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Everything posted by ghostrider

  1. I'm 16 and dont have a license yet, but it is quite fun. I don't like sticks, I let go of the clutch to early. Oops.
  2. I wish they would make another version of the iPod mini. That's what I have, and I don't want to upgrade, but I guess I'll have to eventually. Anyone else have a mini? I have a silver 6 GB one.
  3. Oh my gosh, I hated proofs, too. Luckily we did all of our proofs as a class , once we got to area and volume I got smart and was able to prove a lot of equations. Don't worry too much about them. I'm taking it your an Algebra person, husker?
  4. My god how much did that cost you? You can always go old school and use FDisk , but I'm not sure if that will let you resize partitions which is what you will probably have to do. The Linux Setup (depending solely on your distro you choose), might be able to do that.
  5. Even so, he still tried. Even if he wasn't exactly right about it being a choice to be gay or bisexual (which it isn't, like you said, it just happens), actions speak louder than words. My psycologist that I have for anger, depression, anorexia, and various other problems agrees. And unlike other shrinks, he's actually helping me, so he's gotta have some idea what he is talking about. Humans are flawed; no one is perfect. At least he tried, even if he wasn't right, that was the point I was trying to express.
  6. I cant take your post to heart, concidering i didn't choose to be gay, you being so called bisexual should know that who you are attracted to, is not a choice. You are just as ignorant as the person you were fighting. I don't know why your sexual orientation isn't straight, not that it matters to me, I'm comforable with bis, gays, and trans, but why can't you take this to heart? I know it may not be your choice for your sexual orientation, but he is standing up for you. That other person was wrong to say that your orientation is causing your anger. He was merely stating that that person was wrong.
  7. This is very true. If you go into a Cyber Cafe or anyone else with Wi Fi or are inside a car there is no way they can trace you, unless your stupid and do something on the internet that can give the police your identity.
  8. It depends on the type of pizza, if its plain cheese the I really like pizza hut. For any other type of pizza I'll choose Papa John's because they're ingredients are less fatty and I can eat more of it.
  9. Wow, this would be really useful software for my school, GHS. I think if I downloaded it I would get in a lot of trouble, they hired 2 people full-time to watch everything we do on the internet. They caught a couple kids using someone else's login, and they charged them with "Identity Theft", thats a felony :/. Maybe I could do it through "Guest" ... hmm
  10. Maybe they want the common typical user who doesn't know anything but Internet Explorer to think that it looks like Firefox. It might be some weird form of advertising for newbs that don't know the difference. Firefox is way better than IE.
  11. Hahahaha, that's funny that Microsoft got hacked! The Turkish hacker group seems familiar to me. *goes and checks own site's security*
  12. I wrote this 2 nights ago, is this any good?You and your lover are on top of a grassy hill on a cool cloudy night. You rest your head upon their chest and can feel the slow rythmic beating of their heart while you look for pictures in the bright stary sky. The sole thought in your mind is about you and you lover's amazing love you share and hoping to be able to feel this bond of trust, understanding, love, and peace until all the stars slowly fade away.
  13. I don't think this is necessarly true. I am a male and the only people I am totally comfortable talking with, totally honest with, and almost totally open (everyone has some stuff they keep to themselves) is my female friend Sam. She is the bestest friend anyone could ask for, and she is the exact same way with me.
  14. Thanks for posting this, last year I had such a hard time figuring it out! It was horrible, it took me about 2 days to figure out I had a blank line on the top of my script.
