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Everything posted by MIGUE2k7

  1. Well, i did that a while ago, here at Xisto, and worked fine to me, but i needed to find a theme for SMF that would fit the theme of my Joomla site, so i quit it, but i think i can remember how i did it
  2. Hey welcome!Its a nice idea to make a forum for your schoolmates, really, im also thinking in making one for my schoolmates too, but many of them do not have internet or dont know how to use a Forum Lol, but anyway it still being a pretty nice idea.Wish ya the best on this place, its great, seriously, even i came here for get Webspace, now i dont have ideas for a website XD and now im here mostly for post and learn things, like i learned to make graphics thanks to this place.Well cya around and have a nice time.
  3. Thanks for the notice, I forgot i had the Beta too lol.I already installed it and for me, it looks the same, nothing changed except for the Playlist panel (for some reason, i see it like improved).
  4. If you really feel bad for the kid then you should help him. You will be on risk of getting teased too, but you will be doing the correct thing :lol:You can start by telling other people that kid is not that bad, and he can be helpful and nice sometimes, and then people will start to forget he is a.. umm... some teased kid (lol cant find the correct expression) and will start to talk him often.And about the God existence stuff, wasnt this already discussed? there wont be any sure answer for this and yeah those guys cant say God doesnt exist for sure... but ya all cant say you are sure that God does exist.By my part, I believe more in science than religion, so ya know what i think.
  5. Yea nice sig, the renders are well blended and nice lightning effects. I may download it too for study the layers, its a nice work, but as well, but im missing the border...
  6. Well you can arrive with that girl and tell ''why are you sad? maybe i can help you'' but if its a big problem they have and you cant do anything then you just gotta tell ''the problems do not last forever, im sure your problem will be solved, dont let this destroy your day'' and then you can invite her/him to do something that she/him enjoy.
  7. Yeah! i like these kind of pictures, they make me laugh XDHere are some of my favorites: ....(i noticed the quality of these images decreases really bad in thumbnails)
  8. Also you can mess up with the Filters that photoshop include, you just gotta Rasterize the text and combine some filters to get a nice effect. I use that method for do Fire text mostly
  9. Welcome Kuroshiro! so you like online gaming eh? im a Online gamer too, maybe you could tell what games are your favorites :lol:And wish you luck with getting Hosted here, in fact is so easy if you follow the Rules and make good post on here.Have fun
  10. But you can resize the image so it would not mess up with your template and reduce the opacity of the image, in that way it wont make your text hard to read.
  11. The S_Elegant one is nice, and a dark version of it would be awesome! yea it would look like dark glass, i love those kind of templates.Nice work.
  12. Yep nice website, and if it is your first one you are made for website making :(It would be good if you put some images on there, dont know, something that goes with the content of your site, cause a site without images wont atract the attention of your visitors, unless you make your site for educational information.Keep the good work, and keep working on your site, i bet you can do it even better than now btw god i hate ads XD
  13. Nice menu, the first one is pretty good but it would be even better if the Links would be centered in the menu box, and then make appear 1 dot on each side of the link instead on the left, and add to those circles a fade in/out effect.And the second menu seems to be good also. It would be nice if when the mouse hovers over a Link, would appear some kind of Glow around the letter with a fade in effect. Also adding a snowning effect like of leaves or something that would fit the theme of your menu would be good.Good job with those.
  14. Nice desing but it is way too bright for me XD and the background image at the width fix doesnt match so good with the template colorbut i like very much how clean it looks, good job.You got skills
  15. He should post a tutorial about how to make that effect
  16. It looks simple but nice. good rendering.What program did you use?
  17. You definitely need a desing.The blue color goes fine with your site, but you need to organize your categories into blocks or something.You can put the Go to: navigation at the left, under that put something that your visitors would look at, like your favorite websites links or something, and put some welcome message and your News in the rest of the right space.Also, well, i dont know, remove the links bar of the top and put it on the bottom, and instead put there your site name or your logo.For your desing use the Divboxes (i think thats the name.. ) that would have a gray color base, that would look good with your blue background.just my opinion.good luck
  18. Hahahaha yea, how would be if he missed the shoot, wasted hours setting up that for nothing... hahaha but anyway thats amazing, and the last table looked nice.
  19. Well but is supossed that the only thing needed is the Flash player, not the full software, and i already installed the latest Flash player, and it still not works
  20. Hey, I formatted my Hard disk, so I reinstalled Internet Explorer 7 and the installed Flash 8, with its Flash player of course, and i went to Youtube and everything was fine. But today, I wanted to watch something there and whenever i try to watch a video it tells me this: Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Macromedia's Flash Player. Click here to get the latest flash player. So i went to the site where it tells me to go and install the latest version of flash player, but i still cant see anything, even restarting IE or my PC, and gives me the same message. I also tried disabling and re-enabling the Flash player addon on IE7 but still cant see videos, but only in that site because on others like on iFilm and Dailymotion, everything is fine. Anyone know what can be causing this problem? thanks.
  21. Well, I also think being gay is not right, thats my opinion.The nature made the man, and then made the woman, so the humanity could reproduce, and i believe it is not possible to reproduce the humanity by a man with a man thats all the nature did.I really dont care if in my class there are gays or bisexuals, cause its their life, not mine, unless they bother me in a way.. you know... lolBut anyway, a thing is not to like them.. and another thing is discrimine them. I just dont like how bisexuals are, but thats just like if i would not like how a certain kind of people act, like the one who pisses you off all the time in school (braggarts).I think that someday the gay/bisexual people will someday be like any other kind of people, like darkets and rapers, etc.. (dont lose your hopes!!)
  22. Yes, this post is like unbelievable, but if is true, ohhh damn im so sorry for you. You made a really big error there and you cant do anything for fix, or at least I can find a solution to it.Are you just asking for help about how to tell that girl that you cheated on her and you already have 8 kids with different women? you just gotta tell her that and she will instantly cut with you.And about the part where you have 8 kids with 4 different girls, you should know you can go to jail by adultery.^^I think all of that history is just a way for get credits... (but i have doubts cause i've heard many cases like that one before)Good luck anyway.
  23. Thats why we are trying to figure out whats better Lol. A debate is for share your points and say your arguments, and then have a final conclusion. Well, by far, Rock has the double votes here than Rap, and almost every member that voted here in pro of rock said rap was just like about women, money, sex, lust, and bahh.. etc.. etc.. like those rapers feel they are the best persons around. So i think rock is most liked by people than rap, thats it. But yea there are a lot of other people that likes better rap, less, but is people who support the genre.
  24. Your sig is good, and its very well color balanced.But the eyes of the render seem like distorted... you should blur them a little bit.I like the background, its not a plain layer with just brushing effects, is something else.. well for me isn't boring :)Ahh and what i like so much is the rounded corners of your sig rectangle, damn thats pretty good. I rate it with a 9/10
  25. Its awesome to hear how they make those songs sound very good and realistic with only using their mouths!!Yea the Zelda theme was perfect, the best one in my opinion, and also the Dr. Mario theme was well done.But i just dont know which song is that one where the ninja comes... umm... i heard it somewhere but dont remember clearly what video game is...
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