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Everything posted by BooZker

  1. HAHA Chuck Norris??? That name just makes me laugh. I think him and David Hasselhoff should fight! Whos with me on that?
  2. Ok thanks. Yah i think i'll get that. They aren't that expensive either. There is lots of rebates now also. Yah uploading i knew wasn't a good idea i was just throwing it out there. I think i am going to get a laptop also so that could help. I like Pauls 230 GB HDD. I'll probably get that.
  3. This is a great topic. It's 2 years old too haha. OK well here is my list:(Song - Artist)One Dead Cop - Leftover CrackWhat Doesn't Kill You - Capdown*BLEEP*ed Reality - Choking VictimFree Nation? - Anti-FlagMy Vagina - NoFXFeeling Lucky Punk? - INDKGang Control - Morning GloryRise Above - Black FlagScream Out - The UnseenA War Within - Intro5pectMy list is a bit different then your guy's haha
  4. Well i think it's funny your site says,"Dare to let your imagination dance." Well it is.
  5. Yah i know. I'm getting closer i can feel it. Because my body just wakes up when a dream is done now. So my body knows im dreaming and i want it to, but i just can't get my self to notice. I can't wait though
  6. Well i should make backups since i have a lot of info i need. First off i have 5 websites (only 3 online) that i should backup. I also have TONS of movies i made for my website ( http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ) and ones i have downloaded. I want to know how i should go about this. Should i burn to DVD or CDs? Should i upload to the net like filefront. Or some other way. I have at least 100 GBs of stuff. The reason is i have my movies i make so it takes a lot of space. How can i back up that much stuff fast?
  7. If you have a video camera and a 1394 cord you can do it that way. Do you have those things? If yes PM me and i can tell you how.
  8. Oh ok thank. Here is my answer: I believe there is no God. If someone else believes there is a God that is there belief. I do not think there is a God, but there could be one and i have no idea because just like everyone here no one knows 100% what God is. I'm saying that i just simply do not believe it. There could be a God however, just because i do not believe that doesn't make it right. I do not think though that if i have been a good person and there was a God he should send me to hell because i have done nothing any worse then every common person out there. I do not believe because i have seen no proof. I DO NOT WANT PEOPLE SENDING ME THERE PROOF! I have seen no hard evidence. People say all the time,"What about gravity?" Well if you hold a pen up in there air and drop it what happens? It falls. Also if you drop a baseball and a bowling ball they will fall at the same speed. And lastly, you can do at anytime anywhere, on Earth, and the same results will happen. Show me how you can do this with God? You can't and that is why i don't believe in God. There could very well be one. And i have no problem with people believing in God. What i hate is when people send me stuff saying all this stuff about how great God is. It will almost always be one of the two outcomes too, 1. They are the same religion 2. They are not that religion and just throw it away or delete it. Does that answer it? If there is a God i just do not believe in him/her/it. As simple as that. I can't believe something and make it reality. If there is a God i can't change that.
  9. Damn can anyone help me? I have taught myself to remember my dreams and wake up after my dreams are done (about 6 hrs after i fall asleep) but i can never seem to lucid dream i have tried many of the possible techniques and still nothing. I write my dreams done and everything. Can anyone help?
  10. OK, dude, uhh if you havn't noticed this is the IDEAS forum. Well no *BLEEP* it would cost more then $1,000. Of course this could never happen. How can we convert brain images to images we can see with our eyes? We can't and probably won't be able to for 1,000's of years. It's just an idea. You don't have to say how this could never happen because i could go to just about 50% of all the topics in this forum and show you how it could never happen. Plus dreams are always things that you really want or really don't want. So even if it's embarassing its one of those two things. If it makes you feel better it would have a password system haha is that better?
  11. BooZker

