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Everything posted by BooZker

  1. Well i have been using Dreamweaver for a long time now and no problems. I tried to install it on my new laptop and it ran fine until i opened a document. When i opened a file in the split or design mode it has this error: It does this with every .php file (i only make .php files. I don't have any HTML pages) this error does not come up with code mode only the design and split. Can someone please help because it always says this two times and it says it 2 times EVERY time i click on the design mode when i am checking if it looks right. It's so annoying. I can't even check my pages without having that come up. I reinstalled it. Rebooted my comp. What else is there?!
  2. My PC says Vista Capable. so i'm good. I just bought it. A Sony VAIO. It's awesome!
  3. Indeed it is. What were they going to do? Well kill people, but who and where? It amazes me that they catch them and the USA didn't think it was odd when they got a report from the CIA that said "Bin Laden to Attack Inside the USA" But George Bush didn't even read it haha. Thank you UK America really couldn't have done it without you.
  4. Interesting... I never thought that they would make windows different like that. Hers was a Dell. Does anyone have a Dell? Either way i think it's odd so many people are having problems with it and then my friend trys it the first time and it works haha. And he didn't even explain it that well. I went through every step. Oh well. I got some hosting credits though! I wish someone had a Dell to see if it works.
  5. Here is my new one. I made the blood style from scratch on photoshop if anyone wants it... Should i use this one: Or keep the one i'm using now?
  6. I agree with a lot of what you are saying, but I believe just like anything it should be alowed with restrictions. Here are two situations where I think it should be and not be allowed. The first is the one that should not be allowed:Jim (made up person) wants a child. He has never had one before. He is not married, nor does he have a girl friend or boy friend. The option of cloning is available now. Jim goes down to the cloning plant and they tell him for a price they can make him a boy or a girl. It can have any qualites he likes. They also can all be perfect. They will not die from genetic disease. So they make him a child.To understand why I think this should not be allowed read the one i think should be allowed:Jim and Jane have a child named Jake. Jake is a good kid but has his flaws. He was born into the world. One day he was out on his bike and got hit by a car. He was only 10. The parents were in shock and knew about cloning. They didn't agree with it at first, but when people loose kids they do things they thought the wouldn't. They go down to the plant and the cloning doctors tell them they can make him again. He will grow up the exact same. He will look the same and probably like some of the same things. They can make him perfect, but it is against the law. So in the end they decide to go with it and clone Jake. Jake grew up a normal boy.--I believe that in some cases it would be OK. As in the matter of the second example the family already had a child and lossed him when he was only ten. What is wrong with making a child again when he or she was already on this planet and when they cloned him or her they were the same. This includes the same flaws. I do not think that when someone just wants a kid they can go in there and make him or her perfect. Maybe it would be fine if they only had one kid, but could only have them so good at one thing. I don't know, but i think it should not be completely banned.So my point? Do not make people if they weren't already here. If they were here and died in a freak accident it should be approved and they must be the same with the same flaws and personality. I do not think they can make the same personality anyways, because some of you personality is made from where you grew up and with who.
  7. OK sounds good. Or if you had an example you saw online somewhere either way.
  8. How is this free? It has no ads and nothing about forum posting... hmmm Maybe i just missed that part. Plus Trap and Xisto are awesome!
  9. haha then it would be OJ Productions. It's O&J Productions because it is Oscar and Jake Productions
  10. See you look at limewire like the sue happy nation. First off this is a little extreme, but just listen, I can go out and buy a gun in America with no real problem. I then go and buy a few bullets. Then i can kill someone. Now should the family sue the gun company? NO! It was MY action that made it illegal. Just like you can have a bong, but can't smoke weed with it. LimeWire is legal if you used it like your supposed to, but no one does. So therefor, if LimeWires actions and program are legal the people using the program in an illegal manner should be sued. Although i don't think they should be sued anyways. I think they should use it to their advantage and try to catch people downloading child porn. That is not the case and never will be. It will always be about money. Indeed it is my friend, indeed it is...
  11. haha. What did you have in mind. I'm always up for a challenge. What kind of gloss?
