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Everything posted by MIGUE2k7

  1. Very nice. Is one of the first poems i like, it says the truth about a firefighter, they are HEROS (told you, lol) and the last 2 lines... are dramatic but i liked what that said
  2. I also consider myself as a gamer, and yes, im so skinny. Is supossed that gamers are overweight, cause they eat so much and spend a lot of time sit down in front of a PC or TV and do not spend so much time doing exercise.The main reason that im skinny is for that, i do lots of aerobic exercise, especially sports. I eat... ummm.. sometimes healthy and sometimes just fast food, but the matter of being overweight is the amount of saturated fats you eat, the snacks and fast food have the major quantity of them.So, if you eat a lot of fastfoods and snacks, stop doing any kind of aerobic exercise and right after eat you go to sit down and play some games, you will be winning weight and end overweight unfortunately that doesnt always works for skinny people that are considered ''hardgainers'', like me.
  3. Very nice sigs. Them have a great quality and good renders. I see you use the reflection and glass effect so much on your sigs, it looks pretty good. The only suggestion i give to you is to lower a bit the opacity of the bright white shape you use as for the glass effect (for example in the 2nd sig), it looks way too bright, as well as on your current signature.Other than that your sigs are very good, yes, is a different style of sigs, i liked it very much, gotta try it soon.Keep posting your work bro, you got skills.
  4. Yes, the humanity would be in need of a new kind of combustible and do new inventions that would not have the need of oil. I think that the sciencist and that people can already do something like electric cars and planes that are as powerful or better than oil powered transports, is just that cause we still have the oil it would be a waste of time and money, but if we would run out of oil, the human would have to do it wanting or not, it would be like a motivation.But also, what about the products that are made with oil? umm... dont know so much about that... heh.. there exist many other materials.
  5. True relationships always are made first being friends. This guy says a true point, you wont pay attention to someone doesnt seems attractive to you. So many people date earch other by meeting and being friends, so they know how they are, likes and dislikes, and finally end dating. Now talking of what i think of you Albus, I think that you have a correct and nice vision of relationships, that is how it should be for everyone, but unfortunately it isnt. Many people may think that you are just saying what people wanna hear, not what you really think, but i think that you must be a clean person that looks more inside people than outside, and that you are kind of sentimental
  6. I've been rejected only 1 time, and it was about 3 years. We were on 7th grade, and i like this girl from the other class, so i wanted to let her know it, my friends knew it by the way, so they went with her and told everything they knew She replied to my friends that I wasnt the kind of guy she wanted. I didnt feel so bad, cause well, i didnt know her for long, so it wasnt a love that i would cry for. The funny and pissing thing, in 9th grade (or something like that... is called 2nd of Secondary in Mexico) she came back saying she loved me and a lot of stuff like that, but then it was my turn to reject anyway i didnt like her anymore.The thing i learned from there is that sometimes, confessing your love for a person, is better than leaving this person figure that you love him/her (but only sometimes i always use the method i mentioned above and always work, except for that time). It depends of the kind of person, thats why you gotta know he/she better before asking or dating.
  7. Wow man you are awesome. I love that render and the combinations of colors you applied on there. A different size is good, it wont look like all the other sigs.thanks man, you are great
  8. Just finished making this one: So i wanted to achieve a glass effect on it, dont know if i did it correctly, but anyway so comments and critics please
  9. Heya GOE, long time i dont see you around, but nice to see you are posting another of your great sigs it would take me 2 hours for make something like that ^_^Merry Christmas to you too bro, and hope to see you more often here.
  10. Argh... too bad i cant see it ^_^Are you sure you uploaded or linked the sig correctly
  11. Well both have good lighting effect, but i dont like so much the style of background, its well done, but dont know, you could use some brushing in there.Both sigs are so good, especially the renders, are well blended with the light.A better style of border could be nice also.Good job on both.
  12. Well I think this will happen earlier than we think, but i think that kind of technology will be done until then. I think that human race is going to colonize planets one after other, it seems like we dont understand how to take care of a planet and we will do the same with the planet we colonize. Flakes have reason in that, all the world must be united, if the human race is gonna move to somewhere else, a single country would not be able to do that alone. About the oil reserve problem someone said above, its evident that for move 6k millions of persons to other planet, will be needed unimaginable quantities of fuel, but i think that humans will find another kind of combustible that would work better than oil, something that would exist in big quantities or that can be renewable.
