the problem but a enforcer in violence in this world ,we as humans should be above animals and should be able to control our revenge instinct.let assume a guy kills a nother guy ,the families of the killed guy suffer a lot because of this and the guy who killed will also be hanged according to the goverment laws,but now isn't the goverment killed the guy(killer),now obviously the family of the killer have to bear without him because of the goverment ,so isnlt it unfair to them ,a possible solution could be lifetime imprisonment ,which could be a solution to both the parties,but a kill for a kill is really a jungles way of life ,not descent humans.
  14. i think the best job is the one,u create for yourself,no matter where you work ,you will always be underpaid then your capability ,bcoz no one will pay u more than what you generate in revenue.so the best job is to find a passion and be an individual enterpreneur in that particular field and enjoy the good returns but also stay capable of facing some riska in between
  15. If there is no internet i would be really bored till death,can u just beleive a day with no new information too grasp,no Xisto forums,no site of our own,no quick and innovative way to get rich,no mail checking,no virtual girlfriends,no ebay buying and no millionaire lottery emails hehe ,i dont need the last one by the way.
  16. its really embarassing to watch such scenes with your parents,i usually change the channel myself to avoid such embarassing time and if its short scene i wouls simply ignore that stuff, i simply don't understand yet why these scenes are such a shocking thing for parents,isn't these alll thing suppose to be naturaL,but yet even i dont know that someday what i will feel when i will become a parent ,hoo, these times are really so ackward ,u don't know what to say and don't actually know how to keep your facial expression at one time i simply started to laugh,seeing my parents seeing me ,o mine i was such a heck hehe
  17. Thanks a lot opaque ,this would be really great ,and i am moving to computing in a 2/3 weeks .the entire service is really great,and i love my time chatting on the forums.
  18. stress is not something that ctually comes from outer situation( as most of us presume) stress comes because u make yourself stressed.thats what we call as stress tolerance level.it is like if you made a mess and found yourself in trouble ,you may feel what a bad experience it is and feel stress becvause you have to solve that problem.but the other approach to this is ,its ok i have learnt something from this act and i am sure that i am not the only one to make such mistakes and there is no mistake in the world that can't be rectified someway or other,thinking positive is the best shield to stress , a big stress buster you can even make yourself happy by giving yourself a day break,good food and also if you love your work, than it will be like a challenge to u and no problem will seem to be a wall,but look like a hurdle that has to be crossed through determination and persistant hard work:P
  19. Every failure brings with it an equivalent or bigger seed of success? Napolean Hill I just love this quote,its so true that whatever we fail in our life it teaches us where success is,and how to get it.i simply love this onethen there is,Courage is not absense of fear,Its resistance to Fear.
  20. hey i feel why not create a sytem that anyone could sell the hosting credits to each other and at whatever costs they want so the posters could earn money and those who dont want to post could buy those credits at a cheaper cost and it would lead to a win-win situation for both
  21. making a search engine is a difficult and a verymuch financially expensive one ,if you want to make a real search engine like google hehe, the main thing is the crawlers who crawl billions of pages and the data they store in the servers ,big and pwerfull servers are needed to store and retrieve the data , making search engine for a particular site or forum is relatively easy ,just need to use the cron jobs to scan your site at regular interval for scanning all pages and make it available easily in the searches whenever someone search for it
  22. i dont know much of these things ,but yet i feel its plain fantasy and nothing real ,may be the guys who told you about the story see a lot of sci fi movies. i dont beleive in anything of this
  23. the drinking age in my country is 21 and i feel it should be decrerased to 18 , why do adults dont allow the teens to take their own descision and want to take descision for them ,why they think that they are always foolish
  24. the service at asta and Xisto are really better than many even the paid ones, these service is like a launching pad for young enterpreneurs ,who don't have the investment cost ,i promise whenever i move to a paid host ,it will be Xisto - Web Hosting
  25. yahoo is the no 1 website ,as of i know most of my friends use yahoo messenger and yahoo mail ,thwere are very few who use gmail for their daily use ,i like yahoos future more than the googles or msn ,obviously google search engine is an exception
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