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Everything posted by BooZker

  1. Can anyone help me with the site? My problem is i can't get the DIV box inside my main outline box. Here is my example of what my problem is (its the attachment). The side bar which is bolded is what i want and where i want. I can't get it there however. Here is my CSS: #sidebar { width: 140px; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: #94AA74; border-size: 1px; border-width: 1px; margin: 10px; float: right; } Is this right? When i take out the float: right it stays inside the main box that holds all the DIV boxes, but once i put a float: right it does not stay within the main box. Why is this? I know CSS pretty well as well as HTML, but i can't figure this out. Any help?
  2. Can anyone help me with the site? My problem is i can't get the DIV box inside my main outline box. Here is my example of where i want it. The side bar which is bolded is what i want and where i want. I can't not get it there however. Here is my CSS: #sidebar { width: 140px; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: #94AA74; border-size: 1px; border-width: 1px; margin: 10px; float: right; } Is this right? When i take out the float: right it stays inside the main mobx that holds all the DIV boxes, but once i put a float: right it does not stay within the main box. Why is this?
  3. Wow this is perfect for so many things. I will have to use this. You should put the HIDE tags in the main reply box next to to the Quote and Code buttons. I think people would use this more too.
  4. Haha like telling a dog without any legs to lay down. What i was saying though was faith is the only proof religious people have. You way of thinking is not outdated by the way. I think many people believe this. I am not sure what i believe sense non of it really is the answer and i don't think any of us will know until either i go to heaven if there is one haha or somehow live millions of more years. Maybe so, but this is still the belief of many. I know it did get get rid of tons of diseases. I mean totally got eliminated many. They are not uneducated either. His dad has a Ph.D. He could have a Ph.D in hair styling, but it's still and Ph.D and that is not something that is easy to get. He made his descion about the shots either under some kind of though process or his belief that he most likely grew up with.
  5. Yah i got it out, but not that way. I got it out from a number of different methods put together. By the way you need to put that in Quotes because you copied and pasted that. If you copy and paste then you get credits for things you didn't type. Just something we do here on Trap 17. Welcome. I see this is your first post!
  6. On the contrary. These files are mine. Yes, they are on the internet, but let's say i had my car sitting in a parking lot and a cop wanted to look inside. the car is my belonging and although it is not in my driveway it is still mine. Although my webpages are hosted on Trap 17 servers they are MY webpages created on my computer. The next block which i set up which is completely legal and right, is i made a disclaimer. A disclaimer are rules and restrictions to view MY material. Just like a cop can not come inside and view computer without a warrant he or she is not allowed to access my site without prior permission from the owner, me. As the quote from the article you sent me, it is the exact same thing, but instead of a backyard it is files. If the court had to write each individual thing protected by the 4th it would fill up books after books. That is why they made it any personal belongings, household, ect. As you also stated "(at least the part visible to the general public)" the site after you click Enter is NOT viewable to the public unless they agree. Is this not what the site says? If says "If you agree to these terms and conditions and are also at least 18 years of age you may enter. If they are not 18 or do not agree then the rest of the site IS not acessible to the public. No matter how you try to state your theory it will always come back where my site is protected. If you can find somewhere that i says exactly "law enforcement nor any goverment agencies need a search warrant to view any website at any time without prior permission from the courts such as a search warrant" then please send me the link. Thanks for the wikipedia article. I read the whole thing. I like reading about cases and seeing who won.
  7. P0T33n: can you email me that? PM me if you can and i'll give you my email.lemonwonder: OK i understand the SFX part. Do you mean extend it down just to see what it would look like?Dawiss: I will make another page for the videos. So in other words the page layout will look different. The nar bar will be in the same place (i think), but everything else on the page will be different except the colors, fonts, ect.Dragonfly: I understand 100%. I am trying to make sure this site is really easy to get around. Below the Nav Bar i will be putting a NEW VIDEOS table or div tag whatever, and that way they will be able to see all the new content on the first page also.
  8. Ok can we all get this straight.First off Trap 17 AND Xisto have approved it.The site is NOT illegal because it has NO illegal material.The actual videos, not flash videos, are taken from youtube, google video, ectI can post this because i set up a warning in this post. BuffaloHELP told me it is fine as long as i put a warning in bold red letters which i have done.Weed in some countries is legalWeed does not make you go CrAzY. That is acid and meth.If you do not want to help then please do not post as it is a waste of my time by going here and thinking maybe someone would like to help.Please do not access my site if you feel uncomfortable watching videos of boohbah and teletubbies. And i am going to repreat this:THIS SITE HAS NOTHING ILLEGAL ON IT!Yes the police DO need a search warrant. This is MY site and i live in America. In America police, unless told by a judge or the owner himself, can not go snooping around in anything that does not belong to them unless the have reason to be alarmed. If people were telling the cops "Hey this site is selling drugs" and they go there and the site i was on was selling drugs they can not do anything until they have court approval. Before they do that they would have to ask me first anyways and i would take that material off. Indeed they could do any of this, but even the worse lawyer on the planet could get me off due to the fast the accessed a website that clearly showed they can not enter withour approval.I would love for someone to go there and show me what is illegal and why police and goverment agencies can enter legally at anytime without a reason too. Please go ahead. I do my research and quit acting like i am an idiot. I am only 16 and i am in college doing graphic design and web master courses. I will have my BA before my friends even get there 2 year.
