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Everything posted by Milk

  1. oooh, is the banner in your sig a new one? It's really nice. I love the drop shadow for the Xisto.com icon thinger. It looks MUCH better. Good job I like how the colors on the words (Xisto.com) are like, gradient-ed >_> It's so awesome. Anyways, great job!Where's the banner with the changed "FREE" thing?
  2. lol, yeah...It does look like you screwed up on the "Because miracles exists" thing...I doubt it's supposed to be plural eh?There's something I really dislike about the "FREE" thing. I am not exactly sure what it is I do not like about it, but I dunno. I just..#_#But anyways, all in all, I think it's really nice. It's really cool. d(^_^d)
  3. It's nice, but like Zaideu said, it's too luminous. The white font that tells you all the stats is hard to read, but it could just be my computer. The red "17" is really like, "BOOM!" It's just really weird #_#It doesn't look as professional as your other one did, but this one is still very nice. Maybe do a little more contrasting with the background to make it stand out more? Looks like there's a gradient, but not really. It's still nice though. Go you!
  4. Of course I see your points made, but adoption isn't always the best. I mean, maybe you feel it is better to be alive instead of having been forced out of the process of being born, but I would rather have lived with both my biological parents then some people that may have nothing in common with me and cannot share many of my own traits. I mean, adoption is nice and all...but...I dunno. Are there other options other than adoption and abortion?
  5. Pshaw, PS2>all. But that's the only system I have besides NES anyways. I like the PS2 cause it has the widest variety of games, plus it's the base platform of some of the more recent Final Fantasy games, and that's really the only series I play aside from the Sims. I'm just not too much of a gamer anyways, but it's fun to play in my spare time anyhow.But PS2 is better because of the quality. =)
  6. I've seen a few views on abortion here and there and I think some are good points that I would like to mention. Some people are against abortion because they say it's murder. When you contort and say it's not murder, they retort and say that just because it's an egg and a sperm does not mean it's not human. I believe that is somewhat false because murder is the unlawful killing of one human by another, especially with premeditated malice. This which states a human killing another human. If I recall correctly, a human is a homosapien with a heart, a brain, and other necessary organs in order to function, as a human. If an egg and a sperm happen to make up those necessary parts in order to make up a human, then you'll have lost me there. Of course, this could come off as close-minded but.... Other people are against abortion, claiming that if a girl was raped, she would then have the option of aborting. I take this into consideration because of the fact that if I was raped, I know I would definately not want to have a child which reminded me of a horror of my past. There is also the scenario where the girl is not ready and was, dumb enough if you need, to go and make a stupid decision. There are other confounding factors such as money, time, and the ability to give your child a healthy birth/whatever. If you didn't have any of these, the child could be put up for adoption, or be abandoned. I hope I don't sound close-minded, I'm not trying to impose my ideas on you, just trying to stir something for an intelligent argument/debate if you will. =)
  7. Not necessarily that they are better suited for it, but because over the ages, the church and other such organizations have impemented this idea into people; therefore, the majority of the population believe it right. I say this sometimes because the average woman is not built like a man is, and is therefore not as capable of doing heavy lifting, and so on, as efficiently as a man would. Well, I just didn't want to sound like a "Feminazi" as maddox would call it, and we all know feminists are annoying pains in the asses. They b**** and b**** and insteading of only being feminists, become conformists as well. It's not the sex that matters, it's the build of the person that matters...and it is a generally known fact that most women are weaker then most men. But I just realized this is what you said so moving on.... Giving men the right to vote was never a problem nor did they have to fight for the right TO vote. With the acception of the slaves. Anyways, good points. It's interesting reading all of this. Post more!!
  8. lol, whoa that is weird o_0 I've never come across anything like that #_# pretty awesome though.Where did you find the picture? Got a site? Or did you just happen to come across it in google or something?Really neat though.
  9. Lol, you people say it so bluntly!They're really not all that terrible considering they were made in photoshop and with the mouse and all. But, I agree. If I saw those kind of scenes, I would not buy/play the game, even if invited to. Unless the story/gameplay/whatever, were super good. But graphics are awfully important in an rpg so.....The drawings make me laugh though lol =P But keep trying. Maybe you should get 3ds Max and try some 3d stuff with that.
