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Posts posted by lonebyrd

  1. I have problems with everything I am doing with my site, it is so frustrating! Ok, I've tried the suggestions here, and I've tried other tutorials but cant get a menu to work. I downloaded a menu maker (CoffeeCup Menu-Maker) and made a Javascript menu that way. Now, when I put the script in a file on my site (in cPanel) and just did the 'View File', it shows the menu as it is supposed to look. But when I use the <?php include ("filename") ?>, I just get this message:

    Warning: main(http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found in /home/lonebyrd/public_html/begin/main.php on line 17
    Warning: main(http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found in /home/lonebyrd/public_html/begin/main.php on line 17

    Warning: main(): Failed opening 'http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;) in /home/lonebyrd/public_html/begin/main.php on line 17

    But when I use the <LINK REL="stylesheet" HREF="mymenu" TYPE="text/css">, i get my site as it is supposed to look, but no menu.

    So, since I can see the menu fine when I just look at the 'mymenu.js' file, I don't know why I cant get it to work on my other page. Help...Please.

  2. It would be unfair of me to give a rating to Runescape, as I only played it for a week or so. But I will say this for it. I did not find the game enjoyable at all. I was approached on more than one occasion by the male characters, offering up obscene comments. That right there kept me away from the game. There was some interesting aspects to the game: the mining, wide variety of stores. Like I said, I didn't play long, so I don't know much. If it weren't for the comments I've received, I'd play. It did look pretty good.

  3. A few of the old games that I loved to play were the old 'Oregon Trail' that I used to play in grade school, that I now bought as an adult. It's not as fun as I remember, but it has the nostalgia factor. Another game I loved was 'Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galagy', the text game. I wasn't that great at it, but loved it anyway. And the first RPG I ever played... It was on and Apple 2C (or was it 2E), it was called 'Warriors of the Wasteland'. I don't know of anyone else that has ever played it. I would love to find it again, but I no longer have an apple computer.

  4. I think I may know what the problem is. I had a background for my site was a picture hosted at photobucket. THe time expired for it to be there, so I no longer have a background. What I am thinking is that the menu needs the anchor of the background, and since I don't have a background at the moment, the menu will not show up. I don't have time right now to check out my theory. I can't make a background on the computer I'm using (my roomate doesn't have Photoshop) and I have no time to seach for a background now either. Hopefully putting up a background will solve my problem.

  5. For some reason, everything I try doesnt seem to work. I follow it exact and still.... nothing. One thing I was wondering though. Do you have to have something special on you computer to do Javascript. I cant open that iefix.js file on this computer because it says I don't have a program to open it. Is this maybe the problem why nothing is showing up when I type out my scripts?

  6. I've been trying to figure out this drop down kind of pop-out menu from http://alistapart.com/article/horizdropdowns I'm not exactly sure what it is I am doing wrong. On the site I've noted, it talks about CSS, and Javascript, and IE fixes, so I'm getting mighty confused. My main focus is to get the verticle drop down menu on my page, and everything else to be in line as well. But I can't even get the menu to show up. I've put the main part of the lists in a CSS file here:



    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ xmlns="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ 
    xhtml Menu</title><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /><script type="text/javascript" src="drop_down.js"></script><style type="text/css">@import "menustyle.css";</style></head><body> <ul id="nav"><ul> 	<li><a href="#">Profile</a></li>	  <ul>		<li><a href="ftv.astahost.com/profile/person.php>Personal</a></li>		<li><a href="ftv.astahost.com/profile/studio.php>Studio</a></li>	  </ul>	</li>	<li><a href="#">Buy</a> 	  <ul> 		<li><a href="ftv.astahost.com/buy/studio.php">Studio</a></li> 		<li><a href="ftv.astahost.com/buy/sets.php">Sets</a></li> 		<li><a href="ftv.astahost.com/buy/ads.php">Advertisements</a></li> 	  </ul> 	</li> 	<li><a href="#">Hire</a> 	  <ul> 		<li><a href="ftv.astahost.com/hire/crew.php">Crew</a></li> 		<li><a href="ftv.astahost.com/hire/writers.php">Writers</a></li> 	  </ul> 	</li> </ul>
    I'm not even sure if that is right. I looked at the source code on the demo page they had, and it had all that 'head, meta, title' stuff. But I didn't think that was supposed to be in CSS. But none-the-less it was there and it was working, so I didn't change it. Next I have the Javascript part:



