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Everything posted by Dooga

  1. I'm sure the old reputation system is hidden somewhere...
  2. I always use a blank page as my home page, but now that I installed Apache on my computer, I'm going to make a local home page with some functions that I often use, and an import of my favorite links or something.
  3. I have trouble reading what you're trying to express. A note, that only proper nouns and first words of sentences require capitalization, and not every word, which was evidently what you did.
  4. To my understanding, only hosted members are allowed to transfer credits...
  5. I don't like the site. First of all, it resizes my browser window, which isn't good. Second of all, since it resized my browser window, I can't read the webpage properly. Third, it requires an investment, which usually involves pyramid schemes.
  6. You could also get one of the "what you hear is what is recorded" type recorder. I once heard of software called "Advanced Sound Recorder", but I don't remember the website. A good search in Google with keywords "sound recorder" is good enough.
  7. I wouldn't use iframes, just because I don't really like frames, but I'm not sure if search engines ignore them (just have a link to them on your main page, and you're fine). Search engines usually find your page by themselves, provided that you have someone linking you. However, if you submit your URL to the search engine (for example, https://www.google.com%2Fwebmasters%2Ftools%2Fsubmit-url&followup=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Fwebmasters%2Ftools%2Fsubmit-url ), the search engine bot will crawl your site. Of course, meta tags are really important, since search engines actually read them, and you need to have meta tags to tell the search engine what your site is about and what kind of searches would lead to your site as a result. You could increase your traffic and your search engine rank by having relevant sites link to you.
  8. I highly doubt that I would still be using this computer in the year 2038... A computer that would work properly in this year probably costs as little as 30 bags of chips (as opposed to comparing to what gas prices caused economic inflation's monetary value).
  9. Interesting! Does this help me terminate non-responding programs too? Sometimes you just wish that there's a plug that you can unplug to forcefully remove a process.... CTRL ALT DELETE just doesn't work anymore...
  10. I'm sure that they will compensate you if you recieve something that's damaged. At least, I'm sure if you have insurance or something, they would compensate you. I've never recieved a package via mail before...
  11. That's nice! I don't really like using the complicated form.phps that you can find in hotscripts.com or something. However, it doesn't seem like it has validation. Validation should be easy, just have something like if ($message=='') {echo "You didn't fill out the message";}
  12. If you play piano, you've used the damper pedal... the pedal which sustains all hammers from stopping the sound for all the notes you played. Unlike the sostenuto pedal, this pedal creates an echo. If you've ever let go of a pedal by accident, you'll hear the great big echo sound.Is it possible to effectively use the pedal to create an ensemble reverb effect? Could a separate set of pedals be created solely for echoing purposes?I found that if a pedal use repeatedly used without touching the end, you can "blow wind" into the piano, which "blows the sound" out of the piano. Pretty crazy!Any other pedal effects with a piano? Sorry if this topic is so specific and targeted, but with a community as big as this one, there must be one that understands what I mean....
  13. Well you can change the future, but the future you changed, is the future that's already been set. So technically, the action of you changing your future, is your future.
  14. Maybe you could tell us what it's about to convince us to visit it. A quick glance tells me that it's just a forum.... convince us
  15. I personally don't think the end of the world is going to affect us....
  16. Sounds like elf names at Christmas...
  17. Sometimes when I register for boring "register to view it all" types of sites, I just use usernames and passwords like "jenny" or "googleaaa" because I'm lazy
  18. Very nice! I like the 3rd and 4th one for some reason, since it has nature in it
  19. Wow! That's pretty cool. Except this will probably have lots of people fighting for the domain "googlecheckoutsucks.com"...Why? Because Google has always been on the controvesial side of privacy. Google wants to control everyone's email with Gmail, what website everyone sees with Google Web Accelerator, all the webmasters with Google Adsense, and everyone's computer with Google Toolbar. Now they can control everyone's bank accounts too
  20. Sometimes I just stick with the old javascript that redirects the user to getfirefox.com when they use IE
  21. Just submit your URL to Google again.And I would prefer to use only 1 domain, and have the other domains use php headers to foward, or htaccess redirects. That way Google won't think you copied off another site.... (or do they check your IP? I'm not sure...)
  22. While Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, all offer an unneccessary amount of space in the email, it is still wise for most people to delete email (or archive it and burn it onto a CD or some offline removable storage device) so that even if your email password got changed, you can still change all the passwords and emails of the services you use online. Without extra email in your account, it is less likely for people who know you less to find out what kind of forums you register in, what kind of services you use. Most services have a "forgot password" feature, but if you change your email in time, everything is fine.A good email would be your ISP's email, provided that you won't suddenly change your ISP. A paid hotmail account will also work, since they can personally identify you.
  23. Well now that they're successful, the net worth of the 2 creators increase by 2.2 billion dollars each, every year.That's amazing for only like a few of dollars of investment from creating a W3 invalid yucky ugly webpage with a aliased logo and uses free 3rd party services (in the beginning of course...)
  24. Personally and I think that the domain would be too long, and that people would not be able to remember it. Perhaps you should use a name like "Mandg" (MooseAndGoose lol)
  25. Well if you want to believe in a more "scientific" future/fate, then start researching "Chaos Theory".Basically, the chaos theory claims that every single event is triggered by another one, hence, this already set loop can not be modified. So sitting and waiting is the result of you thinking that there's a fate in your life, which was because of this and that, which came from this etc.If this theory is true, people would be able to predict the future.... which also gives a new thought...Is it possible to modify an already set future?
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