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Posts posted by lonebyrd

  1. I don't know if that is the right title but here goes. The computer I'm on is connected to the internet via dial-up and has a printer connected to it. My computer has no internet connection, but has many graphics programs and things that I would like to transfer the the internet connected computer. I had the computers networked when I had highspeed internet and a cable modem, but I'm not sure how to network them now that their both not on the internet. So my question is, how do I network these two computers? (I know it's probably very simple)

  2. I came across something while cleaning my other closet yesterday. It was what looked like an atari joystick. I forgot all about it. I got it for Christmas a few years back. You just plug it into your T.V. and bam.. there you go. Instant atari games. I cant remember them all, but it has Adventure, Asteroids, Pong, Breakout, Defender, and I think four more. I'm a little bummed that it doesn't have Space Invaders though. But still, it plays and looks just like the atari. It makes up for me not being able to find my controllers (at least for now)

  3. In America, where welfare is much less, if you manage your money with some intelligence you will be fine. There are significantly more opportunities in the USA than there are in Canada, and little to no excuse to need welfare if you have been smart with your money.
    There are many non-profit organizations willing to help people less fortunate, especially churches. There are plenty of free classes for job improvement and other self-help, all you have to do is look and ask.

    I've got a couple of comments to make about those statements. I live in America, and get medical help from the state, and money from the government. You can't make assumtions that there is 'little or no excuse' to be on welfare by just being smart with your money. Our electric company has gone up 10% in the past two years with their charges, gas prices keep going up to $3 a gallon, I buy everything generic (and get %100 juice). I don't splurge on things, I even have dial-up internet because it's cheap, not because I wouldn't love high-speed. Everything I spend money on is neccesity. At the end of the month, I'll be lucky if I have $20. It's not that easy.

    And as for non-profit agency's. We have a place around here called BRS (Bureau of Rehabiltated Services). I've gone their to try to get help to go back to work, and they denied me because I don't qualify for a student loan. And they help you pay for school, so why would I have to qualify for a student loan? And we don't have free classes around here. Our community college has classes for adults for various things, but they all cost money. So before you go saying how easy it should be in America, get your facts straight.

  4. I have one you can add to you "other" list. It's called Fantasy Film Maker. It's a text-based movie studio stategy game. You write your own scripts, send them to a scriptwriter, add a cast (from a list of real Hollywood actors) then send it into production/release. Great game, lots of great people in the community who are very helpful. Definetly worth checking out if you like to write, and like a challenge of stategy.

  5. There are a few reasons I play video games, as many have said. One, the 'escapist', is a big one for me. Stesses of life can be overbearing at times. When I want to just immerse myself in a diffenent 'world', I play a game. For a time, I forget the stresses of life. My mind is free to wonder in a different reality. Also, there is the pure challenge of the game. I love to try to out-do myself, especially in sports/driving kinds of games. Having a fairly solitary life, challenging myself to make it to that 'next level', keeps me going for hours. It's all pure fun.

  6. I see this is a very old topic, but I stumbled across it and have to comment. Of course the game isn't to blame. It's the same as when Marylin Manson was getting blamed for those kids suicides years back. So what! The listened to him. So what the kids played a game. Let me tell you my point of view. I don't know how many of you are still teenagers, but I'm 32. I can look back at what I did as a teenager and know why I did it. Yes I played violent video games and listened to hard core music (especially Suicidal Tendencies). The crazy things I did where just because they were fun, exciting, different. Something that if my parents found out, they'd be mad. I didn't do things because I was insane. I was a TEENAGER! I don't know, maybe everyone here is different, you have skills in computers, probably have dreams of going to college, do good in school. But how about the many teenagers, like I was, who aren't like that? Things are different. We did weird and wild things sometimes. It was natural. Call me crazy, call me insane. Every teenager that I knew had their own 'quirks'. Their all went to their own beat. Yeah, maybe we did some illegal things, but that was part of the excitement. Typical teenage stuff around my area. And I didn't come from some big city, just a little slice of countyside. So they will learn from their wrongdoings. Unfortunatly, someone else paid even more dearly. Everyone must learn lessons in life, even teenagers.

  7. Well if were not just talking PC games anymore, Atari's Adventure and Astroids were my favorite old games. I played Adventure all the time, and was mad when my dad got rid of it because I knew all the catacombs. As for Astroids, I would stay up all night on the weekends with my best friend playing that game! Once we even took a picture of our high score on a polaroid and we were going to send it to Atari. I don't know what ever happened to that picture. And I remeber Duck Hunt. When my family bought the Nintendo when it first came out, we all used to say that my mom was cheating at that game because she would hold the gun right against her glasses, which made it completly steady and she used to kick our butts ;) .

