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Everything posted by Milk

  1. Indeed you can use your gmail to sign onto hotmail. I like gmail better because...I just dislike hotmail. >_> However, all of you folks that say gmail is faster, it's not for me. I have 7% of my inbox filled, and it goes pretty slow. It might just be my computer, but before, it was a whole lot faster. And gmail does have ads, but they do pertain to your emails of course.. I also still get tons of spam. currently, i have 1944 messages of spam in my 'spam' folder. I wish they had a choice where you can just empty the whole folder in one click, because I have to keep going through and deleting 100 at a time. It really pisses me off sometimes. But I still like gmail a bunch. >_> It's just better in so many ways you can't imagine, though there are still a few flaws here and there. With hotmail, like someone said before, I hated how it always told me that my inbox was getting full. I mean, blah blah blah, even yahoo didn't complain that much. Anyways, this is no competition. Gmail = automatically better than hotmail.
  2. This has also been happening to me as well. I had posted at least ten posts yesterday, and my post count only went up three. I am positive nine of those posts were well over 400 words, but I did happen to do alot of 'quoting' and so on. I did seem to figure out that when I made posts with quotes, my post count stayed the same, but when I made posts with no quotes, it went up. I think it might count line breaks because I made a post with a list and it went on for probably five lines, and I did not get any additions to my post counts. O_o It might also be wise in the future to not use conjunctions, as I believe they would amount to just one word. >_> As of this, I have used over 701 characters.
  3. I really like Xerox's. They're all a really nice shade of blue >_> You had that other one..#_# I really liked it. Hatebreed's is pretty cool. v_v mine is so lame and simplistic. but, hey..it's there.
  4. Haha, lol. Stocking up for the millenium? Wow, we never did that =P All 2005 means to me is that I'm that much closer to graduation #_# But yeah, it seems like time just slipped right out of my hands. whoosh! I didn't even realize it. I sort of hate it because I'm doing so craptastical in school right now and I can't do anything about it. #_# Oh well, gotta think up some new years resolutions and stuff. But now we have like what, 4 more years left with Bush? Isn't this just dandy. Well, we'll see what will happen. If the world ends tomorrow, I love you all <3
  5. Milk

    Annoying People

    lol, I just nod and smile. Then I just sorta look around with shifty eyes, hoping they'll get the hint that I don't wanna talk to them.If that doesn't work, I put on my innocent face and tell them that my mommy told me never to talk to strangers. They usually give me strange looks and look out the window/find someone else to talk to.Sometimes, I just talk to myself and they get creeped out and think I'm psycho and ignore me. >_>'' And other times, I just make a sarcastic face and put on my headphones to denote that I do not feel like conversing with strangers like them.
  6. Oh my gosh I can't wait for FFVII:AC either. It looks SO amazing. I mean, Tifa's outfit is crap, but Marlene is so CUTE! And all the characters are so well made, it's so amazing I want it now. *dies* I love FFVI. The one with Terra/Tina, Locke, Celes, Sabin etc? It's my favorite. It's the best and it beats any final fantasy ever made with its amazing story and other stuff. >_> I just love it because well, for one, Terra and Celes can weild swords. and in my book, that's awesome. >_> It's why I can't wait for Final fantasy XII. Ashe may have a big butt, but she has that Kickass sword that I can't wait to control. @_@ And the battling for that game is so awesome. The monsters aren't random, but they're actually like..on the map..or something. #_#but, I kinda wish they got rid of vann..or at least made him not look so girly/weasel-ish. I currently own Final Fantasies II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, and X-2. I tried playing tactics, since alot of people enjoyed it, but I'm not too much of a strategy gamer =/ so it just wasn't interesting. I have the rom of the first final fantasy..*whistle* but I hate it because every time you press "A" and theres nothing there, the dude goes "Nothing here" and he does that EVERY. Single. TIME. It's so annoying, so I don't play it. Alot of people hate on Final Fantasy VIII, but I really don't see whats wrong with it, aside from the character's clothes. >.> They're terrible. Oh an, Rinoa is annoying. Final Fantasy IX was also quite good. Though the ship really sucked. It took so long for it to turn around.. Final Fantasy X-2 was probably the..most..well, it was a different approach. They really did a great thing with the battle system. I mean, that was just awesome, I absolutely loved it. But the music was a little, eh, except for the "memory of lightwaves" song at the title page, which is really pretty. The story itself was not really that great or deep. I hope Final Fantasy XII can repair square's reputation. #_# Anyways, can't wait for XII and AC!
