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Everything posted by BooZker

  1. Well this is supposed to be a professional logo and i was not even going to put backgrounds on either one. My friend said he liked the background better then no background, so i made one with and one without. They are supposed to plain and simple and the text is also. I make other logos which are much more detailed, but these are not supposed to. How do you mean? I want to try this out, but do you mean just litteraly overlapping the O&J on Productions? And i slanted the Y looking thing so it didnt look like a Y lol. Should i make it unslanted? And i will fix the overlapping. Do they look alright though for the first time ever making professional looking logos?
  2. Are you saying can you get sick from your own ejaculation? That's absurd. You can not get sick from yourself. Just like if you have HIV you cannot get HIV again. Let's be real here because this topic has some very false info along with some facts. First off just about every male AND female has at least tried it. Next is there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with it. Males also do not orgasm everytime they ejaculate. They most of the time just ejaculate. Ejaculation and orgasm are different and if you don't know what they are look them up. Do not use them interchangeably.
  3. Hey i have been making logos for awhile now, but still new. My logos have always been way detailed and sometimes cartoonish. I wanted to try my luck at professional looking logos for my website http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I know the logos do not match the current style of my site, but i am changing the entire look of the site. I just wanted to know what you guys think of these logos for O&J Productions. Logo 1 Logo 2 So what do you think?
  4. I didn't even know what opera was until this year from Trap 17. Someone said that my site was having issues on Opera browsers so i downloaded it to fix the problems. I loved the browser because unlike netscape and firefox it doesn't take anytime to load. The tabbed browsing is better then the new IE because the new IE has lots of bugs. So it left me with Opera and i love it. I never use IE except when some sites don't accept it. I will always use Opera unless something better then it comes out which i doubt.
  5. I heard on the news a couple days ago that they are going to keep it as a planet, but add more instead. I don't understand why they would change this. I can see adding planets, but getting rid of one that has been in our text books forever seems stupid.
  6. Many of you have seen my other logos which we more cartoon and "artsy". I wanted to try my luck at some professional looking logos. Here are 2 for my site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ which i am currently redoing, so yes, i know they do not match the current site. So here they are. Tell me what you guys think. They are plain and simple professional looking logos, or at least i think they are lol. What do you think?
  7. Well i didn't make this one in particular for him. I am not making him a website anyways. I have the hands coming in and then a white glow comes up from where the fingers are. That is all i have done so far.
  8. How does that work?! Christians have been around a LESS then most religions. So your saying that everyone was completely crazy, but christians came around and everyone is great? If that is what you think then i wulod beg to differ. haha yah, right, and if you don't follow all the rules you go to hell, but other then that yes, you are free. I don't base it on one person. I base it on pver 100+ people i personaly know or have known. Don't get me wrong though. If you follow every rule i guess ya you would be a great person. Let's be real here though. Religion will never, ever, be interpretted the way it is supposed to. What the hell are you talking about? Why would someone not confess? It's not like they are going ot get in trouble. They get to go heaven in christian beliefs if they do. That makes no sense what so ever. Maybe you do that, but it still makes no sense. This is one of the biggest reasons why i am not religious. I do not want to live for someone else. I want to live for me and not for someone else. I want to live my life the way i want and make my own descions. And i can say i have not made any large mistakes like mudering someone just fine without a book telling me that, that is bad. I believe strongly in no religion and i know that i will never convet someone who does believe in a religion. So, i do not push it on them. I might mention what i believe, but i do not go door to door and do not send emails and bulletins on myspace. I do nothing of the sort. I will defend what i believe, but only defend and never attack. Volcanos you can see, feel, hear, and you can see graphs that will tell you if they are about to erupt. God you can not. If you could then people would all believe in one religion. Plus, heaven is something you can not prove and your already dead when you go. Volcano killing people is killing people who are alive and well. Your using something you really can't compare to compare. I would say something like. Wouldn't you want to try to save people and have them go to heaven IF it is really there.
  9. My friend that i have been trying to create a logo finaly decided on this logo: He was wondering though if he could add a animation to it. The animation would be the two hands come in from the side and create a spark and the text "Whyte Was Enterainment" without the quotes fades in. This isn't hard and i am working on it right now, but i was wondering if anyone could make something REALLY good. He will probably get a website soon and he has a myspace and would put an affilate image on it if you want. Please do not put your name or company name ON the logo however. It can be an animated gif or flash animation.
  10. I finally got my site up and i wanted to make something. That something is a custom poll for my site. I was wondering if there was some how users could vote on a video, picture, flash game or video, and the one with the higest ranking wins and i put it into the right section in the site. So here are the few things i need, but have no clue how to even start this. I only know HTML and CSS fluently and no other ones yet.I need to be able to block the polls from non users and if they try to vote it sends them to a page saying please login or create a new account if they are not already signed in.I need the poll to sayStonerific Scale5 43215 being the highest and the largest rank wins. What i want is if it doesn't have above a 3 then it is not stonerific enough and will not be accepted onto the site. Also current videos could be voted to see if we should get rid of them. I also want it to NOT round up to whole numbers. I want it to round to nearest hundredth (8.63 is an example if you dont know how much that is). This is so that if it is 3.1 it is still more then 3 and will be accepted.How can i do this and if so can you help or tell me where to look or what programming language i should start to read up on. I still don't know how to even how to make users yet, but that is another topic which i will look up in trap 17. I know for sure there is nothing like what i want now though because it is all custom.