    startList = function() {if (document.all&&document.getElementById) {navRoot = document.getElementById("nav");for (i=0; i<navRoot.childNodes.length; i++) {node = navRoot.childNodes[i];if (node.nodeName=="LI") {node.onmouseover=function() {this.className+=" over";  }  node.onmouseout=function() {  this.className=this.className.replace»	(" over", "");   }   }  } }}window.onload=startList;
    That was copied 'as is' from the site. I know nothing of Javascript, so I was just trusting that they knew what they were doing. After that I had the style:


    <style type="text/css">ul {	margin: 0;	padding: 0;	list-style: none;	width: 150px;	border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;	}ul li {	position: relative;	}li:hover ul, li.over ul { 	display: block; }li ul {	position: absolute;	left: 149px;	top: 0;	display: none;	}ul li a {	display: block;	text-decoration: none;	color: #777;	background: #fff;	padding: 5px;	border: 1px solid #ccc;	border-bottom: 0;	}/* Fix IE. Hide from IE Mac \*/* html ul li { float: left; }* html ul li a { height: 1%; }/* End */
    This is where I did get a bit confused. In the directions on the site I went to, It made changes along the way. One of them was about adding the 'li:hover ul, li.over ul { display: block; }' and I wasn't really sure where to put that. Another thing I wasn't sure about was where to put the IE fix. I just put it at the bottom. And finally in the end, this is where it ended up in my main page:



    <html><head><TITLE> Fantasized TeleVision</TITLE></head><body><LINK REL=stylesheet HREF="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; TYPE="text/css"><LINK REL="stylesheet HREF="ftv.astahost.com/menu.css" TYPE="text/css"><div id="banner"></div><center><font color=red size=12>Fantasized TeleVision</font> </center><h3><align="left"><font color=red><b>Site Under Construction</b></font></align></h3><center><b><a href="http://ftv.astahost.com/forum/" target=_"new">Visit the FTV Forum</a></b></center><p align="right"><b>Edge City</b></align><br>   <?php   $today = date("F j, Y, g:i");   echo $today   ?></body></html>

    If anyone can see why the menu isn't working, please let me know. It's probably very simple. It usually is when I can't figure it out.

  7. I've been on-line looking for a script for a drop-down menu, but can't seem to find the one I'm looking for. I'm wondering if I can explain it well enough for someone here to help me out. The kind I'm looking for should be vertical first off. It looks like a box that you can hover over and when you hover over it, it can have one or more of the same kind of boxes appear on the side. All of these side boxes are links to other pages. I'm looking to put this menu in my CSS, as this will appear on all my pages.If anyone knows where to find a script like this, or knows an easy way to do this, please let me know. I'd also like to be able to customize the colors of the boxes and text, maybe border of boxes if possible. I know I'm probably being very picky, sorry.(edit)Also, I could only find what I was looking for in Javascript, but the CSS for that looked very complicated and I know nothing of JS at the moment. If someone knows of a menu in PHP or HTML that would be great!

  8. Well, I found the the problem with my '?' error. It wasn't actually at the end of my script. It was further up where I put a comment in that had a question mark but I forgot to put // before it. Just goes to show, you need to be careful while coding. Easy mistakes can be made if your not paying attention. I would have caught it quicker if I were using my own computer, but mine just died. I'm using my roomates, so I just installed PHP Designer 2006 (with her permission) and found it that way.

  9. O.K., I've seen the posts on which are the best free FTP clients and I decided to pick Filezilla. I've downloaded it, and read a bunch of stuff here on Xisto on how to use FTP. But the one thing I can't seem to find, is how to get the program I downloaded to my Cpanel. I saw NilC (I think that was it) pinned post at the beginning of this section, but, it was for some other program.