  13. Well goodbye bro, but if you dont need hosting you can always stay here without posting that much, just ocassionally like many of the members here, but anyway, hope you come back here and stop by for say hi :)haven fun and wish ya luck
  14. Yeah im interested in learning how to do that as well. Would be great if you post a tutorial.You made it totally from scratch? or did you took the background from somewhere, and you made that flower looking thing too? it looks well.The only thing is that, as Nigai said, its a lil big, especially if thats supossed to be a sig, but its ok.
  15. Hey, I did the termination process, and my Website and Cpanel dissapeared as well, but the wrong thing is that i still in the HOSTED group, so im still loosing credits. I know that my Credit counter resets to a certain number but if i make post i will loose those credits I found another post with this same problem and it said it would be fixed, but its been almost 2 weeks since i terminated my hosting and nothing happens... any help? its something relationed with the cpanel manteinance?Thanks
  16. I believe that we will be able to travel through the space and discover if there is really more planets with life out there, or do ya all think we are the only ones in this GIANT Universe?I belive on those things called ''Worm Tunnels'', that is like a Black Hole, but it has an exit to somewhere else in the same space. Maybe the humans, in a near future, will be able to control how those ''tunnels'' work, then everything will be possible.I saw somewhere on this topic that Black Holes doesnt exist?I think they do exist... stars explode but in the oposite way (implosion or dont know how is called) and that make the black holes.Maybe these black holes are a real portal to another dimension, but we are not able to live there, maybe there is no space-time and we would not exist then, or we could, but could not do anything... those are just unimaginable stuff.I also wonder where would be the end of this universe, it has a end? how would it be? like walls? or something like that... or maybe the universe stills expanding like in the Bigbang theory but in a real fast way and we will never be able to see the end of it. Too bad
  17. Well nice sig, i like the colors, and the render, but it needs to be blended a little bit.Also the background is cool, and yep the Triforce logo has a very good effect, just use some other font there, and dont forget to put a border.
  18. Your system especifications sounds good, i bet it will run Vista very well. You can still download the Beta from some websites, and see how well it runs.The only thing i love of Vista is the look of it it has great icons, and a great desktop
  19. Ummm.... well, i dont know it exactly but as far as i know bandwidth is the amount of data you transfer by your web server, in other words... Traffic. For example... when someone downloads something from your website, you are using certain quantity of bandwidth.Your bandwidth may be running out so fast if your site gets so many visitors per day. Or maybe you are hosting signatures that you are using in other popular forums.I've never ran out of bandwidth in any web host but i've heard that if your bandwidth reaches to its max, your site will be unavailable until your bandwidth renews.Your bandwidth renews at every certain of period (i dont know exactly how long, i think is a month) and after that your bandwidth starts increasing again until next period.Thats all i know... hope it helps you.
  20. MIGUE2k7


    Hey welcome!! Yeah let us know more about you, (if possible), where are you from, your age, your hobbies, etc... etc.. and all of that.Read the rules and always remember, do only quality post. If you are planning to get Hosted wish ya luck on it. People is very friendly here, you will be wanting to post instead of needing like TC said :blink:Cya around.
  21. 9 Nueve!!! I bet more than 1 people will post the same number.... this is going slow...
  22. Your last one with more contrast and pattern is like the best for me, but it would be even better with the emblem. Since the emblem is the same colors as the background it doesnt disturb your sig and fits the empety corner as well.
  23. Hahahaha i agree with Teecee, its a videogame and its funny to do things like that.... hahahaha mainvent what you are saying sound real funny , especially the thing where you drop the HE grenade .But it was Online, and if your clan members where complaining about you etc.. etc... well thats embarrasing.In UT2004 killing teammates is not a great thing, no one cares, but its embarrasing when you kill yourself... hahaha you make yourself look like a noob.
  24. I guess is a nice suggesstion. People make comments and advices on sigs that helps the graphic creators to improve their work, i think thats contributing. Or no? however admins have the last word.
  25. Joomla is open source and you can do whatever you want for customize your portal, so yes, if you know how to work with PHP, you can re-code your pages and make the the site of your dreams :blink:Usually these kind of CMS's are done for people who dont know anything about Programming and Scripting, so you dont need to care so much how flexible it is in the coding aspect, Joomla does it all for you, but anyway people who want to modify some options there can do it with no problems.You should try it and mess around with your Administration Panel. The interface is easy to use and understand.
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