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Everything posted by lawmatchmaker

  1. Hi Albus,I'm not worried currently at all about the bird flu, and here is why.1)So far, most cases of the bird flu is restricted to people handling the birds or living in close proximity to them.A few other cases it seems that if you come into contect with a person infected with the virus, you are more at risk of getting infected if you are biologically related to them(at least thats what I've read).So, unless you are living in a bird firm,or come into close contect with relatives who are infected, chances of infection are slim. Besides I have taken the added precaution of not eating chicken at all, and maybe eating chicken eggs only after boiling for 10 minutes. I'm sure all that boiling will kill any virus.However, please take note of the "currently" in the first sentence. Because like all other living things, the bird flu can mutate into a more easily transmissable strain very quickly. In that eventuallity,I think even worrying about it would not do much good for the simple fact that if it can transmit like a normal flu virus, practically everyone will get it sooner or later,thus what's the use of worring about a situation that I can't do much about and will wipe everyoneelse out sooner or later,it would be like worrying if a comet strikes earth.I think if that really happens, besides living like a hermit, you can't do anything really.On the brighter side of things, I'm normally an optimistic person,and I'd just like to remind everyone about a different illness much like a bird flu that we ALREADY experiences, namely SARS. There was also worry that it could become airborne. However with strict measures put in place, eg screening airline passengers for fevers, contect tracing, quarentine, etc, we managed to control it, and today it shows no signs of resurfacing. I am hopeful that the same thing will happen with bird flu, measures will be put in place to minimise the impact,new vaccines will be developed to help protect against it, and health authoroties will be able to manage it.As for the present, I can only encourage everyone to live everyday like it is your last and enjoy it fully
  2. I'll be building a Law Website called LAWMATCHMAKER and is a Legal directory and information portal,it also includes a forum where people can ask and answer legal questions. The website will be designed to match people who have legal problems to the best possible solution for their individual needs.I would like everyone to give me their openion on which template would be most suitable for this website.Thanks in advance guys
  3. Hi Mike, On my Dell 4600 , if I want to change the Bios settings I hit the F8 button numerous times str8 after reboot.It should lead you to the Bios settings page
  4. Really cool bars Maine, good work!!! One small suggesstion, usually wider bars with rounded edges look much better and the words in the bars should be thick...like real juicy...lol......
  5. Well, like everyone else said there is no real way to do it, however if you do search through the net, you can find little tips and tricks devised by portal owners on how to minimize copyright theift. So go do a search on it and you'll come up on tons of free material, I actually have a few in mind I want to share with you guys but I'm not sure if that will be infringing on the copyright of their inventors, so all I can say is do a search and you will not be dissapointed.
  6. Gosh at least you guys have interesting teachers. I had one science teachernamed Mr Charcoal....and you can imagine the snide remarks when ever he passes any students. To top everything off , he was slightly balding and walks with a slight limp. Not only that he has some problem with keeping sentances short. By the time he finishes each lesson, about three quarter of the class is already asleep, so don't complain too much guys, I think you all really have it good:)
  7. Hahahha...no kidding credit checks whatever forits not like you are applying for a credit card or anything similar, they are the ones paying you right...not the other way round.Besides, are they working for the credit card companies to hunt down people with big debts going AWOL in Iraq? In my personal openion, if a person has to go to Iraq, he/she should be forgiven of credit card debts at the very least.
  8. I think if plants could talk...they would be COMPLAINING......imagining the poor forests that are logged everyday and the trees that are being cut down for furniture,houses,etc. Most of the time, we neglect our plants the most, we forget to water, fertilize, we let pests eat them, or sometimes we overwater. Most plants are exposed to the elements ,freezing cold, or blazing hot. One thing I know for sure, in my next life I don't want to be a plant.
