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Everything posted by Milk

  1. Milk


    Okay wow, you're annoying. No offence. Just because two people have totally different opinions doesn't mean you can't debate. That's actually the foundation of debating, otherwise, you'd just be agreeing. There is no good source for such information? So I guess my history book is a bad source then. What Amby posted, or what her friend said, was not from a 'bad source'. It could have been, but whatever. There are more sources that state that such as your history book and the encyclopedia, etc. The bible isn't a good source because all it is, is telling stories. Made up or not, they're all stories and theories (so to speak) about how earth and it's creatures came to be. It tells of morals and good values. What you are saying about bad sources and stuff, you're saying that history all in all is a bad source. It's not Amby's friend's "uninformed mind", it's you, not being able to accept the fact that the church was greedy and self absorpbed. If you'll know, in the renaissance, the church was causing all sorts of problems. The Church had sold things such as a free pass to heaven and indulgences etc. That is not from a bad source, it is truth. No one is saying your religion is bad, it's the people who followed/follow it. In the beginning, they were all about the good stuff, giving to people and trying to win converts, but the pope and stuff soon found they could take advantage of their job and allow you to pay your way into heaven without praying etc. So......if what I'm saying is all false, then I will kill myself. Posted text is no necessarily an opinion. What you say in the text can be an opinion or not. I mean, if someone posted "Water is a liquid", then you're saying that's an opinion? I was sure it was universally accepted as fact. Okay, first off, Christianity isn't full of restrictions. The ten commandments are all the restrictions there are. Not being able to play video games that have evil sources is not a restriction of Christianity, but a restriction of the Christian authorities who think the games are evil. The ten commandments don't state anything about not being able to play games or whatever. All this Christianity stuff is not true? You mean all the beliefs and stuff about God? Well, that can vary among people. Quick note, you need to learn to make sense when you type. You'll get shot someday. Okay.....so if you were fine with this topic, why did you make such a big deal about it? And of course whatever our "life choices" they won't concern you because you don't know any of the people here in real life (or you could but whatever) so I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't care. You can't give your opinoin? This whole post you made was like a paradox then. This entire post was your 'opinion' so unless the definition of opinion has changed, you're wrong. You and biscuitrat were not having an argument. You were stating something totally oblivious and she was just telling you what's wrong with you. >_> And what was wrong with her 'arguments' anyways? The fact that she totally slapped the crap out of you? You're just angry that she made you look like a fool, and you continued on like you know everything. She was just snapping you back to reality. Or maybe not. Her intentions could have been totally different. Blargh. I know you'll probably never get around to reading this anyways, but I just needed to say something. =/
  2. Milk


    HAHA that's hilarious. Points definately for you O_< But yes. I agree. I'm not atheist and automatically assuming you are talking about the Christian religion, yes yes. I concur whole-heartedly. You know what, you should study theology before you say something like that!!! You don't need to study theology to make an opinion. Besides, all that was pretty much fact, in a very blunt indiscretion so... Man. I loved that. I'm so saving that somewhere.
  3. XD wtf no! It was sarcasm =P W00t w00t! yep >_>
  4. That's so pretty...I don't get how people do that stuff. =(
  5. gah!I cannot wait until Final Fantasy 12 comes out. I should really play more games, but I only play final fantasy and the sims >_> I have no money anyways so....=/I like final fantasy 12 just because ashe. kicks. *bottom*. She has a sword. She's a female and she has a sword. Reminds me of Final fantasy 6. I LOVED final fantasy 6. It is my favorite game and ashe could almost replace my number 1 favorite FF character if only she didn't have a huge *bottom* and didn't pick her nose. But you know, it still kicks *bottom*.
  6. Milk

    Art Class

    lol. I hate art classes because of that. I always tend to compare my work with others and if I see someone's is slightly better than mine, I'll get frusterated and just sorta give up. Sorta impails my creativity and ability to expand on the illusionment. It's sad.
  7. =O no wayThanks for making me feel like a dumbass. I hate you >_>
  8. Everyday I'm at this site, I see people with their little custom titles under their avatar or something and I see their posts and think that I have to have that amount of posts in order to get my own custom title....But I just saw someone who has less posts than me and I'm pretty sure he/she had their own custom thing. I was just wondering how this whole thing worked?Thanks for any feedback.
  9. Milk

    Internet "1337"

    Dang. I was so afraid I was going to be flamed by crazy internet h4>< people, and turns out I wasn't. I love you guys. >_>But yeah, it's all right to use it every once in a while when having fun or being sarcastic or mocking or something of the sort, but there's just a line between light use and excess use.
  10. Milk

