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Everything posted by BooZker

  1. I have looked all over the far corners of the internet for a video converter. No, not a .mov to .wmv or anything like that. I want ANYTHING to a DVD. No VCDs or anything like that. I want this because i make movies for my site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (no, nothing illegal going on here) and i would like to put them on DVDs, but they are in .wmv and .avi and others and i can't find any free software that is any good without watermarks or time limits on the internet. I was thinking about buying the program from Roxio, but its like $80+ and i want to make sure there is no free software like that.
  2. Internet Explorer 7 is awesome. It loads fast like the old versions, but has everything Firefox has. No doubt about it, it is my fave browser.
  3. Why dont you read some of my posts before. I answered all of your questions. Read about what i said about africa and china. To me i DO NOT think we should go into a country and change there goverment. Would you like it if China came over and tried to change our goverment, NO you would not like it. Im sure there are people who like america over there, but i dont like spending tax money on a war that will never end. A war that started from a lie. A war that people compare to Vietnam. A war based on money, power, and greed. I want to say to every American that does not already know this. America has committed a horrible war crime. If you do not believe me look it up. They invaded a country without approval of the United Nations and for no reason except weapons of mass destruction in which America never found. Please take this into consideration. We were NEVER over there for the people of Iraq. We were over there, from what our leader said, for weapons of mass destruction.
  4. The best way to get credits is find a topic you like. For me its Gay Rights and Religion stuff that makes me emotional (well not crying, but you get the idea) Then say everything you have on your mind, and dont leave out anything. Say what you feel because tomorrow there will be replies to the topic that will set you off again and then you can get into it again. Why dont you check out posts like that or start you own post like that. Even better write a tutorial! If your good at something on the internet then thats a great way to get cedits.
  5. Yes it is your "job" that dosnt make it right. And are you really saying to me and America that Iraq is a threat? Ghandi didn't have to kill to bring peace nor did Martin Luther King. I would never kill anyone unless they there hurt me or my family. I wouldnt ever hurt someone because they might someday possibly hurt us like George Bush was telling us. The way i see it is like this: Americas neighbor is Bob and America tells his kids i have to go kill bob becuase he has a gun and he is going to kill us. So the kids trust america and he goes over there kills bob and comes home like nothing happens. When the kids ask he says no there was no gun but i saved you from the possiblity of him hurting you. Does that make sence to you. Well thats what we did.
  6. I was thinking about this last night when i was watching Jay Leno because there was a joke about George Bush that was like,"It's getting so hot in LA the gay community wants to stand next to George Bush to get a cold shoulder" or something close to that and i was thinking,"This is going to be in every history book in a few years. Kids in school will read about it like we do when they say "What black and white kids wernt even allowed to play with each other" Instead of that they will say,"what! certain people were not allowed to marry just because of who they like?" I think it is very sad we are teaching our youth to NOT be open minded and to follow all the rules that have been around before. Should we not let women vote anymore either because in the bible somewhere it says the man is the leader. Should we never have a women president just because she is a women. Should we not ever have a black race car driver? I know the last one sounds stupid, but its true. We dont litteraly ban people from parts of society, but we do it in other ways like the president does with gay people. And so my point... I think if we do not change it now it will be changed some day. And when that day comes and your old and your kids ask things that kids ask grandparents today about women and black rights, are you going to be ashamed you werent open minded in the beginning. Remember that womens rights were a big deal and many men thought it was just stupid for women to vote. Not many people think like that now though.
  7. I just wanted to see how many people think yes and no in the poll because it has been awhile and i cant believe how many people think it would be better. I thought that people would hate this post and say all no's. Is there a lot of non religious/athiest people here?
  8. About sleeping with the opposite sex... What you said should make a lot of sence to people who don't like gays. Think of it like a straight person sleeping with the same sex. That woulod be weird right, weel thats how it is to homosexuals. Also, it will always disgust people who are not comfortable with themselves. They do this to put the blame of something on someone else, or to get attention away form the. Well this isnt always they case for EVERYONE, but it is true in some cases. When i see people who dont "like" gay people they are usualy people who arnt comfortable with themselves. And people have been donating sperm for so long, but i guess to this genius who took Biology AP dosnt know this. Remember that a hmosexuals sperm is the SAME as every other guys.
  9. is that the same even for outlook express for windows XP?
  10. Try going to tools > accounts > your email account (double click) > connection > then UNcheck the box that says always connect to this account using:ORtools > accounts > your email account (double click) > servers > CHECK my server requires authentication > then click the box saying log on using then fill it out using these EXACT things without the qutations"YOURUSERNAME+DOMAINNAME.com" or .trap17.com whatever you havethen your password in the password boxExampleboozker+mykikasswebsite.comDoes this work?
  11. This is probably a dumb question, but thought i would ask just to be sure. I have been using my email that i get with my hosting, but have been using outlook express to read and write messages. I was wondering though if i delete a message from outlook express by deleting it then going to the trash and then empty the trash, is the message then deleted from my hosted website? I want to know because if not then i want to know how to delete the messages for sure. I dont want to waste space. I tested it and it looks like it does delete it from my website. Notice from mayank: Edited topic title
  12. OH i see and so you don think people should have sex before marriage, use condoms, morning after pills or anything sexual unless its sexual intercourse. DUH!
