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Everything posted by husker

  1. They obviously look for something different in men than you. Just push their comments aside and move on. As long as you like him, there's no problem.
  2. husker


    Cool, the Red Soxs are my second favorite team, only behind my Atlanta Braves! I'm 14 too, and I watch the Disney Channel occasionaly. This might sound weird, but I've never seen anyone do their smiliey face like that (:. It's usually like this . Whatever lol. Have a nice time here! It's a lot of fun!
  3. I hope my Biology class doesn't stink Plenoptic. So far it hasn't been too bad for the two weeks I've been in school. It's kind of weird switching for middle to high school, but I've gotten used to it. My teachers are nice but I think they are going to work me hard. Oh well, it's life.
  4. That's cool and all, but I have no idea what is going on in the sig. The guy is just holding up a barrel I think. So I have to say 6/10, no hard feelings or anything. Maybe I'm just not getting it.
  5. I'm not a sig expert, but I have to go with God-of Earth. Yours is kind of plain to me Dawiss, and God-of-Earth added a little 3d look to his I think.
  6. When you think about it, 1362 is actually a pretty good number. When you said you wanted like 4000 people on at once, that would be nearly impossible. That would be saying that 1/4 of the members (who live all over the World) would have to get one at the exact same time. The number doesn't really bother me, I never look at it. Too me, it's the quality of members you have, not the quantity. And eventually this record will be broken as technology grows along with this forum. I think this hosting site is slowly on the rise. Xisto is very reliable and soon a lot of people will relize that. Also, Xisto offers a lot of more advanced features, which when people get smarter, they will come. I think you should just take a break and forget about this number. One day you'll look at it and see it broken.
  7. Japense people know EVERYTHING lol. That stinks. Maybe you don't get as much homework at night as us or something. You could consider yourself smarter than all of us! Holland must really value education.
  8. If we ever found people, they would have to be totally different from us. Maybe they are used to living in -20 degree weather all day (finally we could have a use for Antartica). Either them or us would have to adapt to each other. Plus, would we try to move them unto our planet or theirs? What would the people be like? I would imagine that they aren't as educated as us, but who knows? Maybe there is a whole different place with a different Bible and King and they have their own solar system? It's a creepy thought, but one that must be considered.
  9. Look on the bright side. Xisto probably just wants to give users a realible forum. It's actually very generous of them and I don't think the admins really plan on getting rich and becoming millionaires. I think that they are just doing it out of the good of their hearts. At least I hope so lol, this is a great site and offer the best hosting I have found around.
  10. That is a little bit dispointing, but I don't think it will be followed up well. Practically every one the Earth (except scientists) know it as Pluto, the nine planet fro the Sun and that's what everyone taught their kids. They would have to majorly change all the textbooks and I can't see anyone recognizing it as a "dwarf planet" until many years. What kind of name is "dwarf planet" anyways?
  11. lol, nice stuff. When I searched Amazon though, I found only around 10,000 books on him. Also, whats number 15? You just going to leave us hanging? Sounds like Bill Gates can be a *BLEEP* at times. He was going for the money all along!
  12. On the very first one that was posted, when I blinked my eyes, the dots disappeared, but only when I blinked. I hwas no clue how that Jesus one worked, and I am still seeing him on my computer right now. lol This one always got me. I'm still going down!!
  13. Why even take a cold shower? I usually just wait until I cool off then get into a shower. I believe everyone is right, the heat the bath and shower gives up loosens your muscle which somehow make you relaxed. Hot showers are always nice. I like to think in them lol, they get my brain working.
  14. Lol, I see pictures of men running and pushing wheelbarrows. I don't know what your talking about with the bird. I can see where the wings could be, but I don't see a head.
  15. I don't wear glasses, but I have them. My eyedoctor would like me to wear them, but I just don't feel like it. It changes my personality too much. I don't have to have them because I see 20/20 overall, but one eye is 20/400. I"m just weird!
  16. I don't even know how to feed my fish. They died in 3 minutes. It's a weird game. I seen better game like that where you feed fish.
  17. Probably either Stick Arena or Club Penguin. When I first played Club Penguin I thought it would be just a stupid kid's game, but it's kind of addicting to me. Stick Arena is always fun, even if I'm not good at it. I don't really look for online games to play though. Also, I like to play Rook so I go to duelboard.com to play that.
  18. Wow, that sucks. You should probably get to know your parents better so they know what to get you. It's just a tough situation. I'm not sure what to do, but I think instead of ignore your parents, I'd make some jokes like, "Well if I got the 360 I wanted for my birthday, then I wouldn't be bored." By the way, if you don't want the M&Ms, just send them to me lol.
  19. Mine started Monday. You're lucky to be off for 17 more days. I don't know very many school that start in September. You must get out in mid June then. Enjoy the summer while it lasts! Unfortunately I can't say the same for myself.
  20. It drives me crazy when I ask a person a question and the respond by saying, "Who want to know?" Well, me obviously, that's why I asked the question! The person I asked must of been in a bad mood then they make me in a bad mood. It's just a stupid response!
  21. I have to agree with everyone else and say not guilty. First off, the police should come, so it's partly there fault. The robber would definately loose the case. The judge would probably ask, "why were you there?" "To rob him." The burglar had it coming I think. He had no business being on your property.
  22. Welcome! Xisto has been nice to me (excect a couple times, nothing big). Everyone here is friendly, so I think you will fit in just fine. I hope you are not a Yankees fan or it could be trouble!
  23. lol, when I read the topic I thought you had a picture of yourself looking emo lol. Anyways, I have never felt this sadness when I left (middle school), but when I got to high school this year, I really missed middle school. Life just keeps getting harder. I don't know what to say for you except to prepare for your future and have confidence.
  24. Who doesn't like cheese lol? Good point TypoMage, but we are just having fun! It's not to bad of a post, just lacks some explanation. Chedder and Colby cheeses are the best. I don't like American though.
  25. Well school and college are pretty much the same. Can't argue with those. I would definately not do the internet dating. Although my aunt did meet her husband on that. It's weird though, one is talkitive and the other never talks. So, I think just stick to the basics like school and work.
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