  12. If you were to read my ealier post it says that i was not the one with this idea. The idea was from Plenoptic from trap 17 Here is what he told my friend which worked the first time:
  13. Americans are the most greedy people in the world. They see a chance to get free cash they dont care who it hurts or ruins they just want the money. And i'm an American and i'm saying this.
  14. HAHA. I can't believe you posted this. Pooping, in my opinion, is the most painful natural thing for a male. I wish i never had to poo. If it is that painful though you should get that checked out because i have poops like that once in awhile, but if you have that everytime then you should see a doctor.Good Luck!
  15. Warning: The site I am asking for help on contains drug references and material. DO not enter if you are under 18 or, your state, country, or current location deems this illegal. If you are a law enforcement or government agency you may not enter. I am making a site called i-am-stoned.com (right now i have the domain forward to my other site, ojproductions.net, until i find hosting) And it has funny flash videos and games and it has videos from youtube and other "stonerific" stuff. Site is hosted right now on trap 17's servers under my hosting at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ for testing. Go there if you want to help me. This is where my problem started: I went to put my first flash game (boohbah) on my site. It worked fine in IE so i tested it in Opera next. It did not work. So i kept slighty changing things and all of a sudden it worked. The only problem the only problem it had before i fixed it was that the video would not play. The sound worked fine, but just the video would not start for some reason. I have the same problem now with every flash video. Here is the code i used for the one that works, and i just changed the links of the videos and that's it. <OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" WIDTH=100% HEIGHT=100%><PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="boohbah.com/zone.swf;<PARAM NAME=loop VALUE=false><PARAM NAME=menu VALUE=false><PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high><PARAM NAME=wmode VALUE=false><PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#ffffff><EMBED src="boohbah.com/zone.swf&%2334; loop=false menu=false quality=high wmode=false bgcolor=#ffffff WIDTH=100% HEIGHT=100% TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash"></EMBED></OBJECT> This was the code i thought worked. The link to this page is: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and it is the first one. The 2nd one is the one that does not work in Opera. Can someone tell me what i am doing wrong? Also on the Hippo Noodles video, the 2nd one, the pop-up screen wont always be that big it's just like that while i try to find the right width and height i want.
  16. The fact of the matter is that it is not LimeWire it is the people who download music, videos, ect on LimeWire that are at fault. They would have to go after all the people using LimeWire. Didn't LimeWire win this case also? I know they did or else my LimeWire would not be working. I hate these greedy people who try to bring down everyone with them. They start to loose a little money like maybe 1,000,000 after they just got 10,000,000 from some pop artist that will last only a year like Nsync. They can make anyone famous. These "artists" are the same as if i were to make a tecno song on my computer, they are all completely edited. I like techno, but when Lindsay Lohan gets got playing the wrong song and lip syncing they are just plain and simply lying to you. At least techno artists don't say they made that with their voice when they didn't. I think LimeWire should fight them till the end. Along with TiVo, netflix, and all of them. Did you guys here that Netflix was getting sued because they said that you can get a 30 day free trial if you sign up and if you don't like it you can stop the service free of charge, and the video industrie said that they must pay because the people could rent a bunch of movies and copy them before the 30 days is up. I just though to myself,"wow, a whole 30 days. what is the most they could loose per person? They get 3 movies, and it takes 2-3 days to get the next ones, so about what 45 movies. That is assuming the person is really motivated and has enough hard disc space to put 45 movies on, and remember to cancel the membership before the 30 days is up. I dunno. America is already controlled enough by the rich. Why do we have to sue an old women who doesn't have internet access. I mean HELLO! How stupid can these people be.
  17. No, it had a password. We tried just pushing the the enter button without a password being put in. It just said the same old wrong password, make sure caps is off... ect. haha we are not that dumb to not check that. Windows is great, and i have always used it but it didn't start the standard. Mac did that. It was before Windows and Bill Gates stole the icon idea and made windows. I'm not sure how he ended up selling way more, but Windows is technicaly speaking... a copy cat haha. I have never had a Mac, but i have to get one for my college that i am starting in the fall. Is it much different then a PC? Like any huge differences? haha weird aye? What it does, if you have not done this yet, it makes ANOTHER admin account in which you can go and change setting and even make the old admin no longer an admin. The new account usually has a picture of a pink flower. you just click it and there you go! The screen resolution is like 640 x 480 and everything is default. Has anyone done this and had it work yet? I tried it on my new Sony VAIO that i got yesterday and it worked.