  10. Video games are only a waste of time when you're overweight and need to excercise/play sports. >_>I play videogames just for the fun and enjoyment of it, but I'm not a huge, "oh me gah, i'ma play video games for 10 hours straight!" gamer. I play it casually from time to time and enjoy it like so. They're basically something to do....I mean, it's better to play a video game than to loll around watching tv..I mean, at least you're thinking about something and doing something...right?And there have been instances where games can be helpful towards education and 'health'. Education meaning, you can learn words from rpgs, or some games incorporate like, how trains work and stuff from real life, and you learn how they work while having fun. The health part, I mean as there was a story about how dislexic(sp?) people were introduced to some game that helped them in sorting out this and that. It was really interesting anyways. All in all, videogames shouldn't be counted as a complete waste of time....I mean, that's like saying posting here is a complete waste of time. =/
  11. o___OKoreans....>_> Lol, well I can also say that I'm offended by the long hair thing. I have long hair that falls to like, my elbow, and I think I'm a bright student...in some ways. Well, I know I work hard and get good grades atleast. I don't think hair really has anything to do with your intelligence, it might get in the way sometimes...but.....=/
  12. Yeah, hotmail sucks because of, what Templest said, they delete your account after like..10 days of not logging in. It's lame because it has a lot of unecessary features and it has ads all over the place. It's just easier to get Gmail. It's simple and fast, even if it is a Beta version. And there's more room to grow with Gmail. Plus, hotmail sounds lame. =P
  13. Haha! That's so cute! I love it. It was super super addicting as well. I played it so many times. #_# I love all the pretty eggs.....' Man, that's a classic.....I love how once you get the needed eggs, the bunny jumps up high and sparkles fly in the sky and he's all like, "woooo" >_>'' Man, that thing kicks butt. I could play it all day. ::plays again::
  14. Whoa, nice job so far hulunes. How long have you been studying English? I was born in America but my parents aren't American. I'm Chinese-American and I speak Mandarin and English fluently. I took French for 4 years but I just got sick of it. It's a really nice language and all, but it eventually got boring and it was hard for me.....plus I'm lazy. I want to learn more French....but I don't. I also want to learn Japanese. I started studying it by myself, trying to get the hirigana and katakana, but I forget to practice them everyday so I'm not doing as great as I had hoped. But it's all good. I just kinda wish I could read and write Chinese #_# but...I was lazy when I was a kid too....so no hope for me of ever learning another language. >_>
  15. Yeah, I understand. It's just so unfair you know? And just today, I had a fight with my one friend and he was being so blatently...so ignorantly sexist that I was so sick of listening to him talk crap about me I had to ditch him. Damn well pissed me off too.But anyways, you guys made really good points in this topic. I have truly been enlightened by this conversation and it's entirety. Much love guys. Hopefully we can have yet another illuminating conversation...unless this one still goes on O_oThen again, I think there still are more issues that involve this. >_> *waits till something comes up*
  16. Yay for the guys who said to be yourself. That's exactly it. Besides, it's better in the long run and it's better for you and the girl. The girl will fall in love with you. YOUR personality, how YOU think, how YOU act etc. If you try to be something you're not, then you'll get tired, you'll get sick, and she won't like you for you, but for who you're trying to be. Plus, that's desperate and very sad. Be yourself. If she doesn't like you and you're the most amiable guy ever, then she's a loser and well....>_> Find another girl. Being yourself = the best. Unless you're a super jerk, then you just need to totally change your attitude.
  17. I could've sworn I heard that the people who ran/created suprnova got arrested. If that's so, how did they manage to do this? Or were some people not caught? o_O Or did they get..unarrested? Or is this whole arresting thing just a big fake rumor? I never download bitTorrents anyways cause they're so slow. But I guess this new program deserves a YAY!
  18. Aww, you're so nice. Good points though Yoicks. I'm so confused now. I had my mind set on one thing and then people go and mess me up like that. Gragh! But yeah, all we want is respect. And I agree, it probably will never be resolved because that's the way most people are brought up to think and then they will usually pass it on to their children and this thought process will then continue on through generations and generations. =( It's a pity some people are so ignorant as to be sexist/racist/etc.
  19. Haha. That's how women are. Get used to it. Women like sensitive guys, because *most* think it's sweet and sometimes cute. We want you to be nice and all that lovey dovey stuff, but we don't want you to be a freakin ***** either. It'd be better if you actually tried to ask the girls you date what they want exactly from the start. If that does't help, then stay awake and keep your eyes open for any possible hints of something they desire. And if you still don't get that, then you are just the regular guy next door who cannot be helped. =)
  20. Aww that sucks dude. =/ My heart goes out to all the people that suffered from that natural disaster. qingtian - I know what you mean. It all still feels the same to me #_# It was just sort of like another day that went by, nothing new, nothing exciting, just the norm. >_>' But it's all good. I just...school starts on Monday which kind of ruins the weekend...but maybe this semester will be better than the last... Well, hope for the best, I hope all ya'll had a great new year's day and all that stuff. Mine wasn't that great, but it's okay.
  21. Yay! 2005! Unless you're not Eastern time. Anyways, Happy New Year!
  22. Are you guys absolutlely sure? Is there an exception like if you have quotes or if you have too many line breaks? Because I made a few posts that were very obviously well over 400 characters but I didn't get any additions to my post count. Note: These posts were with quotes and linebreaks etc. But when I posted with no quotes and no linebreaks, my post count rose. Is it supposed to be like this? Because it saddens me when I put effort into my posts and they count for nothing...=( And by the way, do signatures count?
  23. >_>''''Gragh! All right. I accept defeat. But I shall, no I WILL, get you next time!
  24. Hey! Me too! I never ever check a faq when I'm playing a game the first time through. I feel it ruins the feeling you get from playing it the first time. I only look at faqs when I'm totally stumped or if it's my second time around and I wanna get all the hidden items and whatnot. The boards themselves aren't really that bad...you just have to find the good ones. >_> Though, I don't think I've found any...I'm a regular at the FFX-2 social board and I often frequent the Paranormal/Conspiracy board as well. LUE is quite over-rated. It really isn't that great...=/ But anyways, Gamefaqs really is a great site. I don't see why people hate on CjayC either. I mean, he's basically just following the rules and trying to keep it a place where anyone can go to and enjoy themselves. Although, I wish I could get my 2 years of karmas worth....
  25. Haha, you guys are actually right. I don't check my mail too often because I'm lazy like that and I hated how slow it was, but it could've just been one time or something. I went and checked my mail yesterday and it was super fast. I was like o_O And I finally got to answer all those people who go like "HEY! You're ignoring me!" >_>' Ah well, now Gmail is better except for the emptying spam thing. ^_~
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