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Everything posted by Milk

  1. Milk


    ^ haha, you're so lighthearted about the subject o_OStripping is an interesting profession. Maybe I should look into it? jk.But yeah, a lot of people go in there thinking that because many people don't see the difference between them all. Everyone has confused two different, but similar words and has made a fool of themselves. All you have to do is take your heel and kick them in the face. >_> This is off-topic, but might as well bring it up. I heard this one story of a stripper who was followed home by like, 3 guys. She got raped or something and I just found that really sad. Like, has anything like that happened to you? Some sick guy wanting more than what they paid for? Just wondering.
  2. Oooh..Good rights. That's a better way to put it That would be correct since equal rights wouldn't be....fair necessarily. Many women who say they want equal rights don't seem to really notice the difference between men and women until they are faced with the same exact things. I mean, they're too totally different sides when you really get down to it. Feminists are really ignorant when we figure out that they (most of them) have no idea what they really want. They go along with getting equal rights because they think it's cool in some way. Good rights is a better word since equal rights are unfair, and some of our current rights are also unfair. Interesting...[ponders]
  3. Gunbound, that was amazing. I see how it makes sense since the old are getting better treatment and more medicine is developing and so they live longer, if we didn't have abortions, the earth probably would over populate. Before our century (maybe before), the ratio of people being born to people dying was equal and balanced...whereas today, if we did not have abortions and continued the medicine practice and discovery, the ratio would be 2:1. This is of course, not considering the fact of birth defects that lead to instant death and so on. What you said about Christians in America imposing their beliefs on...America, is pretty accurate. It's also a bit inhumane. If thousands of women should be rejected of a choice whether to have an abortion or not because of some Christians who believe it goes against their religion, America will falter. Ah...I was just thinking of something but I can't believe it slipped my mind. But anyways, because America is inhabited by a massive amount of peoples whose faith is Christianity, the majority of "ethical" problems are solved by them, whether non-Christians believe so or not. I'm not saying that everything is Christianity's fault, I'm saying that many people who believe in the Christian faith are often easily blinded by what they teach you in your churches and how close-minded you are. There are other religions like so, but Christianity is the biggest. I have 4 boys, a huge responsibility. I dont look down on those who have abortions Im just glad it wasnt me who had to make that decison. I just had my 4th child 3 months ago...What what Id be missing now, hes precious! If I was carrying a baby with two heads believe you me I would take it into serious consideration, even with my christian background. If I was raped or if my child had downs syndrome or another disibility Id keep that child....its not their fault. They deserve my love as much as any other of my children. I wish people would use it as a last resort and not a form of birth control but thats on them not me. When you say that, something else comes to mind. Many people think like you and never regret having given birth to their children. That's cool! Good for you, really! And there are those women who like, 5 years after their abortion feel terrible because they wish they could've had the kid. I really honestly commend you because of your choice. The only difference with you, is that you were not 16 years old when you had your first child...were you? If you weren't, then this doesn't imply, because many people have abortions not because they don't want a kid, but simply because their are other walls that surround them. I mean, when you're 16, you have your parents, you have school, possibly a job, etc. It can get in the way of many things and even though it's her own fault for making a bad choice, that doesn't mean she deserves to go through all those hardships...it's not fair for her OR the child. =/
  4. wow..I just made a topic like this. >_> whoops.
  5. I installed a forum, not phpbb, and it was going fine and a user put a huge pic in his sig. Well, after he posted about 14 times, my entire site crashed. Like, it stopped working. Now, it's back up, but my forum doesn't work because my mysql database got deleted. I tried going back and making another database, but everytime I do, it's like it was never made. Like, I enter my database name, press submit/whatever, then it says "so and so database was created" or something, and I press go back. But nothing shows up.I tried to install the phpbb script to see if it would make a mysql database, but when i put in my admin name and password and file name thing for the phpbb, it said there was an error, which didn't happen before. So i've come to the conclusion there is something wrong with my mysql.Um...does anyone know how they can possible help me?? Or will it be alright tomorrow?Thanks in advanced.
  6. Milk


    lol, yeah i figured it out. Thanks anyways =P
  7. Milk


    Wow..um...So I was looking through the scripts and I actually found it. Why does this always happen? Once I actually point out the problem, I find the answer to the problem minutes later. @_@ Well, anyways...mod/admin/whoever, please close this topic since I have not the authority to do so. Thanks Xisto for having me state the problem @_@So weird.
  8. Milk