  18. As vhortex explained it is F11 and make sure you press it before the windows screen and just keep pressing it until you see something different then you normally see. Everything he just explained is 100% true and this should work for your guy's computers unless a virus, or some other software prevents it. Has anyone else had trouble with this? Make sure to read everything!
  19. Haha no worse! your kdding right? First he is the ONLY president to ever invade a country before they have invaded us. No Iraq never invaded us either. Next was Clinton this bad... no. The only thing he did wrong was got a BJ which really doesn't affect anyone in the US, but him and his family and her family. AND HE GOT IMPEACHED! Next the economy is destroyed completely. No other president has brought it that low. Check this link. remember they are historians and this is all the study: http://historynewsnetwork.org/article/5019
  20. I'll take a look once it is up. We can be affilates also. I'm trying to get affilates rather then ads now. After i get some good affilates then i might get some ads.
  21. Vaibhav, This is the EXACT tutorial i got and it worked like a charm the first time. It was given to me by Plenoptic from Trap. Here is the link to the topic on Trap also if you do not believe me. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/39850-topic/ If someone elses computer is different tell me so i can update it, but it worked for my computer and also hers. What version of windows are you running? And also F8 doesn't put it into Safe Mode. Maybe you have an older version or a different Version of windows... you do have windows right?
  22. Well recently one of my good girl that is a friend got a laptop from her dad. Her dad does websites so the laptop was new and worked fine, but needed to be defraged. The one problem, her nor her dad knew the admin password. I told her to post her question on Trap 17 and it got answered with in minutes. All you have to do is these few steps:1. Reboot2. Before the windows logo comes up press F11 (Just start clicking it over and over again until the windows logo comes up.)3. Just sit and let it do it's thing and when the login screen comes up click on the Admin icon (It was a picture of a pink flower on her account)4. After it logs in go to control panel5. Then go to User Accounts6. either make an old, non, admin account an admin account or create a new one 6a. If you wanna make a new account just click Create a New Account > Pick a username > Set setting as an admin 6b. If you wanna change an account to an admin: Click the account > Change the Account Type > the Select Admin7. Then thats it reboot and it's all done. Make sure not to reboot in safe mode though! the point of this post was how easy XP is hacked. Why is it this easy? Is there software to prevent this? I'm not worried about my PC, but what about others?
  23. OK some people laugh at this, but it works great! First make a myspace profile for someone famous or a loveable character such as Chewbacca as in my case. Next Get as many friends as possible. After you get about 200 or so the friends requests come in themselves. The last and final step is once in awhile post a bulletin with a link to your site. Make ure to put a link on the profile too. Sometimes sense i make indie movies for my site i will say something like,"Haha hey guys check out this funny video i found on the net" then i give a link to the video or my site. Go to https://myspace.com/browser and take a look. I created it and now i have over 2,500 friends and when i post a bulletin i have the chance of hitting 2,500+ people. I get about 10-15 friend requests a day! I use this for my http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ site and i get mad hits this way. I promise you wont be let down. It will take ahwile, but after a month or so you'll start to see. The #1 best thing about this... IT'S FREE! P.S. Don't tell anyone that i am Chewbacca haha. I get a TON of fan mail. It's really funny.
  24. Go to my http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ site and listen... you'll hear owls and nighttime sound. Is that what you want, but music? Just copy the HTML if that is what you want. Change it to your song though haha. And i know Xisto.com hosts .mp3s, but i dont know about Xisto. I am sure they do though. If you want a download link just put: <a href="http://yoursite.com/you_music_file_folder/music_file.mp3">Click Here for music_file.mp3!</a> Make sure to RIGHT CLICK AND GO TO SAVE TARGET. If you just click it will just start playing in quicktime or some other program. Make sure also that in your HTML and any links that the Caps match. So if you files name is MySong.mp3 make sure to make all link and HTML to match. You can not put a MySong.mp3 and have a link that is mysong.mp3 This is the same with and file. Caps always have to match the code.
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