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Everything posted by osknockout

  1. Yeah, I have PeerGuardian2 as well. I simply removed Atrivo from my blocklist. Until the guys at peer guardian find a way around it all, that's the only practical solution.True, there have been some malicious activities 'bout Atrivo Techs, but what's the chance that some guys there are going to hack into my comp?
  2. I use it for a bunch of stuff, including stuff that would take hours normally. Mostly it's research stuff, like I created a program to tell me the prime numbers from 1 to a billion and after about 3 hours I had it... in 527 Megabytes. It's generic programming (ANSI)..NET's not so big. I've developed for a good amount of time and I never found it useful or necessary for anything.
  3. Well, when you're creating the dialog box, you're shifting the CPU resource to to dialog box. If I were writing it (because I'm lazy) I'd make it create some javascript and run msdos commands... but for practical purposes, could you show these parts of the source Xcdcc?
  4. Ah, well best of luck then dexter. I never took a course on this stuff, I just looked at AoA and played with FASM. Alright, I'll be looking forward to that viskywalker. (I would have downloaded Fedora as well but Gentoo just came out and well...)That's true dexter, but realize that most asm source is in intel syntax (at least, what I've encountered) It might be true that at&t syntax can help you with gcc and such, but that's nothing a bit of binary editing couldn't do. So have fun aussie, that'll be nice on a job resume.
  5. You're welcome dexter. By the way, why are you using inline assembly? If I'm right viskywalker, gcc is rather heavily built on gas so replacing gas with NASM probably won't work without some heaving source editing.
  6. osknockout