  7. Lol, yeah. That happens all the time. @_@ My relatives used to always give me barbie dolls and clothes and other dolls and stuff, and I'd be cool, but now they give me gift cards and 100 dollar checks. >_> It's funny. This year however, I did not get anything from my parents. We're a little short on cash and I don't really want anything anyways. But my friends did get me little things. I got the dvd set of the first season of the Big O, I got a 100 dollar check from my uncle, I got a cd from another friend, and a whole lot of chocolates from a couple other people too. But I suppose instead of getting any presents this year, I did sort of get a present by getting a vacation with my family to orlando. We went to universal studios..I mean, that might not seem like alot, but it's not really normal for our family to spend a whole lot of time together, so it was nice. =) Though I do wish it would at least snow...but we never get snow in Georgia so..=/
  8. Mine isn't at all creative. #_#I chose mine because I wanted something that wasn't "opium21", which is the username I choose for everything I sign up for or whatever. I was just going through my head, thinking of cute things and I came across a conversation I had with a friend about some show called "super milkchan" or something, and I thought it sounded super cute, so I just chose "Milk" and >_> well, it makes for an easy sig so...=P
  9. oh?What is it really?Like, what genre?Who sings it?
  10. I use Mcafee as well..except I got it included with AOL, so I don't pay for it. Or maybe I do and AOL is just scamming me. <.< Anyways, having Mcafee is the only reason why I'm a bit reluctant on cancelling my AoL service, since we all know aol sucks. And I have another internet connection anyways...my dad just..apparently likes paying extra for nothing. =(I like Mcafee cause it downloads updates automatically..and I don't have to worry about it. >_>I heard Norton was TOO good of a virus software. Like, my friend had it and she couldn't even go to google it was that protective. I was like O_O. But it's all good.
  11. I hate anyone who never talk a good thing, they always do and say a crazy thing, that is not a good manner for human. You hate anyone who never has anything good to talk about? #_# Well, that's not a good reason! Unless you mean that you hate anyone who slanders everything around them and stuff? If so, so do I. Well, not necessarily. If they can back up their slanderings with good explinations, then maybe you're in for a treat because it's a good idea to listen to people with other views, rather than someone who thinks like everyone else in society. I love to be sweet, encourage... this is what god want us to do. we don't have say or cuss anyone, or just make them sad and cry. or we let them disappoint.. I don't agree with this mainly because I don't believe in God. >.> I just don't necessarily think we should do something or not do something just because some heavenly creature who has awesome power or something says so. <.< But thats just me. We should help out, give up all these thing..... if you don't god will punish you. I hope the world will be in the best peace. O_O God will punish you if you don't help out and give up your opinions of things? That sucks.. **** i wish everyone listing to a song call (Where is the love) **** >_> That's okay. I'd rather not. =P
  12. Wow, I so suck at typing. I'm so slow #_#- Test Name: Fishing in Finland- Date: 2004-12-27 21:15- Test Time: 01:00- Gross Speed: 71 WPM- Errors: 2- Accuracy: 97%- NET SPEED: 69 WPM;)'' I suck.