  13. A lot of you say peer pressure and or image, but the friend i was refering to always just says lets get drunk or lets go to the beach this weekend and get drunk that will be sooooo fun. I just dont understand how surfing or jet sking isnt fun, but getting drunk is more fun. Why cant you get drunk any where else. Then i tell him you cant ride my jetskis when your drunk and he goes oh yah i was just kidding, buti have known him for so long i know he isnt.
  14. Yah i would like know this too because i have to host all of my video files (i make movies for http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ but it is down right now due to domain parking problems) and videos use TONS of bandwidth. Is there some way they could make like a plan C. There is a A and B and i have B, but it would be cool to have a plan C, but you need at least 50 credits or something.
  15. I use it to meet people cause i have found some cool people on there with the same interest. I have heard of some great bands from there. And in my town, funny story, someone was caught spray painting "bad" pictures all over portland oregon and some other kid found the same marks on a kids profile with HIM STANDING NEXT TO IT. How god damn dumb is that.
  16. I dont listen to emo just because most of i t i dont like, but why do so many people just HATE emos. I mean for one its a form of punk. It came from punk, but wasnt considered emo till years later.
  17. Im saying there is not as many offshoots yet there is the 2nd most followers. That is ONE Christianty breaks off to 100s.
  18. I know. How do we get to decide when we have them and are the only country that has ever used them? If iran wants them let them have them. If they launch one then hell yah attack them, but dont just go hey we have them so you cant. It sounds like a 2 nd class with lunch box or something, "I got your lunch box you cant have any" you know what i mean?
  19. I KNOW!!!! I heard it and was like they totaly changed what happened to "I want a mohawk, but wont let me get one" and "The Boy Who Destroyed the world" Man i wish they never changed. The album before this they were changed then this one they like did a complete flip. Its slow and "depressing" Before it was awesome. Have you guys heard any of the Leftover Crack crew like Leftover Crack Choking Victim INDK Morning Glory They are AWESOME. If any of you want to hear any of there music email me i have all there stuff and they even told me they dont care if i had a site and you can download all there songs. They are so Anti-Mainstream its awesome. For sure though if you have limewire download or email and ill send these songs by leftover crack One Dead Cop Super Tuesday Gay Rude Boys Unite Those songs are awesome.
  20. I'm not speaking for you. I'm speaking to the president who went to war there. Iraq had no choice to be invaded by America and YOU. You say they might like that we did that, but they never did anything to be free. We fought to be free and now we are and one of the richest contries. And to respond to another point you brought up. I know you get dental and all that, but America should offer health care to everyone. Countries that arnt even close to as rich as we are give health coverage. You should be able to work at Taco Bell and have full coverage on dental and some medical. Do you not agree? We are in the war, so all our money is there right now. Bull Clinton brought our debt back to nothing and George Bush just F'ed it all up. I'm outraged that we go HEY! Africa has gone to hell with AIDS and this HUGE group of people go around and kidnap kids and rape the women kill the fathers and in China years ago we had the tiananmen square incident and America didn't do anything then, but then all of a sudden America gets a crazy hair and chooses Iraq? And we wernt suppoed to go over there for there freedom if you REMEMBER! It was for those weapons they NEVER found. I dont think we should have ever been over there. Why dont we go to Africa where they really can not do anything about it. Well of course not. They didnt go out and protest and thousands die. What the Chinese people did was amazing. They wanted freedom and although they did not get the freedom we have they got more then before. Did you ever hear about that in Iraq NO. I'm not saying they are all cowards who dont want freedom i think that they didnt want it enough for us to go in there and give it to them. We never did that for any other country why should we give it to them?
  21. Haha i don't really care, but to me... well here is how i picture it. You sell organic beef and tell your customers its the best. Then after 10 years of doing that you change it and add tons of other stuff that makes it totaly different. When someone asks you why, you simply say nothing. They have not explained why. If they had a honestly good answer like they are giving the money to help stop all wars (just and example) I wouldnt care. The point im trying to get across is they diss every mainstream band, but then sign up with RCA and BMG? They have also changed a lot. All the songs on this album sound the same and they are all slow and wishy washy. They also lied about the cover. The orginal image which is the image UNDER this slip cover: http://www.hardplace.de/images/cover/antifndempire_75.jpg Was too controversial as the main cover so they had to put a slip cover over it. They also made an edited CD. How many TRUE punk bands make an edited and a non edited version. None because they want the message out without freedom of speach getting in the way. Well at target and on TV and walmart they had BIG signs saying buy the new ANTI-FLAG CD TODAY!
  22. Seriously it does. Here read these lyrics. It's all true. What do you guys think about that song. Think it would fit now?
  23. Go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ now i have no clue what to do. Why is there no files in there except the cgi bin, but in the FTP viewer there is? How do i get it up and running again?
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