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Everything posted by Jimmy

  1. Jimmy

    Test Photo

    any point to this, oh well! heres mine: *P.S. edit: made image much smaller and a little more modem friendly now :D nice pics btw
  2. Tis I think, as everyone else should agree, a great idea! i think i will find this very useful, and I have already have need of something like this, but it wasn't around. Thanks for updating this into our bbcode stash!
  3. lol thats hilarious nice n funny. Its not too innapropriate, but pretty funny.thanks for sharing that
  4. Maybe try loading the page withought the shoutbox active - I'm not sure how yours is running, but some shoutboxes can drastically slow down the page loads...also maybe smallen images / other icons etc. plus you might result in a simpler looking site that is easier on the eye! :)good luck
  5. Zelda the wind waker, dunno why, but being back as a kid again and to be the hero of the world ah you gotta love it.Not goood to be in:Any gory game with scary creatures that scares the crap outta you, most probably resulting in many painful deaths, only having to restart and try again! (Ouch, painful thought - what if you got stuck in a checkpoint / almost instant die scenario!!! pain eternally :E oh dear )
  6. I have only had a quick peek through it, but I think its an excellent site, simple, but eyecatching layout and definitely not "boring" to the eye. The digital ink logo you have made is excellent and looks professional, but also summarises a happy feeling site The boards are simple, and all the links are setup nice!!! there seems to be nothing on there to "fill space" and its all great stuff! I have no suggestions as I like it :):) Keep up the great work OH!! and just as I was about to signup, at the bottom of your "terms" page, a nice little addition - " Give all the glory to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Nick Mealey " lol nice, but maybe move your name to a different line... doesn't really bother me, but was Jesus really called Nick Mealey?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nice Stuff
  7. lol nice one, good for you no problem was going on!its nice to know people's sites aren't collapsing around them
  8. Thanks everyone for this feedback...firstly, Mik, I had thought of it and dismissed it, but it does seem to be a good idea. It would be simple to do, as I could just link to it through my "photos" section, plus I hadn't thought of submitting to 'em either, and that would definitely help get some traffic...yes, i do have a lot of pics, and will have many more cos of sark, plus i have tonnes of better, more recent ones that I just havn't had time to pick out, convert down and put on there yet, so i could begin the drip feed soon!Mich: lol likewise, unusual subjects are most often very interesting, just a shame i can't drive to go find more of em! the text colour is, I agree a little drab, what would you reckon about something like the green, blue or orange text color in plenoptic's console box (with my current dark background?)?? I kinda like the blue? any suggestions for colours / and / or the overlay hyperlink colours too to match / not look stupid? and haha yeh the blurb at the bottom, not my idea in the first place!!! I "borrowed" it from the bottom of someone else's footer too ah well I don't think anyone minds!plenoptic: yeh, more graphics, its just a hard place to start... I just have to find some ones that don't over-clutter the site too much. the brighter font colours is also an issue i can see now, shouldn't be too hard to change - i kinda like the colours of the writing in your console, or is that just eyeball hurting stuff that looks only good to me? I will set about getting stuff to graphic it up.lol thanks typo, got a good chuckle you have any sort of sites in mind or maybe a light colour background? smaller section, bordered in the middle of the window?Luitenant zulfa: good points - it seems that the major problem is text colour for people, i will try and choose a more appropriate one to this, to make sure you don't strain your eyes as much0:( thx. i have more photos, many more, to come, I just havn't found the will power yet to tackle the biggest section of the site by hand! rest assured i will stop being lazy some time in the future I hadn't thought of getting the photos down in size, I don't have photoshop, but I do have picture it 9, which should do the trick nicely too. I will add this helpful suggestion to my to correct list!Mr. Ink! - thanks very much for that tip, I was wondering why SEO didn't work so well after submitting to google, if at all, I only learnt html and css myself pretty recently, and coded everything myself too, so this means i'm not really familiar with what you said with div tags etc. I'll go searching for instructions on these later...the text colour problem, I may have to change, having one of these "brightview" screens or sumthing for a laptop kinda make it much easier for me i guess i went barging in, tho I did try and get stuff to work in different screen sizes! (I think it does)Apologies about the proxy, it never occurred to me to check it out - It is removed now...That site for SEO is pretty good, I have bookmarked it and will be checking out if a new layout will help.Thanks everyone who helped out :PI will set to work !