    Art Class

    Ah yeah well, my art classes are better than yours >_>I love art and drawing and stuff. My teacher doesn't really "teach us" cause i mean, how do you teach art? There's only so much you can teach. Anyways, she basically assigns something for us to do like, draw this thing, and then we expand on that. We have free reign to be impressionistic, or abstract, etc. So it's all cool. We don't get homework though. But I think you do if we go to AP studio art. oh well. I like it. You're just lame. >_> jk. I do think it's not fair though. Taking electives is just a way to open up more doors, to see what you like and what you don't like. It shouldn't be required =/
  11. Milk

    Internet "1337"

    All right, here's the thing. I'm making a topic that's not a moral or ethical issue o_O Anyways, if you don't know what I mean by the title, I mean when you see people overusing the word "pwn" or "0|\/|6 U R |_4|\/|3 l0lolol!!!1!!one!!!" Bad rendition but anyways. I know this is the internet and people have the right to type any way they feel and that's fine; but haven't you ever talked to someone over the internet and they just use it twenty four seven without stopping to type properly so your eyes don't break out and bleed? I dunno about you guys, but sometimes it's just too much. Another is when girls, >_>, type in their profiles or something in alternating caps like this, "OmG LiKe U r So KeWl!!!!" Each time I come across it, it's like an unbelievable pain, stabbing my eyes like there is no tomorrow. There are some things I can stand, and this is one I can't. Sure, once in a while, but some people fill their whole profiles with walls of this sort of text and it's just so freakin annoying. I mean, learn to type. It's ugly and not stylish. Oh and, It's so 7th grade. Back to the original subject. I have a friend who consistently uses the "fad" of "teh", which was a misspelling of "the" >_> And I really don't think he realizes how dumb it makes him look. It's fine sometimes, and he uses it all the time on message boards and stuff, but he uses it everywhere else as well. In emails, aim, etc. It makes him look so stupid and each time I attempt to have a serious debate with him, he screws it up with that stupid usage of the word. It's so freaking annoying, I just stopped talking to him. (well, mainly cause he was being a pain in the *bottom* but whatever.) And then there are those people who actually use this stuff outside of the internet which is kinda....well you know. Like for instance, the other day at another forum, there was a poll asking who uses what internet terminology outside of the internet and it was amazing at how many people actually use it in their daily life. There's really only so far you can use it...correct? So my final word is, things used on the internet should stay on the internet. It should never be overused or used to such an extent that you look like an *bottom* and totally demean yourself as a "user" and a human being. Of course unless, you can totally pull it off and look like an awesome everyone-wants-to-be-you person. Then go you!
  12. Milk


    But you could say the exact same thing about natural births. Thousands of babies born today have mild to severe birth defects and issues... What it seems like you're saying is that while cloning is unethical, so is natural birth o_O There are millions of children that die a few hours after birth. Same with still borns. A cloned child is exactly the same as a normal child, except the cells were distributed by a manual human hand rather than by natural fertilization... Cloned animals aren't exactly born mutated. There are several confounding variables that could possible occur such as the cell didn't divide properly, or there were chromosome mess ups and such, but otherwise... And there really is no way to 'perfect' cloning. It's just there. After the rearrangement, it's all cells doing their jobs.
  13. Milk


    I don't think you need any of that. All you need is the DNA, and since DNA is one of the most stable molecules, it can last a really long time. But I really don't know. I didn't go THAT much into the research you know. =P
  14. Milk


    where it says "Lets say you wanna clone a mouse (." it's supposed to be "mouse " but the emoticons.....
  15. Milk