    I tried saving Filezilla to my computer and running the .exe, getting all the files from it. From there, I went to the Cpanel, and uploaded the Filezilla application to the public_html folder. After that, I went to FTP Manager and added a new FTP account with my name, password, unlimited quota, and after where it says 'public_html' I put Filezilla.exe.

    When I tried it out by typing in ftp.ftv.astahost.com I got an FTP folder error. It said

    Windows cannot access this folder. Make sure you typed the file name correctly and that you have permission to access the folder

    Under that it has a bunch of 220 numbers but the last one is a 421 and says 'Unable to set up secure anonymous FTP'
    I probable went about it all wrong. But if someone could tell me the right way I'd greatly appreciate it. Using an FTP client would be so helpful for me.

  10. Houdini, I must have been typing my post when you posted yours :unsure: . That was exactly the problem though. I didn't realize it was so specific. Once I changed those though I had an error with my other script about an unexpected '?' on my last line. Where else am I supposed to put the ?>...? Any way that's another script for another time. Thanks for the help.

  11. Well, that didn't work. There was more to the script than that. At the beginning, it tells me to include another script that it had (a good size one), which holds some admin info along with some other information. I will include both scripts. First is the original db connection script, and second is the additional script it includes.

    The original db connect script:

    include("mojt_db.php");define("HOST", "$localhost"); // define host name (default: localhost)define("USER", "$lonebyrd_razmo"); // define database usernamedefine("PASSWORD", "$****"); // define database passworddefine("DATABASE", "$lonebyrd_ftv"); // define database name$db=mysql_connect(HOST, USER, PASSWORD); // connecting to the databasemysql_select_db(DATABASE, $db);?>

    Here is the 'mojt_db.php' as asked for above:
    $AdminName = "Rikki "; // define administrator name$AdminUserName = "lonebyrd "; // define admin user name$AdminPassword = "**** "; // define admin password$AdminEmail = "lonebyrd@yahoo.com "; // define admin email$AdminPanel = "login/admin.php"; // define path to the admin panel [without / at the end]$SiteUrl = "ftv.astahost.com "; // define full site address, ex. http://mysite.com = "FTV "; // define what will shell be display as site name$ContactEmail = "razmodat@aol.com "; // define which email address will be used for contact address$SupportEmail = "razmodat@aol.com "; // define which email address will be used for support address$Copyright = "2006 "; // define site copyright, set by user$Poweredby = "Powered by eVPortal."; // define powered by message (please don't remove this!)$MojtDir = "public_html "; // define directory where MoJT LS is installed [without / at the end]$CookieTime = "3600"; // define cookie time (in seconds)$FirstPage = "index.html "; // define your first protected page$db_host = "localhost"; // define host name (default: localhost)$db_username = "lonebyrd_razmo"; // define database username$db_password = "**** "; // define database password$db_name = "lonebyrd_ftv"; // define database name?>

    It's probably something really simple that I'm missing, but I just don't see it. Being fairly new to this stuff, I love this forum for the help that I get.

  12. I'm coming up with an error that I can't figure out in my registration page. Below I've given the error message and the code.

    Warning: mysql_connect(): Access denied for user: 'nobody@localhost' (Using password: NO) in /home/lonebyrd/public_html/db_connect.php on line 33Access denied for user: 'nobody@localhost' (Using password: NO)

    $Host = "localhost"; // define host name (default: localhost)$User = "$lonebyrd_razmo"; // define database username$Password = "$****"; // define database password$Database = "$lonebyrd_ftv"; // define database namemysql_connect($host, $user, $password) or die (mysql_error());mysql_select_db($database) or die (mysql_error());?>

    Now, I've tried making a new user in Sql cpanel and giving it a new password to make sure I had everything correct, because at first it was wrong. But that didn't make a difference. I just can't figure this out. I don't know if it has anything to do with me using my roomates computer. But I don't see why that would make a difference. This was a prewritten script I found somewhere, and it was wrong to begin with, so I had to fix it, but it doesn't seem I'm doing a good job.