  15. I've used VB6 for 9 years. I'll post the code for how I would do it, however I'm sure there is more than just one way to create a simple login system. It'll just take a couple changes to the kitty's code to implement other users. We can copy the first part of kitty's code right into the form almost without changes. Here it is: Dim MyName As String ' This variable contains users full nameDim MyUName As String ' This variable contains users login name (username)Dim MyPass As String ' This variable contains users passwordDim Response As Integer ' This variable contains users answers from message boxesDim Saved_Name() As String ' This variable contains saved username from fileDim Saved_Pass() As String 'This variable contains saved password from file The only real difference between my code and his/her's is that Saved_Name and Saved_Pass are now arrays. Arrays can hold more than one value, each value in an array is given a number. Dim TotUser As Integer 'The total number of usersDim TempName As String 'For the nameDim TempPass As String 'For the passTotUser = 1Open "pass.txt" For Input As #1 'we open file with data we needDo Until EOF(1)Line Input #1, TempName ' We read username from fileLine Input #1, TempPass ' We read password from fileTotUser = TotUser + 1 'Add one to TotUserReDim Preserve Saved_Name(1 To TotUser) 'Expand the arraySaved_Name(TotUser) = TempNameReDim Preserve Saved_Pass(1 To TotUser) 'Expand the arraySaved_Pass(TotUser) = TempPassLoopClose #1 'we close the file The ReDim statement resizes the array (creates more elements). The Preserve in the ReDim statement means to make sure the data originally in the array stays there. Without the preserve statement, only the last username and password would be in the array, all the others would be "" or NULL. The next bit of code stays the same. Login_Name:MyName = InputBox("Please, enter Your name.", "Introduce yourself", "")If MyName = "" Then Response = MsgBox("To continue with the program, You need to introduce Yourself." & vbCrLf & "Do You wish to proceed with the programm?", vbCritical + vbYesNo, "Error") If Response = vbYes Then GoTo Login_Name If Response = vbNo Then MsgBox "We are sorry You do not wish to proceed." & vbCrLf & "We wish You a good day", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "End" End End IfEnd If So does the next bit Login_UName:MyUName = InputBox("Good day " & MojeIme & ", please, enter Your user name.", "Login", "")If MyUName = "" Then Response = MsgBox("To continue with the program, You need to enter username." & vbCrLf & "Do You wish to proceed with the programm?", vbCritical + vbYesNo, "Error") If Response = vbYes Then GoTo Login_UName If Response = vbNo Then MsgBox "We are sorry You do not wish to proceed." & vbCrLf & "We wish You a good day", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "End" End End IfEnd If and the next bit Login_Pass:MyPass = InputBox("Please, enter a password for user name " & MyUName & ".", "Login", "")If MyPass = "" Then Response = MsgBox("To continue with the program, You need to enter Your password." & vbCrLf & "Do You wish to proceed with the programm?", vbCritical + vbYesNo, "Error") If Response = vbYes Then GoTo Login_Pass If Response = vbNo Then MsgBox "We are sorry You do not wish to proceed." & vbCrLf & "We wish You a good day", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "End" End End IfEnd If Finally something actually changes!! Dim i As Integer 'For the For Next LoopFor i = 1 To TotUser 'Check every user.If (Saved_Name = MyUName(i)) And (Saved_Pass = MyPass(i)) Then MsgBox "Good day " & MyName & "." & vbCrLf & "Welcome to our program, we wish You pleasant work.", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Welcome"Exit sub 'You are logged in!ElseIf i = TotUser Then MsgBox "We are sorry, username and/or password are not correct", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Error" EndEnd IfEnd IfNext i Place all this code together and it will work fine! Feel free to PM me with any questions you may have.
  16. Deep breating really helps me calm down and control my anger. It especcally helps after an argument with my mom or when I have a lot of work to do. Its a very calming thing.
  17. What type of important files were you deleting? If they were system files, then that could very well be the cause of your problem. Other than that, I have no idea what caused it. It could be a problem with your hardware, too.
  18. These are some pretty good jokes. My favorites are: and
  19. My school sells all the stuff above and cheap calculators. USB Drives are another thing they sell, and they sell pretty well too.
  20. sry if this is a total newb question, but what is TLD?
  21. Once it gets really late, all I seem to see on TV is Girls Gone Wild commercials. They get boring after seeing them for an hour in a row tho. Everything else is stupid and pointless, which is probably why its on late at night.
  22. Ever since the appearance of Windows 95, this is not the case. This is a problem with Window 3.1. Each application has its own memory space, and it stays in that space, and cannot access other program's memory. If it does it triggers a General Protection Fault, but these are rarely seen anymore. Device drivers and other programs with a higher level of power, or higher Ring level can however do more damage than a regular application. There are 4 levels used by any Intel or AMD processors, Ring 0 being the highest and having access to all the memory and instructions, Ring 1 being slightly lower and being able to access Ring 2 and Ring 3 memory, Ring 2 (which is almost never used by Operating Systems) and then finally Ring 3 which is where regular applications run. Ring 3 is the lowest level, it can only access its own memory and it has a limited amount of instructions. Sorry if I didn't explain it very well, but I can elaborate if anyone is interested.
  23. Correct me if I'm wrong, but if I remember correctly, Ring 3 applications(which is what all user-designed programs that run in Windows are, unless they are a device driver or VxD) can't even use the interrupts in Windows.
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