  9. Right!, I have basically got my site up good and proper for the first time, with everythin workin as it should etc. probs fixed. I'm not sure what to do next with it, and I thought that maybe, just maybe the good old trap' community could help me out If anyone would mind takin a quick look over, its pretty small so shouldn't take long.... Critiques and sunshine people appreciated alike OOPS! Almost forgot to show the sites' address! lol my bad, here it is - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Thanks, james
  10. I'm not trying to crush your post but are you sure thats right, I'm pretty sure that Playstation 2 can't do blu-ray discs, although I was never really sure whether those ones with the purple backing were special in some way!!! I may well be wrong but isn't it just something to make them look nicer.. ( EDIT: Maybe a scratch-resistant coating for those who like to lob their discs around..? ) - just give em a shiny blue coating I don't really like the idea of blu-ray discs because of costs. Much later on though, once thye have dropped it would be worth moving across but DVD-RAM and Dual layer DVD will more than suffice for me at the moment it just doesn't seem worth the hassle to go converting every product / computer / DVD player with a disc drive to be able to read - letalone write those discs...
  11. And rightly so... What would be the weapon of choice to "End the suffering"!? Good Old Fists, or just simple but effective, rocks in a stocking!!!? The Outstanding question I have is.. is this actually happening right at the moment or is it a tragic story from the past?
  12. That guy is clearly taking advantage of her, if this is real and to-the-moment I think it would be sensible for the girl to not be able to see him again, heck, he has a wife and kids! what posessed him to give her a child? There is most certainly something wrong, its not just abnormal, its very very abnormal. Just going on the fact that this person is cheating on his wife and kids, and that hed be affecting her and changing the way she may grow up, I agree with the parents that they should be trying to break it up and keep him away.What image does he think his kids will get from that...
  13. I quite agree, and happy to help out have you tried submitting to google search and other search engines etc. cos that may help you get more hits, though I'm not one to talk! get about 1 per week to my site (If you do feel like visiting, even out of pity! link is below )
  14. I use Norton Internet security. I'm so pleased with it i'd carry on using it and have been doing so over last three computers - I found it uninstalls absolutely fine. I agree it does slow things down a little bit, but that is just because it is scanning everything that comes in and out of your comp, which is necessary to provide a good antivirus. If someone has found it is letting in 100 viruses they must not have installed it properly or turned off their comp whilst doing so... But norton is very good. If you start to download a virus (say from morpheus or kazzaa for example), it will detect it and automatically delete it even before it has finished downloading and had a chance to run on your system. I found that Macaffee was rubbish in keeping out viruses as i had over 20, not doing anything different. Seeing as computers can handle the slightly slower startup, maybe adding an extra 3 seconds or so at the most. if you really need the power offline, you can just right click and disable it (I only do this after pressing my wireless button) then the speed it fine. For antivirus and spyware catchment it is the best piece of software I have used. Updates come often (and can do so itself if you don't want to have to touch the settings or go into the program etc. The downside of other antiiruses and macaffee etc. is that you also have to have a spyware blocker / removal program as well and to remember to set it up and run it regularely as well. Norton keeps these out very well, and I have not had over 1 yet, and that was just one piece of adware that changed homepage, added search bar and this came from a official messenger addon. (grrrr.) Got rid of it easily, by going to their website .The speed restriction that you get is a sure sign that it is makng sure your system won't be infected and also checking that no spyware is coming in also.norton internet security is great, and i don't really notice the speed restriction, cos, as I say, i turn it off when playing games or doing something like image editing offline. The best function is that it catches viruses whilst your downloading them, before they have had a chance to run themselves and install into your system. This was the best feature that impressed me when I first found out that it did this for me (when it showed a popup window telling me - and yes, you can choose to never see these windows again or disable alerts if you are not into that sort of thing )Oh and plus, it is one of few virus / firewall / spyware programs i have found that will actually be able to delete the majority of ones automatically, without you having to find the file yourself and go into msdos to delete it and end processes etc.All in all, even though it costs a bit, it seems worth it because i have a laptop that still works...
  15. I feel outdone I mean... only having one set of stairs that are very small. plus it bends round halfway - how annoying is that! just going up isn't bad enough you have to turn. In the dark i walk into the wall there Plus, it seems this is a very amusing thread
  16. WOW! Just managed to get through that without falling off my chair ;D its 2:07 AM (edit: now 2:17!!!) ( late night justified by the holidays ) and that was an immense piece of writing. I completely agree with what you had to say. This has to be the best and most interesting thread so far I have read... Plus-I think its disgusting if people don't even have time to wash their hands, letalone anything else after doing anything. Fair enough that everyone will have to curb their feelings at some stage and quite right so. I don't know of anyone who wouldn't want to be "clean" whether after sex or just showering every day or so. Some things can astound you every day... Some things can just show you how wrong we all can be if we just see things from one viewpoint. night all - I must rest before this uncomfortable seat bores a hole into me.