  13. I've got a basic understanding of what CMS is. To be able to easily add, and edit things over the whole website. But I have a few questions about it. First, does it alter things on all pages, or can it also be used for single pages? And I know it has a wide variety of uses but, I am working on a text based game right now. It will have drop-down menu's, a forum, registration/login page, images, text boxes. I'm in the basic stages right now. Would a CMS be something that would work for something like that? I know I don't have the space on my site right now to get most of the CMS's offered by asta right now, but from the sounds of it, I would really like to get into this kinda thing. Any help on this topic would be greatly appreciated.

  14. I looked briefly into the Amazon Associate Program. But about the database in question. What if you do not have alot of experience with databases? Is there some set-up way that Amazon will work through your website? I was thinking of going that route once I got my site up, but if Amazon just put up whatever it wanted, it just wouldn't be for me. I'd want to have some sort of control of what goes on my site. But now that I think about it, I guess it would be hard without your own database to control the content. Anyway, if anyone knows about Amazon with no need for your own databases, let me know.

  15. Ok, I understand now. I just thought it was going to be harder the more credits you had. I wouldn't like to see the prorating removed either. I know early on there were lots of topics to chose from, but being new, it took a little while to get used to the system. I think the way it is, it is good for new people because it will give them a little help in boosting credits while getting used to posting. I know I for could probably use some tips on how optimize my posts. I know by just reading this, already I'm getting a little hint.

  16. I just want to add my quick two cents. I just got a copy of Dreamweaver MX. I'm pretty inexperienced when it comes to wysiwyg. I've used a few that I've googled, but then went right to trying to figuring out coding on my own. Now, I've got this copy of DW, and what my intentions of doing with it are use what I can of the pop-up info boxes that you have to fill in and all the other bells and whistles, along with the coding that I already know. This way, I can go back and look at what I wanted done, say a table, and see the code and learn how it is done. Doing things like this over a few times will build my skills strong enough to let me do it on my own.

  17. I tried installing Google Desktop the other day but took it off. It slowed everything up. My web surfing was slower, games I have installed that I have tried to play came to almost a stand still. I really thought Google Desktop looked kinda cool when I put all the features in it. Maybe when its out of beta I will try it again. When I uninstalled it, one of the choices of why I chose to uninstall was 'because it slowed down system', so i guess it's a known problem.

  18. Umm, just a question. Is it going to be harder for me then later on then? As it is, I keep around 15-20 credits, because at times, I just cant get on here to post. Why isn't it the same? At this rate, if I end up losing my internet for a week or so, (due to bill problems), I'm never going to make it anywhere. Sorry, I went off on a tangent, it's not Asta's fault. Just would've been nice to see that somewhere.

  19. I've downloaded WMP 11, and except for a few scrolling bugs, havent had any problems so far. Of course, I haven't used it that often. But I like the new look of 11 and the way it sorts things. Also changing the song/artist information seems alot easier than it was in WMP 10. It took me forever to change things before. I'll have to look at it in more detail, but so far, I like it. I've tried Winamp, and except for the visualizations, I don't like it any better than WMP. Maybe it's because its because I'm so used to WMP, but Winamp just confuses me.

  20. That's a hard question. I am online in intervals. I check forums, do work on my site, look up things about programming, and play/test a online game called Fantasy Film-maker (also a topic here at Xisto). I'm usually so busy doing that stuff that I forget to check my email, so that fills up by the time I get to it a couple times a week. When I think I'll only be online for a couple minutes, it turns out to be at least an hour. I can't help it. I usually get up early, so I'll have uninterupted time before my girlfriend gets up, at least 2 hours. Then the rest of the day til bed (which is late), probably another 4-7 hours. I'm Hooked!

  21. Wow, I'm worse then I thought. 41 wpm with 2 errors, so it was 39 wpm. Now, I know I took keyboarding back in high-school and I was much faster than that. I guess as I get older, I get lazier. I don't type as a job or for school, I only do it recreationally, so maybe that has something to do with it. One of the problems I had with that test though was that the word you were working on changed color. It kept messing me up. I think if I was able to just go along without the color change, I would have done better.

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