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Posts posted by lonebyrd

  1. Alcohol, though legal is just as destructive as marajuana. I am a recovering alcoholic and addict. Being in support groups, you hear alot of terrible things that are associated with alcohol. But, on the other hand, you don't see many addicts coming in complaining how marajuana ruined their lives. It is usually the other drugs out there that are so destructive. I'm not saying that nothing bad will happen by using marajuana, it is just not as bad as everyone makes it out to be.

  2. In a game I'm working on, I would like to have a database of actors/actresses. I'm not sure exactly how to do this. I'm pretty sure with the hosting here, I can only have 99 databases. I'm a little lost as to how to make it. Can all the actors/actresses be put on one database with the specific things I want to include (i.e. how well the do in each genre)? I'm new to Mysql and just need some help as to where to start.

  3. I am in the middle of making a TV simulation text-based game. Problem is, I've become pressed with the problem of what exactly might people want in a TV sim. I've got some vague ideas about starting as public access channel and moving up to different levels after that. Hireing certian staff which could increase the profits of shows. Number of staff and crew that would fit into certain size offices. Those are some of the things I am working with now. But I've come up short with things like advertisements. I would like to know what things people would like to see in a TV sim that I am not thinking of. I want it to be as much like television as possible. I was thinking of some kind of database of real actors. I know I am rambling here, and I hope this post makes sense to people.

  4. In my opinion, all school shootings are a tragedy. People these days, in the US, seem to snap all the time. I remember a long time back where it was postal workers who 'lost it' and were shooting all over the place. The media finds every way to dig through piles of police reports and look at things in one perspective. There can be a million reasons why someone 'snaps', but the only people who know exactly what is going on, is the attacker. I live in the Northeastern US, and I hear all the time about Dorchester, MA and all the shootings that happen there. There is never a ton of press about it because it happens so often. It is a shame what the US has become.

  5. I liked this tutorial alot. Some things I never thought of doing. Of course, I am kinda new to all this stuff. But with these ideas, I might be able to get my site out there right from the start. I also agree with Brian about being able to opt out of a newsletter email. Even though one might opt in, if they change their mind, there should be a way to get out of it. Thanks for these pointers though. I will definitly keep them in mind.

  6. Disorder | RatingParanoid: LowSchizoid: LowSchizotypal: LowAntisocial: LowBorderline: ModerateHistrionic: ModerateNarcissistic: LowAvoidant: ModerateDependent: LowObsessive-Compulsive: HighI've taken this before somewhere, not at this site. Results were the same if I remember correctly. I have been told by psychiatrists/tharapists that I have border-line personality disorder, so that part is pretty accurate. Of course I don't think the obsessive-conpulsive should be that high. I don't do everything obsessivly. Oh well, it's just another online test.

  7. I remember I used to have this game pad called an "axispad" that was designed EXACTLY like the Playstation pads. I'm talking it looked like when other companies released playstation game pads, this would be what they'd release, except it was for the pc.

    I have an axispad and it works great. Plus I was used to the feel of it due to it being just like playstations controllers. I haven't used it in awhile but, if I remember correctly, you could program the different buttons. I believe it also had an alignment test. I could be mistaken. It has been awhile and my memory isn't always the greatest. But I do remember it was very easy to use.

  8. I have rather mixed feelings about Myspace. I do like it to keep in touch with friends. Phone calls are not possible, I hate to write letters because so much can happen by the time they write back. I like to go on sometimes and try to find old friends. And I am also hooked up with anyone I knew in high school who happened to join.Now, on the other hand, Myspace can be a pain in the butt. Trying to view any profile, editing you page, leaving comments, take forever. Not to mention the bazillion things that some people have on their profile all trying to load. And all the porn in there is running amuck, and nothing is done about it. And I also get many errors and have to refresh the page.The state I live in is trying to get places like Myspace to have some sort of definite way to determine if the person wanting an account is actually of age. I think this is long awaited. My two nieces (17, and 10) and my newphew (12) have myspace accounts. I think its crazy. Kids that age don't know how to protect themselves againts would-be stalkers, pediphiles. They just don't have that much "street smarts" I believe there are many things that need to be changed at myspace, but who knows it ever will be.

  9. I have never backed up my files. Actually, I don't even know how too. But, I do agree that at least some sort of anti-virus protection is needed. I use a free one, AVG, and it does a good job. I havent had any problems with viruses in a long time. I also use Ad-aware and Spy-bot and that helps too. Before, when I didn't have an AV, I was under attack all the time. So I do believe it is very important.

  10. Generally, what you're looking for is in pages 1, 2, 3, or 4. I rarely go beyond 10 because the rest of the results are pointless. 99.85% of what I need is on page 1 within the top 10 results. The remaining percentage is on anything beyond page 1 and up to 5. If what you're looking for isn't in the 50 limited pages, then refine your search. Google must obviously think that way as well as 50 pages is a LOT of results for a query.

    I totally agree with this. The first couple of pages is usually where I find what I'm looking for. I don't usually go past page 4, and if I get to that point, I try new keywords. I used to search many pages, I've gone as far as 20 I think. But I realize now that it's pretty much pointless. Some times I can't find what I'm looking for even after refining my keywords, but after some time, it usually comes up.

  11. When I first saw the advertisements for this movie when it was in theaters, I thought it looked pretty dumb. But since I'm such a kid at heart, I've grown to like seeing the Happy Feet comercials now. My step-kids saw it in the theater and really liked it. I guess I will be getting them this movie for Easter. That way I can see it :ph34r: . And thanks for those screenshots!

