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Everything posted by BooZker

  1. Well normally I would never show any designer my myspace. Myspace pages always look nasty and overly bloated and... ICK! Anyways, I spent a few hours on it today, being bored and nothing else to do, and i made it look really good in my opinion. It's actually one of my favorite designs I have made. Its simple, but i wanted something opposite of what 90% of the myspace community is doing. I have only 3 paragraphs, 7 buttons/links, and only one picture not including the link images. If you wat to see a website that i actually made that wasn't so quick and easy that's http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ , but i would rather you not comment about that site on this topic. https://myspace.com/browser Send me a comment there, leave a post here, or whatever I just want to know if you guys like/dislike the design!
  2. In response to a large number of posts in this topic:To me it seems as christians make up things as they go. For example, my friend who is in a christian school has long hair and is growing it out. The teachers are going to make him cut it because,"It's the way Jesus wanted it." Yes, I am not making this up that is what they said. Not only did Jesus have long hair, there is NOTHING in the Bible that says boys can't have long hair when they attend a christian school. Another example is that my friend's mom (this is another friend) told him he had to go to church, so before we left this is what she said,"Oscar (me), when was that last time you had communion?" My response was,"Not for months." (I am an Athiest, but i never dare say that to his mom!) She goes,"OK, well don't have communion then, because we believe (we as in Christian) believe you need to regulary take it to receive it." My friend said,"Mom, that is so stupid. Nothing in the Bible says that." And an argument started, but that was just to state my point. There are many times incidents like this have come up. How does this tie into your topic? Well, i think that there is no reason for what you are saying. I think Christians WANT to believe in ID. If they really took an open mind into Evolution they would see how, although MAY not be true although most likely is and i certainly believe it, much more of a chance that, that could happen over the idea someone just went ""BAM!" and "POOF!" the world was here. Yes, Darwin said that about how its imagination, but could you honestly imagine him saying that kind of thing then?! Even now, by some, it's hated and the people who believe this are put aside as sinners and will go to hell. Think about years ago when you could get hanged for that. I couldn't and I think anyone with a right mind would also say that.
  3. Wow. I haven't had a HDD burn out yet. But when my 300 GB HDD plus 100 on my VAIO and 80 on my Mac goes out i will be screwed!
  4. If you want I can help with your actual site layout considering your having some float problems i think. (You said it worked, but are you looking at it in IE? IE never has that problem it seems. Make sure to check it on Firefox and Opera.) So here is what I got. I understand why you wouldnt want a render. Your site is pretty minimal which i love, so i tried to make you a minimal header/banner. I kept it techy and i used complimentary colors. I have created these in RGB rather then CMYK for your internet use and they are in vector format if you need me to resize this or a part of it let me know. If you want I could create a logo if you like my design. I can change any of the colors if you want very easily. The blue you might want darkened, but i am not sure. Just drop me a line or post it right on here. If you do however decide to use this I would just like a link to my website anywhere is all. I made two versions and Truefusion and the GFX crew is this how you want me to contribute?
  5. Buff, that wasn't there yesterday, or the day before that. I remember looking at my profile and i had no title. I'm not really sure what to do haha. I follow what you said though. on GFXTrap.com will you put my name in the Crew section, or do I have to wait a little while.
  6. -- BooZker -- Real Name:Oscar Age:16 Time designing:21/2yrs Nationality:White From:USA Current Location:USA Favorite Styles:Cartoonish/professional/minimilstic Favorite Fields of Designing:Graphic Design/Website design. A lot of vector. Programs: (In order of use from most to least) Adobe Illustrator CS2, Photoshop CS2, Fireworks 8, Adobe InDesign CS2 AIM:chuckystjoes MSN:chuckystjoes69@hotmail.com Yahoo:chuckystjoes -- Choice Vector Work -- -- Other Work -- -- Websites -- BooZker's Tweaks Dear Boo (A website template im working on) I did not put sigs, and crazy looking artwork with a thousand layers because I want to be different and try to make more professional designs.
  7. Awesome so i am part of the team? I do mostly vector, but i am taking a photoshop class by the guy that made the wacom tablet. I have learned a ton.jlhaslip, Yah i like his vector work. I actually like his command prompt pic. He is pretty good. So how being in the GFX crew work exactly?