  8. The new game systems are great and all, awsome graphics, smooth gameplay. But how many people here remember the good old days of the Atari 2600? Ahh, Adventure and Astroids were my favorite games. I would play them for hours. I recently had a descussion with a friend of mine about the atari while my kids were around, and they looked at us like we were crazy. We told them, "If it wasn't for the Atari, you wouldn't have any games like you do now!" It's funny really to see those old games. I pulled my old atari out of the closet last week. It still works good, but my controllers don't. Man was I bummed out. Went on ebay, but can't really afford the usually prices I find of $24 right now. But believe me, I will get them. I love game systems. I have all the nintendo's except the WII and the handhelds (i don't have any handhelds from any company). I have a genesis and a dreamcast, a PS1 and a PS2 and an XBOX. I still want those old Celeco's and Intellivisons, the 3DO, and the Jaguar. I want it all. O.K. I'm obsessed. But you have to admit, visiting to old games is fun, don't you agree?

  9. O.K. here's the deal. I can't go to school to learn programming like I want, because I have outstanding student loans that I can't pay on. So, since I'm here, I figure I'll ask some questions. With regards to the basics, HTML, should I be using HTML when creating my site or the XHTML? I'm still a little unsure of the exact differences, but once I know were to go, I will get the correct books and website information. And what about CSS? Is there newer or older versions? I have one book already which teaches some about HTML and CSS, but I haven't gotten very far into, just what I already know about HTML. And what are the advantages to using PHP on a site? I have a book on that too, which is a little harder for me to grasp, but if it has alot of advantages, i will surly read it. Is there any other languages that are good for a site? I am nowhere near ready to understand C or C+ or anything like that yet.

  10. I haven't played guitar hero 2 yet, but I am very much looking forward to it. And leafbunk, you say you don't like the song selection? That is one of the major reasons I want to get the 2nd one! I read the review in Game Informer and was extremely inpressed with the great songs they had. But O.K. maybe that kind of music isn't you cup of tea, but I think it awsome!

  11. One of the big contributing factors is wanting to fit in. There are alot of cases where kids just want to be accepted. If one kid happens to smoke, and others want to be their friend, peer pressure kicks in. School can be rough, from what I remember. I was an outcast myself, but I saw it all around me. When kids want to fit in, they will do almost anything. O.K, I'm speaking from a 32 year old point of view. I'm sure they are many of you who are younger that will have different opinions. But I have a 9 year old and a 6 year old and I can see it already. Change in behavior is the first thing, and my 9 year old step-daughter has already made comments about kids with drugs. I know that doesn't mean she's doing it. But, I live in a very rural area, and for a 9 year old to be already talking about kids with drugs is surpising. She's only in 4th grade. It starts very young these days. And if parents don't inform their children about the dangers of drugs, they are doomed from the start. And with the young minds not fully developed enough to fully understand the consequences, if drugs come into a childs life early, they may just say 'Yes'.

  12. Hello again everybody. I know I've already made a few posts, but just letting people who were around before know that I'm back. Yeah I know, your all saying "so". But that's ok, it's all good! Great to see this place is better than ever! I missed this place, the people, and the awsome discussions. I'm sure you'll be seeing me around.

  13. Darn, why didn't I think of that. I could of used some easy money ;) . But seriously, thats just plain stupid. I think ebay is a great place. I go on there all the time looking for classic video games. But some people misues it, and I think that is wrong. It's just like those cr*ppy flea markets you go to where you have no clue whether anything works or not. People try to scam you all the time. But that right there is a totally blatent scam. Crazy.

  14. Agreed, the whole addiction thing is a bad road to travel down. I made my mistakes along the way and am paying for them. I came from a home where my father was an alcoholic and my mother did drugs and they both smoked. It was all around me. It was easy to pick up. I'm not useing that as an excuse. It was my choice. I just chose the wrong one. Thankfully, I never got in trouble with the law, but it took me 15 years to finally put down drugs and drinking. Quitting smoking is my last crutch. It is hard. Very hard. I have tried many times. I have tried some of those aids to help you quit, but they all interact with my meds that I am on. Cold turkey quitting is very hard for me. I know people can do it. Maybe I am weak. But I give myself credit for quitting drugs and alcohol. If all I am doing is smoking, well, let my lungs shivel up and blow money on cigarettes. Do you know how expensive a drug and alcohole habit is and how quickly that will kill you?

