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Everything posted by BooZker

  1. This is a funny video that proves Windows did not just copy Mac OS X. It's by the New York Times and I actually didn't how much they were the same. http://www.nytimes.com/ Check it out it's funny how much the resemple each other.
  2. The hardest thing about this would to make it practical. For even the most stupid computer users... like a mouse. The setup might be a real pain in the ***, but after that i think it would be even easier then a mouse. Once you get the hang out it it could be VERY fast.
  3. I hope i win the mad scientist, but i doubt it... look who is on there. This is fun though. I remember when we all were just talking about making a trap 17 awards. Now it's almost over! Congrats to the early winners.
  4. Bunlytek if there what test. I dont see anything. I dont, root for terrorists, but why would it matter if i did? Welcome Bunlytek!I think Erin has pretty close to the same views i have. I see your still sort of new Erin. Welcome!
  5. What do you consider patriotic? To me it is someone who doesn't blindly follow the government. I see a patriotic person as someone who does something for the best interest of the people. I also believe fighting back against bad government and police states is patriotic. I do not think a criminal is a patriot, but someone who will fight for freedom and questions evil policies set by government. I am also not saying government is bad, but in some cases I believe a true patriot would stand up for a majority of the people. An example of what i am talking about is if our president said,"we are going to be starting the draft again" and someone or some people stood up and said NO we are not. That's a TRUE patriot. Someone who just does what is told is not a patriot and just a follower of someone else.Do not go and look on dictionary.com or some other dictionary. Try to think of what you think a patriot is.
  6. What do you mean truefusion? So if i were to die and there was a god, he would let me in if i forgave or something? This sounds interesting. Is this the same for every person?Come on we need 8 more votes until 100. That would be cool. It would show a good amount of people and there views. It looks like it would NOT has overtaken it would.
  7. If i were to ever invent this, which i doubt, but you NEVER know, i would give everyone who posted in my topic here free drinks!
  8. I think this is a trick question haha. Being gay is BEING gay. It is not right, it is not wrong. It does not hurt or affect you in anyway if your not gay, so why would it matter? Why is it NOT ok to you to be gay? It doesnt hurt you or your family, so whats wrong with it? Don't say religion because i could never see any God... ANY god sending someone who just likes the same sex to burn in hell forever. I'm Atheist and if there is a God like that he is cruel and that's all i have to say about that.
  9. My view on drugs. I have firmly believed always since i was little that what you do to your OWN body that does not harm anyone else should be legal. Not only is smoking dope for example, not harmful to anyone, but to the person who is smoking it, but it is less harmful then alcohol and cigarettes. So who cares if it is morally wrong? I think it is morally wrong to tell other people that they cannot marry someone because they are the same sex, but that is my own views. Seriously though, why does anyone care what people do to there own bodys? If you wanna shoot up heroin GOOD FOR YOU. I don't do it and never will, but if they want to go right ahead. If they want to stop offer clinics for free. That would be cheaper then fighting the "war" on drugs which is a joke anyways. That's like having a war on jealousy.Drugs being illegal increases jail size. Drugs being illegal increases crime rates. It doesn't increase it because of the people getting caught with drugs, but because of the shootings, stabbings, and killings for drugs. Think about this. What if you could go to a place to buy drugs, for example meth. This place had to get a license to sell it and had to be checked like a liquor store. Then the meth you bought there would be clean and less chance of dying from OD. It would be inspected and cleaned. You could maybe even receive a free needle with every purchase to decrease the chance or AIDS or other diseases. Why are people so scared to make the legal? By the way, i said scared, yes scared. There is no other reason.P.S. this was my 500th post!
  10. Albus i will most will get that. Is it just on the firefox site, or should i google it? Either way do you know how much it speeds it up? To bad it doesnt speed it up to T3 speed on my DSL. That would be amazing!
  11. It's not that i dont want there to be heaven or hell it's that i don't believe in heaven or hell. I wish there was a place like heaven. Who wouldn't? A place that is perfect? When i was about 13 i was scared of dying all the time. I would think about it all the time. What if i died. That's it nothing. I'm just dead. And it was weird to me. I WANTED to believe that i went somewhere, but i seriously couldn't get my mind to think that when i were to die i would go up to heaven.
  12. Regain, i will see what Nero is like. I have some older Nero programs none that could convert. By the way it's against Traps TOS to talk like that. Mite should be might and so fourth. You have a lot of typos and you can edit them you know?
  13. Not really no. I mean I think about it once in a blue moon, what if there was a god and i was living a life as a Atheist, but that doesnt come up much. I mean you probably think about what if there was no God once in awhile. I don't really understand why people need God to not commit a crime and to not be selfish. If i could understand why people think this then a world without religion would would come to me easier.
  14. Lately i have been having problems with Firefox 2 on my Mac laptop, but not my windows. Has anyone else had a problem? My problem is it wont load pages sometimes. Like you click a link and it is a dead link, but it is obviously not dead.
  15. no no, i have never damaged it i got a Damage Plan. Much different haha. I take very good care of this beauty.
  16. Well this is highly doubtful in this time, but you never know. This is an excellent explanation! I never thought about it, but yes We would already know because of how you explained it. Where to you read about this?
  17. Your most likely right, but i bet people thought about that when they looked up at the moon and said,"No one will ever get up there" haha That's why i write about all of my ideas, because i believe a lot of them will come true, except for creating matter, but the others are all possible.
  18. This looks fun. A bit confusing. I signed up and i am playing. I am building a powerplant. It will be done in 9 min. Not sure why i am building it haha
  19. I knew the first is impossible, but an idea of how. The other two are my actual thoughts on it. It would be fooling your brain and that's why i dont think it would be healthy or even good for you. Overall the third would be the best over all. It would somehow have to be a liquid that slowly breaks apart for your body to digest it.
  20. Well spammers dont get more then a thousand posts. I'm saying in a year or so the TOP posters get together in a underground fortress in a place unspecified then the warned people and advertisers would never be able to get in haha
  21. They have been attacking them forever. What's new? It is not our problem and we should not get involved in a relgious war. Even if the president says God speaks to him. You probably think i'm some *BLEEP* because i wouldnt want to help another country, but George Washington once said, This is because, if you want America to last you need to upkeep the counrtry. Figure out what is best for it's citizens. So far i do not see this. We do not have health insurance, we have some of the worst schools in the world, and many more. Yes, we have a lot of money, but we try to impress other countries with it and so we lose all the attention we are supposed to get from the goverment because they are spending all this time with countried like Iraq.
  22. haha It's funny that in America it is the law that if you mention a URL that does not exist on TV you HAVE to buy it. It was a joke by conan o brian. He just said look at him. He's on hornymanatee.com. Obviously there is no hornymanatee.com, so they had to buy it.
  23. Plenoptic seriously? That would be awesome. Your right about the wires stuck to you head. That would look way to weird and it would be a pain in the *bottom* to put on. That's why i would make all the wires inside of a hat or beanie so it looks like your just wearing a hat. Of course this would be close to impossible, but this is the Ideas and innovations forum! Anything is possible here.
  24. I bet you anything if they actually did invent this that it would be illegal to make bottomless alchohol haha. You could easily end world thirst!
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