  11. Exactly. Think about Americas leader (i am an american, but i will never acknowledge George Bush is my leader, ever) He says god SPEAKS to him. He is the one sending people out to die and he says that. What the hell is wrong with him. If there is a God i can pretty much expect he wouldnt want people to go off and die like they are. Even if 95% is based on religion and the people who start it are the crazy people, then it is STILL religion that has done it.
  12. Ok i guess it comes down to me...I just want to say truefusion has been a great friend here on trap 17, BUT I Dawiss's better. I like that game and i like the ripped effect. Truefusion, i also don't really like DBZ haha. Anyways no black mailing me hahaDawiss: 5TrueFusion: 4
  13. ok, if the text is to the right should i get rid of the curve on the text?
  14. This is different from my last post in case your wondering. The one before this was ALL of the pics for various sites like myspace, ojproductions.net, ect. This is ONLY about our poster. I want to get this made into a poster, but before i go out and spend the money i want to know what you all think. If there is something i should get rid of, something i should get, or just perfect please tell me. Here is the link to the poster: http://static.gamefront.com/legacy.jpg By the way this is the small version. The real version will be 3008 x 2000
  15. Just like all of the others said. UnzipCopy and paste or cut and paste into the C:/windows/fontsLast is just shut off photoshop if it's running and start it back up.
  16. Thanks. Yes, i am still trying to get the tables and div tags and just getting layout right. Once the layout is done then it will have all the same things as http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I always look forward to your advice haha. I was trying to get the coloring to match the website is why. And suggestions on the coloring then? Because the colors on my site are dark green, dark orange, and some grays. Any suggestions at all? Ok i'll try to see what i can do. Yah, the last one is for myspace, but i am going to see what other effects look good on it before i go out and get it made into a poster.
  17. As many of you know i have a site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and we always have had a logo as our main images shown on splash screens, credits, home pages, ect, but i decided it's time for something new. Not a graphic logo, but a photo. I directed the photo, if that makes sense, and want to know what you think about the photo we chose. FILES ARE LARGE! The middle 2 are 2.1 MBs while the others are much smaller in file size. Please be patient! You can view the one we are using on the site at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (BETA version of new site) You can view the same photo without text larger at: http://static.gamefront.com/legacy.jpg You can view the same size photo as above, but with different text at: http://static.gamefront.com/legacy.jpg (I think i will get this made into a poster. The original is 3008 x 2000 Do you think that will be big enough? You can view the photo i made for my myspace at: http://static.gamefront.com/legacy.jpg Tell me what you guys think. I had to cut out a table, shadows, banister, and more. I think i did a good job considering no one i have shown it to can find those things, but people here are geniuses at photoshop and i bet they will find them haha
  18. I could always make you one if you like. Just tell me what you want it to look like, the size as in width and height, and colors. PM me if you want me to. Glad to help
  19. Well go there. Right now i got it aligned right and put ALMOST where i want it, but it's really low. Do you think it still looks good? the style sheet is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and the side bar is #sidebar (don't worry about the other sidebar setting JUST #sidebar)
  20. OK i'll try the picture thing thanks.By the way i was testing it on IE 6. IE 7 is almost the same as Firefox and i don't have IE 7 right now because the computer that has that is not running right now sense we are moving.The Error is EVERYTHING. Nothing works. The CSS sheet loaded, but some of the DIV tags are tottaly wrong. If you have IE 6 you know what i mean.
  21. OK well i have been really taking my time on getting my site to have no errors or warnings. I have also tried to make it much more professional then my last ( http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ )cI have gotten to have NO errors or warnings on both of my page and CSS document. It even works on Netscape, Firefox, and Opera, but not IE. Can someone tell me why http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ does not work on IE?
  22. OK i fixed it. I just had to move it between these other DIV tags. It was just misplaced.
  23. Dreamweaver is by far the best. Not only is it very user friendly, it's also great for pros. My friends Dad has been making websites for a long time now and he has always used Dreamweaver. I have been using dreamweaver 8. The FTP, colored code, code & design mode, and so much more, i would say this is the best of al the web site editors.
  24. Very true. Most people will never convert by a simple argument. This was not supposed to be that anyways. It was supposed to be asking what if there was no god ever. Or even if there was a god, what if no one believed in him. Most people who do not believe don't ask stupid questions such as the rock example of yours. They just want to see solid proof and not just a book saying so. Do you know what i mean? What do you mean Atheism is not for everyone? Who is it nor for?
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