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Posts posted by lonebyrd

  1. biscuitrat

    I mean, what's the difference between words that mean "poo"? They all mean the same thing, right? So why isn't poo considered derogatory, and the others are? There are a few different letters, certainly, but what makes society more receptive to "baby words" like poo when other words are only a few steps away?

    I agree with this whole-heartedly. Who, in the beginning, decided what was bad and what was good anyway. But that is probably off topic.

    I too got in trouble when I was younger for saying things like shut up and stupid, but not for swearing, but for rudeness. I have two young step-children, 6 and 9, and me and my girlfriend do not like them to say things like that out of respect.

    And as for swearing, I put it like this. If I wouldn't wouldn't like to use the word around my mother, then it's probably not an appropriate word. She brought me up good. But if I'm around my friends, yeah, I swear some, I'm not perfect. But around children I don't. They may hear it but I'm not going to be the reason why they go around talking like a drunken sailor. I value bringing children up right, mine or the worlds. So if is see children, I hold my tounge.

  2. DarkPsycho

    i actually make myself read the entire topic so I don't post something thats already been posted and so I know where people are in the topic

    I do the exact same thing. Not only so I don't say something thats already been said, but also so I can comment on others views too. I like to be up to date on all the information, not just get the jist of things. If I only read the first post, I won't know what steps were already taken, what other ways I might be able to help, etc... And I think for people to just assume what the topic is about and mindlessly post or so blatently get off topic is disrespectful. I imagine sometimes it is done sometimes without intent, but it does happen often.

  3. This is a very long list, but as Quatrux pointed out, some descriptions and ratings would be helpful. Personally, I don't know what most of those things are. I mean the general topics I mostly do, but what it entails I have no clue. I haven't looked at your site to be honest, so I don't know if descriptions and ratings are there, but that list here is really of little help to me, as I know of the major ones anyway, and I wouldn't just go clicking around without some sort of description.

  4. Now this is a very hard topic seeing how I can thinks of games from back when I was 7 years old to now (32). But I'll give it my best shot.


    In no particular order:


    Persona-(Playstation)- Loved this RPG game. Spent a ton of hours on it only to lose the darn memory card, never to finish the game. Now I don't even have a copy of the game and I can't find it again. But did find Persona 2.


    Tony Hawk Series-(Playstation, Xbox)- Can't skate in real life, so I take it to the screen. It just keeps getting better and better with TH. But I still love the original. It's a game I can play by myself or with a group of friends to see who can kick who's butt.


    The Sims-Original all versions, and On-line-(PC)-Couldn't get enough of this game when I got the very first Sims. Make 'em eat, dance, and even fart if ya want. Then to go online! What can I say.


    Civilization III-(PC)- Conquer the world, bring it on. I've spent so much time on this game I've ignored personal hygene. O.k. maybe I wouldn't go that far, but, look out when I get Civilization IV.


    At this point I relize I have two more


    Guitar Hero-(Playstation)-Music freak here. Jammin on the guitar, great music, great concept.


    The Movies-(PC)-I love simulation games. I have played many tycoon games and could probably list a ton here (which nobody wants to see). But The Movies has that certain something that I just can't explain.


    Ok enough out of me. But seriously, those are some great games, you should check em out.

  5. I have Ad-aware SE free version which I update and run regularly along with AVG which automatically runs, but the trojan still got in. But I think I will try to figure out what squeaky suggested and try to track down the viruses location and delete the file, then run AVG again. This is not my computer, it is my girlfriends, but I maintain it for her. I try to tell her to watch were she goes and not to download things she doesn't know, but I'm not always available for her to run things by. And I'm not going to be the computer police and watch her every move. So all I can do is keep AVG, Ad-aware SE, and Spybot updated and run them often.

  6. I took a quick look at the PHP Designer 2007 website and am not at all pleased. I am going to stick with the 2006 version I think. In 2007, there are many disadvantages unless you want to pay. Almost none of the tools are available. At least in 2006 there was no split. I guess PHP Designer got popular enough were the owner saw a way to make a profit, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. I know I wont be going to upgrade to 2007 unless I hear from others that tell me there are some real advantages to it. Because from the looks of it, I don't see much. If anyone does get it, I hope to hear their comments about it. I'm curious to hear how they could make improvements on the free versions.

  7. This is a great topic! I was wondering how to do that too, but just never asked. I went to the custom error pages in cpanel and didn't understand it. I will now reread this carefully and try it. As my site is extremly under construction, it will come in very handy. I'm tired of seeing the old error pages. I want something fresh on my site. Probably noone visits it besides the bots, but thats besides the point.

  8. Well, in my case, I'm working my way up learning step-by-step. I started learning HTML. I moved on to start learning some PHP. I'm still working on PHP, but while I'm learning that I have taken a glimpse of at Javascript and some MySQL. I want to make my way to C/C++, but right now, I am only working on online websites that don't require alot, so I dont think I need it. Quick question though, isn't ASP just for windows applications?

  9. Thanks for the advice everyone. I thought I was supposed to leave things in quarentine, but wasn't sure. About the runnning processes, I have alot of them. Problem is, I don't know what to stop and what to leave running. Some of them look weird, but I'm worried about stopping something important. Like csrss.exe and smss.exe and lsass.exe. Those are just 3 of many. I don't know what they are or what to do with them. Is there some place to look up these processes, or should I ask what they are here?

