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Everything posted by grrlfromoz

  1. oh nooo, it's not! It's crazefully beautiful! Not that I've ever been there in person, but hey I've watched Xena and LOTR a few times
  2. well what have I come upon here? I'm a fem, and I prefer no hair on anybody. LOL
  3. That's neat! Lots of other good stuff too. I DLed a program that actually lets you see the colors and background while you're setting it up. That'd be here: http://harmonyhollow.net/cws.shtml
  4. I'm designing a webpage for a friend and he wants a domain name along with email to go with that .com account. He doesn't mind paying for it. My question is if anyone knows of a good registration place with email?
  5. I saw The Butterfly Effect, and I'm not an Ashton fan but whoh I could not figure out *what* was goin on until the last 5 minutes. I'd give it an 8. Pretty intense, don't know that I'd watch it again though.
  6. I was a criminology major for awhile, but just wasn't happy with it, so I settled on an English BA. I've never taken classes on webdesign, but did well in art history classes so I guess that counts, in an odd sort of way, for something. *shrug* Learned how to code and do graphics on my own by just messing with programs till I figured it out. I think that's the best way to learn.
  7. Hey those are hot. What font are you using there? I like and want for meself. LOL
  8. On IE I have Hotmail, on Netscape I have The Orlando Bloom Files, and on Mozilla I have this forum.
  9. Right now I really like Evanescence. Though recently, for some reason, I've had the Moulin Rouge soundtrack on loop.
  10. I'm 22. Oldest one here? That's odd since I was always the youngest in my class even thru college
  11. Where did you hear that? Sources are good. They set up a chatroom about it? To try to get people to convince eachother that it's real? Somethin funky going on there.
  12. now *that* is some archery! I think I've seen it on PBS hehe "And going for the occasional rabbit" - I coulda swore as I read that, it said "hobbit" eep.
  13. ha-ha Roly I look for ftp, reliability, php. "Unlimited" is almost always never unlimited at many hosts.
  14. Thanks, Sauron! I dunno what happened but it's working for me now too, guess it just needed a nap.
  15. Okay maybe I'm just really tired, and I feel like such an idiot for asking, but I keep getting a "cannot be found" when I try to get into my site at bloominlovely.trap17.com. (I just today got hosted so I'm trying to get stuff up and running.) I was able to get into FTP using the IP number admin provided so I should be seeing *something* because I've uploaded the index file but I'm seeing nothing.It's not like I haven't done this before. Arg what am I doing wrong...
  16. I use IE 6.0 mostly because I have popup blockers, flash set for there and everything. I have a Netscape 6.2 to check for site compatabilities. I think my fav is Mozilla Firebird 0.7 because it just looks the best. Its nav is very small and simple and I dunno maybe it's just me, but stuff seems to load faster on this one.
  17. I love archery (and no, not just because Legolas does it in LOTR) but I'm not aware of any leagues or anything around here. Are there organizations for archers/archery in your areas? I mean is it popular *anywhere* other than in the minds of LOTR fans??
  18. I read a book called "Fast Food Nation" and was horrified by it. I think, in class, we ultimately decided that it's up to the parents of the children who eat the McD's every other day, not the corporations, to make the responsible decisions for individuals. You could get the government more involved with harsher laws prohibiting fattening foods, etc but that just sounds rediculous. Surely the American public can make up their minds for themselves and not have to be lead to the feeding traughs like those cows served at these places.
  19. I don't know about the American stereotype, I'm still trying to live down the red-neck stereotype. lol Yep, I live in Iowa... home of corn, rusted ford trucks, cowboy hats and huge belt-buckles. Oye, just because you live in hick-ville doesn't mean you have to act like a hick! Well apparantly it does. blahh Around here, yes a whole lotta people are "fat, rude, and abraisive." I think they call that "midwest charm" though. LMAO It has all to do with perceptions. Some people in this town I live in never leave - litterally - their whole families born/live/die here without seeing anything of the world outside of their farms or the local bakery, and wouldn't want it any other way. Me, I can't wait to get out. I've seen there's more out there... through the wonders of public television.
  20. I know it's not popular to be a republican right now, but I have to vote in-party. I'd totally vote for Colin Powell if he were running.
  21. Meet the Parents... I think it's called. My all-time fav has to be the LOTR trillogy. Though right now my fav is Underworld with Secret Window coming in a close second (or I guess third).
  22. Evanescence is my #1 fav band and Linkin Park is #2. I just read recently that Amy from Evanescence was so inspired after having seen VanHelsing that she's decided to write a bunch of vampy songs for their next album. I figured that in their last album, a lot of the songs had a vamp skew to them (like Surrender for example). I thought it was maybe just me implying it, but nope I guess she's into all that. Can't wait for new stuff from them!
  23. I'd like a clone to edit and proofread for me. Actually, they could work on my stories while I'm not working on them. We could trade off and hopefully get the work done twice as quickly. We could have brainstorming meetings about characters and plots and they could take the notes so I wouldn't have to. Oh that'd be such a cool thing to have! I could get my clone on a different puter and they could work on website layouts while I do the graphics (the fun stuff).
  24. I speak english as a first language, spanish as a second, and I can read Sindarin (Elvish) though speaking I haven't had much experience with - difficult to find somebody to speak it back to you
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