    I installed the script and it works fine and all....but you know how there's that big "phpBB" link image in the top left corner of the actual message board site?I've been looking through the scripts and went through the configuration etc, but I can't find out how to replace that image with an image of my own or just text for that matter. Does anyone know where/which script it is so that I can replace the image? Cause it's really annoying...But...can you even take it off? Or do you have to keep it there for credit-giving purposes?I just need to find out where it is...thanks for any help.
  9. Whoa, I used basically the same technique to make my colored "ornaments" a few months back...probably around December if I remember correctly. But yours is a bit different towards the end cause its like, made to have those sun spots and stuff. Mine was just made to be...shiny and smooth. >_> But that's still really awesome. It's absolutely amazing how super real it looked....now if only it had those solar flare..sort of "moving arms" coming off the side...that would be so totally awesome. I love it.So pretty!
  10. Oh me gah, that is so awesome. It looks like.....Grungy-ish-type almost. That's pretty awesome. I don't like to use photoshop too much though, just because I have 64 mb of ram and photoshop (I only have 6.0) takes up an awful lot of memory, so it just takes a long time to load and such. But that's pretty awesome. ::saves tutorial::
  11. Yeah, that is pretty annoying. I think if you are personally, truly sorry and you can forgive yourself for doing whatever you did, then you're fine. If they can't understand that you were sorry and don't accept your apologies, then they're stubborn and should not be bothered with. It's no good to get stuck on these sort of things. Just move on and maybe they'll realize what's wrong, or if there's something more you're not telling us...>_>'But yeah, if they honestly refuse to forgive and forget, then they just don't get it. Unless it was a huge thing...=/ But if you really want them to forgive you...I mean, 2 months is an awful long time to hold a grudge. Tell them to get over it and if they still don't, then find someone else to hang out with or whatever.
  12. You see Zenchi, when men or women treat that to their spouses or whoever, I don't think it's necessarily because they're being selfish or sexist, but more so that they have no idea what it's like for the other person. I mean, if the man tells her to cook dinner and depending on how and what he says, it could be sexist. The case with the woman doing that is that maybe she doesn't see that he is working however many hours a day and only sees him sitting at home because he's tired from work and thinks he's useless, so she bickers. But I guess it really depends on which side you see it from.
  13. Personally, I like IE since FireFox takes so long to load up for some reason...but between Mozilla and Firefox, Firefox is better just because it has more capabilities and the icon looks better...>_>I has tons of extensions/plug-ins/and themes you can download so it makes your experience online either more enjoyable, or just easier. I tend to use it when I am sick of the IE interface and want something different, and it blocks pop-ups without me having to set anything. Mozilla is nice, but it's just too plain and simple for me =/But yeah, Firefox all the way.
  14. Yeah...that conversation was just plain stupid. Women don't do that...or atleast sane ones don't.
  15. The doctor does not kill a baby. The doctor aborts a fetus from developing into a baby. You cannot use religion to base your argument. Religions are beliefs. They are not necessarily moral, they are basically organizations that tell you what is moral and what is not. Morality isn't based on what a group of people think. If abortion was murder, then why haven't millions of women in the world been arrested? It's wrong to say it's murder because murder involves the homicidal act of killing another being who has all the parts to be a full being. You people are confusing the difference between a fetus and a baby. The baby is a baby when it is fully developed inside the womb. If the fetus does not get food, then yes, it ceases to survive, but that also means that the mother is not getting the needed food and therefore will die herself, unless the fetus recieves food from other sources? I don't know about you, but using food as an argument does not get your point across very well, if even at all.
  16. Wow, I never expected so many people to be able to speak Chinese o_0I speak English, Mandarin Chinese, French, and a little bit of Japanese.
  17. Zolofrocks - Did you really paint that one thing with the swamp and stuff?? Your stuff is amazing. It makes me cry. I really like that one..it looked like the skeleton-dude from a nightmare before christmas or something. It was awesome Zentron - Your stuff is awesome too. You get so many clean scans or whatever. I like your concept-type-ish art. It's so cool. thebluekirby - Your gallery was so cute! <3 spawn_syxx9 - I really liked that one "Dream Part 1" deviation. It was so pretty. =3 My deviantART site is : http://ecoice.deviantart.com/
  18. lol, whoa. That's awesome. I already knew how to say it in 3 of the languages. >_> but that's not saying much @_@That's awesome though. I can now successfully go to around 100 countries and know a phrase I can say. Although if I went around saying "I love you" in the native language, I'm sure people would throw me in jail for some reason of insanity.
  19. Milk