  15. Brcmville, I have a question for you? When you wrote "This calculation has meaning to those who are willing to take it to heart, but people who lack the character to make such a large change in their lives will think it doesn't, " were you refering to smokers who don't quit? Because let me tell you something from a smokers point of view. I am a recovering drug addict and alcoholic, and yes I smoke, but if you walk into an AA or NA meeting and talk to them about quiting smoking, they will tell you its harder to do then kicking heroin. You havent been there. You can get all the family and friend support you want, but when your nerves are shot, your yelling at yelling at your girlfriend because she stepped on the wrong side of the couch, and your body is shaking, it is almost impossible to quit.

  16. I always kinda thought there was something going on behind the scenes... I don't think it's at THAT level yet, but there are some things I find intruiging. For exaple, every morning, five days a week, eight or nine months a year for twelve years, everybody has to say the Pledge of Alligence. I stopped saying that way back in sixth grade, when I first realized they were brainwashing us. Well, maybe not BRAINWASHING, but I still think there's something fishy about it.

    First of all, I am not a religious person by any means. As a kid, I hated hearing anything religious. But I did my dutiful thing and said the Pledge of Alligence. It was out of respect for my country. When I got into Jr. High, I just stood up, put my hand over my heart, as a sign of respect, but just didnt say the words, because I felt it had to do with religion and I didn't like it. Now, the government has totally taken it out of schools. Why? Everyone has the right to say it or not, whether it has the word G*d in it or not.
    But back to the original topic. The whole alien, Area 51 thing has always been interesting to me. I have never read this serpo thing you spoke of, but i will look it up. Why is Area 51 so guarded? Why cant planes fly overhead? What are they hiding? I don't go for alot of conspricy theorys, but this one is a mystery to me? If nothing was there, then just let us see!

  17. I have to agree with everything silverfox said. Unfortunatly right now, I have to be on disablity and have been for some years due to mental illness. I receive Social Security money, insurance, and also state insurance. But I've tried to work. It's not pretty. I end up back in the institution. I need the help. And I know many people like myself that are in the same position. But like Chesso said, there are people who abuse and exploit it. I have a relative and her husband who had the choice to either get unemployment or go on state. They chose to go on state and not look for work. That is abusing the system. It is for people like this that others look down on people on welfare. They expect everyone to be a 'freeloader', when actually most people need it to survive.

  18. When my computer was rebuilt, the guy didn't put in a place for a dial-up connection. That was all well and good before, as I had cable internet. But now I can't afford cable so I am back to dial-up. So, I grabbed on of my dead computers from the closet and took out one of the dial-up modem thingys. I put it in, (oh, Windows XP by the way), and my computer said it found new hardware- win lucent modem. So, I get on AOL (don't blast me for that, my girlfriend wants it), and try to set up a new location, but the darn thing can't find it. The computer says it is on the modem is on COM 4. Other than that, I really have no clue what to do. Any help out there?

  19. I did some revamping to my banner. I used some text effects I found on a website called pixel2life, and I thought it came out pretty good. I wasn't quite sure what to do with the writing underneath it though. I left it white to bring out the statement, and I didn't want to make the page to chaotic with alot of colors. Here is the new background.


    Posted Image

  20. For me, I live in the US, and I saw the gas prices skyrocket for a while. A couple years ago, gas prices were $1.89 a gallon reg unleaded. When the war started, prices started rising, as high as $2.50. But the big problem we had here was when hurrican Katrina hit and we saw prices at $3.40. But now that things have been cleaned up from that, we are still haveing effects from the war and our gas prices are still high, anywhere between $2.25 and $2.45. I can't wait till the prices drop... if they ever will.

  21. Ill be getting both of them once the price drops, and I know that will be a long time from now. I can't resist the new systems, no matter what theyv'e got in them. Well, except nintendo, I'm not to fond of them. Though I might get the Wii. But as for the 100 gig storage, I just use my systems for gaming, I don't go live or anything, and I'm too poor to have alot of games to save alot of them, so I don't see I will be needing something that big. But I'm sure alot of fans will love it.

  22. While I personally don't think it is a serious threat, I do believe it shouldn't be taken lightly. This definitly doesn't sound like Al-Quida, they wouldn't annouce it in so much detail, but any threat made should at least be investigated. While I don't think any games should be cancelled or anything, I do think that there should be checks made at the stadiums of trucks, check them out. I know it would be a hassle, but a threat was made, precautions must be taken. I know sometimes, things in America seem to get a little out of hand with security after 9/11, but it was a big shock to us. So we tend not to take things like this to lightly.

  23. My spam folder in Yahoo is always full with at least 20 emails from who knows where. My main email never gets anything, and at the moment my gmail is hardly used as I just got it. I don't know how to stop getting so much spam at this yahoo account. It's insane the amount I get. I don't know how I keep getting it or where it is coming from. I don't want to open it to see if there is an 'unsubscribe' button just incase there is some kind of virus in there, so I just delete them.

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