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Posts posted by NilsC

  1. Killer008r,


    almost right... thanks.


    Hosting credits have 2 meanings, before you are hosted it's a way to be hosted, after you are hosted it's a way to keep the hosting.

    Before you are hosted you post to get 10 hosting credits for package 1 oe 30 hosting credits for package 2. Because you are not hosted the credits are like money in the bank (It does not make interest :rolleyes: ) because of this we reduce the hosting credit to 3 when you get hosted. This is so it will be fair to the people already hosted.

    When you get hosting you have 3 hosting credits left, this is your starting point and it means you have 3 days that you don't need to post. We recommend you post so you have at least 7 hosting credits (25 to 30 is safer) that way you can stay away if something happes and you will not lose the hosting


  2. The Xisto server for the board went down during maintenance this morning. 12 to 20 hours estimated for the repair to take place. All board data should be safe (Posts / polls etc).The good new is that it did not affect the hosted members server that one is still up and running strong :lol:Nils

  3. netbux act like a scammer would, why would netbux.org hide a post that does not agree with them. netbux spam folder is the best folder on that forum.Any company who can't take constructive critique should find another business to be in. Not everyone will like what you do or agree with you and that is the truth and way of life. When someone here complains about us or our site. I pin the topic, let's get it out in the open, we have nothing to hide. What should happen is to turn the negative around you need to improve your public relations and prove the person wrong, or if he / she is right then maybe a change needs to be made.I know that I will not go to netbux.org or spend any time promoting or demoting netbux

  4. Caveman, you do what is important in life. Get a good education that will put you on the path to a great job. So when you have some time in the future, stop on in and say hi, lets know how you are progressing.Remember, you can come back and join us when the time comes that you have more time to do lifes little pleasures... (This is before you get married)Your user account will be here waiting for you..Nils

  5. In your public_html folder do you have any other files / folders / or directories.

    / public_html / (Current Folder)  _private  755
    _vti_bin  755
    _vti_cnf  755
    _vti_log  755
    _vti_pvt  750
    _vti_txt  755
    cgi-bin  755
    images  755
    .htaccess 0 k 644
    _vti_inf.html 1 k 644
    index.html 10 k 755

    Because this is the default settings for that folder.

  6. If you have problem accessing your cPanel using your domain name you can use this until the DNS is migrated.




    That will bring you to the login page and your cPanel username and password will direct you to your site.


    I just did a reverse DNS lookup and your domain name are correctly pointing to ns1 and ns2.trap17.com


    If you are on a xp or w2k computer you may have to fluch the dns cache. You can do that in command.com

    Click -> Start -> Run.

    Type -> command

    Hit -> Enter

    At the DOS prompt type "ipconfig /displaydns" Display the contents of the DNS Resolver Cache." (without the " " and you will list the DNS entries you have, if there are any you don't know you should flush them.)

    At the DOS prompt type "ipconfig /flushdns" Purges the DNS Resolver cache.

    At the DOS prompt type "ipconfig /registerdns" Refreshes all DHCP leases and re-registers DNS names (And you should be set)

  7. I think closing the vent is the thing to do.


    I don't feel like arguing with you and I definitely don't feel like reading some of the idiotic posts that are "Vented" here.


    I don't understand why you can't let this thing fall, if you think that arguing makes your actions any better you are wrong. Right now you are acting like a 4 year old laying on the floor kicking their feet screaming because they can't have what they see.


    Yes, I closed the first post because it was useless and the language was not to "MY" liking. I closed the second post because I told you in the warning to contact me using PM so we could let cool you down a little.


    I explained to you in the PM why I did what I did and unless you have an IQ the same size as your shoe size you would have understod that this was a closed topic.


    So the vent is closed, I'm leaving it open to answer any treads already created. When I feel like it I will close that ability also.



  8. I asked you nicely to cool down and PM me. We could have settled this privately and with no fuss.Do you remember any of the words you used... you had a bone to pick and you could use a language that don't trigger the badword filter.If you didn't care about the point scale, why make an issue of it.PM me if you have anything else to say because I removed your posting rights this time.I closed this post also.Nils

  9. No problem.


    @Nils -- Isn't that what the Vent is for? She bleeped all the bad words, and it was just letting off some steam...but I'm not disagreeing with you at all.


    The vent is OK, the language is not. You can say exactly the same without being bleeped out. I agree that a lot of the rep points are given wrongly, but that is what we have moderators and admins for. Anyone with a problem like that PM me and I'll look into it.. Most of the time I can solve it.



  10. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    Not FoundThe requested URL /public_html/userfiles/WindowsFoundErrorItsWindows.gif was not found on this server.

    Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

    make sure the case is correct, did you turn on image protection? then you have to set permissions for links...


  11. Yeah i think i have to shorten it quite a lot, oops. I`m still a begininer at these kind of things but we learn form our mistakes as it were, thanks guys. I`ll get the hang of it one day,  :blink:


    Time for a little cutting....


    *cue OpaQue*


    So i take it i would need to ask for a name change, from the hosting part of the forums?


    You still have the hosting token so you should be all set to re-setup, just run the script again. If it fails it has a rollback feature so you did not lose anything and you should be able to try again.


    If you are using your own domain, you can cahnge it there. Just pm me with the new domain name :) and I'll update for you



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