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Everything posted by husker

  1. Welcome Je-ar. You can never tell these things thru the internet so I don't care if you're gay or have a big nose or have 100 tatoos or are 2 foot (I'm having too much fun with my ideas lol). I don't care, I will never remember anyways. It doesn't matter, we are all one community here at Xisto. And also a late welcome to Goth Punk.
  2. The lines bother my eyes a bit, so I must say Number 2. It just looks better lol no futher explaination.
  3. Coke and Mentos are a very tasteful combination anyways. It's scary to know this though. You wonder what else like this could happen wit food and drink combinations. I can see how Mentos would be happy and Coke wouldn't be. Mentos is a smaller organization, while Coke is known everywhere and very popular. It's always fun to experiment with this kind of stuff.
  4. All of my friends have told me that Halo was T if you turned off the blood. Does anyone have any links proving this? Is this true? My mom won't let me get it because it's rated M, so I've been trying to convince her. Thanks!
  5. Wow, someone else thats in IB. My friend's brother is in it. I was going to do it but he seems to be so busy, I wouldn't have time for other stuff. I am going to do Honors classes for my freshman year, which will lead me into AP classes. My school starts in a week. I can't wait
  6. So that explains the brown leaves lol. How come we never have fossils of their "droppings"
  7. Do you really want to know? I would guess they they didn't use anything. Just let it out and leave lol.
  8. I saw a movie on something like this. It said that a plain line is 1 dimentional. Now make to lines and connect them to get a 2 dimentional square. Now make two squares and connect them to get a 3 dimentional cube. Make two cubes to ge ta 4 dimentional hypercube. That doesn't sound right, because then we could make stuff like 10 dimentional. Some kid that I knew said the 4th dimention was time, but I'm pretty sure thats wrong.
  9. In Church today, I was listening to the Pastor speak and I had goosebumps a lot. I wasn't sure why but I just had a chill a lot. Is God trying to tell me something? I usually don't get goosebumps that much. So does God give you goosebumps or are you just cold? I didn't seem cold when I was at Church, which confuses me. Has this happened to anyone else by chance?
  10. How can you have pity for a man that cheated? I felt sorry for him that he was accused, but now that I know he actually cheated, I'm upset at him just like all of the US. Too bad Lance didn't just go again and win lol.
  11. I feel bad that I haven't been around long enough to know you! This forum is old, which is good. It's great to see that you have moved on to paid hosting, hopefully I'll get there one day!
  12. I'm too young to mark any of those. So I guess that's good. Although it would be nice for me to get a date one of these days.
  13. Welcome. I think it should be a law that everyone has to have a pool! Your English is very good possibly better than mine lol. Books aren't my favorite, but they are good to use if you want to pass some time.
  14. That's what drives me crazy about bands today. It's like they are trying to be rappers and make stupid lyrics. I agree with Mjay06, We Didn't Start The Fire actually has a point to it and means something. If they could only make lyrics make sense.
  15. People tend to judge people nowadays. I agree, it might of been a prank, but I could also understand how it could be real. It is fishy when you pick up something and look around. You should of made a dash towards the exit and watched what happened lol. Situations like that can be scary.
  16. It looks nice. Personally, all the blue bothers my eyes, but it's not horribly bad. I like it. Good luck with it!
  17. Nobody beats Google, and nobody ever will. Some people may like ask.com, but the majority of people choose google. It's that simple.
  18. I think that you should sit down and talk with him and jus ask stuff like, "Why are you ignoring me?" A nice talk should determine the outcome of this situation. Also, make sure his friend isn't around when you talk to Asa. Good luck!
  19. I think that Nike has always been at the top, although they are not one of my favorites. It's seems that some kids are switching over to DC's and Etnies, but Nike is still dominating. My personal favorite is New Balance just because I have wide feet.
  20. I can't help but notice your guy's avatars when I'm posting. Where do you guys get the funny ones? I enjoy Albus Dumbledore's and Truefusion's avatars. I know I have seen a lot of other funny avatars from others, but I can't remember. Where do you guys find these? Mine is always the same and dull.
  21. Nice description. Who doesn't hate hackers and annoying people that ask questions? I just have one question for you, why did you shave your head? Anyways, it's nice having you here. I hope you enjoy yourself!
  22. Technology is growing rapidly. I look back just as little as five years from now at my computer and think, "How could I of used this? It's so slow and can't run my new games." In another five years I'll be saying that about my computer I have right now. It's scary to think about it. What I have now I think is fast and I don't have a problem with, but soon enough, I'll be able to turn on my computer and check my email in 20 seconds! I would hate to see what that hard drive looked like. You wouldn't happen to have a picture off it, would you?
  23. I have never heard of the Metal Gear series. I like Splinter Cell a lot though. It's one of the few games where you have to be stealthy and patient. It's not like Halo where you just run around shooting people with heavy machine guns. In Splinter Cell, you have to work your way up and on some level you don't have guns. Splinter Cell is for the deep thinkers and more patient people. So even without knowing what Metal Gear is, I'm going to say that Splinter Cell wins, because I've only found one or two games that beat it.
  24. Trap17 is the best free hosting that I have had. I have had probably 10 other sites, but they all shut down. My last one shut down and it said something like, "Michael is an idiot and hacked our database." This service is reliable and has been up for over two years. I haven't had any problems here. BuffaloHelp and Opaque do a good job. All you have to do is post!
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