  13. Of course it's nature. Everything is nature. And it's also natural that women do not jump at sex like men do. Women do not think about sex every whatever recorded amount of seconds it was and not every woman will just accept a man's plea for sex in a split second. You think that women are all, "Omg, rape rape!!" And then you get all pissy because we don't want it all the time. Well we get all pissy because you want it all the time. I think this argument is a little ignorant and a little invalid. By the way, when you say male species, you are only talking about humans...correct? If you'll know, only humans and dolphins have sex for pleasure. All other creatures in the world have sex for mating and reproducing purposes, and they therefore, do not look if one is attractive or not. I was making a sarcastic remark when I said those that wrote it never got laid. Basically what I was trying to say was that they listened to a book and let its words govern their lives and so they write more bull crap to finish it off. I feel it's a bit dumb that the bible/whatever was written by men where they build their own opinions off of a single story of how a woman 'tricked' a man into eating fruit off of a forbidden tree. If you honestly think that's a good way to make an opinion, then fine by me, I don't care. Just don't force the way you think on every other human on the face of the earth. No big deal? I think that is a big deal. I'm not gonna let some guy have sex with me just because he made up some *BLEEP* story about how the 'mighty God' told him to. What kind of a person would I be? It degrades me, my gender, and all of society because one guy couldn't get a girl the normal way. There are also those stories about guys who are like, "Would you rather go through a 3-6 month relationship just so you can get laid a few times then get dumped, or would you rather have a one-night-stand type thing?" I mean, why would you want to impose such a stupid thing like this on a girl, assuming she wants the relationship, rather than just going to get a prostitute or something? Because the girl you find might be a virgin? Because she'll most likely be clear of stds, assuming she's not a *BLEEP*/****? Because you can? This is *BLEEP* my friend. What I'm saying is that girls have feelings too, just the same as guys and they have to go through the relationship just like you. The only difference is, they may want to actually go through with it and not just go through it to get laid. Otherwise..they're lame. >.> It's true not only women have been blamed. What's also true is that women are mistreated because of a couple of stories. I'm not quite sure you understand my point in all of this. Men might have been blamed, but there are only far and few in between that have had such a terrible fate. When a husband mistreats his wife, it's fine. When a wife mistreats her husband, it's disloyal and she should be sentenced to death. If this isn't *BLEEP*, then I don't know what is. That adam and eve story you have there is way off. I think you might understand it a bit more if you read the segment. It's quite short. And just for this, Eve did not necessarily pursuade Adam. If you know, Eve was of course, 'tricked' by the snake into thinking the fruit was okay to eat. Something about the snake saying that she'll be able to then know everything that God knows. I dunno. Might wanna recheck the reliability of that story. The people who wrote those huge fat books might have had many brains and sure, they deserve respect. And it's true, I do give them the respect they deserve. That is, until they start slandering a race/gender/religion of which they know little to nothing about, now that is when they deserve no respect. They wrote these books with only themselves in mind. They wanted to make a way of life, and so they did. Look at the world around us now. Africa is one of the poorest continents because of one religion. There may be a back story to the reason why europeans conquered it, I do not know. But you know, men wrote the books. That's all I have to say. If even one woman was on their team of writing the book, then my words will have been invalid and I'll return to my submissive state and be abused for being what I am. As for appropriate explinations, I highly doubt this. If you have read the bible, or atleast some parts, I am very sure you will change your mind about this statement you said. If you honestly think any, if not all, of the events in that book happened with those explinations and even think those explinations are valid, then I commend you because I have not the brains nor sense to believe a single word of what some old cooks wrote three thousand years ago. And just in case you think this, I'm not an atheist and I'm not closeminded...Atleast I hope I didn't sound that way. =( As for Maddox... I agree with pretty much everything except one or two things which he seems to be a bit ignorant on... I'm sure you don't see it, but if you were refered to as a dog everytime you were spoken of, I'm sure it would offend you somewhere along the line. "Chick" may not seem like an offensive term to you, and I personally have no problem with it, but it is a derogatory term as with any gender/racial slur out there. It is denoting that girls are worthless and deserve less respect, and therefore are labled wussy, gutless, and therefore "chicken". Er...Anyone who listens to feminist extremists have no mind of their own. The difference between this rant and this topic, is that this rant is about feminists, and this topic, is about sexism. >.>
  14. I could've sworn I made this clear in my first post that I understood that women and men are different and that they should be held responsible for different things..</run-on> If not, then I apologize. I'm not gonna go all girl-power on this and think it like the average woman would mainly because 90% of the things a woman says is..illogical. <.< I personally never demanded equal rights, but I honestly think that what most women mean when they do demand equal rights, is that they want equal respect, which IIRC, are two different things. Are they not?