    I've done a little research project on cloning, so I know the very simply basics of how it works, and through the research, I had come across some controversial aspects of such a science.Of course, first you gotta know how it works? This was an experiment that was actually carried out by scientists, cloning a mouse:Lets say you wanna clone a mouse (. You have to take a nucleus-free egg of mouse A(donor mouse), then take the nucleus of a somatic cell from mouse B, place the nucleus of mouse B into the nucleus-free egg of mouse A, mitosis happens and the cell develops into an embryo, then put the egg into a surrogate mother and pregnancy begins and you have a clone of mouse B!This process would be the same with human cloning.Moving on...There are people who like cloning because it allows for "extra organs" to be available for use in case someone needs oh..I dunno, a heart transplant or something. Or someone needs a liver. You know. And that's a good thing, because it saves lives. (Note, this process isn't cloning a person, then killing them for an organ...it's just the cloning of an organ.) There's also the fact that you can help those who cannot bear children, by cloning a child for them. >__> Of course, I'm sure most of you think that cloning would involve a direct clone of like, YOU, but no. When you clone someone, the clone would end up being a baby and might not even be the same as you because of the environment surrounding them. They would just be genetically identical to you. There's also the thing about bringing dead people back to life...o_OHowever, cloning has problems like it only has a 2 percent success rate, and sometimes the embryos can have problems, or the baby could be born dead, etc. And there's that whole thing with people thinking they could talk to themselves and have their own genetically identical twin so they think it's wrong blah blah..But what do you guys think? Is it right? Wrong? If science and technology enables us to (and if the law enables us to), should we do it? (human cloning that is...since plant cloning has been going on since forever...)
  16. Hehe ok i know, who would listen? I'm just trying to tell that nothing comes without consequences... This works the same way whether or not you have an abortion. From your view, abortion is murder, and apparently having a child is a consequence. This is a little odd...? Well ermmm i got a son myself and I would never give him up... The thought itself drives me mad Exactly, so how do you expect a mother to give up her child? It's hard enough for you as a father, but a mother actually gives birth to the child...how can you just tell her to give it up for adoption?
  17. Abortion IS murder... A fetus is not yet a child but capable of becoming one and has the same rights as all of us, TO BE BORN!!! Yes. Capable. What if it's still-born? Then what? You don't want a child? Then don't f*ck around with everyone! I have a child myself and I can see what a fetus can become, everyday of his life... Don't want a child? Don't f*** around? Try telling that to the entire world. I'm sure they'll listen to you. As for women who are raped I think there is an exeption allthough the child can't be blamed, but why not let it be born and give the child to fosterparents and such? Think before acting... So, the woman should have to live her life knowing that she had to go through the pain and agony of giving birth to a child of rape and that she has to give the child up as well? Isn't that just fantastic. Two losses compared to a possible one. Unless the woman is amazingly charitable and feels absolutely fantastic about giving a child away for adoption, then sure, your idea could work. I'm not sure you understand how hard it is to give a child up. Think before acting? Well that's why we have abortions. So that we don't regret things...that's called thinking before acting...is it not? The thinking is having an abortion, the acting is the birth of a child. Could work either way, no? If I sound heartless, it's because your points just aren't good enough for abortion to be unethical. Abortion is here for certain reasons and just like drugs, it can be abused. But when not abused and approached properly, I'm sure some would think differently. But who knows.
  18. Well, I'm assuming they're all the same, unless you're talking about private and public schools...And it doesn't really matter whether it's free or not. If the country wants their citizens to be educated and to be intelligent and to be able to think for themselves using information they've been taught, I would think it would be wise to provide proper teachers and free educations, since many people just don't have enough money to pay for education.The usefulness of an education system doesn't depend on how much it costs (as with most other things). I think it depends more on the educator and the student.If the student is willing to learn and the teacher is willing to teach, then we've got a perfect match of perfect education. Unless the teacher is a dumbass and doesn't know anything...>.>But yeah, for a talented person...well, depends on what you mean. I'll use the artistic talent in this case. If they wanted the best education, they should choose their art classes carefully in highschool and then be able to choose the proper college or university for them after highschool. That would be the most 'useful' for a 'talented' person. It doesn't matter if you have to pay or not, it matters if the material is taught in a meaningful manner.
  19. Oh my gosh, that's so beautiful. Actually, I'd prefer if it were a different color since red isn't exactly for me....but that's still really amazing. You say abstractism doesn't take skill, but maybe it's just easy for you? I'm such a direct person, I can't do abstracts. >_> It's like, my ability prevents me from doing so and it pisses me off because I love abstractions. They're so fun and enjoyable to look at. But yeah, I really wish I could do that...it look absolutly amazing. I gotta get 3ds max...too bad i'm too poor to get it =(
  20. And for those who are against abortion, you might as well be against the advancement of drugs. (meaning medicines to help cure or to prolong life.) If we didn't have abortions and such, the population of the human community would rise dramatically. We have miracle medicines to help keep our loved ones alive, so doesn't it make sense to abort these fetuses so that the population doesn't tip over the chart? For every positive, there is a negative, unless something goes array. Just like atoms, without protons and electrons, the atom wouldn't be neutral (not counting ions and whatnot). So...thinking of abortion as a way to keep nature balanced...I mean, think what would happen if we overpopulated? It could lead to starvation and a poor economy, etc. When you people say you're against abortion, do you ever think of consequences? If you weren't against it, and the population was underpopulated, well, there's a way to get it back up, is there not? Whereas, if the human species was overpopulated, there could be mass killings and the world would be doomed to hell. Many animals could probably go extinct because of hungry people...or the other way around. Animals could go ballistic and start eating people because there's such a plentiful supply. >___>But alas, what do I know? I'm just simply stating what could possibly happen. This is also just an opinion. =/