  12. I have to agree with Mark420 about W3C validation. My site isn't very large right now, but I felt to give me the best chance at a succesful website, to check it through that. I tried my best at getting my site XHTML strict, but found for some reason it kept coming up not in complience. So for now, it is XHTML traditional. But I have learned some fundemental mistakes through the validation service. You can also check CSS validation too.

  13. I found alot of this very helpful. One thing that totally sticks out for me is loading time. When I made my first website, I didn't give it much thought. I didn't have alot of images, but on my broadband conection, It didn't phase me much. Now with my new site, I am using dial-up, so I can really tell what slows it down. And I whole-heartedly agree with the horizontal scroll bar. Man I hate going to a page that I can't read by just looking at it all. I'm guilty of making bad color choices on my page early on, and after looking at it awhile it was just awful. I believe color choice is VERY important. If someone visits your site and can bearly read it, or the colors are just too outragous, who is going to stay?

  14. I believe that both books and online resouces are helpful. I've gone on Amazon to find a few books that I thought looked good. The good thing about Amazon is that there is alot of feedback about the book in question from people that have used the book. While I do think books are a great resouce, the problem is they can be easily outdated. Where as online resources are usually current. My way of learning is to get a book and get the fundementals, try them out, then get the more advanced stuff online. And I agree, you can't learn without doing. Trial and error. I also agree with Ashen that if you have a project set up, the more you want to learn. To make things look better, run smoother. So what I think is that both are great resouces, but you can't have one without the other.

  15. I have always wanted to try the Wii since I first saw it on the G4 coverage of E3. It looked great that you could move while playing the game and the controller knows what your doing. I also think it's a great idea to be active while playing a game. I can sit infront of the Xbox or Playstation for hours not moving. But with all the motion going on with the Wii, you don't just have to sit on the couch, you can be involved. As of yet I haven't gotten any of the next gen game systems. But once the prices of them go down, I will most likely be getting the Wii. Not that I won't get the Xbox 360 or PS3. I still am an avid Xbox fan, but definitly want the Wii.

  16. My girlfriend just downloaded Windows Media Player 11 a few days ago. There has been no problem so far it hasn't had any problems that I can tell. I still really don't like the way things are sorted. I have no need to see all the album art when I am looking for the songs I want. To me it is a waste of space. And some of the album art isn't even correct. But still it is pretty easy to navigate around. But overall I would have stuck with Windows Media Player 9. I liked the simplicty of it without all the added crap.

  17. I am trying to put a simple logo on my page, nothing to shout about. I saved the image in my images folder in the cpanel. So when I was doing my HTML, I simply put this:

    <body><p><img src="images/gamerslogo.gif" alt="The Gamers Attic Logo"></p>
    My problem is that my image doesn't show up. It shows a box where the logo is supposed to be with an "x" and it says The Gamers Attic Logo. Is it just a problem of my computer not loading the image, or am I doing something wrong? To see the page it isThe Gamers Attic.

    Do others see the image, or just not me?

  18. I agree with kgd on the fact that kids don't know cool from uncool. And media does have a part in what todays kids are doing. Let's say you get some teenager who is rebelious against parents/society. What ever the media makes up to be 'bad', these kids are going to do. Same way with the parents, go against rules and see how far they can push it. I'm not saying it's right, or that blaming a game is the answer. Kids are going to be kids, no matter what age. I have a 9 year old step-daughter that likes to see how far she can push the rules. We don't back down on our punisments for rule-breaking, but it still happens time after time. And when you throw in a teenager, looking for acceptance, popularity, I think things just get worse. I don't agree on blaming games/media for kids wrongdoing, I blame it on kids and their peception of what they think other kids would think of them if they did something.

  19. When I first tried for hosting at Xisto sometime last year, I was accepted the first time. I don't have a vast amount of knowledge as most people here do, but that really doesn't matter. I know enough to get me by... for now. What I wanted to say was, I got hosted bearly. They told me make my posts higher quality. As Pyost has said, my first posts weren't that great. But it doesn't take alot to expand on thoughts, give your best advice with details. I understand why topics such as 'Life Talk' don't get credits. This is after all, a host that prides itself on having techniclly minded people. Topics like those are great to have around to break up the monotany, have nothing to do with computers. And sometimes it is hard to find something to reply to. I've gone a couple of days without posting but, bam, one day all sorts of things come up that I can post about. Trap 17 isn't a bad place. I've had hosting there too. Their point in telling people to go there is that it would just be easier for the person to get/maintain the amount of credits they need.

  20. I think the gaming forum should stay. Yes there are people who post some junk there, but you see junk in other places too. I like some of the topics that come about in that forum. It's informative sometimes. I know that Trap 17 has a gaming forum too, but why should we not have one. Why can't we have a little 'fun' talk. A little something for the entertainment side of computers. I don't see it as unnecesary.

  21. Well, maybe I'm just a little dumb in this area. First I should have made it clear, I'm using Windows XP. Second, I'm not trying to set up an internet connection because I'm on dial-up, so I don't think we can share that. I went to Control Panel>Network Connections and tried to set up a new connection. There were many options. All I want to do is share files. I couldn't find that. Everything was about internet connection. The only connections left unused on this computer are USB ports and an Ethernet port. I have both of those unused on the other computer also, but I have no clue how to connect them to share files. Like I said in my first post, maybe networking was the wrong title for this. Can someone give me a clue? I'm just plain stupid when it comes to this kinda stuff.

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