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Everything posted by BooZker
Does that make any sence what so ever. If it does then please inform how. If its unconstitutional in college why not in the work place? This is unconstitional no matter what you put it. Here is how i would say it. We need "X" race so even if they are not fit for the job nor if they even really want it we will give it to them. We will not actually make them work for it. And when "Y" race works hard we will dock them points. I think you should also read the quote below.
I've got many emails like that. Just click the spam button it almost always works. Or for fun go along with it. Don't give any info, but ask questions and then after awhile say no not interested. See the email back they are pissed.
Very true. Isn't a bit odd too that we have all these computers, radars and more but the USA could not find Osama... hmm... lol Off subject, but...Yes, in small systems it would work, but after so many people it can't purely because of the need of someone to take command and tell them what to do.
I was in 10th grade and dropped out and passed a high school grad test. America's school systems are number 25 in the world. And 20 years ago they were number 1. High school are just not a learning enviroment at all. I mean if you do all your homework you have a B or C average even if you do the homework wrong.
I think it will always be around for one reason because as one person becomes the victim then other one loses something. As in my dads case certain people including women get extra points. So my dad and his friends (including his black friends) will make jokes to people who want to be hired by saying well your the right race wrong color, or vice versa. You are a in no matter what if your a black women veteran. No how could this NOT make mexicans, whites, asians, ect mad? So they get mad and they are racists? I dont know it makes no sence to me.Oh yah to answer a question here is a few racist words for a white person and i bet NONE will be bleeped out. If you dont think these are actual words as one person just look it up in the dictionary. CrackerWhiteyHonkeyI do not want these bleeped out, but i just want to make a point that depending on your race is how much you care about just words. And still no one has answered why or how this is not racists to my dad or to white people or even asians who don't get extra points on exams.
When i ment money wise i didnt not mean like bill gates rich, i ment that i had a good job before them. I'm getting a degree in music. And it does not pay well ever. As muscians and teachers know.
Without jokes and laughter the world would be such a sad place. I think its better to be funny and make jokes about things rather then hold it back and let it out in angerAlso to prove a point you bleeped out "*bottom*" right? Well if i would have said the "N" word you would have bleeped it out right? You did not bleep out cracker though. I bet you didnt even think about that.
Actually thats exactly what it would be like. I mean it would be like me doing that and then fixing it or me fixing it after going to jail or court.
I'm for sure am not racist, but it seems that white people are slowly becoming more and more the targets of racism. Now here me out before all of you start going on about how i am a racist and should die and stuff.First off here is one true fact and i would like to tell me how this is NOT racist:My dad, a firefighter, studied his **bottom** off to become one. He was number 3 on the list at the end, but a black person (one of his good friends still today) got number three. How is this you might ask? Well as it turns out you get BONUS POINTS TO BE BLACK! So my dad was number 4. He still got hired, but is this not racism? This does not apply for asians though. Guess what score my dad got... 95% guess what score the other guy got... 81% So to me it seems that not only is this racist to white people and asians, but also to blacks. I thought, well, if they give them extra points dosnt that mean they are making up for something? I know black people are no dumber nor smarter then any other race, but wouldnt that bonus point rule mean they are dumber? And they are nt, but they have acted out about equality so much and so harsh that they over do it.Plus there was not only black slaves, but it seems that's all i hear about when they don't get a job they did not work or study for. We took people from China. Do you hear them STILL complaining? No. And i think for white people to stop being racist black people have to stop also. They need to stop complaining about how the white man is bringing them down. I mean the black people that have jobs don't say that stuff. There is "N" word black people same as there are white trash people. You all should watch Crash and also watch Mind of Mencia. Trust me i still believe cops pull over black people cause they are black and i think in some places its hard for them to get a job, but that should be worked on and they should not have jobs given to them because of there race. We for sure should not be giving any race a bonus for being a certain race. Some other questions i have that i can not answer are these two things:Why can't anyone, but black people say the N word?And why are we supposed to call them African Americans? Not all black people are from Africa. I'll stop calling them black when they call me,"German, Italian, Swedish, Canadian American" and stop calling me white or caucasion.So i think Racism is still alive today because of people claiming racist on everyone. I think to stop racism all races have to stop racism. No more cracker or "N" word or any other term unless used in a joking matter. I mean come on, do you think if i went to my boss and said he called me a cracker he would do anything?
Actualy no im not trying to get points. I just use wikipedia because they have everything on everything. And sorry about not using the quotes i just totaly didn't think about it. I just was writing an article. Please don't ban me or delete this post. I was just trying to start a topic.Plus i fixed it. Sorry. I didn't know about the point system and that quotes make a difference.
This is such a dumb post. This is why i'm NOT religious and will never be a christian for sure. Don't convince anyone because you never will be able to. How about this i'll convert all christians to be satanic. It never will happen so just stop with this B/S about getting others to believe in your religion.
Well i'm not going to type a lot, but the answer is NO.Unless you want to waist those years of your life socializing then no. I wanted to get on with my life when i was a sophmore so i dropped out of highschool and got a GED within in months. That is equal to having a high school diploma. So inother words i was in college at the age of 16. Not only did i get into college early because of that, but i was getting my bachelor's degree while my high school buddies were just getting started in college i had a better job with more pay then all of them.So do you guys think that high school is important because i for sure as hell don't.