  10. I'm sorry, but its amazing to me how much time people have on their hands to come up with more things to link to 9-11. The $20 thing was one such example. I mean really, these are just coincendences. These things have already existed, they did not predict the future. There was alot of this kinda stuff floating around right after it happened, but, to be honest, I didn't pay to much attention to it. People have suffered enough through that horrible day without other people shoving this kinda stuff at them. Sorry if I seem harsh, It was just a day I will never forget. Sitting in my room watching those planes hit, then being out later that day and the absolute silence from people except for their radio's listening to the broadcast of what had just happened. It was horrible.

  11. Really, if you think about it, all websites are based on HTML anyway. So basically, writing an all HTML website wouldn't be too difficult. You wouldn't have the most fancy looking page probably, but a nice starter page. I'm reading a HTML book called Head First, and they run you though making whole web pages in HTML that don't look bad. I've never developed software, but I'm sure its the same with that.

  12. My computer that is getting fix has FireFox with the web developers extension. I had just got the extension on my machine when the CPU fan went. But the guy who has my computer takes forever to get to things, so I wont have my PC back for a few weeks probably, and it's already been a couple of weeks. I hate not knowing how to repair my computer! This is the third time something has gone wrong with that machine that I've had to spend money on it. If I had more money, I'd just buy a new one.

  13. Is this maybe an IE thing, me not being able to see the box? Are you using FireFox Pyost? I thought I read somewhere while googleing that in IE, you cant use width or height. I don't know how true that was or where I read it. On this computer I am using IE version 6.0. Is that the newest version? I don't like to do too many updates on this computer as it isn't mine. Mine is being fixed again...CPU fan I guess. But could IE be the reason my page isn't appearing right to me?

  14. The movies is a great game. I got the game when it first came out. I havent played it alot, my interest in games has gone downhill a bit since I've become interested in programming. I want to start playing it again now that I've seen this thread though. I never got into actually making the movie. I was just putting it with the writers, and having the actors run through it. I want to try the whole process for myself someday, that was supposed to be one of the great aspects of the game. I bought the stategy guide with the game, and there is some interesting facts in there that are good to know. It will make higher studio status easier with the stategy guide, thats for sure. I recommend anyone who owns the game to pick one up.

  15. Ok, I tried it. I liked it for awhile but got bored of it. I mean yeah, it was addicting for a bit. But after awhile, I had a bunch of fish all over the place, and when I'd go to bed, all the babies would die. The free online version is limited in some things, and it would be interesting to see what it would be like it I paid for it, but I don't think I would get a lot of use out of it. I like it though, but when I sleep the fish die to easily.

  16. I've looked at this for like an hour now and can't figure out why it's not working. I've done what is suggested here, and even looked at a few sites I've found through google, but nothing. Here is the code I have:

    Just the div code in my page

    <div class="box">Conformation Page</br></br><span class="space1">You Have Chosen:   Public Access - Level 1</span></br><span class="space2">You are allowed:   1 Set</span></br><span class="space3">4 Crew</span></br><span class="space4"> Advertisments</span></br><span class="space5">   Total Cost: $$$$$$$</span></br><span class="space6">		 Do you want to continue with this transaction?</span></br><p align="right"><FORM METHOD="LINK" ACTION="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ TYPE="submit" VALUE="Yes"></FORM><FORM METHOD="LINK" ACTION="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ TYPE="submit" VALUE="No"></FORM></align></div>

    .box {   width: auto;   height: auto;   border: 1px solid #FF0000;   padding: 2px;   margin: 2px;   }.space1 {   padding-left: 5px;}.space2 {   padding-left: 5px;}.space3 {   padding-left: 15px;}.space4 {   padding-left: 15px;}.space5 {   padding-left: 5px;}.space6 {   padding-left: 20px;}

    Does anyone see what is wrong??

  17. I like the idea of putting it in CSS, as I already have a small CSS file. I also like the idea of having a 3D type effect to the box. My only question is, can I align the text differently using this CSS method? What I'm trying to do is have the first line of text aligned left, next 3 or so lines about 10 spaces in, and the submit buttons aligned to the right. Is this possible with CSS?

  18. I feel bad for his family. They all spend their days around animals, even the children. To see him die to an animal has got to be a terrible blow to them all. The children have grown up around the animals, seen their dad with animals all their young lives. How do you explain to the young children that the man who 'plays' with animals got killed by one. I wonder what they are thinking right now. If they will still stay as close to the zoo that he was involved in or will they shy away?

  19. It's been a while since I've been to my site... couldn't pay for my internet. But when I did get back to my site, there were some things that I saw that I have been wanting to change, but just can't figure out how. Before I left I searched the net, but couldn't find my answer. What I'm trying to do is, have a box surround information I have on a page. I tried using <fieldset> but it took up the whole lenght of the page. What I want to do is have something I can make custom size and center, put in colors if I want, have a border. And one problem I was having with the <fieldset>, which was probably just me, was I couldn't figure out the spacing. I tried having the text appear about 10 spaces in at one point, and 15 at another, and I couldn't get it to work. It all appeared on the left. I also couldn't figure out how to get the submit buttons to appear on the right. Like I said, I googled around, but maybe I'm not searching for the right things.

  20. I read something about this in a PC World magazine a few months ago. I can't find the article online unfortunaly, but it said something about this first starting from music companies. They would put this 'malware' (though I'm not even sure what that is) in the music disc that has a DVD feature on it. Then it would get into your computer. I'm not the most computer saavy person in the world, but I know it didn't sound good to me. They showed a 'cute' little picture of a computer with 'bugs' at the very bottom of it saying that nothing could get to it, not even anti-virus, or spy-ware blockers.

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