    Boot Problem

    Well, that's what you get for running FDISK, DOS.It seems that your bootloader has the wrong hard drive geometry recorded.... if all else fails, you could install a new bootloader like GRUB or LILO :)Hmm, what's your processor speed? When was the last time you defragmented?
  7. Wow, N0N4M3, that came out of nowhere. (Can't help you though, sorry)What are the most important points? Well, for one you must clearly state ifthe system is based off of d20 or d&d because they've been dominating theindustry for who knows how long. Also, a "for those who've played d&d..." sectionwould help those of us who want to try it out.Stress the combat system and classes in your manual, I can't tell you how longI've been looking through stuff to figure that out by myself in most pencil & papergames I've looked at. I know it's basic, but in a good system, it's usually complex. Feats and spells and skills are easy stuff generally.Do you have a link to your manual or can we not see it? I mean we could tell youwhat to improve if we could see it By the way, I don't know if your license allowsfor this, but allowing sites to create explanations and intros for this type of thing wouldbe helpful.Take note, I've never seen played with another DM (guy who controls the game), so some of this stuff might seem odd to you, but then again, when your game comes out, there'll be no DM to start with!
  8. Hello ssv, I tested your sample on Dev-C++ (since I was too lazy to study it) using a range of 0 to 512 and using x and x-1 as parameters of your function. Here's what it returned: num1 num2 fun1() 0 -1 1 //ok, good so far 1 0 0 // 2 1 1 3 2 0 4 3 1 5 4 0 6 5 1 //ok, I get the picture now... ad 512... hmm... seems like a odd/even test. Sorry. It looks like you went great depths trying this one. Good try though. By the way, I haven't found a solution myself. Remember, kvarnerexpress stated that we can't use logical operators, so the if's and else's have to go if you want to declare it a solution. Here's my test code: //uses iostream and fstreamint main(){ std::ofstream file("testfile"); int x = 0; while (x!=512) { file << fun1(x,x-1) << "\n"; x++; } return 0;}
  9. You mean like PERL? 1 x 3 = 111 if I'm right... technically no because anything that you would do (besides create multiple copies of the command) would still tell the CPU to loop.
  10. Wow, these guys beat me by a long shot. But the problem is that they're closed source and commercial. Awesome, but not helping the rest of the dev. community.
  11. Alright that makes sense. I'll get you a copy of the code and disk images as soon as I find my floppy... I was planning to port it to a CD-ROM for driver space. Sorry about the delay, I had some travel to do. Also, the site forums will probably be in phpBB since I'm having problems with MercuryBoard.
  12. I was thinking of LILO actually... what's so different about them all?
  13. I think you need to get diffutils, patch (GNU prgms) and their underlying libraries compiled for windows. I don't know if binaries of those exist and you might have to use GCC to compile them anyway.
  14. Right... the old language section actually dexter, all I've seen is GNU docs comparing intel and at&t syntax. I know for a fact that Dev-C++ uses AT&T syntax for inline assembly as well as the rest of the gcc world. Here's one I've found: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ That should give you a good side-by-side comparison, but I don't think it's as extended as what you're looking for, seeing as it's simply inline assembly. There's some docs about AT&T syntax by Sun, but they're really extensive and use solaris assembler extensions. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  15. Ok, I don't know where the 'edit' option went, so I'm sorry about the double post. I finished uploading a mercury board to my t17 site to test it out. I'm trying to get it to connect to a mysql server I have there. This should clarify a few things: For host server, I don't know whether I should put rhino (t17 server name) or localhost. I'm also confused about the port address and the socket.
  16. The installation of a mercuryboard. I can't get it to finish the installation.
  17. Ok, I went through the entire install process and came to the install module and I can't figure out what I'm supposed to put in for host server and database socket (which is optional) The default database port is 3306. Can someone tell me what to enter or modify?
  18. Oh you have VMWare? Nice. I'd like a copy I was thinking about that actually and I decided I'd make it a bit more general, like Linux so I'll create perhaps a floppy, cdrom, and hdd distributions. By the way, I have no experience with booting something I've made off a partition... if you could describe the process, I'd gladly port it for that.
  19. Bochs is a PC emulator, so it's used for OS testing. I got it to do a "hello world!" through BIOS commands and a floppy image. But that's ok, what system do you plan to alpha test it on?
  20. Thanks xboxrulz. I'll get you some stuff pretty soon. Do you use BOCHS by any chance?
  21. Right, I'm creating my own OS from scratch. It seems no one here has ever tried to program an os, so I don't think I'll ever get my topic answered and yes, I know there are a million and one linux distributions. thanks, I'll think up something... I was thinking of porting gcc, make, and perl. If I need to enlarge this list, (which I believe I do) do tell. It'll be open source, but I'm having a little trouble getting things started. I'm writing in assembly, but everybody writes in something like C/C++, so it might take some time getting development going. Nice idea, open source OS competitions. That would boost OS performance by quite a bit
  22. So yes, osknockout has finally picked up the epic quest to create an Operating System. Why? Well, why not? Besides a million C packages doesn't do too much good - even if it is C. With that answered, I've decided to create a CDROM-based system - not like Knoppix which takes 2 hours to load, but rather a generally fast, efficient (small?) os. I kindly request comments/improvements to my kernel plan:Here's what I've got (it's in x86 asm prog. terms):(assume tables are updated upon checking)--loop--1)test PIC status register and check IRQs -if PIC generated an exception go to PIC code, if other IRQs, go to IRQ code2)check memory pointer table (keeps record of what's where in memory) -XCHG & MOV as necessary...3)check task&request pointer list -prioritize list, LOADALL if necessary, and edit index & segment registers--loop--
  23. Wow, dexter you've gone mad since last time I talked to ye. ... why does Ultima VII need real mode for installation anyway?
  24. Wow, sounds like you're typing with 4 hours of sleep. Can take some time to process, but very nice. If anyone else happens to be reading this, you can get more information about memory addressing at the Art of Assembly Language sites like this one. I know vizskywalker won't have time to address all types of memory addressing. Wow, I actually learned something from these tuts. Keep it up.
  25. just to clear things up, what I meant by the FPU stack's 80 bits was that I was questioning if it's 80 bits WIDE for each entry. Alright, thanks. That's inspiration to start learning protected mode. Do tell when your tutorial's posted because I don't travel there much
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