What is Anarchy you say? No it has nothing to do with Punk Rock or criminals. Anarchy is,"Absence of any form of political authority. " Here is a passage from Wikipedia How would a society with a goverment work? Well a man Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (an Anarchist)said People also ask what about police, fire, and rescue? Well in a true Anarchist form of society people would make them, themselves. They would be like a private business. Another thing people always ask is how would money work. Money would work by how many hours your work. Yes its a honor system in a way, but one mans job in a job would be to see if they came to work then gave them a slip with how much they worked. So example 1 hr = $1. People that could not work would be helped by others. Unlike in America today wher ANYONE can get free goverment cheese, these people would actually have to be incapable of working. America today if you have back pains you get your life paid for. (Remember that there are many forms of Anarchism and this is just one.) So do you think this would work in the world of today? Some very smart people were Anarchists such as Albert Einstein. I will not say my opinion, but for sure i think some of the ideas stated by Anarchists would be great while others just would not work in today's world.
Religions And Creeds What we believe and why.
BooZker replied to ATMcGuire's topic in Science and Technology
OK first i would like to say i believe in no God. And there is a reason why. No, not because i think it's dumb or i hate christians, jews, ect, but because of my school. When i went to school (a private catholic one) i found out how little evidence and how much lies are being spewed into little children. Some of the lies they told us were these things: If you believe in God with all your heart you can levitate If you say bloody mary 3 times in a dark room looking in the mirror youll see mary santa is real (haha don't want to make this do depressing) If you do not believe in Jesus you wont be accepted into heaven There are many more but i have proved all, but the last one wrong. For the last though, they said even if you live in another land where they don't even know of Jesus you wont get into heaven unless you accept him at the gates to heaven. What i have to say about that is. That's is just DUMB. Not only is it not thought out, but it really is just stupid. What about Ghandi? Let's say there is Jesus. You think he wouldn't let him in? I don't know of anyone who dosnt think he is a great person. Another thing is they don't do as they say EVER. Do not kill? I could come up with over a million times christians have killed. A TRUE chrisian would never kill. Even in war they should not kill. They should not join the army then. This is one thing that people never have a good argument for. Because there is none. And also our divorce rate will exceed people who stay together in 3 years (in the USA) and it just so happens that Christians are the majority here. If christians, jews, muslims, all follow there beliefs this world would be a great place. And i think there was a Jesus at sometime. I also think there was a Buddha. Because of these lies i have been told it makes me hard to believe in any religion. Now before people get mad at me i got to say I have no problem with people believing in whatever they want to, but i HATE it when they try to get others to think the same way. Keep it to your self. And with that thought i let you go lol. OK, but seriously no hate mail -
Google To Take On Geocities Google Page Creator
BooZker replied to dontmaimyourself's topic in Search Engines
Yah i have been using it for awhile, but in a 1024 x 768 screen resolution it dosnt fit everything and you can't scroll down. It's also way hard to to make a bunch of thumbnails. They get all messed up and somtimes freeze. I would use it if they could somehow add FTP access. Because then i could use Dreamweaver 8 and it might be worth it.On the other hand i give it a plus for No Ads and also they have decent templates. And it seems that you can upload any file. Becuase i'm getting a PSP site running and they allowed me to upload a .EBOOT file. At Bravehost.com the wouldnt let me upload that or even .mp3's.So i'll give it a 7 out of 10 (I gave it points because it's in BETA stages.)What would you guys give it? -
What Do You Use Your Computer For? it seems I am way behind...
BooZker replied to spawn_syxx9's topic in Software
Man what do i do. hmmm wel here are the thingsMusic on iTunes 3100+ songs to listen toDownload musicMake graphics for my websites and Windows PSP program coming out in a month.Make Windows PSP programUpdate and make websites. Here are the sites that are up now that i have made--> carpetboarding.2hell.com and ojproductions.netHack the PSPPlay some games. Not too much anymore though.essays, homework ect.Update my blog on myspaceand last, but for sure not least edit and upload my indie films to video.google.com and Youtube.comSo thats what use it for. -
I got Gmail from Google sending you a text message with a code. Since then i have made many accounts for friends and for me. You can have unlimited accounts it seems becuase i have 93 invites left in my main account and 219 total in other accounts. How would i ever use all that? Its not exclusive anymore tats for sure.
The Anti-bush Federation. COME RANT ABOUT G-DUBYAH.
BooZker replied to PIPER-4-HIRE's topic in The Vent
The war on terroism is a flat out lie. Is there is anyone here that can honestly say that one day we will get all the terroists. Come on now, as we are over there we make more and more terroists. I got an idea! Lets have a war on jealousy. I mean he is the first US president in US history to refuse united nations eletion inspectors.Our last president brought our debt down... WAY DOWN and George Bush screwed it all up. Now we have the highest debt ever. Plus the process of kicking him out of office started awhile ago. He has set the all time record for most people worldwide to simultaneously protest a leader. 10 million people. This isnt just Americas problem its the worlds if 10 million around the world protested him. By the way did you know he is the first US president in history that entered office with a criminal background?