  9. I think that punishment and rehab have to go hand in hand, and there is a fine balance between them. Just punishing a person will not change the person's thinking too much I think, it is the punishment that deters, not the idea that what they are doing is wrong. However, rehab means changing peoples way of thinking, convincing them there is a better way of doing things. So yeah I agree punish the person, but make sure the person is also rehabilitated or else that person will probably reoffend
  10. Thanks for the ftp tutorial. Its one thing that still confuses me, getting the ftp connected and transferring more than 1 file at a time. Do you think that this is the best ftp programme around or are there better ones available?
  11. I got something simple and neat for soarthroat, just chew on some raw cloves of Garlic......if its too strong ,mash the garlic up and put in hot water, drink it........will help with the throat cause garlic is a kind of natural antibiotic,and its natural so its great except for you getting garlic breathe.....hehe.......or you can try eating foods cooked with garlic, might be easier on the tongue
  12. This is a real interesting concept, kind of like here on Trap. We are also getting paid to post...well 'in kind'...instead of money we get free hosting etcbut it would be great to be able to use your credits for anything. I think nowadays they have the adsense sharing programme,where if you post and <- snipped -> they give like 30% or something of the revenue}
  13. Some queries about the comp.1)Are there spacific topics to write on, or anything goes?2)How many pages must be written or should I say blog entries per person3)Can we attach multi media stuff to the entry?4)Can we write about something contraversial?
  14. hahaha I agree,over here in Asia man.......pirating is 'the norm' lol we pirate everything from clothes,movies ,songs, software, even mobile phones, and in china....this is the real bomb...they even pirate formula milk.....which means babies fed with this formula are malnurished and sometimes even sick because most of the time we really don't know what the pirates put into the formula.....probably the cheapest stuff that taste the same.....but its getting way dangerous there. Well, as to these companies who sue...they are the ones who are making TONS of money and so are their employers the artists........so I really feel that they are being mean when they deprive poor people access to their products by overpricing. I mean honestly, if their products are reasonably priced the incentive to pirate will not be there as pirating is quite hard work I think... sometimes its really a matter of give and take.
  15. Usually, formatting the floopy should help, but remember its just a thin piece of plastic so store it in its casing until you need to use it, and keep it dry to prevent fungus growth. If data is really important should burn it into cd instead, luckily floopy is inexpensive so replacing it is a good option, but remember to back up the data somewhere else before the floopy goes bad.
  16. How long a defrag takes depends on how big your hard drives are, how corrupted your hard drives are,how fast your computer is among other factors. If this is the first defrag of your harddrive since a very long time, it could take quite awhile maybe even up to a whole day, so I suggest you just run the defrag programme in the background and do other things. Fortunately, after your first defrag and if you defrag regularly say once a week, the whole process takes a much shorter time and you will notice the difference in performance too.
  17. I agree, I think the crux of the problem is still Microsoft and big software companies overpricing their products. How on earth are people from 3rd world developing nations going to but the original product when it could cost as much as 1 months salary for some of these people. If Microsoft is going to insist on these ridiculous prices they can't expect people not to come up with cheaper means illegal or otherwise.Where I come from , unless you buy a brand named computer, people usually ask a shop to build the computer at a lower price and buy an illegal copy of Windows for the store to install for them,it is considered normal practice as everyone thinks that its basically throwing money down the drain to buy original software, besides we have little shops in every neighbourhood selling all kinds of pirated software for US5 per disk and we hardly ever hear of anyone being sent to jail for using pirated software. there is absolutely no incentive to switch to original unless of course you are a big business.However, if I can purchase the original Windows XP for say US$25, I would consider it as sometimes there are bugs in the pirated copies and updating could be a hassle.