  8. I like my vector work, because i dont see many people here do it! Maybe i could be the vector guy? haha. Yes, I have improved. It's from my college experiance. I also do face and body touch ups. Just to let you know!I'm really into logos though. At least i have no really bad "No you suck!"
  9. Awh hah. that makes sense now! That makes sense. Maybe like 3-5 assigments in one subject a month or something. Haha we should put in a what grade are you in to each piece of homework. Great point!
  10. Name: Oscar Godson E-mail: oscargodson@gmail.com Time designing: A year in college and 2 1/2 years just as a hobby Other sites: N/A Examples: Here is some varied work from school, to online graphics, logos ect. I have also created everything for http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (except the adobe logo of course.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12<<removed>> 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (this is just a template I am working on for a client) Those are some of my huge collection. I have a lot more logos, but i felt i wanted to show my unique illustration style instead of the cookie cutter glossy logos. Thanks Notice from KuBi: removed offensive image
  11. A drink fooling yourself to think your not thirsty wouldn't be too hard. Think about weed? It makes you hungry. Why not reverse that? The only problem is that could be more dangerous then good... Or at least i think.
  12. Hey... wait... didn't I write the bottomless drink topic! That's is awesome I inspired someone or people to write topics. I will put more ideas in here if people start thinking and sharing ideas like this! So, what if it isn't possible at the moment, but do you really think that Christopher Columbus ever thought we would land on the moon?Anyways, to the actual topic. Why would you need energy? Maybe i am wrong, but isnt there energy in space? Isn't there someway to channel the physics of space here on Earth?
  13. Let's be realistic here. There has been 3,132 US deaths not including other countries and wounded. How could the news ever cover all those. And once again let's be realistic. Me and a lot of other people are tired of hearing "Another 10 soldiers died in a helicopter crash today." I mean we can only take so much before it gets boring. Too bad they are dying but i sure as hell would rather listen to how some movie/tv star that i have seen on TV a lot died then some Jim Smith I have never met in my life and it's the same exact story everyday. Too bad they died. It's sad, but the news has to make money also. No one would watch the news if the covered every person who died i mean 3000+?!
  14. I am trying not to repeat myself although I feel as though I have to. To get homework you must submit homework. Homework is then reviewed. If the homework passes (If the admins give it at least a D in there opinion) It is then put in the server. For every, about, 3 pieces of homework you submit you get one back. Does this make anymore sense?
  15. See here is the idea though. There is not really an easy way out. You have to either post topics and help others with homework questions (forum posts only count in the homework help sections), have to submit essays, pics, video, or some form of homework and have it grades by their teachers and/or have it graded on the site by Admins/mods. Dont get me wrong. I have done ALL except ONE assignment by myself. My current GPA is 3.5 in college and I am 16. Also though read above. It't not like you would be able to just login and start downloading mass amounts of homework. You have to buy it almost. Except legal tender we use devotion and time. Plus in the real likfe when you need something done you buy it right? Example: "Man my roof is leaking." You normally dont go "Well im going to go to the library and learn about it. Then im going to go practice, then im going to go and try it." You call 1-800-roof-guy* Read my first post better haha. I mentioned this along with forums and other forms of getting homework credit. thought of this too haha. You put the criteria in liek you said above. It will find combos in it and you can then copy and paste the materials in it. Or if your lucky find an exact match. So you would get a result for quotes, essays, and essays with quotes and s fourth. Plus if we had even 100 people and they each submit 2 pieces a homeowork a week, think about how much that is! Thought of this also. Essays are not searchable on google OR even on the sites search until you sign up. To sign up you need someone to give you a registration code like google does. Teachers would not be able to take it down. I actually have already found someone to help within 12 hrs. If anyone would like to help contact me in anyway you like. I need help with Logo design website design PHP CSS/HTML/XHTML javascript and testing and membersand most of all homework. If you help I will give you 10 free friend passes to the site to share with friends even! *not a real number