    I Hate Parents. _

    See, my mother constantly bickers, because someone does something minutely wrong. Like eating all but 2 pieces of candy. Isn't it good someone remembered to save some at all? She also has a very bad obession over some of our neighbors, simply because they're suing us. She also takes everything everyone did in the past and rubs their noses in it. If anyone in my house asks her to let them do something, instead of listening to her bicker, she yells at us and won't talk to us for the rest of the day. Well this just makes it seem like your mother is a bit paranoid eh? >_> jk. I'm sure she's a really nice person... But maybe she just has alot of bad days, which end up getting her into a bad mood? Have you ever tried to..I dunno, cheer her up or something? Like, when she comes home, have a bath ready for her, or dinner prepared or something? Cause you know, when you're in a bad mood, and it's clear that you are, does your mother not ask you what's wrong, or try to make you feel better? Little things can make her feel better, but unless she's still like this even through all your niceness, maybe it's just her problem and she just needs a day at the spa or something?
  20. oooh, nevermind. I read Bash's post so apparently the system you're using is Linux? That's so cool! I was wondering why you had the computer stats up in the top right corner. >_> so cool! d(^_^d) But yeah, awesome desktop again >_> I love those buttons at the bottom...they're so mesmerizing for some reason @_@
  21. I like my taskbar at the top and another random bar at the bottom. I <3 icons Wallpaper @ boyis.com Resolution = 1024x768 I love XeNoToSs's desktop...the wallpaper is so pretty!!! I want it >_> But it wouldn't fit my theme anyways =/ Popac's desktop is pretty too, but what are those buttons at the bottom? Is that only with xp or something? #_# so weird.
  22. Milk

    I Hate Parents. _

    Yeah...my parents constantly bicker back and forth and back and forth. It's annoying somethings and we get into disagreements every once in a while, but I'm still happy they're my parents... There are sometimes when it seems that my friend's parents are better and nicer and cooler etc, but most every parent is like that when their kid's friend is around and stuff.Personally, I love my mom, but despise my dad. But I think my mom needs him too much, so I can't exactly wish death on him. But he is a jerk anyways. And like the above posters said, parents are a necessity whether we realize it or not. We take them for granted and we see everything bad about our parents from OUR point of view...but if you take a look at your family through your parent's point of view, it's a lot different and I dunno...it's just...@_@ But anyways yeah, it's better to have parents, then none at all.
  23. =OI can't believe what I'm reading! I love winter you people are crazy!!!!!!! Don't you love waking up and drinking hot cocoa? And seeing that menorah(sp??)/christmas tree in your house? It's such a soothing feeling. And looking out the window, seeing snow and snowmen everywhere...it's so pretty! And all the lights!! It's such a cheery season! I love winter and fall all the same. I hate the summer because it's too damn hot. I hate being hot because I hate that perspiration smell when a certain someone doesn't wear his/her deoderant and I hate sweating and just..being hot. It's so unnerving and it makes me sick. Winter & Fall > AllIt's the truth. >_> Don't deny it. =P
  24. There is one problem I see. I'm not bashing religion or trying to tell you otherwise, but it seems many of you stick to your religion with God and everything and believe in that specific religion, which may or may not alter your thoughts. Of course, your beliefs are yours whether you have a religion or not, but sometimes it seems as if the church (or whatever) is placing their morals into you? I understand this may not always be the case, but it just seems like it from the way I'm reading some of these posts. I know many christians/catholics that have their own views and I respect them, I just hope that what the posters in this topic are basing their thoughts on what they think as an individual, because that's always better than what someone else tells you to think =) Though it seems as if everyone here is their own individual so far, I just take it differently when you mention your religion and your deities etc.
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