  18. I think its quite difficult to shut the Bay down for several reasons: 1) I think in Sweden they have quite liberal laws and I'm sure the Bay admins know the law quite well as they have even published letters threatening to shut them down but failed so I guess they did do their homework. 2)I'm sure the Bay is not just run by a few people in 1 country but they are a network of people in several countries but now just happen to host their site in Sweden, how difficult is it really to create a mirror of the Bay in say China or Nigeria. I'm sure its not that easy to shut down sites in these countries where piracy is actually treated as "the norm" 3)Besides even if they do manage to punish the Bay, I'm sure it would come back in a different skin perhaps using another name or even worst news for the piracy police in the form of another p2p programme that is even harder to trace.
  19. It is now possible to make skype phone calls from your mobile phone whereever you are. The extra equipment you need are a computer,USB Bluetooth Receiver, an extra mobile phones (makes 2 that you need in total) and a skype to phone bridging product.1)First, you need to install your bluetooth receiver on your computer as per instructions.2)Enable Bluetooth on your mobile.3)Ckeck if you can see the bluetooth icon on your system tray if its there it means bluetooth is enabled.4)Right click on the bluetooth icon and select 'I want to find a specific Bluetooth device and configure how this computer will use its services.5)Start the bluetooth set-up wizard, choose your phone icon, select select 'Voice Gateway' or 'Audio Gateway' ,click Finish.6)Once your computer detects the phone you test the bluetooth connection by right clicking the bluetooth icon on the system tray and Select 'Quick connect' and then 'Audio Gateway' 7)Cloose your phone on the list and select your device,asked to authorise the connection, authorise it. When you see a Green B on the system trey, your connection is working properly.8) Now install your bridging software as well as the latest copy of Skype on your computer. Once you launch the bridging software, Skype will prompt 'Another program wants to use Skype'. Select allow this and click ok.9)Now configure your bridging software to detect your phone , answer your incoming calls and make sure that it directs them to Skype users of your choice. Set your bridging software to answer only the number of your primary phone.10)Assign speed dial keys to those Skype users that you would like to make contact with. Firstly, open your Skype/Contacts page and then right click on a contact you would like to call via the bridging software. Select 'Assign Speed Dial' and write your speed dial number.Now to test your phones11)Take your primary mobile phone and call the phone connected to your computer via bluetooth.Wait for the tone ,dial the speed dial key of one of your contacts in the following way: *speed dial key# Save your Skype contacts on your mobile phone using : [secondary Mobile Phone number]p*[speed dial key]# For example If the Secondary Mobile Phone number is: +12345678...and the speed dial key of the Skype user you want to call is: 22You will need to save your Skype contact's number like this:+12345678 P *22#You can also use your mobile to call skypeoutFor exampleIf your secondary phone number is +12345678, and the person's telephone number is +87654321(where87 is the country code), you need to save the following number as your SkypeOut contact's phone number:+12345678P*0087654321#.This completes your tutorial on using skype on your mobile.BTW try to suscribe to phone plans where calling a mobile from the same network is free and put both your mobiles on the same plan. This will save you more money.
  20. We often leave out computers on at full power even though we are away. With rising oil prices and electricity costs, it is time we are more aware on how to save energy on our computers.It is important to buy energy star complient computers as they use less energy.Power management allows ideling computers to enter low-power states. The monitoe shuts itself off, the CPU reduces its comsumption of power and the hard disk spins slower thereby saving energy, kind of like putting the computer to sleep. Remember to set your computer to power saving mode. You can turn this function on in windows XP by going to :control panal--->Display--->Screen Saver--->Power and adjust the settings according to your needs.Also remember, if you are going to be away for a long time to either allow your computer to hybernate, or at least turn off the monitor.
  21. I agree with you Hadi, many times we take for granted that our computer will function smoothly and panic when something goes wrong,when sparing just a few minutes each day doing mantainance will save us alot of trouble. Also, quite often alot of people are not aware of the many utilities included in the Windows Operating System that help mantain the computer eg disk defrag,system restore etc. I suggest we all spare some free time to explore these functions as you never know when they will come up handy. They are usually located at Start--->Accessories--->System Tools.