  17. I think that site is very cool.Three things that would make me come back:1. Sonething to keep interest up, like an array of fun minigames of something, maybe a "Hilarious Shout Of The Week" Rank or "Most Serious Shout"? - I think thatd be a cool idea2. Is it really necessary to display the posters' IP adress? I'm not sure if this is a risk or something but it doesn't seem wholely purposeful.3. Maybe give people an option to display a cool graphic (small dimensions of course) or something alng those lines in their post4. (just noticed and this is a fourth one! but this may be fairly vital and important for you! - in your disclaimer you said "in order to cpmply with the guidelines of the law" or something along those lines and you had spelt guidelines wrong!... so you might wanna correct that pretty quick ;Doverall a nice site, easy on the eyes, whilst not looking bland too!
  18. I have a cheap old ATi Radeon Mobility 9600 with only 64mb of graphics but it still allows me to play the best games including Farcry on all at least medium settings ( which subsequently are very good as these also go up to "ultra high" or something ridiculous ) and anti-aliasing on this game too. If you can find this card its done in 128 and 256mb versions too I think... If you are looking to buy a new, fairly recently graphics card that is decent for most applications I a pretty sure that the more recent nvidea or ATi card have cooling fans permanently attached to them ( maybe two!!! ) as they are such beasts of cards, try taking a look on their sites (I do know that these can get to be quite expensive though...) or as KDR_98 is suggesting (I think!) you could just get a cheap fan and mount it on or put the card close to the cooling fan in you r case?
  19. I personally use Microsoft Picture it! Photo Standard 9...I think its the best piece of software around thats free and fairly simple to get your head round, whilst still be able to do some good stuff with it. Its pretty fast and very simple to use which is why I use it to edit almost all of my photos... (including selectively colouring / de-colouring etc. on some objects.) Look it up if you want. I've tried Photoshop CS2 and can say that it burns my brain its so difficult to get to grips with. I suppose if I had the time and money to understand it it may be worth it, but I'd go with this software. It doesn't have the "layer" ability as such, but you can have objects separately, so kinda the same thing... ish... It doesn't completely have the opportunity to go back for everything, but you can easily save layers / objects separately as usual. and ctrl-z is always an option for as far back as you like. If you are slightly careful it doesn't pose any problem at all.I don't know of any free or cheap software that would have all the features you are talking about, like "smart objects" or layers / a huge array of filters that come unmatched with photoshop. So if you're gonna be needing a new program it may be worth using photoshop and getting a bit more RAM in your computer? :ph34r:I sound like a microsoft employee (I could well be up to their standard after having wasted about ?30 on useless support help for one of their games. They could not do anything, except guess everything and get me to try it out.)Anyway Picture it rocks. and its years ahead of ms paint.
  20. Jimmy


    Hey, welcome ;D hope ya enjoy the forums here... it takes the pain outta posting if you get into em and again welcome...
  21. Scarf-like item eh?well I think it looks quite good. Now all you need to complete the set is a huge pair of army hiking boots, a FAT camoflage rucksack, walking pole and to climb a mountain ;Dhehe Looks good ( although a bit strawy - like! )
  22. I think Having a Myspace Trap is a great idea... expands the community a lot, although the "post credits" won't apply there..!It just keeps getting better
  23. Whatever you are working seriously hard with and juggeling all those things, I'm sure you will find a decent balance where all of them will sort out :)you've got a good community set up and running at full throttle here ... keep it up - and I don't know what I'd do if Xisto wasn't around... ahhh the thoughts of that nightmare are burning my mind!Nice
  24. cool soto woki.I agree with you r point that boxing definitely seems to be a thugs' sport, whilst in comparison martial arts, with very well rehearsed and choreographical moves is the opposite. I must say I do neither but I think that unless there is a completely hidden side to boxing, it is as you said.(and please boxers, this is just my opinion and you are allowed to see it you r way for the enjoyment or what you get back from the sport (which is what I believe a great sport to be, one which you get back much enjoyment or personal gain from it, whilst being able to compete, but also go along with and help out you competitors too as a true sportsman.))
  25. haha thats hilarious. I feel sorry for that guy, sore bum. Whoever said that should be rich and famous gotta love their creativity... I wish I could have that much. - maybe you could suggest to them a job in the comedian stand up buisness, just don't forget to invite me and get me a ticket please
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