  15. God and his little posse are evil twerps. But anyways, people that say cusswords constantly are annoying. They degrade themselves and they degrade society. I mean, they can say it all they want, I'm not gonna stop them, but after a while, it really gets on your nerves and you just want them to shut up. There really is no point in using such harsh words in everyday conversation, they are merely little incentives that do little to help the conversation along.They're mainly just another way of expressing anger and could be understood in different ways. "That F***iNG B****!" Is an example. >.> But...it'd be stupid just to like..make it illegal >.>
  16. #_#Gosh, I just opened it up the other day to see what I could do and what it was like..It's like a maze full of confusing. @_@ literally. I couldn't even figure out how to make a shape. >_> I tried looking at the tutorial they had on their website...but I got too lazy to even read it...I think I might just go and get lightwave or 3ds max or something...they seem much simpler to understand. and with 3ds max, I can actually make shapes. >_>Or with this, do you have to go step by step and make eace polygon?? cause..that would be good for those advanced users who have already had experience in that field..oh well.
  17. Milk


    ;; someone's angry here. I'm from the south but I don't have an accent or anything. I hate bush and I am not religious or spiritual. I don't like living here cause the rednecks...but it's better than...las vegas..where I used to live ~.~ I also thought topic creator was referring to the south of the US. >_> I guess all "southerners" are hated, ya? #_# weird.
  18. I also use spybot. But I always forget to check for updates...I wish it would just check and download them on it's own.but other than that, it's really quite good. Is adaware better? Or are they about the same? I've heard quite a few good things about it.
  19. I like FireFox because it has alot more ways you can customize the way you surf the net. >_> I'm really big on customization too. I wish they would get better themes though, either that, or I just haven't found any that are better than noia extreme. I don't like Firefox cause it loads so slowly for me, so I tend to use IE cause it's just easier to open up. =/
  20. Lol, I would never talk about Harry Potter in real life with my friends. #_# It's too nerdy. It's hard to believe this is the 6th book...one more book and it'll probably be all over..=( The books really are terrific though..JK Rowling is a fantastic author. But the 5th book is hard for me to remember...maybe I'll re-read it or something.But wow..I can't wait anyhow. They just get you so hooked. >_> I vowed I would never read another Harry Potter book like...3 years ago...but I just HAD to know what happened...so i still...bought the books. >_< oh well, they're good and I don't care what anyone else thinks. =P
  21. ^ Lol, that post looks funny with all the stuff censored out. At first, I was like "Wtf is this person thinking?" >_>'' But yeah, that sucks. And most of the time, you don't even know who did it so you can't really place charges or anything. Someone has fun ruining your things, and you don't even get compensated for such acts. We just have to deal with it I guess...or, just park in a garage.
  22. That's what I mean by the whole equal rights thing. Women want them, and they want to be treated exactly the same as men..but in the end, they really just want their opinions to be heard and to have respect from those around us. Its the selfish women who just want the right to vote, but then they sit on their asses at home and do nothing, complaining all the time, that really get to me. =(
  23. I don't know where I know you from...
  24. Wow, it's so easy to tell who here dislikes asians, who likes asians, and who doesn't care. >_> You guys should be a little less obvious. meh *shrug*She's cute though.
  25. where do you see yourself in the near future? Working hard and getting nothing for it. Probably in an apartment full of cockroaches and no heating or cooling. Where would you be? Rhode Island, though I'd like to be in Japan. What would you do? Graphic Artist of some sort hopefully working for square-enix Are you married? Hell no. Any kids? >_> How about a dog? WHAT????????? SPILL!!! Okay.
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