  22. Although we all hate computer viruses, it has now become a fact of life in day to day computing, especially for those of us using the windows operating system.So here is what you have to do if you are unfortunate enough to encounter one.1)If you are connected to any network, make sure you disconnect from that network and pull out the network cable as you don't want the virus to spread throughout the network.2)If you have an anti-virus software installed, run it. If you don't have it installed, borrow a cpoy from friends or family or purchase it.3)Keep running the anti-virus till it clears your computer of all viruses detectable.4)Reconnect your computer to the internet and go to one of the many anti-virus sites that offer free online scanning. Run them till you computer is again clean. This is to ensure that all virus are removed as very often a virus detected on one anti-virus software may excape detection on another.5) Once you are quite sure your computer is clean, update your anti-virus software files and consider adding another layer of protection in the form of a Firewall software. The Firewall makes it more difficult for intruders to get on your computer and also prevents malware from connecting to the internet from your computer.6)Lastly, exercise good common sense, do not download questionable attachments from your email,or visit sites that may harbour unknown malware and viruses. Prevention is always better than cure
  23. If your computer is giving you problems ,but you have no idea what exactly the trouble is,before rushing to send the computer to a professional for repair, I suggest you go through this check list.1)Start by restarting the computer, It is amazing how many little bugs and problems that have left your computer frozen and hanged have been restored in this way. 2)If a reboot does not seem to help, check to see if all the cables and wires have been properly connected. Many times, a loose cable is the cause of the problem.3)Check that your electrical socket is functioning properly, unplug the cpu electrical cable from the wall socket and test the wall socket with another electrical applience,make sure that there is a power supply.4)Next, disconnect all the peripheral devices such as mouse, external hard drives, modems and try restarting the computer, did it work?5)Make sure your monitor is plugged in properly and there is a power on light.6)Listen for unusual noise in the CPU, disk the hard drive give off strange noices or is the cooling fan in good working condition?7)If you are brave enough, open the CPU and make sure the internal connecting wires are all connected properly, and there is not too much dust clogging the system.8)If you have a spare external hard disk that you can boot from, try it.9)If you are entirely sure its not a hardware problem but a software problem like virus infection or software corruption, you can always reformat the hard drive and reinstall the software from disk or a system restore point. Make sure to regularly back up important documents so that you don't loose valuable data.
  24. Many times we panic when we think that we lost an important file but the good news is that sometimes we can actually recover the file. I will show you how we can do that.If you have deleted that file by accident, first of all DON"T PANIC. Go to your recycle bin to check if its there, if it is, you are very luck,the file can be recovered and restored with ease. Drag the file to your desktop, right click on the file and select Restore.That file will be restored back to its original state.If the file is on longer in the Recycle bin, look for back ups. If your computer has a system restore, set it back to a time before you deleted the file and you should recover the file without too much hassle. If you are on a network, check with your admin to see if a backup was made.If your computer doesn't come with a System Restore function, it is a good idea to invest in a 3rd party utility.If you lost the file because the harddisk crashed, you can try the disk repair utility on windows and if that doesn't work buy a 3rd party commercial disk repair software.Lastly, if all else fails, you can always send the harddisk to a professional disk recovery specialist,however be aware that this option could be expensive and use it only as a last resort.
  25. If you are running on windows,first quit all applications. Deactivate antivirus utilities, screen savers and other programs running in the background. To ensure you've quit all programs in Windows ,Ctrl+Alt+Delete once not twice or you will shut your computer down. You will be shown list of applications running. Highlight each application one by one and click on End Task to close them one at a time. You should than click twice on My Computer to open the My Computer window. You should than choose the hard disk that you want to defragment,go to Properties in the shortcut File menu. You should see the Properties window for the drive that you selected. Click the Tools tab and than click the Defragment Now button. AS for Macs, they don't usually supply the disk-defragmentation program with Mac OS, but 3rd party utilities will include 1.Regular defragmentation of the hard disk will ensure that your hard disk operates efficiently.
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