  21. We've been over this several times now. The fetus could become a child who could become a serial-killer. It's totally beside the point, because you don't know what will happen. Secondly, it's not a child, it's a fetus. There is no innocent child being murdered. 50293[/snapback] Bingo!I really don't understand WHY people keep insisting on bringing that up. I mean, the next child could be a world dominator, or super genius that tries to destroy the world or something stupid like that.
  22. While you make valid points, I just don't see them the way you do. One of the bigger differences I see, is that I'm not Christian, I don't believe in God, and I'm not religious in anyway. That being said, I don't believe in those same "moral values." What you said about girls having 4, 5, 6 abortions is stupid. If a girl has more than 2, even more than 1, abortion in her lifetime, that's just dumb. (assuming the abortion was because she didn't need a baby in her life at the time, cutting out rape, internal harm, etc.) I don't think abortion should be used as a form of birth control. I mean, you can have one abortion, because you messed up once, and you learned your lesson, abortion, done, don't do it again. The pill not working, is not the whole population, like you said, it works for some, not all. Your cousin was smart. She had one abortion and maybe she learned she should wait. There are other forms of birth control, like condoms and those patch things. There are also a variety of others.....but none of them are totally effective. Abortion serves its purposes.....but if you were in danger of death because of a child....you wouldn't abort? You'd cost the lives of 2 "people" instead of just "one."I am for abortion simply because I don't believe 2 gametes are a human. Like an embryo, is not a human, but something that can develop into a human. Everyone has different views and different experiences. I respect yours.
  23. Mexicans aren't "taking" our jobs. The reason why places like Wal-Mart hire them is because they are willing to do a better job, for less pay. That's why we have hispanics working as janitors and stuff. If us Americans keep complaining about Mexicans taking American jobs, then it might be a good idea for us to be able to perform a better job than them. The people who hire you are usually looking for optimal performance. Ill, I believe he is singling out Mexicans mainly because you usually don't see Russians coming across from Alaska and applying for jobs everywhere. (Replace "Russians" with any other country-man, and Alaska with its corresponding location) It's mostly Hispanics. They have slowly spread from Mexico to California and from Cuba to Florida. I mean, what makes me sad is that here in Georgia, there's a part of the city thats mainly an Asian-place city whatever...and Hispanics have come in over the few years and the place has become very trashy, and I see them working in our little Asian shops... While I agree they should be given the chance to provide for their family, I just feel as if they are diminishing what is left of the Asian culture in that one part. I hope I didn't offend anyone. I mean, all our Asian shops, like when the owner leaves, the remaining workers, who are usually hispanics, change the shop and it becomes some weird whatever shop. I mean, diversity should be spread out, yes, but it shouldn't spread out so that diversity doesn't exist anymore... I just kind of think it's not fair. =(I must also point this out. While this happens with many races, this has happened most often with Hispanics. Everywhere I look, I see shops putting up signs that say "Se Habla Espanol." I mean, great, so you can speak Spanish. The problem is, is this: My mother and father own a store, and they work in an area that has a high percentage of Hispanics. They constantly get customers who speak Spanish, and that's fine. What's not fine, is when they only speak Spanish. I would like to think that, yes, this is America where diversity and all languages exist, but there is also a reason why the official language is English. You don't go to a country and don't even attempt to learn the language. I know this isn't true with all immigrants, because many do try to learn it and I commend them for that. But a high percentage have come into my parent's store, and my parents can only speak Chinese and English. They lose a lot of customers because they do not know Spanish. My mom has attempted to learn it, and she knows quite a bit, but it's just not enough. I believe I heard somewhere in the news that somewhere in the near future, Spanish will be a second official language. I mean....that's great....but what about the people who were not born in Mexico/South America/Spain? We have to make an effort to learn a language just to survive in a country that was originally American English? That's crap to me. But I digress...While I'm not against "Mexicans" 'taking' American jobs because they actually work hard for it, and strive to make their lives better, I'm just totally against the whole language thing. (even though that's not what this topic is about...but it does connect in some way) Well, I hope I have kept an open view about this... But many times, Mexicans and Hispanics really aren't the ones to blame for the unemployment of America.And By The way, Ill, if you were denied a job because of your half-bloodedness(whatever), then that's just full out racism. You should slap the manager. >_>
  24. It's easy to get your hosting credits back up. You just have to make good posts >_>I was just suspended and had -4 credits (about) but now I have about 10. But ah...you had -40? Well, at least you have a month to get them back up. But good for you, getting unsuspended.
  25. Round, you're right. I think it is a little unfair unless there is a really interesting topic that makes people WANT to post, not make people feel they are forced to post in order to keep their hosting. But there are those people that would just simply abuse the hosting and do nothing in return. I mean, the hosting plan is simply awesome for it to be free...and all you're doing is simply posting good, intelligent(hopefully) posts. It really isn't a lot to ask for. =/
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