  16. Last night I was thinking, I think a lot , when I saw on Limewire it had a document option. What if there was a site or program that really narrowed in on that. It would not be stealing, but more, a favor for a favor. What exactly am I talking about you ask? Well, think about this. It's sunday night after you have been out all weekend on a mini-vacation. You forgot that the 2,000 word essay is not finished on Martin Luther King Jr.! You go to Homework Share and check the 1,500-2,000 word check-box and type in Martin Luther King Jr. essays in the search box. The search results are displayed by closet match along with the highest grade received for Martin Luther King Jr. essays that are 1,500-2,000 words in length. You click on the search result that says A+ that closely matches. You are sent to that users page and click download. You print it out turn it in and voila! How is this NOT stealing? You are only able to download so many essays based on your forum points (like here on trap), grades, and number of essays submitted (F grades count as 0, D's count as 1 pt, C's 2pt, ect.) A favor for a favor. You are still doing homework, but maybe not the one your teacher gave you, but in return for doing another essay you get your Martin Luther King Essay. Do you get it guys? So, here is my idea if it were a site: Sign Up Process: Required Fields: Email, Password Optional: Name, state, school, bio, ect *The reason why I would want the name fields to be optional and no city or state is for a reason. The reason is so that Teachers could not go on the site and find that you took, or posted a homework page. I want it to be as minimal as possible, but enough for a community. User Page: In the user page would be sections like: Homework Turned In, Homework Shared, Grades, Pictures, Media, and things like that. The media might be videos, flash videos, or maybe even websites for your graphic design course. It would show your GPA (This is based on an honor system. Your GPA is based on each piece of homework you submit and then you put the letter grade you got on it.) Then number of download you got and the GPA on each individual download based on the other users grades they say they got. Downloads: How the download work is as simple as 1, 2. Find download. Click download. It can be that simple, but as security measures for students whos teacher doesn't understand what the site is... There is the a "Where Has It Been" option. It would look like: Martin Luther King Jr. - 2000 Words | Download | Where has it been? | Downloads: # | GPA: A+ | To explain what that option is here is an example after you click download: |What state/providence ________ |What school are you turning this in at ________ |What Teacher _________ |What period _________ |Download Now No fields are required ever, but highly recommended so that you don't turn in duplicate essays. --- I would REALLY like to make this site and i am a graphic designer and if anyone would be interested in making this/help making this please contact me or reply. I'll even give you some credits based on how much you help, or be a permanent staff member and reap the benefits when the site goes public. You have to know it would catch on and be popular. It's a community based site. All legal. Could be worth a bit of $$$. This could also be turned into a P2P type program/application. This site would NOT ONLY have essays, but art, music, and whatever type of homework is possible. Your in a graphic design course submit art, your in a music class submit music, in a video production class submit video, you get the idea and it would be a popular site. It would have to be. It's all free!!! I was also thinking you could only sign up with a referral link as Google does on there things. This would keep teachers from browsing on the site. So would anyone like to help in my idea for a website? P.S. This is the right forum to post this right? It's an Idea/Possibilities, but also a website/internet thing.
  17. Pepsi is just so sweet tasting for a cola. I love sweet soda, but sweet cola flavored soda isn't in my favor. i love coke! I could drink it all day! Plus Pepsi for some reason makes me burp a TON!