    Noob Talk

    I try to be nice, but sometimes it get annoying as hell. When i was a noob here no one even noticed i was even new. I don't know why they can't talk like i am now. I mean i'm not going "Ya man plz hlp me i n33d hostin" I put effort and read the rules and wrote things like a normal person. You don't even need to read the rules if you just look up the things your going to ask in the search.
  12. It does look very professional. Nice job. But, That's also true. To be honest when i first opened it that's what i thought it was. I thought it wasn't done and then i read the header. Looks good though. I like sites like that. I don't really like sites with graphics everywhere and things flashing and what not.
  13. Haha this is a odd post. I think women who masturbate wash there hands more because well... nvm haha ANYWAYS Actually some men and women don't because of religious reasons. Other then those people most everyone does at least once. I don't see whats so wrong about it anyways.
  14. My sig is all good right? Oh yah and since there is only 3 does that mean that no matter what i will get at least third haha.
  15. WARNING: THIS SITE CONTAINS DRUG REFERENCES. YOU MUST BE AT LEAST 18 YEARS OF AGE TO ENTER. YOU MAY ALSO NOT ENTER IF YOU ARE PART OF ANY POLICE OR GOVERMENT AGENCY. Hey I am making a site called I-Am-Stoned and want material for it and/or help with it. As some of you know i was making a site called Boozker's Place, but i stopped and started this site. Anyways... I want any material at all including: Pics Videos Links Flash videos Written material I'm thinking about making a forum also. Maybe a store. What do you guys think I should put. I also need help with it. Making sites by myself takes awhile and this site isn't going to be small. I need help with anything. Graphics, HTML, PHP all that fun stuff. Email me any content at oscar@ojproductions.net OR PM me if you have a link or something. I-Am-Stoned This is only my testing server (i-am-stoned.ojproductions.net)There is no actual content yet, but you can see the main outline.
  16. I kinda like the look. It's pretty cool. I'm making a site that will be I-Am-Stoned and i would love to put a link on my site. I'll tell you when it's done and i'll get an affilate image from you or something.
  17. HAHA this is probably the stupidest idea for an email ever. Why would you ever want this. I mean think about people putting in the address. What a pain in the **bottom**. haha. Good catch on the internet though. It's not everyday you find an email like that.
  18. Haha i don't even care anymore. I'm just numb to that dumbass. I don't know why anyone thinks he is a good president. Seriously. What do you guys who voted for him see in him. He is the worst president we have ever had. Clinton got our debt to nothing and now that dumbshit Bush *BLEEP*ed that all up. whatever he has made me hate america more then any other president ever. I didn't even hate America till he became president, but he has ruined it. It will be one hell of a job to fix after he gets out. Haha yah that's like saying to a 10 yr old it's your fault your sick i told you to eat vitamins. The President is supposed to be the leader. When something THAT BAD happens he should make sure it gets done. There are no excuses.
  19. I have been waking up at about 8:30 AM everyday for awhile because your supposed to do that if you want to remember your dreams and now i wake up naturaly at that time and remember my dreams much more vividly. It's awesome. All my dreams are at night though which is weird.
  20. Yah i signed up with Xisto, but it's kinda a pain to post in both forums haha. I wish i could give my other account like 50 credits. I have almost 100 points.
  21. As almost everyone has said before, Dreamweaver 8 is amazing. It really is the best web editing program. It's free for 30 days and you can just try it out.
  22. I think its great. Who cares what the hell it looks like as some of you said. It's made for music. I couldn't find anyother .mp3 player for the same price that holds 40 GBs. That is why i got it. I have over 3,000 songs and counting. The battery lasts a long time and it has never had any problems at all.
  23. See, although many say so, it does not say in the bible "being homosexual is a sin." Does it? If so where. It says marriage is one man and one women i know, but does it say being gay is a sin? I'm pretty sure no. Plus what have they ever done to God to deserve to go to hell other then liking someone of the same sex. Seems a bit harsh to me. That's one reason i'm not Christian. Not because i'm gay, but the "rules" are just so... weird. I looked and couldn't find the definition of this. What does it mean?
  24. In science i learned also that the universe is growing. The planets are not, but the universe is. This means the planets are getting farther away. If there is more then one universe do you think that this universe will someday "bump" the other because it is growing?
  25. OK sweet i'll take a look. Thanks a lot. It worked
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