  9. 100GB HD 1 GB of RAM T2300 @ 1.66 GHz The specs are fine. The issue was on the install on the certain type of system. I have a VAIO notebook.
  10. Where should i put the effects? You mean like on the actual page and not on the logo though right? Wait... do you mean my current site? The news section is not done. I just put that sentence to show where it will be. I will for sure add more to it later. I will also be making modifications to a lot. Mods that you will not see though. That wont be any huge changes to it however. I will be using lots of PHP includes. Paul on Trap 17 had to help me with my old site or my current site i should say, because i wanted to add some buttons to my navigation bar, but it was a pain to add it to all the pages. Also why is my topics title different. THIS IS NOT A TEMPLATE!!! I just want to make that clear. I made this site from scratch and this is not a template, so no one mark me down for using a template haha
  11. Thanks Albus Dumbledore for making sure that people know the difference. Also Athiests are much more against god. I see agnostic people more of just in between or realy don't care what other believe. Athiest seem to actually care more. I will not say what i am, but i am one of those two.Truefusion i was directing it towards you haha. Let me explain better. What i meant was not the proof that there is no god, but the proof there is god. What proof is there? Rock solid proof. Yes, if god is real then the universe was his creation, but you must prove that there is a god to make the universe. Do you know what i'm trying to say? So in other words. Religions must prove there god is real, and should not make it up to people who do not believe to disprove it or prove that there is no god. What is one thing that i would not consider proof, but is proof? Give me an example that is really proof and not based on any type of faith.haha i love how this post gets slighty off topic then someone who has never posted in this topic posts what they should be posting then even me or others debate if god is real or not and proof and all. This is one of the most popular topics i have seen in trap that is not a sticky or annoucement. I give myself a pat on the back haha i hope you all like it!
  12. OK umm how old are you? I used to go to a catholic school and i know i knew more then what you know. Weed does not make you go crazy. You really have to do a little research. I think you are thinking of acid or meth? Seriously though how old are you?
  13. Your kidding right? You think that cigs are so much less worse that they should not be illegal, but weed is SO bad that it has to be illegal. You know what else is illegal? Wearing masks in public. Also, i am not joking, flicking boogers is illegal. Come on now. OJ got off too. The whole legal system is simply... *BLEEP*ed up. It can not cause havoc anyways. Your *BLEEP*ing high. Let me explain. When you are high you like to sit around. You dont wanna go out an cause havoc. My site also has NOTHING illegal on it. Tell me what is illegal on it? Legally anyone under 18 can go on it. If we were to start speaking about being legal then you would not stand a second. Please do not say stuff you do not know. By the way. Your not supposed to type in short hand on the forums. just like TTYL or PLZ and LOL BRB. These are not acceptable in the forums. And would is only 1 letter less then wood. doesn't seem to short to me. I might as well type the whole 5 letter word. It takes me a whole 1/2 second to type it.
  14. Well as a lot of you know my current site is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ . I have been really getting into CSS. It's awesome haha. Anyways i started to make a site out of mostly CSS. I think it looks much better and more professional. I want to know what site you think is better. So: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - Old site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - Possible new site The logo(black owl picture) will later be replaced by a group photo of us. I know it doesn't match the site there, but the group photo will... hopefully haha. Also the "read more..." will be put over to the right. None of the links work or anything because this is just to see if you guys think that i should change it. The reasons i want to change it are: 1. I made this one from scratch, the other i used a template. 2. Looks "cleaner" 3. Looks more professional 4. Not so plain and simple. So what do you guys think?
  15. yah this is a great site. One of the best. I bookmarked it because i already found about 5 scripts i want. Thanks again!
  16. haha i don't even smoke weed.You spelled disgusting wrong by the way. That is the wrong type of "wood" it's Would. And uve is not a word. Did you mean you have or you've. Maybe you should stop caring about what other people do and go to school.Also it has been inspected and it has not been shut down because you might have heard of something called freedom of speach. By the way... I hope you don't smoke cigs, drink alcohol, ever take any kind of prescription drugs, or anything that is "bad" for you because not only is all that stuff bad it's all worse then weed. Alcohol is addicting, weed has nothing to make you addicted unless you buy the wrong stuff. Alcohol you can drink too much, no matter how much weed you smoke you can not over dose. Prescription drugs are also addicting along with you can over dose. Weed is well, a weed. There is nothing even close to as bad as cigs or chew. They have god damn fiber glass and tar in it. So if you do any of those things i am more disgusted in you. Any scientific study would show you that weed is so much less lethal then alcohol, prescription drugs, cigs, chew, even cigars. Get over it. You can not even buy weed on it or find a place where you can get it. How about this. I will take it down if you can prove weed is worse then cigs or alcohol. Get on it.