  18. I use Fetch. Its small, does the job and it looks nice. It's also free if your a student. Thats a plus!
  19. I have a dock full of cool applications I love. Sometimes though you wonder what other people put in there dock and where they get those things from. What I would like to know is what do you have in your dock and where you got those applications. Put them in order from left to write! All freeware applications are marked with a *. iChat (included) Firefox 2 Internet Browser* ( https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/products/ ) Thunderbird 1.5* ( https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/products/ ) Safari 2 Internet Browser (included) Opera 9 Internet Browser* ( http://www.opera.com/ ) Netscape 7.2* ( http://isp.netscape.com/ ) BBedit 8.6 ( https://support.apple.com/en_US/downloads ) Fetch 5.2* ( https://support.apple.com/en_US/downloads ) *This is only free if you are a student, which i am so it was free, but if your not then it costs $$$* Adobe Illustrator CS2 ( http://www.adobe.com/products/illustrator.html ) Adobe InDesign CS2 ( http://www.adobe.com/products/indesign.html ) Adobe Photoshop CS2 ( http://www.adobe.com/products/photoshop.html ) Dreamweaver 8 ( http://www.adobe.com/products/dreamweaver.html ) Fireworks 8 ( https://creative.adobe.com/products/fireworks ) Flash 8 ( http://www.adobe.com/products/animate.html ) Google Earth 4 ( https://www.google.com/earth/ ) Limewire 4.12 ( limewire.com ) iMovie HD ( included ) QuickTime Player Pro 7 ( http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ) iTunes ( included ) Photo Booth ( included ) iPhoto ( included ) TextEdit ( included ) Apple Script Editor ( included ) --- Shortcut Part of Dock --- External 300 GB Seadisk HD iPod Thumbdrive BooZker's Windows Tweaks.webloc ( http://forums.xisto.com )
  20. Well i can no longer give you the I/O error because now it comes up and doesnt freeze my computer, but it wont access the drive. It says it just can't open it and it doesn have the name of it, which is Sea_Disk, anymore. It just says I: (the drive letter) It froze my HD this time. I couldnt shut it off. So i am scared to plug it back in, but if you think a screen shot of the error will help then i will. Just a little worried about unplugging the power source because it wont turn off.
  21. I would consider being a graphic designer. I am a graphic designer and thats part of the job. If you like making websites and making the graphics you could be a webmaster/designer and they make alright money. My friends Dad is that and he makes 100,000 a year for WB/AOL. He also teaches. Remember he is a designer and writes the website code himself also though. Now if you just like making graphics and images and art i would consider a career in graphic design. You most likely wont make more then minimum wage though.good luck hope that helps a little...
  22. I have a VAIO and a Mac OS X. I have an external Firewire/USB2.0 7200 RPM 300GB HD made by Seagate. I have always simply swapped the USB from Mac to PC for months. Today i went and tried to copy some files onto it using my PC and it froze up on me. I just thought probably just a normal PC crash (thats why i use Macs now! No more crashing.) Anyways back on subject...I held the power button it turned off and i left the external drive plugged in because it was copying files and i didnt want to fry it by jerking it out. Then the PC wouldnt start up at all. I unplugged the drive and voila it worked. Now everytime i plug in the drive it wont even read it. It says its a error with the I/O in some deep system folder. No idea how to fix this one. I'm usually fairly good at fixing stuff like this and when it doesnt work researching it and fixing it, but this i can't fix.It works fine on my Mac though. That is what bugs me. And its not like its the first time i have tried to move it from Mac to PC. I used to do it all the time and connect to it from my WLAN also.Please HELP!
  23. Macs are better period. I never thought they were. My dad always said Macs suck since i was a little kid. Now that I am older and i tried out a Mac it's been amazing. They hardly ever freeze. I think i have had mine for about a year and it has frozen up like 2-3 times. Applications are simply copied into the Applications folder and to delete you just throw that folder in the trash. No uninstall then finding out you can't for some dumb error. There is almost no errors except no responding applications once in awhile and that is almost always due to not enough RAM. I sometimes have BBedit, Fetch, Firefox, safari, opera, netscape, fireworks or photoshop, textedit and more all open at one time and there is fewer crashes then when i have 3-4 programs on my PC. Comes with great applications such as iMovie and even little apps like Dictionary which are so basic yet Windows doesnt even have that except for in Word. Looks great on the outside and in the GUI. Never EVER had a virus, spyware, or anything like that problem and i have Limewire!
  24. I never meant this. I meant i STUDIED for the GED test. Education is a great thing. That is exactly why i wrote this topic. Why waste the precious time as children to learn and have to wait until your almost 20 to get any decent education? I'm in graphic design. You dont need to be smart. People keep saying this!!! haha I take the compliment, but im not that smart. Yes, im probably above average, but in no way a 4.0 student all the time at all. Another point is exactly what you said about this is the farthest they will go for there education. SO if high school is important to so many people why not make it a time to learn instead of *BLEEP*ing off. I mean high school, education wise, is not much of a step up from middle school. You get a little more homework, but the pace of the class still has to be slow and tedious.
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