  17. Exactly. For one how often do you see Athiest or Agnostic people going door to door trying to get you not to believe in god? I believe this is because they think like i do. We don't care what you believe or dont believe. What we care about is you pushing your religion to everyone around. Maybe your not going door to door, but maybe your sending things in the mail or i think the worst one is when you don't really do anything, but you make people who don't believe uncomfortable. I know many people understand who are young and athiest or just don't believe in anything. You feel like that is a bad thing and no one ever says it's not a bad thing. All you hear is how you will go to hell and all this other BS and it scares young kids. When something is not proven, the person must prove it before making others disprove it. If i said gravity is not real you would ask me to prove it, right? I would not then ask you, no you disprove gravity is not real. It is not the job of people who do not believe in God to always disprove. I am tired of disproving. It's all based on the bible in christian beliefs and based on faith. That is not proof. That is faith and nothing more. I also want to say that this site never really answers any question. They always say,"well that's because there are 2 universes" And that is not proving or disproving anything at all. If i said the sky is blue and you asked why and i said well because their is 2 clouds up there, but never explain why the 2 clouds make the sky blue then in no way did i prove it. Well if this was true then wouldn't we all believe in him? Wouldn't he put up something or show us something to make non believers believe? When i was very young, about 6-7, there was a story about a fire which killed like 20 people or something on the news. My Aunt or Uncle said something like,"Where was god in all of this" They are christian and they were just saying this as a phrase, but i took it litteral i guess and said,"He was too busy killing kids with cancer" they just laughed because i was only like 6-7 or seven and my Mom is a catholic and my dad is agnostic, but he is not athiest (there is a difference by the way). They did not expect that at all. A little while ago i was thinking about this question "If you were to just never mention anything like a god or creator to a child and never had anyone else mention anything like that would he ever create his own?" My guess is no, because why would he. Please don't take my comment to seriously because i was young. I know also that God never created cancer it was the things that man made that created it to the belief of christians. I was just saying that too make a point about the question if kids would end up making their own god.
  18. haha to be 100% honest the site has nothing that bad, but pictures of weed and 1 actual video of someone making a blunt right now. It has lots of flash videos, but i have had problems with them so i took them down except for Boohbah which i got to work and then Hippo Noodles which i keep to work on. Law enforcement is not allowed to enter because i don't want them too. This way unless they have a search warrant they woul dnot be allowed to enter the site. It was part, it looks good, and part for the reason i don't want to get arrested for something dumb. The other warnings are just because i dont wanna get sued. Sense this site is in America every site is at chance to get sued for some dumb reason. Is there any other way to put videos in except for object and embed tags?
  19. This was on Primetime. Did anyone watch it? I just watched it today. I recorded it on TiVo, but it was for sure a real scare. Not a fake. I think eventually they will win, but until the war stops the threat will never stop. I mean the war in the middle east by the way.
  20. What i a thinking now is that this method works most of the time, but has a different F button. So instead of F11 its F8 or something. If you can find the safe mode button then it will work... i'm just guessing.
  21. The likes and dislikes are not in the code itself, but let's say you were really good at playing the drums. Most likely you will like to play them because you have no trouble playing them. Maybe he would not like playing the drums because he is not good at them and finds them too hard. This is just an IF and nothing more. It was just an example. Why wouldn't you clone the child that was with you for over ten years? He would look exactly the same and has a chance to act close to the same as before. Not exactly, but close. The other part of that example was in some cases i think it would be ok and others a for sure NO. The clone will be unique anyways. It will not be exactly the same. No matter how much you modify the genes he will grow up different because of different things that will happen such as someone in the family dying and would make him more mature. This is just another example.
  22. Well i have been using Dreamweaver for a long time now and no problems. I tried to install it on my new laptop and it ran fine until i opened a document. When i opened a file in the split or design mode it has this error: It does this with every file this error does not come up with code mode only the design and split. Can someone please help because it always says this two times and it says it 2 times EVERY time i click on the design mode when i am checking if it looks right. It's so annoying. I can't even check my pages without having that come up. I reinstalled it. Rebooted my comp. Tryed to repair it. Installed the trial version. Looked in preferences to turn off the error. Installed the 8.0.2 patch and still no luck. Please some help here.
  23. YES! OK i found out what to do. I found a lot of people with this problem on their site. So in case someone ever has the same problem here, here is how to fix it: The XXXXX are numbers and are different on every system. Make sure dreamweaver is closed and then delete it. If it makes a new file close dreamweaver and delete it again. I did it three times before it was fixed.
  24. I tryed HTML pages and they do it too. So i'm looking in preferences now. Too bad HTML does it too. I would use another editor, but i know this one so well.
  25. Time you can see the effect of. At a certain time the sun goes down and at a certain time it comes up. Love some people don't believe in anyways.
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